@Toronto Raptors

Raptors vs Lakers was a joke! Raptors coach goes off on officials

Raptors vs Lakers was a joke! Raptors coach goes off on officials

What happened tonight this is completely BS this is shame shame for the referees shame for the league to allow this 23 free throws for them and we get two free throws in in the fourth quarter how’s possible as Scotty Barnes who is Allstar caliber player in this league he goes

Every single time to the rim with force and trying to get get to to the rim without flopping and and not trying to get foul calls he gets two uh threee throws for a whole game how is that possible how you goingon to explain that

That to me they had to win tonight if that’s if that’s the case just let us know so we don’t show up for the game just give them a win but that that was not fair tonight it’s so good to be here I’ve never been on television their

Coach was absolutely iate about the fourth quarter discrepancy in free throws 23-2 how did you see the did you see it called fairly what in the fourth quarter um I feel like they filed and we didn’t the Lakers verse Raptors game is causing quite a stir we’re going to get

Into this but first I have to set the table and make something perfectly clear I am removing any and all biases I may have for either team especially the Raptors for giving my Pistons their one win in the past two months thank you Raptors if not for you we’d still be

Losing I mean wait we’re we’re still losing but we’re we don’t have the you know we’re it’s not adding on to the record you we stink to high heaven okay all right now that that’s out the way I don’t want to see any immigrants leave comments behind without properly

Watching this video and thoroughly listening to what I am saying do not say rajakovich is crying he’s only expressing his disgust of the officiating just like LeBron did a few months ago minus calling his front office to tell the front office of the NBA going the extra mile and this Bears

Similarity to when the Lakers faced the Warriors in these past playoffs Lakers had an abnormal abnous amount of free throws over Golden State Davis and LeBron had more free throws between them both than basically the entire team of the Golden State Warriors The Warriors had 14 free throws as a team compared to

The Lakers 42 some of that can be explained away as LeBron is the same height as the warrior Center being Looney the Warriors are a very short team and the Lakers far taller Davis feasted much of that series simply because there was no one to properly

Deal with him on the Warriors and that’s despite cavon Looney doing as best a job as he luny can against Davis one also has to take into consideration the Warriors are a very fouly team they do really dumb fouls and they do them in excess and repetition look no further

Than when the Warriors face the king Kings about a month ago a multitude of very foolish fouls committed against the Kings by The Warriors which then allowed the Kings to squeak away with a victory finally beating the Warriors so the two points in the Lakers favor thus far are

Size much taller team and they don’t commit as many dumb fouls as the Warriors they also don’t have a brain buffoon on their team like the Warriors do with Draymond who sometimes gets more fouls than points but that’s neither here nor there let’s apply some of those

Advantages to thisy game in which the Lakers faced the Raptors do they have them as they did over Warriors no they rebounded the ball basically the same 37 rebounds to 39 for the Lakers both teams respectively shot about the same from three-point range Raptors 48% to Lakers

44% both teams had the exact same number of assists between them being 34 and the exact same number of blocks four blocks per team both teams field goal percentage is essentially the same Raptors have 56% to Lakers 54% but what did the Raptors do exceedingly better

Than the Lakers you ask they had far more points in the paint 70 paint points compared to the Lakers 50 the Lakers also turned the ball over slightly more than the Raptors 15 turnovers for the Lakers 12 for the Raptors on paper this looks like it would be a close game

Which it was though when adding up all of these statistics and looking at the analytics one would think the Raptor would measure out a victory in the neighborhood of maybe like six to eight points but when you look at the fouls you are then provided with more context

As to why the Raptors didn’t win 26 fouls for them and 16 for the Lakers but even that doesn’t tell you the full story as you would then have to see when these fouls occurred when these trips to the free throw line took place the majority of all the free throws gained

By the Raptors took place throughout the entirety of the game game minus the fourth quarter how many free throws did the Lakers get in the final four minutes as opposed to the Raptors the Lakers had 19 free throws to the Raptor zero Davis alone had more free throws than the

