@Toronto Raptors

Raptors Outlook with Brian Scalabrine | JD Bunkis Podcast

Raptors Outlook with Brian Scalabrine | JD Bunkis Podcast

Not hoping for a Raptor’s win but I’m hoping for it to be competitive and I’m hoping that if there’s carryover it’s from the little bit of bad blood that has happen between these two teams doesn’t matter who the coaches are doesn’t matter who the players are and

It seems to happen Brian scalabrini The White Mamba former NBA forward and current Celtics analyst for NBC and host on series 6m NBA what’s up brother how we doing great to have you back I’m doing well is there beef between these two teams that I’m unaware of well you

Know remember from early in the season Missoula made that challenge late in the game it was a blowout and he challenged a play and the Raptors went what are you doing this game is over it’s it’s a beat down and you’re challenging some Ticky Tac play late in the fourth quarter the

Raptors didn’t take it too well their coach Darko was Furious about it Dennis schruder came out pretty publicly against it Missoula had to defend himself there is the chippiness that’s there there’s beef buddy it hurts this is the thing this is the thing dude I

Hate to say it I hate to say it so much to you but we are we’re in the elevator with you and the Celtics are Don Draper and we’re constantly talking about Celtics and the Celtics look at the Raptors like we don’t think about you at all like we think there’s a rivalry

Sucks I hate it oh yeah we have a lot of those so I know rival with us I know we’re just another one with the heat that’s it you guys are Derek Jeter and we’re leaving with the basket like that was special right Derek and he’s like yeah for

Sure well I thought that was a lot of misdirection like there’s a lot of this going around the VA where a team gets beat down and they focus on something like some un Sportsman like conduct because they don’t have to talk about the Beatdown so to me that was total

Misdirection of the Raptor saying yeah yeah we’re really mad at Joe and it’s that’s unfair what about getting smoked you guys want to talk about that the thing is we’ve talked about that a lot here like we talked we’ve been doing a we did a year and a half of that before

The the trade was why why do the Raptors suck why are they not getting any better why is it that they keep running this back and trying to expect different results but they they finally did it right they they made this trade where they bring in quickley who’s been a

Revelation for them they bring RJ Barrett home they lose OG who’s one of the best defensive players in the NBA but it was just it was very clear it was time for the Raptors to make a trade I’m curious what what did you think in the

Moment I like quickly a lot I think he could be a lead guard on your team um if they believe that then then there you go I would always say like this has been done in the past where you take a backup and you make him a lead guard and

Sometimes the guy thrives and he’s amazing sometimes the guy struggles you know doing it every night in night out or you know being the focus of a scouting report but you know as far as what I’ve seen him quickly I’ve seen quickly drop maybe had like 37 on the

Celtics one night when he got opportunity to play so I think he’s a real deal so I like that trade the only thing I don’t know is direction right and I didn’t know that last year when they got yaka purle I love the yaka Perle I was like telling the Celtics you

Got to go get get this guy and at the last minute Raptors swoop in and I I understand if you’re trying to win yaka perto is a winning player but I don’t know what they’re trying to do they clearly have the guy in my my opinion

The guy being Scotty Barnes I don’t I’m not I don’t agree with Darko like face of the league but he’s had a chance to be a an all-nba first team player he’s that good so I um I like the direction that he’s trending um as far as like

Your team and where you’re going and stuff like that are they going to pay seaka and if they’re not going to pay seak maybe they should probably move off of him and try to get some assets for him and you know going down that that

The asset game to the draft game to the free agent game they’re not in a bad position because fans are amazing up there every I don’t you know like Toronto has great support great fans great all that stuff so I would I I would assume that they would continue to

Go like kind of down that road if uh of of a quick turnaround not like Oklahoma City or Philadelphia in the past where they tank for five or six years no well the thing about Toronto is there’s no appetite for that and it’s not MSU jer’s

Way but also it’s just they feel like staying competitive is the better way to build and I think that’s going to be the way with Scotty Barnes is they’re they’re going to be too good to be a tanking team and up here I I don’t know it just it it doesn’t seem

To it it it doesn’t seem to be even a possibility of the way they’re going to do moving forward it’s like a it’s can can I just clarify that a little bit so you you take your parts right and you and you you say like seak purle whoever

You get as many assets as you can and then you trade for a star player because I I believe like like if you’re Oklahoma City and you got 17 first round draft picks and you trade for a star player there’s no guarantees that star player is gonna sign back 100% I know I

