@Toronto Raptors

JJ Reacts To Darko Rajakovic’s Epic Rant About The Refs

JJ Reacts To Darko Rajakovic’s Epic Rant About The Refs

I have one question before we get to uh ant what’ you think about uh darko’s thing after the game the other night I I liked it I like the enthusiasm for his team um I would say this we’ve had a big enough sample size two seasons now where

There’s a disparity in free throws for the Lakers right they don’t foul and they get to the free throw line that is a function of their two best players and their ability to get to the paint it’s a function of them having a physical advantage on nearly every player they

Play against I brought this up recently so what LeBron said isn’t necessarily wrong and I think on the flip side I don’t think what Darko said is wrong either because if you rewatch a lot of those fouls there was marginal contact so I get the frustration you know the the Anthony

Davis uh flop that got called for an offense foul in the game time three look was he completely set when he pitched the ball back to the three-point line it’s close it’s you got to let that one go and it’s clearly Anthony Davis embellished it was theatrical it was

Exaggerated to me it fit the criteria for a flop actually I uh real quick I I hope he doesn’t mind I won’t even name his name it’s fine I won’t name his name took a rede last night after the Denver Utah game just woke up by the way

Phenomenal love red eyes three hour red eye three- hour red eye thank thank you Tailwind for not allowing me to sleep took a took the red eyee last night and there was a referee uh from the game the Denver Utah game on good you don’t name

His name I’ve known this guy I mean I’ve obviously I’ve worked with him I’ve known this guy forever um but I got on the plane and I immediately saw the Maxi 6th foul from the Philly Atlanta game last night Trey young you know kind of gets into his body Max is trying to

Slide he’s kind of defenseless and Trey young you know initiates the contact and shoots a one-legged uh you know [ __ ] shot and they call it a foul Max’s out I asked the ref I said is this a foul and he said to me that’s the hardest call we

Have and a lot of the complaints I think when we see these uh Montage Clips or these specific plays on Twitter it’s that it’s where the defender sliding the offensive players trying to get downhill there’s some contact the offensive player embellishes it and he said he said

That’s that’s the thing that I think the competition committee really needs to look at and we need to set some parameters of what is a foul and what is not a foul sometimes it is a foul sometimes there was a play last night in

The first half and I I I I’m blanking on who it was but there was a play last night it was one of the the Denver bench players they caught the ball at the top of the key the defender was out of position it was kind of a delayed

Transition and he ripped through immediately and there’s five feet of space the defender tried to close it he’s trying to get to the line he knocks him off his line shoots a [ __ ] shot he gets free throws that’s a foul I think there’s times where the offensive player just initiates it and the

Defender is helpless you’re helpless and you’re sliding your feet and yeah you didn’t like have perfect position where you can sit in there and take a charge in the chest but there there’s got to be some wiggle room I think here for the defensive player and and I told I told

The ref I said as a as a Defender when I played that was the play that drove me [ __ ] crazy we’re like I’m there I’m what the [ __ ] do you want me to do this guy is launching himself you’re doing everything you can yeah what about the

Um Indie Boston before we go because I feel like that got a lot of there was a lot of uh speaking of refs there was a lot of banter about that on all sides afterwards yeah man you really just want to talk about referees today I love it I

Think it’s I think jayl Brown got fouled I mean what do you want me to say like I have eyes I thought I thought James Williams has eyes and I’ll use that refere to name because it’s very clear who was the lead referee in that crew I

Thought that was wild it was a crazy game I thought that was wild glad Tyrese is doing all right Boston with a huge win last night yeah uh I’ve rewatched some of that on the on the plane and that game was was sick

In this clip, JJ Redick talks about raptors coach Darko Rajakovic’s postgame presser where he criticized the NBA refs after the Los Angeles Lakers vs. Toronto Raptors game.

