@Houston Rockets

Milwaukee Bucks fall on the road to the Houston Rockets 112-108 | 1.6.2023

Milwaukee Bucks fall on the road to the Houston Rockets 112-108 | 1.6.2023

On in the room uh bucks losing tonight 112 108 to the Houston Rockets come on in the room Adrian is our doctor he writes out all our scriptures he gives us all of our medicine in our room come on in the room bucks lose it 112 108 to the Houston Rockets we are

Live at the Cream City crossovers Milwaukee Bucks postgame show the guru Tre Crosby third JT there we go the building doing what we do um tonight again a lot of people that upset obviously I I get the the frustration and where people are going to go with

This and and the Bucks drop one to a Houston Rockets team Houston Rockets not a bad basketball team at all um but again it’s not the the the the Outlook you you want to see especially after you drop to to Indiana um I think what does

That make the bucks now one and three in the New Year in 2024 uh let’s do a game recap Game reset and uh and just get everything uh back in order you can of course at me uh a lot of comments already coming in at TCI

I I SQ uh and you can also get your comments in on the YouTube as well we’ll read them all um tonight yasmo was absolutely phenomenal he was he did everything and more that you could ask for for a superstar for a leader of a basketball team 48 and 177 are 64%

Shooting he was one for two for three he hell he’s he’s been the best three-point shooter last couple nights for the Milwaukee Bucks um you know shooting shooting ball better than damy Lillard uh 15- 21 from the line that’s 71% and again it say six Miss free throws so I

Know we’ll talk about how many free throws the Bucs missed tonight JT in a four-point loss but if Giannis is giving me 15 for 21 70% I told you I think 75% is is really where I want him to be at if he give me 71% I’ll take it what I

Can’t get is if I get 71% from Giannis and I get 70% from Dam Lillard and I get 66% from Chris Milton and I get 50% from Bobby Porter and 50 campaign that’s what I have an issue with uh outside of Giannis um doing what he did tonight he

Only had two turnovers again Flawless night from y Zed kumbo I don’t want to hear anything else you know there’s so many Damen Lillard fans so many Portland Trailblazer fans who are who are Dame little fans not really Bucks fans they just don’t got to no no no no I don’t

Want to hear it Yannis ain’t the problem I don’t want to hear anybody I’m done hearing this stuff about Giannis being the problem with this basketball team that he ain’t sharing the ball that he ain’t doing this he ain’t doing that 48 and 17 Yannis is doing his part

Everybody else got to buckle up strap in and get themselves ready to go uh so jannis 48 and 17 Chris Wilton 10 three and five um you know he’s three for nine not his best night obviously 0 for five from three not his best night um but you

Know Chris again 32 minutes about 33 minutes tonight so I can slightly give him him a a slight pass I didn’t think he was a net negative especially on the defensive end tonight um but 10 points for Chris Milton Brook Lopez seven points five boards uh did have one block

Beasley was benched in the second half only 16 minutes uh for Malik Beasley here he had three points uh Damen L with 18 and eight assist but he shot five of six I mean this this is a tour date is is it made is it is it May the 16th

Because that’s what he shot five for 16 31% JT I I mean it’s ridiculous oh you know what you know what today is J six right well for three he was he’s he’s already ready for the next couple days cuz he was one for eight from the

Three-point line um and and it’s just despicable uh Bobby porish Six Points six boards not good enough terrible on defense Maran bamp Five Points four boards three assists I thought Maran Bo played well 22 minutes for him Pat conon Uh was was better than a lot of guys he

Wasn’t good but he was better than some guys tonight campaign walked off the floor I’m not sure what went on with him Audrey Jackson Jr didn’t put up much in the scoring column but really gave that team A A jolt defensively in his 12 minutes on the other side for

Houston Jabar Jr 14- 12 uh shenon was the problem 21- 11 Jaylen green 16-4 Fred Van vet didn’t play all that well uh he was 14- seven but you know um they just did enough uh and then of course um probably your exactor tonight was Jeff

Green throwing up 16 points uh and maybe Aaron holiday as well with his 11 but in any event it was 112 108 the Houston Rockets beat theep Milwaukee tonight um I guess I’ll start with you know my my initial thoughts um before we turn this

Over to you JT you let me know kind of how you felt about what you saw but um again this is a tale of two halves and and I’ll be short but I’ll leave it at this it was a tail of of two halves on the defensive side of the ball the Bucks

Just they they weren’t good looked really I mean I don’t say w they weren’t good but they just were aloof um in the first and second quarter gave up 29 Points in the first quarter 3 4 in a second honestly if you’re not giving up 30 points in a quarter if you’re the

Milwaukee Bucks that’s usually a good sign and so in the first quarter you gave up 29 but you only scored 18 and then you only scored 25 it’s an Abomination if this basketball team isn’t putting up 30 points every quarter and the third they put up 30 in the

Fourth they put up 35 okay so the Milwaukee Bucks outscored the Houston Rockets 35 um what’s 26 plus 23 that’s uh my quick math 49 49 so the the Milwaukee Bucks outscored the Houston Rock 65 to 49 in the second half I don’t know if they didn’t just didn’t wake up

Until the until the second half began or what the deal was but the defense was much better you only give up 49 points in the second half which is great maybe again we talked about do you have to move Beasley off of your starting lineup well in Phase One of seeing that the

Bucks were much better defensively with Malik Beasley on the bench and Les Pat conon and it was more Maran and it was more Andre Jackson Jr that’s that’s what the difference was tonight in the second half versus the first half Adrien Griffin made that decision have are we

Going is that going to be a trend or was that a one-time thing for Dr Griffin we’ll see that but again it was a tail of two halves in the first half the Bucks were not good offensively or defensively in the second half they were very good offensively very good

Defensively and I mean again you can point to a couple of different things here I point to the free throw line um where the Bucks were 29 of 40 two what’s that 13 Miss free throws in a four-point game that’s a problem um and then uh and

And then the other point you can look at of course you’re 26% from three which I think that is more of a an anomaly than anything like so I I can kind of be okay with the TW 26% from three shoot only making nine threes um but the other

Issue is listen I can and again we could talk about Dr Griffin we could talk about the defense but again you if I say this too if the defense only gives up12 points you should win the game based upon the Milwaukee Bucks defense that we’ve seen thus far if you hold a team

To 112 points there’s no reason why you don’t win that basketball game but the main guy I’m looking at is number zero Damen Lillard I mean did you see that the last shot I don’t want what the Bucks down six or or five or whatever it

Was oh wow the Colt just lost on that uh pass right there but but um but Damen Lillard is you know gets the ball right and and and I mean it’s a clear drawn up play for him ball goes to him and he shoots it off the side of the backboard

I mean what what what what happened to Tapia I can you even do that anymore can you realis right now with what you’ve seen over the last couple weeks you can’t do that so I’m placing again if you want me place blame I think you may

Have been able to do 50/50 early on in the game this when you lose a four-point game and when you lose a four-point game and your supposedly best offensive player it’s clear now he’s the second best offensive player in the milwauke buck it’s very clear but when you’re

Supposedly guy that comes in you’re a superstar player that you bring in comes in that you traded Drew holiday for comes in and goes five of 16 and one for eight dog I I needed two you need have to shoot 50% from three three for eight

The Bucs win this game seven for 16 the Bucks win this whatever you want to do hell don’t even go don’t even go give me go two for eight from three and hit two more free throws like that’s the kind of stuff we’re talking about for a night

Like I don’t mind yanis shooting 71 % he’s a 70% free throw shooter I don’t mind like it’s like asking you know if a kid can’t swim I’m not going to ask the kid I’m not going to throw the kid in the water and be upset that he couldn’t

Swim but so I’m not gonna so if y’s shoot 100% free throw line it’s fine Dame is a 90% free throw shooter you ain’t got no reason shooting 70% for the free throw line I’m ramley here JT I’m I’ll let you get in on this but to me

The Biggest Loser tonight and again it’s not a referendum on the season it’s not a referendum on anything else but the Biggest Loser tonight the reason the Milwaukee Bucks loss Square fought squarely on the shoulders of Damen Lillard in my opinion well look first and foremost let

Me go ahead and and and praise you for holding down the show while Chris and I were out over the holiday break had a wonderful vacation came home and I watched this mess that we saw tonight right so my first thought that first half of the bucks with bucks scored 43

Points that was some of the most uninspired basketball we have seen from the Bucks all year that may that may have been the most uninspired first half that we’ve seen from the Bucs all year absolutely terrible it was literally a competition of who could miss right come

You get your Miss in come get your Miss in keep missing right it was unbelievable I thought that was terrible conversely the second half man I saw Adrian Griffin I saw Dr Griffin get his team the prescription it needed to to put themselves in position unfortunately tonight Trey they didn’t need a

Prescription what they needed was a sermon right because these boys was uninspired these boys was tired right somebody had to like that fire up under under underneath them to get them going cuz I mean Adrian Dr Griffin put them in position right he made the adjustments

In the lineup and it worked but the problem is these guys just couldn’t figure this thing out one thing point out a couple numbers that I find just absolutely appalling Giannis had 17 rebounds tonight right Chris had three Brooke had five Dame had two Beasley had

