@Atlanta Hawks

Who Trades For Dejounte Murray?

Who Trades For Dejounte Murray?

What’s going on everyone so it looks like dejonte Murray’s time with the Atlanta Hawks is coming to an end the Atlanta Hawks are expected to trade Deonte Murray by the trade deadline it looks like they’re probably going to trade everybody except for uh Trey young and Johnson those are the two guys that

They want to build around and dejonte Murray his time with the Atlanta Hawks has been quite unfortunate I fully believe he’s an excellent player I do think in the right situation he can make a real impact and kind of get back to San Antonio Deonte Murray uh there are a

Couple issues with Deon one he’s his whole career he never been a great finisher around the rim um he has been a excellent just shop maker this season he’s in like the 75 percentile 80 percentile um and just being a difficult shot maker is another big thing um also

This season from three-point range he has really shot the ball well from three uh he’s still extremely young he’s 27 years old uh you know so he’s got plenty of upside uh 65 in height athletic explosive 610 wingspan uh this was a guy that was an all defensive uh guard just

A couple years ago uh problem is that since then and since coming to Atlanta his defense has been terrible uh his defense has really dropped uh so the hope is that any team that trades for him he could kind of get back to that um he has gotten better off the ball but

He’s still not great like he is still better put the ball in his hands let him be a point guard let him be a playmaker and I believe that he can fully make an impact uh in the right situation uh so there are several teams that are interested in

Acquiring Deonte Murray uh and several teams that actually do make a lot of sense for Deonte Murray and I kind of want to go over some of those teams of course I want to hear your thoughts and opinions down in the comments below uh also make sure to like the video and

Subscribe to the channel let’s get into it first team San Antonio Spurs so this is the team that traded dejonte Murray to Atlanta and absolutely fleeced Atlanta based on just the the result right it’s been two years um and they’re looking to trade maybe even back to San

Antonio for probably less than they got him for um it’s kind of funny that San Antonio traded to jonte Murray and ended up getting Victor wiama which is incredible and now are at a position to where it’s like they actually need and could have used Deonte Murray this year because they

Really need a point guard they really need a playmaker they really need somebody that can get the ball to Victor wiama but in the same breath uh they probably never got Victor if Deonte Murray was there because I mean you’re talking about a guy that became an

All-Star an all defensive team type guy with the San Antonio Spurs uh but Deonte Murray if you’re the Spurs does make a lot of sense right gives you a guy that can playmake you can immediately put him in his natural position which is the point

Guard uh to where he can make some plays and and just be a guy that looks to go get again uh Victor we minyama buckets and it would just be so easy right dejonte Murray’s best season as far as a Cisco was his last year with San Antonio

Right before the Atlanta trade in which he averaged 9.2 assists per game I think alongside Victor whama he could easily get back to that um San Antonio is one of the I just think best natural spots for him and since he is 27 years old uh he kind of still fits that timeline

Right it also gives you a veteran gives you a guy that can kind of like you know you add some maturity to the room um you know now I’m not saying Deon Murray is anywhere close to SGA but look at like what SGA and Chad are able to to combine

For right and how well those two are able to work as a pairing right I could see similarities with de Jon Murray that explosive guard that can get Buckets make plays and then pair him alongside that big man um I think dejonay Murray with the San Antonio Spurs make a ton of

Sense next up the Miami Heat again another team that I think could make a lot of sense um ultimately when it comes to all of these teams that I’m going to mention is like what do the trades package look like what do these teams have to give up because you got to keep

In mind Atlanta they gave up what three first and a pick swap for Deonte so they’re going to want something of value in return but Miami they’re probably not getting rid of hwz and they’re probably not trading Tyler herro is my guess I mean they were

They didn’t want to trade Tyler hero and the Dame trade so I don’t imagine that they would do it for Deonte Murray however maybe they look at it like hey we don’t really want to mess around we don’t really want to play games um he does make sense in Miami I

Personally think Miami should wait for like ad Donovan Mitchell or you see Miami Miami is one of those teams where like yes I think Deonte Murray as their point guard kind of the guy to piece it together especially if he can get back to that like all defensive guard I think

Would be huge for Miami but I personally think that they need a more just like natural gifted scorer right like Ty Tyler hero can go get Buckets but like he’s he’s a shooter more than just like a scorer like a bucket getter right like they need somebody in my opinion like a

Damien Lillard a a donov Mitchell even kind of Zack LaVine right like there’s two teams that I think make a ton of sense for Zack LaVine that’s the Lakers in the heat just cuz both of those teams could really use Just Like A Gifted just bucket right now Deonte Murray can be a

Bucket he’s a guy that can absolutely go get go get Buckets but I just again he’s he could be limited right again not a great Rim finisher uh which is not good and then also does the three-point shooting continue right like that’s a real concern because again he is

Shooting brilliant from three he is shooting this season from three-point range on 6.1 attempts which is the most of his career he is shooting almost 40% he’s shooting 39.7% to be exact from three-point range which is ridiculous but every year besides this year he has shot basically

