@Milwaukee Bucks

Adrian Griffin on rookie Andre Jackson Jr’s solid performance

Adrian Griffin on rookie Andre Jackson Jr’s solid performance

Uh he made Big Time plays you know he’s a big time player man he was a winner in college uh has a motor like I haven’t seen in a long time uh imposes his will on on the game I mean he just made Big Time plays he made winning plays that’s

Who who Dre is so you know I think it was his first double double uh we needed you know every uh rebound he has six offensive rebounds he’s guarding uh the best player on the other side uh so he you know he’s shaping into being you know a really really special player in

This league um I think Chris is five of five in the fourth quarter 13 points five assists just what did you see from him to kind of take you no Chris was used you know we needed every single point um you know Chris is Chris that’s

What he does you know especially in the fourth quarter um he gets a rhythm he gets going and um I thought he was uh you know having him on the floor as a a general you know and he’s calling plays he’s getting us in the right spot uh

Made some big time shots so uh you know Chris was phenomenal tonight Giannis was phenomenal um Dane was great I thought we played some really good basketball there were some stretches where you know obviously we have to be better on defense but there were some times where

We were able to get some stops as well so it’s something to improve on you know it’s just can’t take any possessions off uh you got to play you know the full 24 seconds you got to um you know box out limit him to one uh rebound but there

Were there were some things to build on I guess sort of off that at the first quarter I think Dame had a dozen um in the first quarters what um you know as as Golden State’s kind of hanging tough how important was it that he was sort of aggressive again second straight night

And to kind of set a tone for you yeah you know when Dames is you know when he’s aggressive you know we kind of go as he goes you know um he gives us that kind of confidence and um he’s starting to feel you could tell he starting to

Feel a lot more comfortable out there um I think he and Giannis and Chris and you know Brooke they’re they’re finding a rhythm uh but they have to fight for it you know you have to um it’s not going to be handed to us you know we got fight

For our spacing we got to fight for our execution and when we do that we’re El leag we we we had 33 assists tonight so I just love how we played for each other the ball was hopping we were making the right plays you know Giannis had 33

Points but he’s always you know make still making the right play you know and so um you know that’s important it’s important for the spirit of the team when we’re when we’re playing for each other U before the game you had talked about you know being prepared for

Whomever on the scattering report and how you know younger players maybe who don’t play very much could have an opportunity what um you guys made it tough for Wiggins and Thompson but as they got deeper into the bench pod zimsky is 10th start ever you know what

What did that group kind of do against you yeah I mean the the Lefty was crafty um I love lefties cuz you know I’m a lefty so I got a special place for all lefties and you know he’s crafty he can shoot the three uh make some tough

Finishes around the basket I I also think though it’s important you know to start the game that you don’t give you know those guys uh any confidence you know we let them hit a couple shots you see the ball go in um you know you you

Want to jump on them early um but given you know given cred he played tremendous uh really great job Off the Bench you know um I think Jackson played you know well they all they all played well they made it a a tough ball game like they

Easily could have laid down um but you know they got they got Championship uh caliber players over there uh they they made it extremely competitive but I thought you know we we uh took care of business tonight and then we just have to get ready and you know it’s a quick

Turn around and get ready for [Applause] Sacramento

Milwaukee Bucks head coach Adrian Griffin after the win over the Golden State Warriors.


  1. Honestly speaking, rookies had no chance with coach Bud. He did not develop even one rookie over the last years. Even Marjon was not considered essential last year. I got to give it to Griffin that he tries things more with the youngsters

  2. Problem is, sorry to say lLilldard is over rated. He was a great player on a bad team, does more do to lack of talent with the other players – mold. Still offers our best chance to win but isn’t as good as people made him out to be.

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