One Bobby had six if we do that math that’s 177 combin rebounds among five other five other players man come on man these are five other major contributors guys what are we doing we just did not show up tonight that’s the first thing second thing is look I’m I agree with

You on the free throws right Yannis makes a couple more free I’m not gonna put this on Giannis because that man played his heart out the entire game that man gave you 48 and 17 right and probably it may have actually gone for could have could have went for more but

He gave you 48 and 17 his Supporting Cast around him in that starting lineup though Chris three for nine that’s a tour date where’s it Chris playing at the Riverside right Brooke follows up oh they double they double duty they they double right they on the same ticket the

Same show card Brooke three for nine that’s another tour day tour date Dame Lillard said hey come back if you enjoy this one I’m gonna give you another one on May 16th like you said another tour date I mean my goodness right like this team just could not put the ball in the

Hole it was unbelievable um so right and then the next thing is right oh we Jeff Green he going for a season High against us I mean this defense guys I we know the perimeter defense is a problem we have known the perimeter defense as an issue I told

Y’all that in fact I keep telling y’all listen I don’t really care that much about the perimeter defense if we can just give me another three-pointer right problem is Malik Beasley shot one shot tonight one shot tonight I mean you can’t blame Dr Griffin when the team does does not show

Up because he did not do what we would seen what we would have seen in the past where it just would have been H it’ll work out it’ll work out right no he made active changes and you know unfortunately this team just didn’t have enough juice and Giannis couldn’t will

Him to win we can talk about Dane Lillard all we want to look we said we got Batman and Superman right they must have taken every single phone booth out of the city of Milwaukee so Superman we got CL right now we got Clark Kent and

To be honest with you you know I I’d rather have Lois Lane because she’s consistent right now right like Lois Lane always consistent Clark Kent was just running around until he found a phone jumped in that thing when it was a problem and got and got busy but these

Guys out here right now man they just they look tired they’ve played a lot of basketball I’m not in the excuse making business obviously you aren’t either right we don’t we don’t need to make excuses but I think at this point man Dame tap that watch need new battery we

Got to do something we got to do something and I’ll end with this everybody on that bench right starting with campaign if your name is not Andre or your name is not the nases oh man you should be on that trade block 100% we willing and dealing right the pot of

Water me the casino is open it’s like Blackjack we can’t stay here we got to keep hitting uh yeah no I I I agree on the trade front listen we’re watching these games John horse is watching gam I say this often everybody’s watching these games and you know what’s going to

Happen um you absolutely know what’s going to happen I I point this out kin re kyin Ray scen says you said on X Twitter you don’t want to hear about the defens did you watch the game yeah I did the Bucs gave 112 points listen the Bucks gave up listen you could talk

About defense in the first half you can’t talk about in the second half that’s what I’m saying you can’t talk the in the second half I mean it was night and day the defense was I mean that’s 49 the Bucks gave up 49 points in the second half that is EXC that is

Phenomenal defense like what I so I’m conf so if you so if you’re telling me that that Dr Griffin has figured this thing out defensively right uh and you and you at Le I’m just talking about for tonight that he’s figured it out he he made in-game adjustments to defend the basketball you

Got to put up more than 108 points the offense is and that’s what I’m so it seems like for whatever reason people go have started to now at least I I I’ve started to see some of this like the whole gaml what just Dr adri Griffin

Okay hold on hold on stop we’ve never had a problem offensively like this offense is is at is playing at historic levels the Bucks offense has never been a problem so it’s almost like we came in tonight and for whatever reason people just decided to compound issues like

Well the offense didn’t look the way that I wanted to look but the offense has scored I mean scored it at a historic rate all season long you can’t tell I mean I saw people telling me that the Bucks don’t run plays I what are you watching the Bucks Run plays all night

Long the Bucks Run sets all night long they run horns they run pick and rolls they they run all night long they run stuff they run out of timeout stuff they run slobs they run I mean beautiful stuff out of timeouts um to get things

Going so I mean I just I don’t see some of that um the way you guys clearly do but you know I I guess my thing is when you get to a point right where you have you’re able to get stops and again you talk about you talk about Malik Beasley

JT my question on on Malik Beasley and the way he shot tonight was because okay my question be the way he shot tonight do you think that being benched do you think that affected his confidence he got in the game and like turned the ball

Over a couple times and then but but my thing to to that point is the Bucks don’t even shoot at 26% from three so to act as if like oh this was somehow the the coach can’t make the shots for you like like like how many three again the

Bucks lost by four count count how many open threes Damen little just missed not including I mean well including the one that at the end of the game it was a beautiful play drawn up just for him that he instead of putting in the basket

Dame time he threw it off the side of the backboard like that’s that’s the issue that that I’m having now can the Bucks obviously can they play better should they play better through the entire 48 minute stretch obviously like there’s no there’s no doubt about that I think offensively that the first half

Was just an anomaly the defense kind of looked more like it typically does but what did we talk about the beginning this year John if your offense that we had to change the mindset that this team isn’t offensively LED team that’s what this team does they’ve got to score my

Problem is when they’re not scoring I know the defense is a problem we’re not denying that but that’s something that’s going to get solved on the back end like that’s something that I really think you need one perimeter uh uh point point action Defender right you need one point

Attack Defender to pair with Damen Lillard to help solve some of those issues and you saw that tonight when isre Jackson Jr came into the game that it helped tremendously how the defense looked in the second half right so I do think Millie be is going to get moved

Out of the start line at some point whether that comes through a trade or or what happens and it may not be you know next game Monday night against Utah he might be back in starting lineup but at some point I think the writing’s on the

Wall Malik be and Dam L are not GNA be able to stay together as your two um in your back court defensively so no so so I’m say so so once that happens right you’ve still got to be able to score the basketball and the first half and and to me you know

This game played out in the first half of the game the Bucks did not score at the rate they needed to well but see what that’s the problem right when you when you make that adjustment and you go Andre Jackson Jr and Maron right you’re look your scoring capability diminishes

Unless look honestly I look at Maron to get Buckets more than I look at Andre Jackson Jr right but again Maran hadn’t been all that reliable this year too right so you’ve got to do something there because again you know Malik Beasley yes fine if we’re going to bring

Him off the bench okay and I and I and I’ll say tonight he did look out of sorts he just looked completely out of sorts and I don’t know like you said if it was a confidence issue I don’t know if there was a conversation or something

If he was in his head or what but he looked uncomfortable and again he only shot the ball one time this is a volume shooter so that is wild when you see Malik Beasley Who coming into this week was third in the NBA in three-point shooting percentage yo like this just

Can’t it’s just just something that just you don’t typically see happen and I’ll chalk that up as an anomaly although I believe the Bucs only made like four three-pointers in the first half I mean the three-point shooting was just abysmal tonight across the board you

Know shout out to to uh Pat C who I think led the team in three-pointers tonight was three for five from uh from the field from the three-point line yeah so you know so yeah I agree you got to shoot the ball better than that and

Again Dr Griffin can’t make the ball go into the basket for you um you’ve got to be a part of that an active part of that um see some comments uh in here uh Kyle says it’s only January 6 so I wouldn’t I shouldn’t be worried it’s January 6th

And I am a little worried I again I I’m not because you know reinforcements are coming you know J Crow is coming and you also know that John horse is going to make moves if this was March the 6 yeah I might be a little more concerned

January 6th I’m not concerned the Bucks are what 25 and 11 at this point so no I’m I’m I’m I guess I’m not concerned because I think I’ve seen we know what this team is now at this point right like I think we kind of know what we see

If there’s a person I’m concerned about is Damen Lillard um that’s the only guy that I look at and go I’m concerned with his play because he’s a guy that I look at and I think well he’s and I think he’s going to play a certain way and he’s not right

Like I know Maran bam is going to be probably inconsistent at this point Bobby Porters I don’t expect him to come in and and ball out I don’t expect Pat K to come in and make all his shots I expected Damen Lillard to play at the

Level of Jan Z kmo that’s what that was my expectation and so far for this year for the majority of stretches I think Dame had one nice two we stretch and he had I think he had he’s had like a two two two maybe three we stretch where two

And a half week stretch where he was really good and then he also had a couple games in there like the open t night against uh Philly and some some clutch moments that were really really good outside of that this has been and maybe not even this bad but this has been more

Of the Dame Lillard that I’ve seen these wild kind of inconsistent stretches of play where I go hm what this is not the guy I thought we traded for but again even with him very early very early bucks and four ask I want to ask you

This too JT bucks and four ask do you think Dan’s personal life is affecting him the divorce and the divorce and now custody battle with his ex I would like I want what I want to say is no right what I want to say is that

It’s a new it’s a new locker room it’s a different team you’ve gone from having to be the hero to playing a key part right you’ve gone from from in this I think being true point guard in this which is what you kind of need to do because you

Have so many talented guys that can put the ball in the hole um and I and I and and I want to say that look I just don’t think he’s fully used to playing with this team and he’s still trying to figure this thing out cross country move

And I want to say everything no his personal life has nothing to do with this but I just don’t know if that’s being honest right like I don’t know I mean I would imagine he’s a human being divorce tears people up right think uh think about other athletes that went

Through high-profile divorces or think about a perfect example Ed oron right was down there while out going through so there’s a lot of people who who are think you know eded was down there tripping when he was going through his divorce in ell or you knew we heard the