Understand the Qui Leonard situation I’m sure you guys are scarred from that but he’s like a different dude most guys in the NBA when they go to Toronto I think nowadays and they uh and they get traded there and they have a chance to make a

Lot of money I do believe that they would resign there so I don’t say tank I say like some off you know kind of sell off your your assets for like picks and stuff like that and go out there and and and look for a guy that you feel like um

You could build like not you don’t have to build around them if quickly and Barnes are the guy you could trade for another third piece and that’s maybe better than what you currently have yeah I think that’s what’s really interesting about where they’re at right now is um

It’s it’s not about winning I think a little bit of Bloom is going to come off the rose on this trade if they they continue to lose right they’ve lost three straight and they had a valiant effort against the Clippers right and they got jobed by the officials uh

That’s what led to that rant and then everybody else focused on the face of the league thing was like how about we focus on the free throw discrepancy and that LeBron cries about the refs every single night and then it goes his way and he’s like the refs are amazing they

Were so good guys have you SE the he’s LeBron is truly amazing for sports radio but imagine it went the other way every day Imagine That the free throws went the other way and I think he his quote was his quote was I feel like they

Fouled and we didn’t and I feel if he would have lost it would have his quote probably would have been so are you telling me that we fouled and they didn’t that would have been the LeBron quote so incredible stuff from him but yeah if the Raptors lose to Celtics

Tonight that’s four straight losses and then they’ve got the heat coming up so it’s it’s going to be tough to see them start to stack wins together but man I if they can figure out the right trade for SE yakum that that will be the big game changer now for the franchise

Moving forward because it’s clear they have Barnes we might have something here and quickly right there’s there’s flashes of a guy that could be a guy like you said it everybody seems to love him he comes into your building and you go damn that guy seems like he should

Get more burn that guy feels like he should get more ball but they had Brunson he was buried he had to do it the question is all right they they’re going to move off zakum that’s everybody’s saying it Chris Haynes actually recently just said that it

Feels imminent to him um there’s been a couple of different suitors Dallas feels like they’re in the mix the Golden State Warriors are looking to make a change I’m gonna ask you just from the NBA standpoint who who would you like to see cakam go to like what’s the team right

Now out west because that’s what it sort of feels like is Sacramento Dallas Golden State Western teams maybe Indiana here but to me I don’t know I that that feels a little too premature for them um who’s the team that you’d really like to see cakam go to I

Mean the Indiana thing is only interesting because of Benedict Maan I don’t know if they’ll move off Benedict Marin but if he he a Canadian guy and I think he’s a stud like an absolute stud right and I think it’s only a matter of time before he’s the one that’s figuring

It out right like we just talked about quickly but outside of that like I think Dallas um would be the team that I could see SE yakum going to because shakum has a great mindset for the NBA from this standpoint like whether he is as good as

Those other guys or not he believes that he is and he plays like he is and he believes that he should be successful like a Luca Donis or a Kyrie Irving so I think to to be around those type of guys you got to have a mindset like that so

Dallas would be the one where I think that he can actually move the needle now if if they have things that you guys are interested in or not I don’t know but um but I think from if you’re asking from a league standpoint um I I do think I I

I’m like fine with Sacramento um I kind of like Harrison Barnes on that team a little bit like he kind of stays out of the guys way but he has the ability to get 20 so like seakan would come in kind of upset the apple cart a little bit

There but I think Dallas needs a little upsetting of the Apple card if you would say so I think if any team out there I would if I was a mass I’d be aggressively going after seak yeah I I’m with you I I like I like siakam’s fit

With Dallas the most I think it would be cool to watch him step in beside Luca where he has a clear number one that’s a closer in games where it’s he’s there with Kyrie and another guy who’s a closer late in games and that taking the pressure off cakam I think is brilliant

For him we would just be talking about wow he’s a perfect fit he just he’s a guy that will mesh with that team good you know good passer good playmaker smart player good defensive player the problem from Toronto’s side is every rumor always involves Josh Green as the

Like main piece coming back to Toronto and I think Josh Green is just fine but he’s not one of those guys like quickly right or even kaminga from I’m not a kaminga guy I don’t really see it I don’t really love that a guy that’s on the Golden State Warriors that won a

Championship is already bitching about minutes when he’s 21 years old and he shoots like 30% from three uh but at least there you can see the upside right you can see how you could hit a home run with a player like that the Dallas trade package that it there just doesn’t seem

