@National Basketball Association

[Manso] BREAKING: Pat Riley announces that an 8 foot statue of Dwyane Wade will be built to be placed at the Kaseya Center.

[Manso] BREAKING: Pat Riley announces that an 8 foot statue of Dwyane Wade will be built to be placed at the Kaseya Center.

by 3rdEyeDeuteranopia


  1. JaradSage

    ā€œWe made sure the statue was bigger than Shaqā€ šŸ˜‚

  2. sv_trader

    interesting design choice considering wade only has two feet

  3. nuera_penal

    Can’t wait to take a pic with it next season!

  4. WhoIsPurpleGoo

    it’s going to be the moment where d wade was standing on the scorers table saying “this is my house”, right?

  5. ScuderiaEnzo

    I let out a very loud gasp and a tear came down as it was announced. I became a Heat fan in 2003 when I was 11 because of Wade.

    Iā€™m glad weā€™re here. Thanks Flashāš”ļø

  6. rattatatouille

    They have to make sure it’s 8′, not 8″. A band learned the difference between feet and inches the hard way.

  7. theanswerisnoman

    What an incredible tribute to one of the greatest Heat players of all time

  8. genius-baby

    Thatā€™s great and all but I donā€™t remember DWade being quite that tall. He was a SG no?

  9. processocivil42

    legend of the game. well deserved recognition.

  10. SandyMandy17

    I want the WOJ tweet of Russā€™s retirement to also include Russā€™s statue announcement

  11. meowhatissodamnfunny

    What pose they go with? The look away as LeBron is dunking? Anderson Varejao Kodak moment? Him getting up on the scorer’s table? Shooting a free throw? What we thinkin?

  12. Eldenrangz

    hes a good guy, deserves it

    hes also not a rapist, unlike kobe bryant

  13. Truffles413

    Not going to happen but I wouldnt object to a statue of him dunking on Varejao. Easily my favourite Wade play of all time. In a career full of incredible plays.

  14. ChattTNRealtor

    For a couple a years it was Kobe Lebron and Wade as the top 3 players in the league.

  15. No-Economics4128

    Such a missed opportunity not going with Pornhub center

  16. JorahMorm0nt

    I started playing ball because of D Wade.

    The strongest 2 guard of all time.

    Like a mini Shaq/Freak.

  17. Afrobritish

    Nice, Miami’s birds will have a perfect place to shit on.

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