Story you knew it right that’s what I’m saying like so I think divorce does tear people up and I I certainly would say you know I don’t think that is the reason for all of this but you can’t rule it out right you certainly you certainly you can’t rule that out um and

And look I don’t pretend to be plugged into any of the locker room sources on the buck I have no idea what’s going on behind behind the scenes I really I I I have absolutely no idea I don’t know if there’s leadership issues I don’t know

If guys if there are some real conflict there um I don’t know how the personality management is going I think Dr Griffin has a a tough task on his hand because you do have some really really accomplished superstars in that locker room you’re trying to manage and

You’re still trying to figure this thing out on the Fly too I’m not really sure what it is but what I will say is that something is up with Dan and we 100% have to admit I think he’s got over I think he’s got 30 points in like two of

The last nine games or something if I’m not mistaken since like December 21st I mean something’s up with Dan there’s no question about that yeah um Tony from Texas says Yan is the only one who gave a damn bucks perimeter D and pick and roll D is some of the worst I’ve seen

The last 10 years something’s got to change again you know I I agree first half and again and and to a total Point yes I agree but I thought they they figured it out tonight U as they battled back and and got themselves back into that basketball game and and there was a

Real point where and I think I I’ll tell you with eight minutes to go and the Bucks got it down under 10 I think they got like the eight um under with eight minutes to go or something and I I I I tweeted out I said

If Dame gets go if d goes crazy the last eight minutes the Bucs will win and then I remember at the five minute Mark I went three minutes is going by nothing and so that was kind of indicative of the night like what do we talk John this

Is all the stuff that we talked about what did we say from the beginning of the year get me two get me within a couple possessions get me within under 10 point give me get me the 10 11 12 get me somewhere right there with a quarter

To go either way up or down two three three possessions I’m taking Dam and Yannis I’m I’m telling you I’m good with that like where like at the end of the day no matter what you want to say about where the books started how they looked

They got to the point where I was comfortable where I’m like at the beginning I yes this is what I want to be in and they and and tonight was a night where Damen Lillard didn’t show up Yannis continued to show up Damen Lillard did not and so that’s going to

That’s a problem if we get to these clutch moments and unlike the first you know first weeks of the Season where Dame and Yas kind of did their thing Dame’s not doing it and that that that that’s my like I said that that’s my issue we talk about you know Damen

Lillard um they got to the point they wanted to get they got to the point where we said they needed to be and they didn’t execute from that point yeah no no and you are you are right you are right and again again today is January 6th right so we’re not

The sky is not not falling we are 25 and 11 and we are figuring this out yes we have bad habits we have Trends we know fourth quarter close has been a signature that’s been a that’s been the buck signature this year is a very strong fourth quarter fourth quarter

Close and you’ve seen that for the majority of the games having said that um we got to pick it up we got to figure out what’s going on with Dame at some point here we got to figure out right because the problem the problem is is

That what you don’t want to do is continue to reinforce these bad habits right and then continue to and continue to have this man not in a Groove and you look up as March he’s still not in a Groove you look up as April he’s still

Not in a Groove and now you sit here hoping that he can string together you know five six games in a series at a time and it just it it it would seem unlikely at that point um the hardest part about Dame too is look the numbers

Was Dame she’s still averaging like 25 and four so the numbers don’t tell the full story which makes this tough the percent correct correct right you got to dig a little bit deeper than looking at points rebounds assists right you got to look a little bit deeper then

You got to look at look you look at look at this five game stretch look at like look at look at the 10 game stretch right look at how he’s doing month over month you have to really dig into the numbers I think for more than a casual

Bucks fan to really gauges performance but yeah I’m I’m a little concerned not longterm not like this is going to impact the trajectory of this team’s season I’m not there yet because we’re still only January 6 but Dame is in a slump and we got to

Figure out is this a 30 game slump is this is this going to be a 15 game slump what do what what do we got to do to get to get to get Dame out of the slump and I just hope that the answer lies within the white lines on the basketball court

And not uh you know not his personal life no yeah 100% he’s absolutely slumping um someone in the Milwaukee at he man says someone in the Milwaukee Bucks organization needs to get this dami little situation figured out whether it’s telling y to play off lard or to change the offense to fit lard

More or whatever he’s being wasted and in effect turning into a liability he’s so unaggressive and sickening he looks as confident as a fat kid he looks as confident as a fat kid in the Middle School Dance um I thought he was gonna say a fat kid at the swimming pool but

You know yeah right sometimes Middle School Dance boys be getting down don’t don’t don’t play apparently not the fat kids um but but you know and and only push back on that again I I think what I’ve seen because I watched him last night against San well the other night

Against San Antonio and once he started getting downhill he was fine the issue in my opinion is not that you got to change the offense because the offense when he is a because I the thing is I’ve seen him be aggressive in this offense and he looks good the issue is when he

Starts missing shots to me he gets unaggressive and he gets passive and he starts to really just start to give the ball up and it seems like he really wants to hit the jumper and he’s got to get to the point where again if that Jumper’s not hitting right now man you

Just got to go to the basket and I think he gets upset cuz he doesn’t get fouled like he you know he doesn’t he he doesn’t get the calls I think some people think he he should get or that he gets and I agree I don’t think he gets

As many calls as he should but you just got to keep attacking and be aggressive um also he men says I think Trey is sleeping with Adrian Griffin I’ve never seen that kind of devotion from someone not getting booty in return okay all right well I guess it’s

Saturday here we go yeah hey I’m just I’m just reading what people are saying here uh at Carlos cool2 says we got to move on from Brook and maybe Chris see that’s kind of stuff like I don’t I don’t think you know no you’re not moving on from now Brook Lopez is making

Like $25 million and again when you say move on when because and it’s the same conversation that’s why I say no I’m not like I’m sleeping with Adrian Griffin well then put me in bed with Brook Lopez and Chris Milson because at right now you can say AO but but right now Paul

[Applause] my point there is my what time is it’s getting late over here dog my point there my point there is we are too late in the game nobody’s moving on now could you move from Brook Lopez there’s a very outside shot I don’t even think that happens you

Cannot move on from Brook Lopez and Chris Milton at the third if you thought integrating Dame into this office has been a challenge and how are you going to now you want to trade Brook Lopez or Chris Middleton this off I not this excuse me maybe this offseason but

Right now you’re trying to win a title and you telling me you going you’re going to win a title like it’s going to be tough enough to win a title with an entire Superstar coming to your team you tell me you gonna win one if you trade

Or move on from Brook Lopez and Chris Milton and whoever you’re going to get back in a return from that cuz yeah would you get a haul for that probably you probably get something decent return but do do you think not going to say Hall but something decent do you think

You could really now integrate a new coach Damen Lillard and then two or three other guys that are gonna come into the Milwaukee Bucks and win a b and win basketball games deep into May and June that’s not happening so Brook Lopez Chris Milton and Adrien Griffin those

Guys are going to be there now you want to talk about the got short but all those guys are going to be there if you’re if you’re planning on competing this year so in my opinion you know all these people who are upset with what the

Bucks do and how they look you can cry about these guys all you want to your best bet is to hope that they get to playing and coaching the way you’d like to because that’s the only thing that’s going to help you this year otherwise you’re waiting for the off season that’s

True I mean I ideally now the fans who are saying we need to move on for Brook and Chris they’re not crazy based on solely their observations there are times where Brook Lopez looks beyond wal there are and and and that happens frequently right having having

Said that when you when you look at it a little bit more like you said and you think about team chemistry you think about um you how someone fits how someone integrates himself within the offense what the I can see there being some logistical issues especially if you

Get a guy and he’s got like 30 something games with the Bucks to figure this out then we’re going to go into the playoffs and then we’re going to get to that you know second round when when things start to really get difficult yeah I could I

Could 100% see some challenges there the the the only reason why I don’t think you move Chris unless you get someone who’s almost a sure Surefire fire upgrade at that point and who can come in is that Chris does have that chemistry with Giannis which is which is

100% going to be important because Dame does not right and when you think about playoff coming together and how and how everything gels and fits together have another guy on the perimeter that knows you have another guy that can kind of help maybe those two get the magic going

If Dame can’t click on and off okay I I get that based on experience yeah you may you may have something there and I so I think make you a little bit hesitant to move on from Chris but the fans aren’t wrong the listeners aren’t wrong by saying that you know Chris it

Looked like we coming to the end of the road with Brooke and and and Chris like yeah I think this offseason 100% you got to see what you can get the only way you trade in season is if you really think you can do uh find a seamless fit um you

Know for Brooke I don’t think you trade Chris but I think I mean listen if you can find a big that come in maybe make this thing work I think you definitely got to listen to it he can take his brother too we package deals we trading Brook we trading Robin

Robin gotta go and you know what you know what listen if it really comes down to it hey we gonna trade Brooke we’re gonna give you Robin we got campaign in there too you want cam go ahead and take you Cam right go ahead you want cam as a

Sweetener in there we go ahead and give you Cam too yeah you know I I I guess you know um I I I I I guess when you know it’s just when I when I think about what the bus need to do and kind of you know roster construction I really just don’t