Entire Raptor’s roster if anything you feel I’ve said thus far isn’t in alignment with what is or you think I’m misrepresenting facts do tell me below I’m trying to be as clear as possible and as transparent just looking at this from a numers a numbers basis I often

Hear how LeBron doesn’t get calls from the refs as much as he should and I do agree with that but he honestly shouldn’t get a lot more considering he does a lot of traveling and Rule violations every other possession many offensive files too that never get called how many times have you seen

LeBron simply bulldoze into someone isn’t the league supposed to be soft I thought you couldn’t do that in regularity anymore but it seems only select players in the NBA get allowed to do that too much so even that it disrupts rhythm of Defenders and Defenders as how am I supposed to guard

Them I do anything I touch them I get called for a foul it’s comparable to a war in which the invading Army is given everything in the way of modern tech cuttingedge weapons and the Defenders are told to stop The Invasion with bow and arrows Spears and slingshots it

Simply isn’t reasonable to expect Victory under those conditions hence you have Defenders not playing defense as regularly there is very little in the way of rewards for doing so so why do it consistently let’s look at this fourth quarter you got schruder guarding DLo that’s a foul I guess in today’s NBA but

Anything constitutes as a foul nowadays that looked very light it didn’t look like it should have been called but whatever okay let’s say as a fou here Scott drives in and this had more contact than what I just showed you you could say well that guy he was in the

Shooting motion DLo was in the shooting motion but he embellished what effect the defender had on his shot there are players that go up for shots that they don’t intend to actually take they just intend to get the call that’s what DLo did right there and he was rewarded also

What the hell is that how do you charge into someone and just push them and then you put your hands on like h i even do nothing so much cap in the league man anyway this right here was a horrible play on the Raptor’s part you just let

Him drive through it’s unacceptable zero defense you could get average people off the street and they could put up better defense than that we’re approaching that 4minute Mark where things start to get pathetic now you see Davis here he does this they call foul if you see how Davis

Launches that’s just a foolish decision look how many Lakers were open at the three cuz could have got the ball could have dished it to them no you go up to do something stupid and you get rewarded for it Scotty goes up again he gets

Somewhat of an elbow in his back by Tori and Prince didn’t look like a shove or anything too hard but I’ve seen ref’s call that plenty different times any other game and different situations they just don’t do it right there but then this is called as an and one what did

Barrett even do to him to get called for a foul I don’t see anything he made a little swipe for the ball I guess but he didn’t hit anything and why is something that light being called in late game situations now look at this next one

Where’s the foul that’s a Miss he didn’t even disrupt his shot he didn’t do anything to disrupt his movement you missed the shot Scotty goes up once again dunks it this should have been an and one that Casper the ghost foul that Davis got earlier had nothing in the way

Of physicality as this did right here but no call Raptors are to3 from the free throw line the Lakers 23 for 31 well here’s the thing that’s drived me crazy 19 free throws in the fourth quarter for the Lakers only two for Toronto we got to be kidding let me

Repeat that 19 free throws to two in the fourth quarter come on man I mean come on that’s not an N1 if LeBron did that that’d be an N1 I feel like they fou and we didn’t that’s a lie I don’t believe that one team having 19

Free throws to the other team zero hasn’t happened since November of 2010 ironically to LeBron and Miami Heat against the Utah Jazz and they still lost an overtime we’re not talking 19 to 4 19- 5 6 7 even 19-2 19 to Zer the refs don’t need to give LeBron calls to himself

Individually they’re worried about the team as a whole looking better than they actually are if you’re an NBA team and you face a close game against the Lakers expect to and things to go in their favor but can we see this again look look does that look skillful

To you guys does that look impressive it doesn’t to me and somehow that constitutes as an and one I don’t get it I also don’t understand how the supposed greatest player of all time in LeBron needs 19 three throws to another team zero in order to beat them by one point

