@New Orleans Pelicans

LIVE: Mavericks vs. Pelicans Postgame Interviews 1/13/2024

LIVE: Mavericks vs. Pelicans Postgame Interviews 1/13/2024

Thanks what does this say about your team’s metal resiliency to all uh yeah yeah you know first of all just grateful um thank you God to for for the opportunity to coach these guys we we we got a ton of depth and uh Griff and his team have done an amazing job of

Bringing in High character guys that come in every day and work with the coaching staff the performance team and get better and it was displayed tonight and um it show it says a lot says a lot about this team the mental toughness to

Be able to get in late and um not use it as an excuse and go out and just lay our effort on the floor um we’re extremely proud of him career night for Hawk Jose Kim up in the postgame interview and yells not your average rookie put on

Your analyst hat for me what did you see out of Hawk and perhaps speak to the growth from the beginning of the Season till now he was terrific um he was locked in from the very start of the game um the game his game plan discipline was off the charge his

Ability to hit shots but not only his shots just continue to make the right play on both sides of the basketball he’s getting better better and better before our eyes and um he’s making my job extremely difficult yonas one the two starters to play last night and tonight when he goes

Out and battles like that sets a tone like that what does that do for the rest of your young Squad it sets the tone right away JV is is uh he’s one of our leaders and he’s a tough dude and you see it right he he

Wasn’t going to miss this game to save his life and um he went out and battled you know difficult first half you know for him individually but he he got it together in the second half we we went to him in a post and he really anchored our

Offense uh towards the end of the game since since offin came in he just seemed you know pretty unfaced by speed of the game I mean what have you just thought about I guess his his overall approach since you guys took him you he’s a Hooper um and that’s what

We’re seeing but his approach is that he wants to play and he’s showing that every time he gets an opportunity he is displaying it and uh like I said he’s making my job difficult which is you know you want that you want guys that make it hard for you and they come in

Every day and they look to get better and they’re carving out space and time for themselves and we don’t win this game without his scoring and his ability to to make plays for us I mean how do you manage as a coachable I got a guys

You can play there’s only n or 10 ration spots I have no idea how we’re going to manage it but you know we that’s that’s that’s the fun part we’ll figur it out and um continue to communicate to our players that they all have helped us win

Games and that’s the key is just continue to do the things that help us win you a fist pum there the got that yeah you praise this team all year for just the the way they battle through adversity just you know how much that kind of add to your belief in them way

They perform tonight it’s a huge confidence booster and you need some wins like this um when you have guys out and other players get an opportunity to step up and play a bigger role and it it just boosts the confidence of our team and then for me I

Love our ability to be mental mentally tough um tough game in Denver coming off a loss we get in at 4 in the morning um and we got to show up tonight and and play against a really good Dallas team and our guys went out and battled and that’s the that’s the key

Now we got to turn around and do it again but we’re going to celebrate this one and just just consistently getting good minutes now from Larry as well how much does that add so you guys having you know that guy behind JV coming off the bench Larry is so important to our

Team on both ends of the floor uh first defensively his ability to switch multiple screens um to provide some shot blocking and rebounding and then offensively we put the ball in his hand sometimes at the top of the floor and he becomes a point guard orchestrating our

Offense making the right plays and then a lot of times we’re driving getting to the paint and we’re throwing it up to him for finishes so it’s great to have Larry back have him healthy and and playing some of his best basketball speaking of doing it again coach we

Talked pregame about it being this baseball Series assuming the four guys who didn’t go tonight can go Monday does that give you some sort of can you use that as some sort of competitive advantage to have those fresh guys that the maps haven’t seen yeah I I

Definitely hope so I think that you know having some fresh legs um next game will be extremely helpful for us and you know but this is the NBA this this is what it’s like you know you you win a game you get to enjoy it and then you got to

Turn around and you know game plan again for those guys I thought our coaches did a great job of of having the guys ready to play Coach jiren Collins and Casey Hill they did a great job with with the game plan and to our guys credit they

Executed it you mentioned uh as the game went on going to JB and the post more what was it in the game game that allowed you guys to actually like do that down the stretch was it like just like kind of Hawk shooting the way he’s been shooting that open up things for

Him well we we we went to it once and we saw right away that they were doubling JV and what it does is it it allows us to orchestrate shots from the post and even though he didn’t necessarily get the shots himself because they’re doubl and they’re they’re in rotations now so