Think they’re far off Drew Binger says ultimately the Bucs are good team sometimes great but not a championship winning team and if you think that the Bucks are good sometimes great I’m I’m just I’m just going to tell you right now and a lot of people probably don’t

Want to hear this for January 6 that’s fine if you’re telling me that that the team you take the Bucks out of it I don’t want don’t look at Giannis and D don’t look at none of that if you’re if you’re tell January the 6th if your thought about your favorite basketball

Team is hey I think we’re good sometimes great but right now I don’t think we’re a championship winning team I would tell any fan I don’t care if you’re a fan of the Lakers I don’t care if you’re a fan of the Celtics I don’t care if fan of

Philly I don’t care who you are I tell you hey if you think you’re good sometimes great in our championship team you have 40 you have 40 some games to figure that out you got trade deadline to add a piece to add two pieces to Shore that up to continue

Jelling especially and I’d asked the question I said hey do you have any new players new new players play significant minutes on your team and he said yeah I got a new player play significant oh well that’s even better so that means that you those guys had even had real

Time to jail yet so you’re going to have more time to jail you have more time to to get this thing right you got and I say do you have a new coach too yeah we got a new coach oh man so even more new

Things did you so I would tell you you have 40 some more games to figure this out and if you think that’s where you are I would the only thing I would change to that comment where you say a good team sometimes great but not a championship winning team I would

Disagree because I think anybody who’s 25 and 11 at this point you’re a great basket like you’re a really really like you’re a top level basketball team you’re the second seed in the East and you played almost 40 games at this point right um 25 and 11 you played 36 games

Or so at this point you’ve almost played half of a year and you are the second best team in the Eastern Conference like once you get to playing half of a season you can’t go well St the schedule no that’s half the year that you played so

Everybody you line up everybody in front of you and you’re on pace for for 50 for for you know 50 plus wins right if you’re at that pace right now you are a very good basketball team and yeah I I I’m tell I just don’t think the

Bucks are that far away I really don’t I really don’t camil Monae uh says uh haven’t said this often about the scam but it wasn’t enough offense tonight outside of yanis bucks lost by five missed 13 free throws too many misses from the charity stripe on a night where shots weren’t falling

Already would agree with that 100% would agree with that yeah that that that is that is the insult to injury you missing you missing free throws like that when the Bucs finish tonight uh they what six was it 69% from the uh from the free throw line

Y yeah that’s not gonna get it that’s not gonna get it we need that we need that to be up over 80 is what we really need that is is to be up over 80 be 80 or above and you know what and that’s what the rocket shot tonight right the

Rocket shot 84% from the free throw line here’s the thing right part of me wants to say this though but with all this analysis and everything went that went on this team lost by four points they had chances to win this game even with Dame stinking it up even with Malik

Beasley shooting one shot even with Chris and Brooke hitting tour dates this team still had a chance to win this game right and at some point what you always say Trey it’s a maker Miss League yeah guys this is a maker this is a maker

Miss Lead and so look they’re 25 and 11 they have the second best right second best win total in all of the NBA that may change tonight at some point but I believe that I believe that’s right right the Bucks because I think the Celtics have the have the best record at

Like 28 and seven or something and then and then uh the Timberwolves are have 25 wins okay as well I’m actually looking at now temp wol 25-9 Thunder 23 and 11 yeah so the Bucks have the second highest win total in the league so to say that I mean that’s where we expect

Them to be that’s where that’s where we want them to be again it’s January 6th we we don’t need a like a championship team we we certainly we’re going to reevaluate this thing after the trade deadline because I know horse is going to make moves we know horse is going to

Make there’s no question about that um you know but again this one stings it stings just like the get losses to the Pacers kind of sting a little bit but you know the reality of it is is uh we’re 36 games in and we got we got a whole lot left

So I I’ll tell you if we’ll get there I’ll tell you if if um if Bucks fans were Denver Nuggets fans they would be calling for Mike Malone’s head the way losing games y’all would be y’all would want Michael Malone who just won a championship gone in a heartbeat if and

Especially I and you should hold him to an even higher standard because he he has been head coach for a certain for a long period of time so I’d hold him to an even higher standard of losing uh and how they look um throughout the regular season they’ve lost more games than the

Milwaukee books um Kyle and this is I’m going to disagree with you uh says you can say all you want um but they are losing and struggling at some of the worst teams in the league that is a problem again that’s just again I again fundamentally untrue because the Bucks

What do we say they are what you say are 20 25 and 11 is that that 25 and 11 25 and 11 so they’ve lost four games to the Indiana Pacers so if you take away losses to the Indiana Pacers the Milwaukee Bucks are 25 and seven so when

You say they’re losing it it’s it’s almost when you say they’re losing struggling I mean you the the image I get from a team that’s losing and struggling to some of the worst teams in the NBA and I wouldn’t consider the Pacers one of the worst teams in the

NBA I I just picture more than you got seven of those losses to the PT Lo when you when you tell me you’re losing and we’re losing and struggling I I picture more than seven losses that two two teams outside of Indiana Charles says I think you can get Grayson Allen back and

Trade Malik like why would I do that why tell me tell me why tell me what like like what so you you seen what Malik beasy does defensively you’ve seen gray all what gray all does defensively I don’t think gray all’s any better than Malik Beasley on defense I think the

Difference was he played next to Drew holiday which made things look a little bit better and Drew holid and and the difference between those two was Drew holiday took on the be whoever the best Wing or best matchup was in the back court where Grayson Allen took whoever

The straggler was or the second guy right like like that like that’s a difference but and again everything just looked much better um within the confines of that defense but I don’t think that that Grayson Allen is is much better than Malik Beasley at all now

Again gray has shot the ball well um he has shot the ball well but but I’m not going there green rangers says our offense is good but it won’t reach his potential till we hand the ball over to Dame again I I listen you can say that

All you want to that we have handed the ball over to Dame I can’t let me tell you this I can’t hand the ball over to a guy that’s shooting five or 16 30% from the field I can’t hand you the ball at will now what I will say John tyus I

Will say that I I do think that and this is interesting because down the stretch against San Antonio D Chris Milton only played the first half because it was a back toback so Chris Milton played the first half of the game and he sat the second half due

To him playing the first time played the back toback in forever and Damon Giannis really established that pick and roll they really looked comfortable together Dame didn’t have to concede the ball to Chris witon at all now if there’s a slight change I would maybe make to the offense

If you think that that’s something that needs to happen is maybe you do less of Chris Milton facilitating and you and it’s either you know for the most part either Giannis or damee brings it up and they run the show coming down coming down the court instead of having Chris

Facilitate at all when those guys are on the floor because maybe that’s what Damen needs to get himself going but when but people act yeah you just hand the ball off Dam L let him do his thing well again he gets it Damen lard took the second most shots as anybody on his

Basketball team he Janis took 25 and rightfully so cuz he was 65% Damen L was right behind him with 18 Damen Li took the most threes on his basketball team tonight and it’s a team that everybody can get any shot you want you can shoot at will the green light is open Brooke

Took six Chris took five Pat took five Pat was three of five from three so everybody can shoot at will he shot at will he got his shots up he was 12.5% from three I I when you tell me I’ll just give him the ball listen he had he

I tell you he had the ball he didn’t do nothing with it tonight no he did no he didn’t and look I mean Dame I don’t want to do a deep dive into Dame because I still want to feel like listen it’s early this my my my optimism and experience tells me

That look there’s 46 games left right they played 36 82 46 games left there’s 46 games left it may work out it should work out it more likely than not will work out they’re going to get this straightened out hopefully right but man Dame just there are times where he just looks

Inept and there are times where it looks like his confidence isn’t there and he looks a little bit timid or he looks a little bit slow he does not look like he looks like a reluctant leader at times and it just it’s just something we

Got to figure this out like we man we just got to figure this out because did expect more than what we’re seeing from Dame right now and again it’s it’s it’s January 6 it’s not April 6th so the sky is not falling but no Sky not falling good gree Deco

123 says honestly I feel like Dame is a rhythm shooter I don’t think the offense is predicated um for from him for him to get in Rhythm but that but and and you may be right I’m not even denying that might be right but here’s what I’m

Telling you I every everybody’s got to play like when when the hles came together when it was LeBron and dwade and Chris B I’m sure Chris Bosch and and Wade they like to play a certain way you think Chris Bosch didn’t want his didn’t

Want to do what he wanted to do when he was in Toronto you think Wade Wade come Wade and Wade had has accomplished much more as a professional than Daman Lillard ever has right he’s wning a title being a number one on the team you

Don’t think he had to had to give way to LeBron James right so everybody’s got to give up some everybody’s got to give up some that’s no different from d like you can’t you can’t be the new guy who comes in and everybody’s got to concede everybody’s got to change their game for

You that everybody’s got you do what you do everybody else has got to back up oh Damen L’s in town we all got to tuck tail and let Damen lard run the show and do whatever he wants that’s not how that’s not how this works at all

Everybody has got to contribute as far there’s only one basketball everybody has got to sacrifice some including Damen Lillard so Dame’s got to figure that out cuz I don’t want Giannis to sacrifice Giannis is balling I don’t and I’m trusting Yannis 100% I don’t want to have to have jannis hold back because

Well we got to get the ball to Dame because I I don’t know what to do dame gotta have a ball I gotta stand around Dame got no no no no no no no so Dame again I I I’m not disagreeing that Dame maybe should had I’m just saying he’s

