@Miami Heat

How the Miami Heat Blew Out the Hornets on Dwyane Wade Night & D-WADE STATUE!! | Miami Heat Podcast

How the Miami Heat Blew Out the Hornets on Dwyane Wade Night & D-WADE STATUE!! | Miami Heat Podcast

On a night when Dwayne Wade’s induction to the nouth Hall of Fame was being honored in the ca Center the heat took care of business against a struggling Hornet team and secured an easy win but did we learn more about nicoa Yi’s role in the team and we talk about the return

Of Tyler here to the lineup as more players continue to succumb to injury a great show breaking down what you need to know to start the week on today’s locked on heat you are locked on heat your daily Miami Heat podcast part of the locked on podcast Network your team ever every

Day all right welcome to daily podcast on Miami e I’m West Goldberg editor at all joining me as always longtime NBA reporter David rill however you’re tuning in YouTube Odyssey or your favorite podcast app thanks so much for making lockdown heat your first listen every day today’s episode is brought to

You by Jace medical empower yourself when you purchase a Jace case providing you with a personal supply of five antibiotics that treat 50 plus infections get yours today at Jac and use the code lockon to get $20 off your order we’re going to talk about the Heat’s plans to honor

Dwayne Wade with a statue and a Hornets player that might be trying out for the heat ahead of the trade deadline in a minute but let’s start with the game David which wasn’t a close one the Heat beat the Hornets 104 to 887 they never

Trailed they led by as many as 24 points uh the heat shot nearly 50% in this game but more importantly the Hornets shot less than 35% in the game they missed 17 of their first 18 threes it might have been even more than that yeah uh what was your takeway it’s a struggling

Hornets team I said that at the top and I think that’s was the huge difference is that even in the pregame press conference Steve Clifford made an admission that I’m not sure I’ve heard that were under talented on many occasions that that’s very shocking to hear a coach say I recognize that we

Just don’t have the talent on a night toight basis that’s the opposite of we have enough yeah yeah it really is it really is and I I look I know that they’re going through their own injury bug and everything else like that but even when their players are healthy they

Just don’t seem to ever really tie together into any kind of impactful winning ways but more often than not tonight we saw why they continue to struggle like I don’t know that Miami really dominated in any kind of particular aspect other than three-point shooting the disparity between the two

Two two teams from the perimeter was pretty huge but other than that Miami didn’t play with a huge amount of force or anything like that there was just a play after play where Charlotte would just cough up the ball would have knocked down a shot would just seemed to

Be kind of out of sync but Miami was able to capitalize it to their credit so I think that’s really a huge takeaway from this was Miami did enough I liked Eric spuls for saying after the game uh it was a professional win professional approach yeah professional approach kind

Of putting aside everything that happened with Dwayne and the halftime ceremony which we’ll talk about a little bit later and and just casting those emotions to the side to realize look we realize we’re playing Charlotte we got to get a win because we’re going to go on the road for two games they

Stink that team stinks um and he mentioned that this could have been a trap game because it was the last game of this home stand yes uh obviously the back toback you go to Brooklyn tomorrow night you could be looking ahead of that the emotions of the Dwayne Wade thing a

Little bit of a longer halftime ceremony because of that like there was a lot of end you have some players coming back from injury you’re still missing other players from injury the Jimmy Butler he didn’t play in this game we didn’t know whether he was going to play in this

Game or not even though the heat probably had a better idea of what was actually going to happen happen in this one no Kevin Love in this game for Miami either Tyler hero came back Kyle lry came back um and so yeah there’s kind of

Like a lot of different things up in the air and to your point fjo said hey we had a professional approach and I liked it especially early in the game this thing could have went sideways they missed like half a dozen shots Point Blank at the basket yeah in that first

Half one of nine to start the game for Miami they were they were shooting just as badly as Charlotte was eventually they found their Rhythm yeah but I’m gonna try to do math here that means that for the rest of the game they went 39 for2 yeah that’s over 50% there

Better um so yeah they they could have went sideways it didn’t they handled their business they beat a really bad Hornets team SPO mentioned that the goal was kind of to go three and one on this home stand before it happened and that’s exactly what they did they got uh they

Got beat Bad by a much better Oklahoma City Thunder team and but they turned around they did what they had to do against Orlando they did what they had to do against Charlotte uh tonight so now they they finish let them stand three and one and then they look ahead