Like a home run that could come back to Toronto you you asked me from the NBA standpoint the other way but I I 100% if you’re asking me from Toronto standpoint Jonathan kaminga is the guy so I don’t I of all the of all the pieces out there

If I can get my hands on kaminga I’m doing that and uh oh 21 years old like even if he’s your third or fourth best player you’re like you’re good you know like like him complaining about minister to Steve cerr is like him listening to his friends while they play video games

And him going to the media and saying it afterwards you know any 21 year olds like they’re different yeah they’re brutal so so it’s like I’m not taking any stock into a 21y old complaining about it’s just like you’re just misinformed about life man so but as a

Player he’s a he’s a real athlete he’s um he’s improved every year you have to admit that like go back go back two years ago go back last year and then look this year like the guy is improving so if Toronto is everything they’re cracked up to be which you should you

Should believe in your organization then I would definitely go after kiga and say you know the Warriors thing let me just explain like and I’ll be real candid here like not every player in growing up is is accustomed to playing the style that the Warriors play like I would have

Done fine there like I like to move around and pass the ball and cut and do all these things that like no one ever in my life told me here’s the ball go play but 99% of star players that make it to the NBA they get the ball put in

Their hands and they say go to work right so Jonathan kaminga even when he was good enough and the g-league ignite they were giving him the ball and saying go to work he’s never a give him the ball and go to work type of guy but but

With the Warriors he’s never going to be that right so for his so you guys play a little bit of that you let see aam kind of bump at the top of the key you let Scotti Barnes do his thing like who knows if Jonathan kaminga has like an IT

Factory clearly has the it Factor when it comes to athletically like gu Dem man’s a F1 race car so like trusted coach trust the organization you brought in the coach to develop guys that’s his I know he’s a good basketball coach I I think he does a good job but he’s he

Made his bones in the NBA by working with players and getting the most out of them so so why not go out there and get the F1 race car and see what you could do with it so I would 100% if I was Toronto be looking at and I would and

Because they have a lot of money why not take on a Wiggins contract like they they’ll be fine with that if they can figure out you know like the math of all that and and and you know it doesn’t it doesn’t hinder them with a second apron

I’m I’m going after uh Jonathan kaminga in that trade yeah I I think that might end up being the highest ceiling deal for Toronto especially I just I don’t see Sacramento um parting with Keegan Murray and so if it’s yeah that’s what I mean is that’s that they want him and I

Keep going like yeah I don’t that’s nice that you want him no yeah whoever’s writing that is like doing PR work for the Raptors like like no way you’re trading it uh yeah it would be tough for Kings fans if they make that trade and all of a sudden five years later you’re

Like wait we traded Tyrese halberton and uh keeg Murray it was bad and where did we get the second round oh yeah no thanks

Brian Scalabrine, former NBA Forward and current Celtics analyst on NBC and SiriusXM, joins JD Bunkis ahead of tonight’s Raptors-Celtics matchup to weigh in on Toronto’s new-look roster post-trade, as well as where he’d like to see Pascal Siakam end up.


0:00 – Toronto’s New Look
6:29 – Potential Siakam Destinations


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  1. I don't know if that's so much beef as just friendly competition. We're in the same division. Celtics/Raptors have crossed paths a ton over the years.

  2. Scalabrine says he doesn’t see Scottie being face of the league, yet Scottie has better numbers than Tatum did at the same stage of his career. Its horseshit

  3. Darko meant face of the league like all the all stars are the faces of the league it was equally about Scotty lack of voting

  4. The only rivalry is between n b a referee and toronto raptors.. What's the point of watching n b a basketball when you know.. There's no competition. it's all rigged.. pall george pushes people off like he's playing football . Lebron and Ad flopping all over the basketball court.. N b a referees have destroyed basketball.. No that's miss direction mister american…lol

  5. What about 23 fouls to 2. What about crook referees. What about rigged games. What about that mister american sore loser. Why is sports net not saying anything about.. Why you keep blaming the players like they have any choice .. 😅

  6. If the raptors value kuminga why did they not draft cam Whitmore?? If they needed PG why didn't they draft keyonte goerge. Shooting y didn't they draft Jordan Hawkins….every single asset the media seems to value could have been drafted except Barrett. Barrett is the only talent that we had to trade for and couldn't draft for ourselves.

  7. Toronto has great support. Great fans but too bad. They get ripped off every year by the referees.. What's the point..

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