Got to hit shots and and down the stretch of San Antonio down the stretch in Philly down I can name the game there’s been multiple games this year where down the stretch Dame had the ball he was doing whatever he wanted to do it’s a confidence thing so he there have

Been multiple times this season where he’s had the ball in his hands and he’s dictated the flow tonight he was not playing well and I think that’s why he says well the guy who’s rolling and scoring all night he’s got to have a ball and that’s what it was and again

You’re a drop dead shoot you got to hit shot when the shots come to you you got to hit him you have to hit him he just did not tonight um uh Jun uh Junes fiz says respectfully can’t coach the ball through the net two of 19 from three

Won’t cut it from guys second through fourth in salary two of 19 from three from the guys second and fourth uh second through fourth in salary I’m assuming he’s talking about Damen Lillard um um Brook Lopez and and Chris Milton Chris yep yep two 19 thatt that’s not that hold on that’s not

An Adrian Griffin problem Brook Lopez Chris Middleton and Damen Lillard shooting two of 19 is not a a Adrien Griffin problem that’s not his fault you cannot blame him for that you can blame Adrien for you can’t blame him for going two a 19 for three for your from three

Of your better players on the basketball team not his problem now here’s one question I do have though go ahead right and again now again we’re splitting we’re splitting hairs here I get it right bucks are down 20 right you take Malik Beasley out you put Andre Jackson

Jr and Maron in right Beasley is one of your top three-point shooters in the NBA this year period right so the question you got to ask is right with Bey paying six minutes or 16 minutes you put him you put him back in in that second half

For a short period of time in that third he stuck should Adrian Griffin have said listen I got my I got my horse here on the bench we we we look we we got to get some threes up I I I need my shooter to

Come in and get his team a spark right I need I need my shooter yes he’s yes defensively he is a paper bag but at the end of the day hey I I need I need my volume shooter come on well let’s let’s get this thing going do you know is

That’s something that maybe should have happened you could maybe argue that yeah look Malik be got one shot tonight from three and he made it that’s that cannot happen when you have a player that talented from three on your squad if he’s not in he can’t shoot the ball one time right

He can’t do that so maybe so I guess what I’m saying is and again we’re splitting hairs here shik be have gotten more than 16 minutes should he have given him maybe 20 minutes right should he have brought him in a little bit more maybe right like maybe that’s a solution

Because you gotta think maybe be hits a couple threes at least well well maybe but the issue is when he got in the second half after not starting in place of hre Jackson J not again not only one was the offense much better and the def

Much but when he did get in he had two very costly turnovers I believe both of his turnovers came in the third quarter um and they were kind of and so when he got his opportunities to get back in the game and play well uh he did did not he

Just he just didn’t so he was out he was out of sorts maybe and maybe and but again I’m I’m telling you I do I I I have a high feeling that he is not when when this comes post Allstar post deadline whatever I do not believe that uh I don’t believe

Malik Beasley is going to be your starting Wing uh for the Milwaukee Bucks when this team rolls into the playoffs um you know that’s just that’s just my thought I don’t I just don’t think it’s GNA happen I think you got to get better on defense again you know is this

Something that that you know that he uh that um that Dr Griffin saw and that’s at at J Will at J Will says it’s a win if Griff learn he has to pair Mar or a Jax with Dame and not Beasley or pay um so that people who saying hey that’s a

Coaching point right there give me uncore aore Buck says still second in the East when DNE can’t throw a rock in the ocean but roster changes will need to happen um John John so roster CH so we talk about guys maybe uh uh thel I believe he’s in is thel is he in

Portland I believe T’s in in in Portland what roster changes you know we talked about I think somebody in the chat mention Caruso what roster changes do you think are there guys out there for a while I was thinking Quinton GES but Quint GES to start to play much better uh since he

Got moved to the bench and again you talk about moving guys to the bench it can help because Quinton Grimes well I’m not say moved to the bench I think yeah know he was starting in New York got moved to the bench was wasn’t happy with

Some of his minutes he got moved out of start lineup and it started to play much much better um for the Knicks that was a guy who I thought you know would have been great to to go after and get um but it seems like maybe they probably prefer

Him to stay in his role now are there some guys that you you know think of you know the PJ Tuckers the vti styes the uh you know dorany Smith the uhh uh uh Harrison Barnes and some of those guys out in out in Sacramento who have been

Rumored to be available apparently the Atlanta Hawks entire team is available outside of Trey young uh and Jaylen Johnson so I mean are there some guys that you look at and go okay maybe you know they would help if we pair them uh with Dame up there at that at that two

Spot you know there are a lot of guys who I think may be available again I think the issue is what do you give up right when you hear names like Caris LeVert it’s like okay well yeah what they gonna want for him right like what

Like what what you gonna want for or even Harrison Barnes what they gonna want for him right I I look I think the first thing you got to do the first thing I’m looking at obviously everybody wants a perimeter Defender right you know Jay Crowder’s out everybody wants a

Perimeter Defender ideally you get a three and D guy right well great doesn’t everybody in the league want a three and D guy so so you know good luck that becomes difficult too second thing I look at though is I still think and I know we disagree on this but listen you

Gotta get a gotta get another big Bobby’s just not getting it done anymore and I get what he means to the team as a um as a glue guy right he’s a glue guy but is it possible that somebody like maybe PJ tuck on the buyout Market you

Bring him you you can find a way to get him in maybe on the as a as a as a glue guy I mean it’s kind of tough midseason bringing in a glue is it possible that you can you you try to go after a big

And maybe get bring in PJ back into this locker room or something to supplement for what you lose with Bobby from a culture perspective maybe um yeah yeah no I think yeah no I definitely think that that would um you know that could potentially be something that that you know would would would

Help and again as like you said the buyout Market 100% um yeah what do you think you know I think of other guys you know maybe like a like a like a royce O’Neal potentially you could think about about him in Milwaukee I think again the

End of the day they’re going to be some guys that that are going to be available and I think they’re going to be available and I don’t think you’re going to need to do a lot um to get them but again I would focus if you could

On again I’m cool with PJ Tucker right I’m cool with PJ Tucker as a buyout candidate but if I was focusing on guys the guys I’d really focus on if I Milwaukee Bucks youth because you see it every time you put Mars on Bo champion and really I’m really talking about a

Jackson J those guys and that’s why when when people go oh well let’s it’s an it’s I know you guys hate it when I talk about do Griffin but you know oh he’s not motivating guys and I go well maybe maybe they just old because Andre Jackson Jr seems see he seemed motivated

Every time he come in the game he seems very motivated to me so maybe maybe maybe maybe Dr Griffin only gets through to the young guys well maybe he only gets through to Superstar Giannis and young guys because Giannis always looks motivated to me for the most part and

Then um and and the young guys look very motivated like Maran even when he’s making mistakes he’s just making mistakes but he looks like he’s out there hustling right um and I think the same thing of andrex Jr even making mistakes I’ve never I’ve never looked at

Andre Jackson J gone man he he he he he’s he’s uh he’s milking it right now he ain’t do he he ain’t even giving me an effort I’ve never had an effort problem with a jack I think he sometimes some basketball IQ stuff but again he’s

A rookie he got some he makes some mistakes never ever ever is it an effort issue with Andre a Jr so when you’re looking do you look to bring in a young guy another guy that’s that’s rumored could you bring in I believe he’s plays for the Hawks uh Audrey uh Adrian

Griffin’s son I think it’s AJ Griffin do you bring who who is a young athletic guy who’s a very again to me the guys got to bring in young athletic young and athletic it cannot be and again pet again I said pet took on a buy out but

I’d rather it be somebody Young Who when they come into the game is not goingon to be lack of days they gonna come in spry and ready to go we got a bunch of old guys we got a bunch we got that we got that cover give me the young guys

Who are ready to run and and run through a wall yeah look that’s a that’s a that’s a really good point is youth we need youth we need we need we need some youth we need some spry legs we need we need aggression and passion and intensity versus experience

Um I I didn’t think about uh Adrien Griffin son but I’ll say man we got all we already got kind of a nepo theme in locker room here with Brook Lopez and the nazes and we got some and let’s let’s call it how we see it we got the

We got the nepo theme going in and neither one of these guys is really worth a whole lot right they literally relying on that last name to keep that keep that seat in in the locker room I don’t know man I think I guess the question I have about the trade market

Is do we want to go big or do we just want to try to address a new right that’s kind of right so for example for example do you look at a guy like Christian Wood right could he work could Christian would work and he probably wouldn’t be too expensive right

But do you do you do you look at a guy like Chris I mean again I’m not endorsing that one way or the other but I’m saying he might be available um you know yeah you know but here’s my thing so so I guess my he doesn’t help to me the biggest issue

With this Buc team is the point of attack Defenders guys running by guys right now again I agree but you’re playing you’re playing Bobby doesn’t play like a 161 he’s 6′ 10 he don’t play like it right like he doesn’t he doesn’t really play like a big so you’re

Essentially playing without that now this Buck team we talk about it all the time will be much better when you have Giannis running to five too right when you have Giannis at the five things will get better so you can even go small ball which is again why