To Brooklyn uh tomorrow night uh for which Jimmy Butler will travel yes jimmmy Butler’s going to travel for that game Kevin Love will not travel H haakas Jr got hurt in this game um he had 15 points in 14 and a half minutes 711 shooting scored 15 of Miami’s first 22

Points in this game I know we’re about to do the credit cookies portion of the show uh he’s gonna get some even though he had to leave early uh groin injury that’s what it’s being reported as he said spose said it’s not as severe as the one that sidelined him for a couple

Of weeks earlier so that’s good news Al the and then he’ll be he’s not going to travel to Brooklyn tomorrow or tonight and uh and won’t play in that game tomorrow and then he’s going to be considered day today after that but as we’ve been joking all season long day

To-day means absolutely nothing for this so he wouldn’t be available for Toronto either are you imagine I would assume that that’s not going to happen so um but let’s do the credit cookies um how many there’s I’m giving I’m giving four players credit cookies tonight I’m gonna

Start off with haime who I think gets two like even the fact that he just didn’t play as long I I think he was incredibly impactful uh he was just driving to the rim with ease he just seemed to ignite Miami’s F fast bake and transition offense this is another one of those

Games where I’m not sure the other team scouted them and there have been a few of these where they’re because he’s a rookie or whatever they don’t have the tape on them but the the Hornets have played the before the playbooks are saying that he’s fourth in the Sixth Man

Of the Year race like how the hell don’t you know who he is at this point he’s the third best rookie he’s the fourth best bench player if you want to call him that based on the fact that he was coming off the bench earlier but he has

Started a number of games without Jimmy there he’s good enough to Warrant your attention and he continues to impress put a body in front of him you mentioned like he was getting to the paint like with ease it was like the Hornets didn’t expect him to dribble like I I just that

Team stinks it’s my biggest takeway it you used the phrase when we were watching it inmediate Road it’s like this team just throws up all over themselves and I’m like yeah that’s that’s how they play basketball yeah um all right so you have two for haime I

Agree with you yeah I’ve got two for Tyler and his return there I think it was mostly really impactful seven of 15 for the floor four of nine from three-point range really great shooting night for him 21 total points and it was within the context of everything they

Were trying to accomplish seven rebounds four assists honestly it was a really great game from him I don’t think there was anything underwhelming about the performance I know a lot of people are kind of he’s might be in a lot of Heat fans respective dogghouse tonight or

Following the loss to Oklahoma City a couple days ago but I think he’s you know kind of acquitted himself very nicely really solid performance just didn’t seem like it was a huge Miami needed all of those points but at the same time I I don’t think it was really

Like this huge game or anything no it wasn’t I mean he had 21 points in the game he was Miami’s second leading score but that’s all they needed he only played 28 and a half minutes anyway they didn’t really need a big Tyler game they

So I’m okay I’m okay with two to him uh bam was the guy that led them in scoring 24 points 10 rebounds seven assists um a block shot he was awesome nine of 17 shooting got three for him because I think he was just again the duty of

Having to do everything he does on defense and on offense there were moments there where as as I think Charlotte CL their way back and started cutting into that lead and came within I think 13 at one point maybe even 11 they cut that lead down to late in the game

And then ma had to come in and of course immediately they went on a run because that’s bam out of Bio but he just had to work so much and I feel kind of bad for him to be honest with you I’m not used to saying this about bam abio but he

Played way too many minutes today like he should not have played 35 minutes against this Charlotte team he should not have been out there for as long as he was but they needed him to be out there that’s why he gets the extra credit cooking well no SPO not playing

Uh Thomas Bryant at all in this game orando Robinson got two minutes of garbage time maybe you could have put him in put him in a little bit earlier uh but they basically went with nikolic as their backup center uh because they didn’t have Kevin Love available so I

Thought it was interesting yes um so three for Bam um who’s the other one Duncan Duncan with two point yeah two credit cookies I think he had a really nice game again when Miami needed that three-point offense to kind of help stretch the lead or build a lead in any

Case I think Duncan was there I think he had a really nice game seven of 11 from the field three of six from three-point range four four rebounds five assists a steal looked really good and I mean I think he had a rebound uh no no stole