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  1. Listen to Rasheed's Wallace's take on the game today. It's part of MANY MANY MANY reasons why I personally have not watched a single NBA game since 2005. It has been like this since LeBron came into the league. It's also the reason why the NBA is failing miserably in comparison to leagues like the NFL. It's also one of the reasons why Adam Silver is so hell bent on making the NBA more global. The U.S. market for the NBA is dying a slow, painful death. The refs, the softness of the game, the constant stigma of the league being "rigged", and quite frankly the "superstars" today are just boring in comparison to past legends. It's just the truth. The facts are out there and so is the data. This is also why game six of the 1998 NBA Finals Bulls vs. Jazz still ranks as the highest ranked NBA Finals game in NBA history. You will not get quality like that in an NBA game ever again. Period. Whining about the refs in 2024 modern NBA basketball when defense isn't played anyway is like crying when you ask for no tomato on your food yet you get it anyway. It just doesn't make sense. Teams launch one million threes a game and in the paint play is virtually non-existent. Get better three point shooters and fire away. That's all you need these days in watered down modern NBA basketball.

  2. It’s obvious refs are betting on these games and players/coaches aren’t allowed to say anything.

    I don’t like either of these teams but that game was ridiculously in favor of the Lakers. Same thing with the Sixers/Hawks, it was very clear who the intended winner was in that 4th quarter. The league has a big problem and it’s going to drive viewers away.

  3. Didn’t JJ just do a video about “what rule benefits the offense” 😂 It’s not about rules per se, it’s the enforcement of the rules.

  4. Lakers flop. Especially their stars. Can't blame the Lakers, though. I just wish for the sake of my youngins to whom I've proudly stamped the NBA as the top source for the watching portion of their learning the game that the stars used their size to get the bucket and not the ref's attention. Just cant root for that brand of hoop.

  5. nobody on the raptors has the weight to get those fouls,nd im not just talking superstardome.lebron nd ad take up so much space in the paint they will get fouled going to it.just because barnes is going full steam ahead to the rim doesn’t guarantee a foul call.

  6. Tim Dounghy literally went to prison and admitted he amd other referees fixed games for the Lakers lol 😂 Yet everyone is like i dont knowww lol Such a joke of a league. They obviously favor the Lakers and Boston…..over every other team.

  7. JJ showing to the world despite pretending to be alternative media, he's no different than the mainstream media hacks. Another run of the mill soulless sellout. Also, he clearly didn't watch the match yet he's talking about it like an expert.

  8. America is no longer the beacon of free speech in the world. First you have woke culture shutting down normal people with normal values, and now you got sports journalists afraid to even talk about something RECORDED on video for fear of being ostracized by their peers. ☹️

  9. Bro i know you work for espn but like can you actually give educated takes please? The Raptors got to the paint so much more than the Lakers. The phantom call on Reaves was probably the most egregious i have seen in a while.

  10. There were a some terrible calls. I won't say I agree with most people. Like that foul on Reeves is definitely a foul but that shouldn't even be a shooting foul. The delay of calls are just suspicious

  11. Sorry but if you aren't able to speak freely and are so compromised or afraid of the league that you will just back up everything that happens, I can also just watch the official sports media.
    Extremely disappointing, I know you don't care but you definetly lost a Subscriber in me.

  12. 23 fouls. 7 of them were intentional. So that's 16 free throws in the 4th quarter the refs gave the Lakers. ITS STILL A BIG DECPRENCY.

  13. Bro.. Darko is 1000% correct, want to see the low-light video of the bs he’s talking about? LeBron is definitely wrong LOL

  14. Nobody cares. Basketball fans are not obligated to watch this BS because the NBA fraternity needs to keep their wallets nice and fat. This overall mess got the stench of good old FRAUD all over it. Everybody knows the NBA has partnerships with betting-gambling entities. Everybody is guilty.

  15. Unfortunately, he will certainly be fined, but this only proves that the league is corrupt and that they are manipulating the league with their actions, not allowing those who are not chosen one to succeed.

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