You want that 68 69ine guy who you can play something like that you know kind of a wing is kind of player and just have Yannis play the five and run it like that and do you really need another legit big coming in there for Bobby Porters when Bobby Porters isn’t really

Playing like a big anyway and maybe at that point and maybe at that point you can keep a Bobby poris if you want to for certain situations and and keep him on the roster but just when I need to go small ball I still got Yan to five but I

Got another Wing is kind of athletic 68 guy 67 guy like a like a uh an Andre Jackson Jr type um maybe a little more solid that I that I can run with I mean could you do something like that I just don’t I would in my opinion I just don’t

Think I would trade my horses in for a leg legitimate for a backup big who’s going to be my backup anyway and and so go ahead go ahead go ahead so all right all right all right and I’m gonna again I don’t have opinion on this one way or the

Other just take Brook Lopez okay about Jeremiah Grant Jer from from uh from Portland well I don’t first I don’t I don’t think the I don’t think the money matches up there either because because Brook I think makes 25 and Jeremy Grant got a big deal I think he’s I think he’s

Making a ton of money so I don’t I don’t think the money matches up oh is he making I see what you’re saying he’s got a big deal I don’t think I don’t think the money match is up there but even somebody you know now somebody like that

Yeah because they can play offense too but again I I just don’t again why why would Portland why would Portland do that I don’t you know I don’t I don’t see it I don’t I don’t see why they would do it I know that some people some names people talk about potentially be

On the Move Malcolm brogon might be on the move I would again the way he trash the city I don’t know if I would bring him back either or want to um there there is a question on the floor that I want to get to

Um um asking do you think who asked it was just right here um do you think that Brooke I can’t find who said it but they asked you know oh kin Racine do you realistically do you think Brook and Chris can get a title this year and I’ll

Tell you this JT here’s the other reason why I wouldn’t move Brook Lopez two reasons Philadelphia 76 and this also answers Kyle’s question as well so number one Chris Milton yes I think Chris Milton as a number three Chris Wilton’s fine I I’m okay I’ve seen him

Play Peak Pak Chris right now as number three has been good okay I but if I go to Brook Lopez and I’m talking about Brooke two reasons why I keep Brook on this roster Philadelphia 76ers Denver Nuggets if I go up against either one of those teams and it’s not even a

Guarantee that I do but if I go up against either one of those teams Brook Lopez is vitally important to play a a a guy like Joel andb because think about what Brook Lopez is issues are guys again who can who are Nimble I think I

Talked about this on the last show too guys that get that get that are Nimble that can get past him but Brook Lopez right Joel embiid stationary Target big on big big on big and then uh Nico hey y all right I’m just saying that’s those

Are the guys that when I look and I go oo I need a Brook Lopez for those matchups and those are very specific matchups again a team like Boston I that’s where I need my smaller guys so I can play Jan to five against Christof

Porz and those types but but yeah I do think I just wouldn’t move on from Brook Lopez yet this year yes and then we again you get to the to to later on off season if you don’t win a title then that’s something to discuss again and

Think about this only one team’s going to win it all only one team’s going to win it all so you know so you got to take that into consideration as well every I know everybody wants to win it there’s probably eight nine teams eight nine 10 teams with think they can win it

It’s just not gonna happen true that that is true two teams make it and one team win it right and really what are you really looking at I think for most teams is you’re looking at what how how to win your conference right like it’s unpredictable what’s gonna

Happen you look you’re looking at you’re you’re constructing your roster and compete within your your conference and yeah I can see the advantage but on the flip side Boston you need smaller guys to get out of the East you probably gonna have to get through Boston right

So Brooke maybe doesn’t help you as much in that situation no as he does you know you know now granted if you got like you said if you got to play the 76ers you got play and beat okay okay yeah no no no that’s that that’s his speed you good

There so yeah I mean we we’ll see I think the thing that we need from Brook though is improved play we need to see some some and and and I don’t need Brook to be how he was last year I just need Brook to be much better than we see

Right now I just don’t understand and again this is not a an AG thing because he was doing this with bud I just understand that we’re going to stick him out the three-point line and you know see what happens man get your your seven foot to get your butt in the paint and

And play back to the basket and and and score the ball you know so I know Fest you need to be up is on that elbow yeah I don’t need you N I don’t want you guarding space in in in 30 feet out no sir not at all and again and again the

Occasional three we know Brooke can shoot the rock so the occasional three I I don’t mind it but you got to be able to you just have to in my opinion be able to dominate a little bit um in the pain as well green rangers says trade Lopez for Andrew Wiggins then trade

Bobby Porter Patton Maran for Collins issues solved nah it’s Andrew Wiggins is look I don’t like you know I don’t do the mental health thing remember Andrew Wiggins last year he went away from the team and I don’t know was it like four or five was a while G and they never did

They ever actually say what happened like I don’t even know what happened I don’t think that the Warriors whatever ended up happening I don’t think they were too happy with it and then after the fact he come you know he’s back this year and he got he didn’t play I was

Watching the some of that uh some of that game the other night he didn’t play down the stretch so and I know people don’t like Steve Cur they wanted comia in I’m good on Andrew Wiggins that now to me that my issue with that is it’s a

Highrisk it’s a high-risk High reward I don’t think you’re in the position excuse me I just don’t think you’re in a position to make a highrisk move um right now I just I just don’t think you’re in a position um to do that uh stack G says fire AG I’ve been defending

Him for months I can’t anymore I guess and again that’s my again so for anybody in the comments if if if you fire and because here’s here’s the other here’s my always my question if you fired Adrian Griffin today what’s your move who you hiring Terry stots you g that’s

Your big move you gonna bring in Terry stots who what what has he accomplished ever in his career you going to bring back Mike bu NOS you know that ain’t happening so what like that’s where what is your move you fire Adrian Griffin and then your move is what because all I

Hear is well we should have hired Nick nurse or now again the guy would have hir potentially uh Oka but anyway that’s beside the point but but but but that’s and again and again Nick I’m trying to tell you what’s about to happen with Philadelphia as and and you realize this

The the MVP race is about to be wide open again too John tyus because uh ad excuse me uh joeel embiid missed another game tonight he has 10 more games he can miss through the next 40 what about 45 five or some games for them boys you

Think you think now maybe he will but they tried to rest him and do all the stuff they tried to rest him against sorry teams now he has a legit injury I listen I’m it happens to him beat every year so all this Nick nurse talk oh we

Nick nurse’s Dem well again he he’s running and and the other night just stupid stupid stuff from Nick nurse where he left Joel and beid in the game so that he get his 30 points and then he had to miss the next game so again you

Got a guy who’s who just runs guys into the ground that’s Nick nurse he’s gonna run guys into the ground and and it’s gonna I’m telling you it’s going to happen again with um with Joel and beid where he’s gonna be hurt again it’s not

GNA be Nick nur’s fault all the way but he’s going to contribute to it and again it’s other one I mean people always talk about Nick nurse this you know all the things he’s done again do you know who came up with the defense this I well I

Guess I I won’t tell you the guy who came with with the actual defense to stop Giannis you know who that was who that is that is that that that that that is our doctor writing our prescription giv us our medicine right again right that was The Mastermind

Behind that defense if you didn’t know but okay but yeah give all the credit there you go all right but that but that’s a really good point you make though when people are like fire Adrian Griffin well who are you gonna H would you you go put Joe pry who who’s gonna

Be Vin Baker who’s gonna be the intro who’s come in from the Lakers sta g stack G said fire AG up and who are you come back in the who are you bringing in that’s my question who are you bringing in if you fire a today and truth be told

You probably would need someone from the inside would have to be the in room for the rest of the season so who on that staff what you g Oppenheimer who who who you bring anybody with head coaches experience right that’s what I’m saying right and so it becomes equally as much

Of a disaster if you do do that right like so no you don’t fire Adrien Griffin at this point absolutely finish let’s STX get his point well stack said stack said whatever he’s trying to convey to the team is not working not responding steady gives up drives to the basket has

To call transition defense at time at least once doesn’t every coach do that don’t we don’t we praise uh freaking uh uh Eric spoler for doing that every night not letting the people get momentum call the time everybody again and stack you didn’t answer my question

Who are you bringing in you said fire AJ Griffin so that’s that’s what we got to do we got start holding people accountable you can’t just say stuff who are you bringing in okay you fired at Griffin there’s no way you letting Joe front run this team there’s no way but

To be but to be clear though right and I do want to be clear on this like I said this earlier at the beginning of the show you didn’t need Adrien Griffin did this team didn’t need Dr Griffin tonight they needed a pastor they needed a preacher they needed someone to inspire

Them to just do the little things better hit the shots get a little bit closer if you can’t hit it next time attack the basket they needed they they needed someone to basically tell them be ball players guys be ball play because they weren’t doing that in that first half

Like that’s that’s pretty much what that was like it it I mean I I can’t even put tonight so all right if you want to say well look the team’s motivation attitude and effort is a coaching issue fine right fine that that does fall on his

Shoulders but if you want to talk about X’s and O’s adjustments and that I think Adrian Grifford did his job tonight right I think he did a great job at that tonight not a great job I think his first half was abysmal but I think his

Second half was great like I think he did what he he did what he needed to do to win this game the players just didn’t execute in the second half I agree yes in the second half he did exactly what he need to do South by Southeast had a