The ball from Cody Martin I believe yep and took it coast to coast and then had like a slow motion Euro Step at the basket like all right add that add that to the scattering report for for Duncan Robinson he was awesome um I think you

Have one more cookie left no I’ve got no I’ve got uh five you’re right I do who you want give it to Caleb Martin sure I thought his defense was awesome I know he only had two points in the game he went one of five overall um three

Rebounds a couple of assists like it wasn’t like a a stat sheet game for Caleb Martin at all and the inefficient shooting he was the only one that was shooting inefficiently for Miami in this game but I thought it was the best defensive game he’s had of the season

And that’s not hyperbole I thought that was the best defensive game he had all season he made a difference uh sharper made a difference in this game looked better physically I think I think he’s back yeah I think he’s back yeah yeah the the the offense might be a work in

Progress but he did look much better uh although it did kind of weird sound me role seeing him guard Cody Martin for the very first time I joked it was like a black Mir episode I just it was very very strange yeah um all right well let’s talk about Dwayne Wade who is

Getting a bronze statue of him built in front of CA Sena what does it mean what should that statue look like and what other uh tidbits do we have what other information do we have about what that statue might be we’ll talk about that next year unlocked on

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It was Dwayne Wade’s Hall of Fame honor night tonight uh we knew ahead of time that they were gonna have an interview with Jason Jackson uh at midc court during the halftime process we also got a chance to talk to Dwayne Wade in the media room uh after that was all done in

Front of the cameras so a really cool night overall that I was really excited to be here for um but nobody saw what Pat Riley was going to do coming apparently he had Pat had kept this a secret from Eric spoler and the team and from Dwayne Wade Pat Riley during the

The the halftime interview approaches Dwayne Wade with a bobblehead kind of making these jokes about the bobblehead and everybody’s like okay what’s happen here we go Pat Riley like is a big gift here you he give him like lousy and he’s like by the way this we’re gonna do

Something a little bit bigger than this in front of the arena and uh announced that the heat are going to be erecting a statue of Dwayne Wade in front of CA Center this fall and uh everybody uh applauded and and cheered Dwayne Wade got really emotional really actually had

To pause and said it was an honor he never dreamed anything like that can happen and told us in the med room afterwards like growing up in Chicago being able to see the statue uh of Michael Jordan was something that was able to inspire him and now he knows

That he could have perhaps a similar impact on kids when when they come to visit Heat games uh and see the arena in downtown Miami so just a really really cool thing I’m stoked the heat obviously don’t have a statue of any other player if there was going to be a first ever

Player to get a statue from the Miami Heat obviously it’s Dwayne Wade the greatest player in franchise uh history yep and uh I’m I’m I’m stoked and I can’t wait to see what it’s gonna look like yeah I am uh also equally stoked I think it’s a really exciting process the

Idea of commemorating or commemorating a special player in franchise history with this kind of thing that it’s can erode like a jersey retirement ceremony might kind of lose some value after some while even though the Jersey Hanks in the raster like even Pat Riley was kind of diffic with some difficulty a little

Awkward clumsiness there in his speech you know kind of talking about well we’ve got nothing left to raise as a banner here we’ve raised the championship banners we retired your jersey already we’ve retired you know a banner commemorating your your gold medal with the Olympics Etc what else

Can we do and that’s where he starts making the the conversation about the bobblehead everybody’s like what the hell is going on here give you a but then you get a statue and and the statue and I lik what Dwayne mentioned there like I’ve seen the the statue of Jordan

At the United Center in Chicago and I mean I used to love Jordan watching him play throughout his career and it’s just impressive to think of you know here’s this statue of the greatest player in NBA history at least the opinion of many people and so if you’re a kid coming to

To Miami and you’re going to the ca Center and you don’t you didn’t get a chance to see Dwayne Wade you know but here you go and see the statue there that’s larger than life and a pose that really resonates with you and I hope they capture just the intensity and

Emotion of that moment whatever it might be although we have a pretty good idea of what it could be but um well the poll I I I I tweeted out a poll uh of what it should be would it be a fade away jumper would it be um you know uh him hosting

Hoisting a trophy would it be something like that the the the 2006 one with the hat off off kilter a little bit and the and the trophy in his hand I mean there’s so many moments but it’s got to be that this is my house right and even

