@New York Knicks

Kendrick Perkins and Richard Jefferson discuss the Knicks potentially being the 2nd best team in the East

Kendrick Perkins and Richard Jefferson discuss the Knicks potentially being the 2nd best team in the East

by ReturnOfAKidNamedTae


  1. 22pabloesco22

    The equivalent to Kramer endorsing a stock

  2. Hallal_Dakis

    It’s nice to hear something good for notable Knicks haters but also I know they’re just talking heads.

    Also it’s kind of nice to hear Thibs get probs from Perkins, when he was hired here people took him like his only skill was riding good players hard and motivating guys.

  3. BenAfflecksBalls

    I hate Richard Jefferson right back. Goofy ass bald headed mole rat

  4. The realist in me feels like KP is riding Knicks for clicks exposure, but I would be lying if I said it didn’t feel good to have a big name personality constantly standing up for the Knicks.

  5. LazyLeadz

    I said it after we dropped that bum for OG. Knicks will be in the ECF

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