Somebody make it make sense anyone tell me below if anything that I’ve said you don’t agree with or you think I’m not seeing things properly because there is just no way a team doesn’t commit a foul in the last four minutes in a game this close that’s like a single heterosexual

Man going into a strip club and saying I didn’t look at any girl any type of way that no shut up shut up yes did

Raptors vs Lakers ended in an all time joke with the Lakers getting 19 free throws in the final 4 minutes of the 4th quarter. Raptors head coach Darko Rajakovic was livid and absolutely beside himself with the officiating and I personally agree with him. The officiating this year in the NBA in my opinion has looked worse than its been in the last few years and Lebron had nothing to say about benefiting from garbage calls.



  1. There’s a big difference between one foul not called and having 19 free throws to 2 in the final quarter of a close game. Lakers were doing what the raptors were doing, but the refs only whistled the raptors. The league has a big officiating problem and they don’t care. It has been going on for most of LeBron’s career. They single-handedly gave him championships. I cannot wait for him to retire. Giannis is the same, but maybe a little more likable.

  2. I stopped watching NBA for like 10 years since 2002 WCF. The Kobe foul on Bobby was totally egregious. Came back to it because of Curry. But starting to realize it’s totally fake. Just like NFL. It shocks me that people still watch what in fact isn’t basketball. I mean what is a travel now? Does it even exist? SMH.

  3. I wish all teams were jusy bailled out by the refs when there struggling 😂 imagine a laker game where lakers for the first time out play the opponent but lose due to free throws 😂 lebron would b crying theyd be lost… When this happens almsot every game just thr other way arround

  4. They do the same thing to Jokic and the Nuggets. Jokic gets a foul called only when he's hammered. Jokic has had two foul shots more than once and his arms are scared up and bloody like he's been in a knife fight.

  5. Warriors got literally fucked last year they out played thr lakers but not the refs also yhe in season cup was literally rigged

  6. Nba , Wwe, lakers, john cena. Different words same meaning. ( Fake Asf ) ( scripted ) ( rigged ) ( for entertainment) ( not to be takes seriously)

  7. This is why nobody watches the NBA anymore. It’s ridiculous. It’s a business and they will continue to cater to the self imposed King or Chosen 1 or GOAT or whatever the he*l else he thinks he is.

  8. When the league was paused during the pandemic I shuddered to think how I would pass time. I watched a lot of 90’s replays to scratch my NBA itch. When the league finally came back on I was immediately disinterested bcuz of how terrible the product was. It wasn’t the pandemic it was going back and watching the NBA’s golden era that helped me realize it. I believe a lot of fans realized this and began to tune out this era of basketball. In order to combat its ratings free fall the NBA has resorted to what is essentially rigging games in order to boost ratings and interest. They feel LeFlop needs to be in the mix for ratings to rebound. The problem is that he is such a polarizing player no one cares. It is what it is. Analytics have ruined the NBA in much the same way they did Baseball. They need to figure that out in order to fix their product. Rigging games is only going to drive fans away.

  9. typical of the NBA anything they can do 2 try there damnest 2 make LBJ the GOAT even though they all know he isn't anywhere close KD is closer 2 GOAT thin LBJ is

  10. If it wuz James & not Barnes & Raptors gettin 23 Free Throws & Lakers 2 in the 4th, Leflop would b trippin out jus like the couch…

  11. The lebron drama goes off the NBA goes off with them but if other teams complains totalitarian silenced zip off their mouth the NBA it is very obvious

  12. That's why lebron can't win games in the 90's and 80's era those days are the dog days your fouled extremely hard those days that's why lebron cant be the goat always complaining 😊😊😊😊

  13. Now you know what everyone in the 90s NBA had to deal with when playing against Jordan. Couldnt look at him without it being called a foul.

  14. Ayo Adam, there’ll be pitch forks in the streets if you dont address these refs fam. Shits gettin outta hand.
    If you want to make the national wwe basketball association, just stay that! So there’s clear expectations when watching a game

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