Dwayne W after the game said like now I can say a little bit more that this is my house um it’s got to be that some info on what this thing could look like though so it’s going to be a bronze statue so that’s pretty cool and uh it’s

Being designed by the same people who did the Michael Jordan one oh interesting who did the Shaquille O’Neal one that is underratedly cool uh in front of Staples or crypto or whatever the dunking one yeah where they actually have the rim hanging off the side of the

Building and it’s just sha in air hanging off that basket it’s like a really really iconic image of you yeah and then uh and then they did the Dirk nitzky one which is awesome he’s doing his patented Dirk fa seen but you haven’t seen it no I haven’t you’ve seen

Pictures of it I mean it’s maybe yeah that one was revealed to rave reviews and it’s amazing and so this is this is the company they went and got the best of the best company to make this thing what’s really cool is we mentioned the

Sha one it’s very uh uh creative and and the the Michael Jordan one is obviously the iconic pose but the way that it’s made with all the hands kind of below them and and kind of reaching up to him and stuff like that is also like very

Creative so I think we’re going to get to this is my house I would guess we’re even to get like the the scores table under underne them or something maybe that’s like I I think this is going to be really really cool really creative and I think we’re going to be really

Impressed I to put too much pressure on this company like I said this is the best one they they got I think they put pressure on themselves already so I think that makes sense yeah um anything else from Dwayne way Knight no it was just I think from everybody uh it kind

Of just seemed that the energy is still very high like Dwayne talking about the fact that in Miami he feels like the best player to ever play the game like he acknowledges he’s not I mean an alltime great whatever you want to call but in Miami he is a hero and still

Beloved by the fans of this fan base and I think uh that’s just special to see him kind of get this commem again being being honored in this way for being a Hall of Fame level player and and you know defining the franchise for so many years it’s a really incredible honor

Yeah he is the greatest athlete in Miami sports history not just Miami Heat history he’s done more winning than any player that’s ever played in in this town him and Dan Marino him and Marino but you know separate themselves it’s just even with Marino people love people

Love Marino they do but they don’t respond to him the way that they respond to Dwayne Wade uh when Dwayne Wade walks to the building it is a celebrity unlike any other that’s ever been through South Florida it is it’s different like the emotions that Dwayne showed on the court

Yes kind of separate them you know there’s the whole I think it’s a conversation piece that a lot of people have had in football you’re kind of wearing the pads you’re wearing a helmet you don’t really see you can see the emotion when they pump their fist and

Put their arms up in the air Etc but with Dwayne he’s there he’s exposed and we see him we see him again that moment that we’re talking about he climbed almost into the stands to be a part of us as we’re relishing that moment of

That game winner when he says this is my house and I think that’s exactly what stands out is that fact that you know he feels like one of us he also yeah he embraced Miami in a way that I’m not I’m not I don’t do any of this to put Dan

Marino down but he embraced Miami in a way that Marino didn’t right and that’s again nothing against Marino but he he said this to us afterward he’s like I got here when I was born in in Chicago I grew up in ch but I I grew up here I was

I came here at 21 and I was here for 15 years like it was this is where he grew up he became an adult and obviously all the things that happened to him in life happened here uh you know helped him grow into the person he is today who is

Again the most beloved icon in Miami sports history and so for him to have that statue it’s gonna be awesome uh and it’s just gonna add something to to just the in front of C Center I literally I like I can I sometimes will run by CA

Center on like my running route and now I’m going to be able to do that and see the Dwayne Wade statue I mean it’s going to be it’s going to be cool it’s going to be really really cool um all right did a certain Hornets player have a good

Try out for the heat ahead of the trade deadline we talk about that next you’re on lock down heat today’s episode is brought to you by FanDuel the NFL regular season is wrapping up well but it’s wrapped up for some teams but they’re still time to get

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Postgame show using that hashtag on Twitter ask loh heat you can email us locked onheat or also on Instagram locked on heat uh this first question is one that I’m making up and asking you David did Terry Rosier have a good tryy out for the Miami Heat tonight

I don’t know if it was a good try out I think it was indicative of exactly the kind of player who he is he won eight of 23 from the floor so not not great not terribly efficient we criticized Tyler for it we criticized Derry Rosier for it

Four of 11 from three-point range but six of six from the free throw line getting to the rim taking his shot look I mean that’s what he does you know he’s not a great defender uh he’s kind of subpar in that range uh he’s got seven assists though five rebounds solid