Now you got guys going to the basket you got Shooters in front of them and it’s up to JV just to to make the right plays which he did as you guys like play different sets of games like how much of it is it where you like test opponent

Defenses in that kind of situation you’re like oh like you know we gave the ball JV this is how they’re going to play it like is there some kind of like discovery that happens across games where you’re trying to figure out how they’re going to like attack certain

Situations we watched them from last game so we knew that they more than likely they’re they’re going to double him in the post they did it last time we played them and um it’s it’s a way for us to to generate offense with with JV once again you throw it to him he’s

Going to score get to the foul line or we trust him to make the right play coach Dallas ends the first half on a 14 to three run to take like a six-point lead but you guys come right back uh and kind of punch them back in the mouth

Jordan Hawkins and Kyrie kind of go back and forth a little bit can you speak to like the maturity of the young guys that kind of do that usually young team kind of folding almost like yeah um these these guys are they’re young but they’re they’re exper they have some experience

Playing in big games all of them played in big games in college and um it’s it’s definitely something that we look at and when they went on the Run we didn’t we didn’t Panic at all we know that it’s a long game Let’s lock in let’s execute um

I wanted to make sure I use some of my timeouts to get our guys some rest uh but the you know give them the credit you know all of our guys Jose nii dice herb JV hulke Kyra JRE all those guys came in Larry and they executed over and

Over again and that’s what it takes to win Jordan Hawkins and and JV uh almost like a Twan uh you know JB would get it in the post but he’d kick it right back out to Jordan but he reposted you talk about a young guy seeing that hey yeah I

I didn’t swing it let me give it right back to him doesn’t that say like this this young rookie is maturing in front of our eyes for sure for sure and um it’s beautiful to watch uh he he he does a great job of coming in working with Coach Corey Brewer watching

Film they’re on the floor um working on his offense but also on the defensive side he’s getting better and better he knows that he’s got a guard to stay on the floor and he fought he battled his tail off tonight when you know at the end of the game

They seemed to be running Hawk off the line a lot uh he was able to get downhill and get the free throw line a lot is that something you guys were actively like instructed him is that something that’s natural to his game or is it you know like of the film that you’re

Talking it’s a little bit of a little bit of all of it but really it’s him is he understands that okay I’ve made six threes tonight probably turned down a couple open ones but they’re running out they’re running out to me I’m going put it on the floor and attack okay thank you

This5 this morning yeah but I I honestly uh told I think the whole locker and everybody we was going to win today um just because I you know this is one of the games you know not look past it but you know it’s tough to win obviously

Where now three Our Stars out scores and everything but I really wanted to put in everybody mind that we was going to win today cuz I really that’s how I felt waking up even though I know it was going to be a tough game yeah yeah yeah it was good really

Good you said uh during the postgame interview to Haw not your average rookie what’s your analysis him I mean I think every 15 player whoever did a um post game interview came here and said our rosta is really you know what it is it’s some we got some dogs we got some guys

That really play and unfortunately we got 15 of them so um we can’t play 15 and um he’s not an average yie I think we’ been new that I think we’ve been seeing it and today you know opportunity meet you know what coach says opportunity meets preparations there we

Go so he did it he did what he’s supposed to do and more um we got in pretty late I think I mean me remember me I put my phone out for 25 430 turn around you can do get time just what have you seen from hul

And just his ability to to come in and be productive regardless of you know what his playing time looks like from night tonight I mean he’s a little different from my situation in the he’s just mentally he’s there like no matter what and obviously we don’t we don’t like it

Or whatever situation he he’s in you know he want you know he knows heah but we respect what’s going on we know um how good we are and we just got to um wait our turn and I think that’s the case we just when the turn comes we take

Advantage of it it’s something similar like um the Miami team that went deep in the playoff you know um guys didn’t play all year round and then all of a sudden step up and have a care career high like this and you know that’s something

Similar and we know that I think we know that overall as as team and we just ready you know one night you know it might not be my night and the next night you know I might be that it might be my night so I think we we prepared for that

Just what’s like to seeing a rookie with that much confidence on offens to score what he does I mean if you know Hawk he’s confident he he he knows he’s a he’s a Hooper he knows that and to be that good as a shooter player you got to