34% or Worse right you look you go through the years he shot 34.4% 32.7% 31.7% 36 9% which that isn’t terrible but that was only 1.7 attempts and then his first two years he didn’t even take one attempt uh per game but he did shoot

26.5% and then 39% so 40% almost uh but again it was six uh attempts per game so that was before he really started shooting threes at all but basically since he started taking three threes per game um he’s basically been a 30 to 34% three-point shooter so the concern is is

Like at some point does that regress it’s a concern but if it if he can continue to do that then I think that definitely that would help give Miami a little more shooting um give him some playmaking somebody that could just go get assist uh get everybody going set

Everybody up especially if he can get back to that point of attack Defender I think that he would I mean he’d definitely be an upgrade over like Kyle Lowry um but you know I I I I kind of feel like my like there’s a part of me

That’s like I think he makes a lot of sense but I kind of want I would rather see Miami wait for like that bigger prize like the bigger impact guy because johnte Murray is good but you know where where is he as far as like the rankings

Go right like is he he’s not a top 20 play is top 25 player I don’t think so maybe top 30 player you know I’d rather them try to go get that that bigger impact guy and really push for a championship um but again love to hear thoughts and opinions uh the

Knicks right I so the Knicks make a lot of sense to me as far as the Jon Murray goes because like yes you have Jaylen Brunson right and Jaylen Brunson is basically the point guard Jaylen Brunson is is a a smaller point guard and yes Deonte Murray struggles off Ball but

Personally and this is just me I would move Jaylen Brunson to the two guard and then have dejonte Murray as your point guard and just basically tell Brunson like hey just go be a bucket don’t worry so much about playmaking and just go get Buckets right now there

Are there is concern of Deonte Murray next to Julius Randall because Julius Randle has the ball out in his hands right and would Jaylen Brunson be able to kind of adjust to to playing more off ball however he did play next to Luca but he also emerged when Luca went down

Right like that’s when he kind of became who he was but he had that year in Dallas where he played shooting guard the entire time and uh averaged 16 points per game uh five assists four rebounds right I think with the Knicks he’s 25 almost 26 points per game

Right now like I could see him getting to 30 if he didn’t have to focus so much on playmaking where he could just like you basically I mean he already has the green light but you get my point like let Deon run and operate the offense and

Be your point guard and your playmaker and then just let jayen Brunson just focus on getting buckets right like he’s taking 19 attempts per game right bump that up to to 22 or something right like hey go take two or three more attempts right instead of getting you know six

Assists go get four and take a couple more shots right like I I think that you could make that work also again if if Deonte Murray can get back to being that on ball Defender and be that Elite on ball Defender that would be huge for the

Knicks because like now you’d have that point of attack defensive guard alongside like OG on Anie when Mitchell Robinson comes back now you got that shot blocking rebounding Center like the Knicks would be tough tough because it’s like what else do the Knicks really need right

Like I they use like could they turn like there’s a part of me that’s like if you could turn Julius like if you could trade Julius Randall and like upgrade him into like SE yakum or something like I think that would be great right but another option would be you

Either get a two guard or you get a guy like Deonte Murray and you move Brunson to the two guard and you let dejonte Murray play the point brunson’s now your two at least on the offense side on defensive side you can kind of keep it

That I mean you just put Deonte Murray on the best guard on the other team is basically what it is right and then Brunson defends whoever right and then OG’s probably taking the best assignment anyway so I don’t know I I I do personally like the idea of him going to

The Knicks but you know again love to your thoughts Independence let me know all right the Lakers now many of you I’m sure are aware uh I have a lak Channel I am a Lakers fan um I almost decided not to leave I almost decided to leave the

Lakers off of this video but I was like no like we’re talking about the teams and the destinations and look the Lakers are a real destination so I was like let’s talk about it for those that aren’t aware of my Laker Channel as it stands Lakers go subscribe to as it

Stands Lakers uh obviously subscribe to this channel as well but go look at as it stands Lakers it’s all Laker content so if you’re a Lakers fan not subscribed to that channel go subscribe to that channel but diving into it um look I I am more team Zack LaVine than I am

Dejonte Murray for the Lakers I have concerns about the fit with dejon Murray and the Lakers now look deant Murray is an upgrade over the guards that the Lakers have right now um I do think he makes them better but I do have questions of how much better because as I mentioned earlier

Deon Marie has a couple just issues and weaknesses and those weaknesses the Lakers can’t really afford right so Deonte Murray again has not been good off the basketball and the Lakers have LeBron James and yes dejonte Murray will have opportunities on the ball but as long as you have LeBron James LeBron the

Ball goes through LeBron James very rarely is there an offensive possession where LeBron does not touch the basketball and you look at look at LeBron James has wanted to play off ball since the bubble in which the Lakers won the championship the problem is is that

LeBron has not played off ball and the Lakers have cycled through point guards to try to get somebody to play on ball for LeBron James and it just hasn’t worked right they tried Dennis shuder the first time then they went and got um Russell Westbrook and that was a