Overall production but he’s a guy who can score they just a really bad team and so without the complimentary pieces to kind of make what Terry does uh what min minimize the negative impacts of his overall approach to the game it’s just going to stand out as a wildly

Inefficient Knight on Miami’s roster I think would be a little different like you and I were talking about during the game like he’s a guy who puts Rim pressure he’s a guy who’s willing to take that shot will it fall maybe you never really know but for for now Miami

Kind of needs somebody who’s just willing to generate and capable of generating offense by driving making an attempt at The Rim I thought was I think you highlighted the major thing there the six free throws also the seven assists came with just one turnover so in that in a

Aspect he was efficient even though the shooting wasn’t necessarily there the shooting wasn’t there for the Hornets at all like there was a disease going through that roster of some sort of allergy to making baskets and and everybody caught it on that team so I I

Think Rosier could be better def he has been better defensively in other stops whether it was in Boston or his earlier days in team concept right they Embrace defense despite that Steve Clifford who loves defense Charlotte horners aren’t willing to play it I think Clifford wants to play defense doesn’t sound like

Any of his players do but um look I I I like T roir you mentioned the getting to the basket he gets uh 5.2 points uh at The Rim or 5.2 ATT at The Rim every game that’s what he averages that’s more than Jimmy Butler that’s more than bam at a

Bio even even though Bam’s a center um that’s double what Tyler herro gets that is I mean kyar is less than one shot at The Rim per game so that’s basically doesn’t even exist for him so if you added a Terry Roser to this team depending on whatever you had to give up

Which I would imagine the trade that we all talk about is like Kyle l in a second round pick like would Charlotte do that just to get off of Terry rosier’s salary and would Miami be willing to bring in Terry Ro your salary I don’t know I think we’ve heard a lot

Of reports they’re out there for ball ball handling help Rosier makes a lot of sense uh I actually spoke to Terry Rosier after the game because his his childhood hero was Dwayne Wade so I asked him a little bit about that and he just said it was really cool to be here

For that moment it was a full circle moment for him um and things like that so look I like the fit um obviously you know we’re just talking about his fit not necessarily the trade and what it would look like specifically but I think it’s a good fit and I thought the try

Out was solid if it didn’t impress them but they also know what Terry Rosier is about and he’s had really good games against it kind of stands out too in sharp contrast of Kyle Lowry playing 26 minutes going over for three from the floor with four rebounds and three

Assists zero points plus seven overall but I mean just a kind of quiet strange night for Kyle where he just wasn’t willing to take the shot incapable to be honest with it Brian writes in any thoughts that even with Lowry hero Caleb Martin and Haywood heith all back that

Nicola yic was still the choice to start the game what’ your take away from that you know you and I kind of discussed it as we saw it uh I think he might be the full-time starter moving forward because I think now when you’ve got this full fully healthy or healthyish roster and

You see what he provides up he did wind up playing 28 minutes starter minutes really so I I think he’s gonna continue to be the starter at this point and I know that we discussed the possibility of maybe if Jimmy does come back or when he comes back and now of course we’ll

Never find out if now that himim is going to miss the next two games but you know if Jimmy comes back and him is healthy and available does he get the starting nod but I don’t think so I think Nola is going to continue to be the starter at the power forward or

Whatever position that really is because it doesn’t matter on this roster because everybody’s playing whatever opportunity like Haywood heis was the point guard in the last game against the Orlando Magic that didn’t really count for much either so I think he’s gonna continue to start it was an okay game for him seven

Rebounds uh telling the Harolds Anthony Chang that he recognizes he has to be a little bit better defensively he’s got a lot of work to do so that’s good self-awareness from him and recognizing there’s a weakness there and that’s the only way he’s going to continue to earn

More playing time at whatever position he gets he’s earned the playing time that he’s gotten it’s still rough every once in a while if the shots not falling he’s still able to push the pace every game something I’ve noticed every game that he’s started on this home stand the

First play of the game is having Nico initiate the offense it’s the first play game and uh yeah just flip it to him and then he initiates something whether it’s some sort of horns action with bam or a dribble handoff to Tyler or or whoever it is uh it’s always him initiating that

