@New Orleans Pelicans

ESPN reacts to Jordan Hawkins scores 34 pts to lead Pelicans past Mavericks 118-108; Irving: 33 Pts

ESPN reacts to Jordan Hawkins scores 34 pts to lead Pelicans past Mavericks 118-108; Irving: 33 Pts

The pels take the court near the end of a long road trip tonight Pelicans live is presented by Toyota and how about that a 10-point win at the American Airlines Center in Dallas with a depleted roster but led by hawk and by herb and by Jose and by by JV no doubt

About the success this team was able to put together because of the depth where’s JV he needed nine points to get to 11,000 for his career he’s at 11,5 and had a quick word with Luca donic who was not playing tonight for the Dallas Mavericks after the game good

Win by the pels as they improved to 3 and one on the five-game road trip John rigan here with Mark Stein and it really was you you mentioned it during our pregame edition of pelicans live the depth was going to be tested it’s one of the deepest teams in the NBA and they

Proved it tonight yeah I’m wondering if we need to throw the qualifier out one of the deepest teams tonight might be the exhibit that tells us this is the deepest team cuz they were missing four of their five top scorers and still made a run at 120 points on the road on the

Second night of a hellacious back toback unbelievable Jordan Hawkins starts tonight in part cuz four of those five guys were out but uh what a great game a career high for Jordan Hawkins tonight Mark well you know what it’s tough to be a rookie in this league if you’re hoping

To get noticed this season because obviously Victor wanyama Shadow is it casts across the whole league Chad holgren in Oklahoma City even haime hakz in Miami and you know Brandon psky in Golden State Jordan Hawkins made an announcement to the lead league tonight he with all those guys out no Ingram no

McCollum you know he had this chance no Trey Murphy he got all the shots and he seiz the opportunity absolutely did made most of them didn’t he Asia gets a a 30-point game it’s his second as we mentioned 32 uh was the previous uh career high for Jordan Hawkins he’s at

34 tonight so congratulations to him and and what a win it was for this Pelicans team that had very difficult travel it’s it’s not an excuse it’s just a fact and obviously not an excuse because they get a victory tonight we take you back to the American Airlines Center now Joel

Meers and Antonio Daniels standing by to help us wrap it up guys John rigan Mark Stein good to hear your voice and now and we feel as frust as Daisy after last game in Denver and by the way you know Charles Barkley watching him the other night to what

Mark was talking about the deepest team Charles Barkley said the pels are the Wild Card C they are truly and I don’t disagree with them because when the pells are healthy and Mark s just talked about it and we saw it tonight ad with the balance listen this is a hill I’ve

Been willing to die on for quite some time Joel that hasn’t changed I I told you I told you I will take this roster whole and healthy over all 29 other rosters in this league because they checked so many boxes and tonight was a great example of the depth of this team

Yeah and you know Jordan was talking about it after the game he understands they 12 or 13 guys dice was off to a great start and Jose did a good job Off the Bench right they set the tone dce and and Jordan set the tone early and

And the thing is it’s all about your opportunity in this league with an 82 Game season and low management we know how this works you have travel you have injuries it’s not a question of when it’s going to come it’s it’s not a question of if it’s going to come it’s

When your your your opportunity in this league Joe will always come this is why it’s imperative that you stay prepared and the response when Jen asked him about his trip down to the che League he goes I was the first option he said I

Can I shoot take as many shots as I want to Great Shooters want to shoot so when he went down to the g- league it was Birmingham here I come yep and he made the most of the opportunity so guys this is big it’s the season series and it’s a

Shame as you guys know you’ve been around the league a long time it’s a shame that these two teams are done before we’ve even reached 41 games I’ll tell you this though you close out on Monday Martin Luther King day and you win three or four against Dallas good

Writtens I’m not tripping on that man good writtens I’m not tripping on that the whole season series thing get it over win 75% of those games and move on to the next one all right John Mark good to hear voices thanks guys you too I told ad this during pregame Joel but you

Look fresh as fresh as a daisy too you really I feel it feel it you do all right guys thanks we’ll talk to you again soon and when the right when it comes to U tiebreak Breakers at the end of the season head-to-head competition as the first one these two teams are

Obviously somewhat closely evenly matched they had the same record coming in so you love winning That season series no and again just I think about what what you have to say about this Pelicans team they’ve shown us multiple times this season that they really handle adverse situations well they

Rebound well the inseason tournament game when they lost by 44 got blasted before that there was a five game losing streak in a team meeting that they came out of very well I don’t want to make this I don’t want to equate a tough backto back to those situations but

Still to get to your hotel at 4:35 in the morning turn around with a short-handed team and beat a desperate Dallas team to I mean they have to feel good yep no doubt about it and they have to feel good about what they got from those rookies as we mentioned but also

What they got from their veteran or as Jordan Hawkins called him the vets vet uh Jonas valent chunis what a great game I love Joel’s story at the end he said he saw him last night he said I’m playing I don’t care what’s going on tomorrow I’m playing can you dominate a

Basketball game when you only take six shots we got our answer tonight Jonas valent chunis for key stretches and throughout that fourth quarter dominated forcing double teams punishing the Mavericks on the glass with offensive rebounds you I mean he comfortably passed out of all the doubles and look

The Mavericks we talked about it in the pregame are a very small team and yonus valent Tunis happily bullied them tonight using his size and strength to really hurt the Mavericks repeatedly yep took advantage of that differential in size and there you see yonas gets on to

That list with guys who have 11,000 points and 7500 rebounds Jonas as we mentioned needed nine to get to 11 ,000 he surpassed that tonight with 14 points he’s at 11,0 and5 and Counting and and he was he was great tonight as were so many other guys maybe an unsung guy herb

Jones had a nice night tonight Mark yeah and look you know I think the Mavericks it’s everybody knows this when you play New Orleans this is a team with a lot of length defensively and Herb Jones He Rim attacking he was doing it at both ends tonight uh and you know I

Hope we get the clip here you know we’re seeing all the herb Jones offense maybe the most impressive thing he delivered in this game isolated against Kyrie Irving in the fourth here it is here it is uh Kyrie Irving is not used to being one-on-one against anyone and getting a

Jumper swatted like that and that is that’s vintage herb Jones and will be in his you know defensive all defensive team cand candidacy highlight reel when they uh submit that at the end of the season no doubt about that so really good good balance from a Pelicans team

That got double figures out of seven players tonight all five starters and two guys off the bench we’ll talk more about that we will also hear from the head coach yeah let’s see what Will’s got to say about this one got Fore speee Spee that down Foree speee Whye J Little Fore spee foreign Foree speech for spee foreign spee you

ESPN reacts to Jordan Hawkins scores 34 points to lead Pelicans past Mavericks 118-108; Kyrie Irving: 33 Pts


  1. Let me guess SA you want him out of Nola and in NYC you pos!!! We know you hate New Orleans & we ain got no love for you either 🖕🏿

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