@Milwaukee Bucks

NBA can’t accept we were simply the better team

NBA can’t accept we were simply the better team

by RP-love122


  1. How was the write-up when it was reversed last season?

  2. SamTalksMovies

    Look, I get the Pelicans have been good (7-3 over last 10 compared to Bucks 6-4), but really, the 24-16 Pelicans are higher on this list than the 28-12 Bucks? The Bucks team that obliterated the best team in the league record wise. Ok NBA.

  3. SimpatheticNS

    Israel vs Palestine in the way they are discussed

  4. Today-Unlucky

    It is important to note because teams this season in my opinion have been playing categorically worse of B2Bs. Fair play to the bucks tho they won fair and square

  5. Giannisisnumber1

    These excuses are really sad. Anything to make Boston look better.

  6. But of course we’ll get no credit for winning a b2b last night against the Kings without Middleton

  7. GreatCaesarGhost

    I don’t know why people get bent out of shape about this. First, the description clearly and positively compares how we handled a back-to-back with the Celtics. Second, I think many of us are iffy on this team as currently constructed. For proof, just look at last night’s game thread as regulation ended.

  8. gooberstwo

    It seems like the author was using it to make the same point a lot of us are making. That we got a signature win on the SEGABABA, and blew out the Cs when they were using that as an excuse.

  9. Common-Tea5746

    The NBA media is so trash. They’re Legitimately mad we got Dame and one of the most fun teams to watch. All they know how to do is talk about the lakers, warriors, and Celtics

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