First sort of trigger and so they’re empowering him they are trying to get him to that next step of his development and by and he’s doing a better job you mentioned the seven rebounds that’s huge seven eight nine rebounds a game he’s getting more Blocks he’s being a lot

More physical uh by the basket uh I still look like we said the theme of the show is that the Hornets sankk it’s easier to start nikovic against a bad team and there’s been some bad teams on this home stand and then the game where he struggled the most was against

Oklahoma City Thunder now a lot of players struggle against Oklahoma City Thunder they’re very good but I do Wonder look Brooklyn I’m not scared of anybody really on Brooklyn I know like mcel Bridges is good and stuff like that but like I’m not scared of anybody on

That team so I think you can afford to start Nico again but I think I’ve made I’ve made this point before if you go up against Boston if you’re in a game against Milwaukee or Philly or these teams maybe not Philly necessarily because you can probably hide Nico and

Some places but Boston Milwaukee there’s no hiding nikic in those matchups and I do Wonder what the the strategy will be going into that game because um but I like that they’re they’re using this time to to get him those reps and get him those minutes I don’t know I think he can

Match up with porzingis I think he can match up with porzingis I guess maybe I mean porzingis has been pretty good at putting the ball on the floor for for Boston and get into the basket when he sees a an opening but we’ll see uh or

Not I don’t know I just I I’m not going to sit here and think that I that spoler has figured out his lineups uh halfway through the season because that never tends to be the case I think he’s going to keep experimenting keep taking anchoring I don’t think nikolic will be

The full-time starter for the rest of the season but I think he’ll start a few more gam Assuming he’s even on the roster like you brought up that possibility and maybe you don’t want to say it on the show but there is some rumbling that maybe he’s being showcased

As a starter I mean of the deadline that is your theory I don’t know if it’s my theory it’s just a question I’ve asking um out loud Caleb looked good tonight Haywood has looked really good during this home stand so I think they have an argument uh to be inserted back in that

Starting lineup but we’ll see again we’ll see when when I’m more surprised matchs are strong I’m more surprised that he got the backup center minutes and that you don’t go to Orlando or Thomas Bryan This that was a little curious BOS been trying to shorten that

Rotation he went to he went to nine in this one uh he was eight other that was with cayb coming back so um yeah he’s been I don’t think he trusts the centers very much and I think he also likes look I think the one thing with Nico is he he

Definitely adds an aspect of more playmaking in a way that Haywood doesn’t uh he adds um size in a a way that Caleb can’t provide and so I think that there’s things that they like about yic there’s things that he provides that those guys don’t but again depending on

The matchup I think they can go in a few different directions so we’ll see uh but look we don’t have to predict the future we can just enjoy the nice things that we have right now and not have to do all that that extra work um all right

That’ll do it for us today thanks for making lock on heat your first listen every day hit that subscribe button on YouTube follow us on your favorite podcast app every Dar we’ll be back Monday night with our reactions to the game in Brooklyn also uh recorded the entire Dwayne Wade media interview

Portion so not the televised portion that everybody already saw but the media portion we recorded that we put that up on the YouTube page so you could check that out uh and hear Dwayne Wade talk about all these things yep uh for yourself so go check that out thanks for

Making us your first listen every day

The Miami Heat beat the Charlotte Hornets in a game they never trailed and led by as many as 24 points. The Heat shot nearly 50% in the game but more importantly, the Hornets shot worse than 35%.

Wes Goldberg and David Ramil ask who stepped up the most? Plus, Dwyane Wade is getting a statue in front of Kaseya Center, Nikola Jovic continues to start and Terry Rozier makes a good impression.

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#NBA #MiamiHeat #JimmyButler #DamianLillard


  1. Sucks about Jaquez going down. He was the only guy doing anything offensively the 1st quarter. Hope he's not out for long (but at the same time is 100% when he returns lol). Story of the season so far: one guy returns from injury but another goes down. Hopefully Jimmy is back vs Brooklyn and can take some of that burden. Bam and Tyler are going to have to continue to be big as well as contributions from the other guys

  2. I’m sorry fellas!! But I will say D.Wade is the best Player Miami Heat has ever had. Also! By far D.Wade over Marino any day

  3. False – Kevin Love will travel to Brooklyn. (Questionable)
    Also…. Jaime would be too 3 rookie but Chet , Wemby . Miller average more. He's doing okay…

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