Disaster right and then they went and got d’angel Russell who has been the best so far because he’s actually been very good off Ball but all these guys basically have just been the initiators and then they initiate the offense they get the ball to LeBron and then they’re running several possessions off

Ball if you get de Jon Murray you have let him play point guard if you’re getting to jonte Murray to have him play off ball 90% of the time then what’s the point of getting Deonte Murray you might as well just go get Zack LaVine is my

Thoughts also I don’t know how realistic de jonte Murray is for the Lakers just because I think the other teams that I’ve mentioned they just have more assets and could just outbid the Lakers um and will the Lakers give up Austin Reeves that’s a real question but

I in a perfect world he Mak perfect sense right point of attack defensive guard again he struggled defensively which is bad um and he’s been he’s been worse defensively than D’Angelo Russell so it’s like and he’s not as good he hasn’t he’s not historically as good of a

Shooter he’s been really good this year but you know that’s my concern is like how much of an upgrade is he over DLo uh alongside LeBron I’m not saying that he’s not a better player but I’m talking about like fitwise right and so but you think of it on the surface it’s like

Okay if he can get back to that all defensive guy the Lakers have zero athleticism at the guard position and point of attack Defender that gives him the Lakers get that with Deonte Murray if he can continue to shoot 40% that would be massive for the Lakers because

When he does play off ball right he can knock down the shot um and can he improve at finishing at The Rim if that can happen then that would be great but I do have my concerns right um out of all these teams I I kind of lean towards like I

Said the Knicks I really like the Knicks um and I I the heat I’m kind of iffy on right like I said I I think it could work but I’d rather the Knicks kind of go for that bigger push the Lakers again I think is a real question mark if the

Lakers are getting dejonte Murray and something else then I think that makes more sense but just Deonte Murray by himself kind of not sold on the idea personally but I I do think in the right situation again I I think Deon Murray can Thrive and personally I think that

Right situation is San Antonio I think if he was going to go anywhere or if he had his pick of the litter I think he should pick San Antonio if I’m if I remove my Laker bias right which it probably doesn’t really sound like Laker bias because it kind of talked about the

Opposite right but I do I think San Antonio makes the most sense because him and Victor kind of get to be the onew punch the the Spurs need a real point guard desperately and when Murray has the opportunity to play point guard there’s very few in the league that have

Been better than him when he actually gets to play so but anyway as always this is a discussion so I pass a question on to you let me know your thoughts an OP down in the comments below what do you think how do you feel

Um do you like the idea of Deonte Murray on any of the teams that I mentioned is there another team that I should have mentioned again however feel whatever your thoughts are I’d love to hear it so let me know down in the comments below that being said if you haven’t liked

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The Atlanta Hawks are expected to Trade Dejounte Murray with several teams very interested in acquiring him. Lakers, Sixers, Knicks, Spurs, Heat are all reported based on NBA News to be trying to Trade for Murray but who Ends up landing him?


  1. From reading the tea leaves all Ive heard is the teams with asserts are waiting for the next big fish to become avail, and Murray and Lavine are being shopped as salary dumps. I guess we will find out next week if the Lakers tax is in effect.

  2. I’m sick of hearing how Lebron wants to play off the ball. We have given him nothing but solid ball handlers but Lebron still dominates the ball. Let’s just cut the crap and play Lebron at the point and find shooters (Lavine) who can play off of him

  3. #KlutchSports
    Reaves to Hornets for Bridges & Richards straight up
    Dlo Rui Gabe JHS Hayes + unprotected 1st to Bulls for LaVine + Caruso
    Bench*** Caruso, Christie, Reddish, Vando, Woods, Richards
    +10 wins on the trade machine
    Rumor is teams are waiting to see if Hayward is a buyout guy he’d be my dream signing on the buyout.
    Bench of Caruso, Christie, Hayward, Woods, Richards 🙏🏻

  4. I completely agree and am still shocked. Murray’s time in Atlanta was a ‘huge’ disappointment (This is an All Star we are talking about, I’m sure most people have forgotten this about him?).

    He absolutely would be a great fit with the Lakers because LeBron is ‘aging’ (Yes, it’s happening pretty obvious). Lakers need to trade for him regardless for him right away (Or LaVine) and begin to bridge that gap between now and the future..

    They also do-not need to and shouldn’t stand pat with this team. DLo doesn’t fit with the team, it’s almost like Westbrook he just cannot play off ball. If you want Lakers to be good figure out the direction, is Bron the point or do you get a good off ball option

  5. I think the Lakers need to stop bullsh**ing and get LaVine. He’s literally best option alongside LeBron & AD. He can shoot, and is 6’5-6’6 SG what else exactly does a 23rd ranked offense need?

  6. I think jimmy is the bucket getter for Miami especially in the playoffs they just hand him the ball and there like alright we are around the 3 if you need us so i think muyrray is a perfect fit for them especially to play make and be a good defender and 3pt shooter

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