Great comment here uh he says they defended well and it was a four-point loss to the Rockets who are 15 and six at home I wish we calm down and get to a place where we can talk about problems without treating the team like it’s a play in exit listen that’s a great

Comment because it’s a great com show so far yeah 100% that’s common of the show so far the reason they’re melting down in LA right now is because they are the 11th they are 11th in the west that’s why things are melting down they talking about Darin Hamil’s job this is not the

Same we do not have the same problems we are not in the same place uh Michael Ben says they’re 25 and 11 if the Bucs fire a coach with this record nobody will take the buck serious um I agree um with that yeah no it it is it’s very un again

That’s the other thing if you had fault and and we got we got to close this thing out we’re G have tons of time uh to talk about this throughout the next 40 some games but but John you know if if you had a problem with it and I I

Don’t have a problem with people who thought Adrian Griffin was the wrong hire I’ll be very fair I have no problem with criticism of Adrian Griffin if you want to criticize him I like the criticism to be fair but I don’t have an issue with people who want to or feel

The need to criticize Adrian Griffin my thing is let’s be honest here if you hired him you you you’ve made the decision to hire the guy right you can’t at that point hire a rookie head coach and say you know 30 games this ain’t work we going to fire him and when he’s

25 and 11 like this isn’t Frank Reich with the Panthers like that’s like this ain’t Frank Reich so that that’s all I’m saying that’s all I’m saying I age saying G herd with the Wizards man get fired like 40 games into that season in the 2000 season or something like that

Like no this a that’s not I I agree I think there’s a difference between criticizing and providing critical analysis which one thing I love about our Bucs fans is like you know listeners especially and all Bucks fans really do provide a level of analysis that I don’t

Think every fan base has right like I I just I got to say that right bugs fans are incredibly astute with a lot of the stuff now having said that though there’s a difference between criticizing someone making suggestions as to what they’re doing wrong and even pointing out mistakes versus saying yeah this

Person doesn’t deserve to be coach anymore pull him right and it’s completely irrational to look at it at this point when this team is 25 and 11 right because it’s almost like you’re basically saying they’re 251 they’re not good enough they’re going to lose first round exit from the playoffs they’re not

Going to make it right it’s a massive uh under achievement they were underwhelming this year you gotta go based off what you see in January and it’s just like guys that’s that’s that’s not how this thing works yeah no absolutely Michael Ben says last year I

Think the Bucks were 25 and 13 too all they need is different type of role players they don’t need to do huge upgrades Chris Dunn Lonnie Walker Etc Lonnie Walker would be great Chris Dunn you know you know little set beginning if you can do that for if you could do

That for like a Pat conton or something like you know in some second you know yeah I I would do that um one one order business we have to address here um Deco 123 you know what we are so there’s a guy named Dean Chase who’s coming in and

He’s a Celtics fan and he says the Bucks suck so you know what we’re gonna we’re gonna get him out of here we’re gonna get him out we’re gonna boot him out of here get out of here you’re in a Timeout for 24 hours out of here yeah that’s

What we do to Dean Chase get him out of here uh so all his messages have been deleted thank you deco1 123 uh for getting this guy technical foul on the play uh and you’ve been ejected from the chat uh uh let’s get man Let’s do let’s do a

Game ball hey he can still watch right can he still watch hey I I don’t know if he can still watch you can still watch whatever you’re doing you on the side I don’t care if you watch you got you have to watch from the showers big dog get

Him up out of here um go join campaign yeah go join C right go join campaign uh and I and I thought who’s that Jabar Smith that put gave uh Giannis a little forearm shivered too um the 11 King says who’s currently playing worse our backup point guard or Center I guess you

Talking about a starting center if I did say that I would say uh I would say it’s it’s campaign who’s playing worse than Brook because Brook still get some quality blocks in I you know I think that and I think the only I say on Brook

Lope I think there’s a lot of pressure on him because because of the the perimeter defense and not things not even being funneled towards him in a way that makes sense and also the other again you guys say I can’t criticize aen Griff and I will the other thing I think

That that Griff you know has to think about is I think we hug up on three-point Shooters too much and I think there’s a guy on Twitter was talking about this and one thing I was like oh yeah that was a great idea we hug up on three-point Shooters there’s

Not as much help and so if you think about it again you know typically we were getting you know threes last year in and in the bud era three balls killed us and this year you look at the Indiana game teams are are just attacking us and

Killing us inside and some of that reason is because there’s not as much collapsing inside the paint versus where number one guys are getting blown by which is not a Griffin’s fault that’s just we’re just not as good with Dam Malik Beasley up there but then they’re

Hugging but Giannis is hugging his guy and whoever else is in the game is hugging their God because we’re like we’re not give these three-point shots and now it’s almost just like a parade to the basket coming at Brook Lopez and Brooks got to you know try to defend

These shots and again I do think he’s a little bit slower and not as good as he was in the years past and just all those things kind of add up you know for Brook so I do think he just has a lot of

Pressure on him so if I had to get if I had to pick I would say campaign is playing better worse than Brook Lopez I 100% would agree with that can’t look look I’m so done with campaign get that man how what can we get for campaign can we get anything for

Campaign probably not and he started off shooting the ball so well I think he’s still shooting the ball well for the through the season but it’s but yeah it has not has not looked good um for for Mr for Mr campaign uh stack listen I’m

I’m damn near ready to say hey hey I heard John Wall got some spare time with John Wall I’m not ready to say that um sta G says I hope y’all are right boss but this week against High Caliber playoff contending teams uh is very

Telling to me well like I said I don’t think Houston the high cattle playoff team I think you’re talking about the schedule coming up um and we like said we we we’ll get to it but you know we we you know we can we can start there and

Kind of kind of talk about it because it is going to be uh one hell of a schedule that the Bucks are coming in on so the Bucks do have uh the jazz on Monday night will be off Monday night um because National Championship so I think you know everybody enjoy watching the

National champ Championship along with the Jazz bucks but then yeah you have I mean it’s a it’s an interesting you know I don’t again I don’t want to call it a gauntlet but it’s Celtics Warriors Kings Cavs that’s going to be a stretch where you’ve got you know the and again the

Warriors are not playing you know great um Saturday night there’s a there’s a good chance that could be the first game Draymond Green comes back that could definitely be be a chance that Draymond Green comes back in that game um but uh but you know the Cel is going to be a

Big one war is going to be there Kings have have you know and again they’re not playing as well as they did last year but it’s going to be it’s going to be interesting um uh to see what what happens uh in this uh in this stretch that comes up for the

Bucks yeah I mean this is this is this is gonna be an intense week right I got I got Thursday Circle listen I want to see what time it is on Thursday January 11th here we go it’s another chance to match up against Boston right I don’t

Yeah I mean again this is not our super this is this is not our this is not oh it’s gonna be a lot of people super January 11 is gonna be a lot of people Super Bowls John TI yeah it’s not our Super Bowl guys if we win by 20 great if

We lose by 20 not the end of the world right again just want this we just want this dub over the Celtics but you know but that’s something that you do want to see this team match up and if anything you want to see this team come out and

Compete I want to see guys coming out and competing against there I I 100% do remember Draymond Green got a little scared the last time he was in the five form talking about somebody was giving him a pass and Draymond was in his feelings over that right so you know welcome welcome back

Sir I don’t know it was an and we’ll we’ll talk about on our our wrap up on our look ahead yeah but so we’ll get to that in one second green thing um game ball you know we we as we Hast to a close here game ball I think we said we

Both giving it to Giannis right 100% jannis yeah even in a loss even in a loss I think yeah you got to give it to jiannis 487 uh two assists 16- 25 from the field phenomenal game from y z kmo um so yeah he’s obviously 100% going um

To get the game ball let’s uh take a quick look around the league and see what happened tonight any interesting scores bucks lose 112 108 Nicks win 121 105 of the Wizards the Celtics beat the Pacers it’s the Pacers team again they’re 205 um but you know I

Again they clearly put all their basket their all their eggs in in season tournament and beaten the Bucks and now you’re losing to Boston so hold your horses there Tyrese halberton the jazz beat the 76ers again the Jazz again it’s going to be a tough the Jazz are 17 20

Not going to be any pushovers you got to go beat him um but again it’s a game where Joel and B did not play um and yeah okay so that that was the end of the schedule tonight um I did want to talk for a second about about Draymond

Green again he could potential so it was announced tonight or yet today the league announced that Draymond Green was have been reinstated and I believe the I believe the wizard excuse me the Wizards I believe the Golden State Warriors said that he would need about a week to get

Into game shape so again today is January the well it was the 6th when that was was announced so that was Saturday the sixth well it’s in the east coast where it’s the seventh over here but that would put him on track to play the 13th against the Milwaukee Bucks

That Saturday um at Road game against the Bucks my only question because again we this show has gone on that’s probably our longest show of the year uh we got a lot to say I a lot to say tonight but I do want to ask you before we get out of

Here John so he’s a repeat offender he said all these things happen to him they’re playing the especially if it comes out on a Saturday night what what do you think H like if the league is clearly going to be watching him to the point where this

Is going to be like a this probably like a 13 game suspension or so that he’s or you know it’s going to be out for 13 or so games that’s a pretty lengthy you know time to be off and you’re now on the list where people are watching you