Be like that and it’s not it’s not shocking to me what do you think about J’s consistency oh man he don’t miss games I don’t even think I remember the last time he missed a game you know um that big fell going to play through everything so uh we appreciate he’s on our

Side at what point in the game did you like realize oh jv’s just bigger than what is this David your numbers nice 27 minutes coach gave me some time today J what does a win like this say about theal of te considering you went to bed 4:35 a.m. today U it’s great I

Mean we’re not going to look at you know toughness flying all night you know getting bed late whatever but we just found a good to come out today and you know down some people you know down some players uh just come out there against really good team and you know just tough

Physical win it’s that’s how we connect together you know that’s how that those kind of wins brings us together and helps us in the future what did you think oford Hopkins performance tonight if you put your analyst down well first of all he missed a couple couple pass I

Made it for him that costus me a triple double so I’m not really no I’m joking uh he’s staying ready he’s always working he’s um you know playing not playing you know it’s tough in this league you know you got to be establishing your name but he’s uh he’s

Never he’s never taking time off he’s always working he’s always in a gym you know crafting his craft so and he showed today that he’s uh capable to put up big numbers everybody has you have the chance to lace them up you’re going to such a tone Setter and and they look to

You point to you as a standard for the entire team where does that come from in you well you know it’s you know I’m not going to take 35 shots you know I’m I’m trying to play the basketball right away that’s the most fun I can see in on a court you

Know setting good screens making passes um finding something what drives us we did it today and you know I’m I’m really happy about this team but why have you just like I guess why is your approach like okay we’re second night of back to back I didn’t get much sleep I’m a

Little bit sore but I’m just going to play trying to play every game I can I will you know am I if I’m if I’m alive if I’m still breathing I’m going to be there knock the wood good job thank you was it like just seeing uh just the

Confidence Hawkins brings to the court every time he plays just just taking the shots he does consistently regardless of how much playing time he’s getting well he’s um as I said he’s staying ready all the time no matter what he does you know playing one game not playing second you

Know he’s never gives up he’s always in a gym like just trying to get better you know he’s a young player you know nothing said for him yet you know he’s got to improve improve but he’s moving right direction he’s putting in work and he will be one

Of the best Shooters if he’s going to continue doing that and I’m happy about him you know he’s tremendous guy on a team during the course of a long season do you think WIS like this missing some of your main guys can be really meaningful for a team as you’re trying

To build toward and if when I said earlier you know it just gives not just that one you know win on standings it gives us extra motivation yes we capable you know we we had you know tough tough break right now but we still came here and and and we fought

Till the end we fought to win the game that that gives us you know extra chemistry extra motivation to come out here on Monday and do even better with uh everybody on the court so I feel these these kind of wins elevates you mentally it’s not like you and and and

Hawk have had a lot of crunch time minutes together this season so where does that sort of we had today so where does that chemistry come from because in in you know at the end of the game you were posting up he was your your your release and there was a

Lot of uh you know K it out to him but he would repost you you also find him so like how have youall been able to establish that that chemistry that happened I don’t know that happened so uh well you just you know we we establishing that field you know where

Where he has to move where what’s the what’s the spots he got to be into you know uh sometimes you just play basketball not Personnel wise you just play the basketball where everybody got to be you know we’re you know we always preaching

To be in a corner you know uh uh why in the court you know see some open areas cut

Denver Nuggets vs. New Orleans Pelicans post game interviews with head coach Willie Green and Pelicans players as they recap their game on Friday, Jan. 12 during the 2023-24 NBA season.
#NBA #Pelicans #neworleanspelicans

New Orleans Pelicans Roster
Jose Alvarado #15 Guard
Dyson Daniels #11 Guard
Kaiser Gates #12 Forward
Jordan Hawkins #24 Guard
Brandon Ingram #14 Forward
Herbert Jones #5 Forward
Kira Lewis Jr. #13 Guard
E.J. Liddell #32 Forward
Naji Marshall #8 Forward
CJ McCollum #3 Guard
Trey Murphy III #25 Guard
Larry Nance Jr. #22 Forward
Jeremiah Robinson-Earl #50 Forward
Matt Ryan #37 Forward
Dereon Seabron #0 Guard
Jonas Valanciunas #17 Center
Zion Williamson #1 Forward
Cody Zeller #44 Forward-Center

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