Let’s say he comes in for you know him and Bobby porage get into it him him a jaon Jr has shown the propensity that he ain’t bagging down from nobody either like is Draymond Green is he going to just walk like if a confrontation happens on the

Floor is he just GNA walk away because if you get into it with anybody for anything at all you can’t it’s almost like the John Mor thing like if you come back all right we gonna let you back you come back and the first thing you do is get

Into some altercation don’t you don’t I have to suspend you again how does that work like what is the leash going to be for Draymond Green and I’m just very interested for guy who makes a living off playing hard-nosed defense who is not as skilled as a lot of the other

Players he’s just more hard-nosed and tough and that his game is based on toughness his game is based on on being tough and being I’m yeah and talking how do you play that way when you’ve just been suspended and the league is finally stepping in and say hey we don’t want to

See none of this no more how do you how do you even play I’m just I’m just curious as to what the protocol is for him is he able to yeah because again everybody something go down you know you can get in there mix it up with he I

Don’t think he’s going to be able to do like I don’t think he’ll be allowed to do I think there’s going to be some repercussions if he does that so I just wonder Saturday night against the Bucks it’s going to be interesting to see kind of you know if somebody tries him if

Somebody gives him a hard fou somebody runs up on him Kyle says the books don’t have anybody um oh here we go k Kyle said Kyle said let a n saying no that’s oh here we go listen man I man well look at what jayen uh jayen

Milro started I mean listen like he that’s the brand link right we letting all um no but I I think that uh yeah I think Dre Dre Draymond Green you’re in a tough spot now because your brand is you literally have to Pivot from what your

Brand is and has been at this point yeah and everybody has a set of eyes on you and at some point you’re going to stop getting chances right at some point I think if something else happens there’s going to be an even lengthier suspension right and you may even you may even you

May you may he may not play the rest of the season I mean who knows right because at this point you have all if you look at in the aggregate you have numerous instances of these dirty plays from him and you keep seeing it and it’s

Clear that if you do something else now you did not learn from the last time he learn from the time before that either let’s be honest I mean and and and and personally I don’t think there was anything or anything that was needed I thought that was a joke I think the

Issue was the management of Draymond you let him you let him act this way without consequences internally and externally that’s the issue right the issue is that man don’t need to go he don’t need to go find God because he act like this he’s a dirty player he know what he doing right

He didn’t know what he doing he go to church right speaking of which man I sure hope these bucks players are in church tomorrow morning all y’all need to go go get that inspiration right that get out of get out of lucid okay get out

Of lucid man Justin say boys is boys is uh uh uh uh standing up on couches in the club get out of get out get out of looser whatever y’all going downtown and go to church tomorrow morning get your minds right get your bodies right get

Your soul right and let’s see if we can attack this now right let’s see if we can attach attack this next week right and you can take Dr Griffin there with you because he can’t do it all yep no 100 perc listen man I’m I’m with you

There 100% I think it’s a big week for the Milwaukee Bucks uh Jazz Celtics Warriors King and then like I said if you can go through that if you can go through that you know you should beat the Jazz I’m really not even counting that give me if

You can beat go three and one through that through that stretch right there through that four give me three and one through that stretch and then listen you got it you got s you got Cavs pistons pistons Cales Cales like you have a very like it gets

Real nice for you um if you can take care of business through that four game stretch uh it’s it’s really not that bad so we’ll see if the Bucks are able to to do that John tus I give you uh any final thoughts as we wrap this thing up on a

Bucks uh on on a fun Cream City crossover tonight Buck losing 112 108 ugly night right ugly night but you know we we hey it’s gonna happen sometimes right we told y’all for a long time we take the gritty with the pretty right and tonight H we we ain’t get a

Win so we got our takeaways have been what they’ve always been but I think at this point right we’re we’re 25 and 11 at this point and we got 46 games left so the sky is not falling I say this I know I sound like a broken record but I

Think at this point let’s look ahead to the next week let’s see how the Bucks respond they’ve had a terrible week this week let’s look forward to a strong week next week and again the roster right now is not going to be the roster in the future just remember that you know and

That’s not that’s not a ceiling as the roof type statement I’m I’m serious there right like the roster today is not going to be the roster in March so man also also I believe Jay Crowder should be returning within the next couple weeks as well yep he absolutely should

So that’ll be definitely a big thing um for him I believe he should I believe he started five and five Court activity so that’ll be big for Milwaukee Bucks to get him back we’ll see when the first traes come I I I you know a predictor I

Do have I do think it’s going to be a very very heavy um um trade deadline I think it’s going to be I think going be a lot of moves seems like a lot of teams are selling and buying and I don’t know I don’t know if there’ll be a

Blockbuster move that gets made or quote unquote Blockbuster um move that gets made in the NBA but I think a lot of people are going to be willing dealing um trying to sh up their basketball teams stack G does mention the Bucks always struggle in Utah that has been

Traditionally true um but again you know we’ll see kind of kind of what happens Utah is the ugliest jerseys they’re just so plain and boring in in the entire Association um but again tonight is 112 go ahead we playing blackjack right now and we got a 14 you know what that

Means you know what that means you got a hit yeah absolutely that’s kind of where we at at this point hey we got we got to hit yeah yeah you got a hit you got 14 yeah come on you got hit yeah you got to hit you gota keep keep rolling um and

Again I think the Bucks are okay I think they’re going to absolutely do that and so I I feel very confident John horse I feel confident Adrian Griffin I feel confident and I listen I I a lot of the show tonight we’ve been on John T for 82

Minutes um we’ve we’ve done a lot of talk I know we’ve been doing a lot of talk about Damen Lillard I have full confidence in Damen Lillard I I’ll tell you again I I really do I’m talking a lot of trash about him but I have a lot

Of confs in Dam L I think get it together um sometime you know around March you know hopefully earlier but I think it’ll be around March or whatever it is I I I trust Dam little because I’ve seen a lot of guys in Milwaukee that have played very well through this

Time of the season and then you get down to April and May and and they don’t show up I’m looking at Javon Carter I’m looking at sometimes I’m looking at Drew holiday I’m I’m looking at a lot of the guys that I’ve seen play like they could

Play and then you know when it come down to it they don’t so uh a 112 108 loss to the Houston Rockets we are off uh Monday night to let you guys and everybody enjoy the National Championship uh between uh Washington and Michigan who who you got real quick before we get out

Who you Gott uh man I want to go with them Washington Huskies but I I I I I think I think m i mean I want to go with the Wasington husy problem is Washington defense last timeck is like 118th in the country gets the pass

Uh the way michig the way Michigan runs that offensive line you know they they can they can CH and burn on you and run out the clock kind of beat you up a little bit I don’t know man I mean I I want to say Washington but if it was my

Money’s on the line I might have to go with Michigan yeah I agree I’d love to see Michael penis Jr do it and you know I think that’s a a better cooler story for me um but I know the Jim Harbor thing is is pretty interesting too so uh

I I you know I I I probably I do think Michigan uh is going to get that win and finish things out uh bucks lose it tonight 112 108 to the Houston Rockets we appreciate everybody for joining us tonight locking in Rocking with us that

Was a fun fun show uh 84 minutes long fun show for tonight uh Cream City crossover don’t forget this is a had this program has been brought to you by Cream City Media Group um was fun 11218 from the Cream City crossover from the guru Trey Crosby the third JT hey don’t

Take no wood Nichols

Giannis put up video game numbers, but it was not enough for the Bucks to take down the Houston Rockets.


  1. Right now, there are just too many people not playing well. Giannis looks great but everyone else is struggling. I think Dame will figure it out.

    But Bobby Portis, Brook Lopez and Pat Connaughton minutes are killing us. 2 out 3 of these guys probably need to be packaged for something.

  2. Bucks are done for they can't save their season. They're stuck with booby portis and pat counaugthon, they hired a clown coach and khris and Lopez are washed

  3. For those who think that Giannis should give up shot attempts + usage rate to Dame in order for this team to reach its true ceiling , I'm going to remind yall that whenever Giannis tried to insert Dame into a game , we ALWAYS played worse and lost with the exception of the home opener against Philly . The most painful example of that was during the In Season Tournament Semis inwhich Giannis was doing whatever he wanted against Indiana and somehow he barely got ANY touches in the 4th when the game was on the line ……
    Stop making excuses for Dame's lack of rhythm and effort this season . A player of Dame's skillset and IQ should be able to hit open looks and make defenses pay when they overcommit to Giannis .Offensively he plays like last year's Jrue but without the defense . He needs to step up and be better !

  4. Here we go again, absolving Griffin from ANY criticism. You guys know ball, and i like watching your videos, but you gotta open your eyes and realize this guy is out of his element. Completely in over his head. You guys are baffled that Beasley only got 16 min and 4 shots? How is Griffin not to blame for that? The guy damn near shooting 50% from 3. How do we not let him launch up at least 8 per game? How is the coach get no blame when this team looks uninspired every single night? He doesn't have this team's respect, and it's obvious. Giannis with another subtle jab in post-game comments naming everything they need to improve and said "We need to be coached better." Bobby calling Griffin out a few weeks back. I guarantee these guys are looking for more clear direction and leadership from their head coach, but hes lost.

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