@National Basketball Association

[Highlight] Curry falls down, complains to the ref and only then she calls the foul as the Grizzlies are in disbelief at what just happened

[Highlight] Curry falls down, complains to the ref and only then she calls the foul as the Grizzlies are in disbelief at what just happened

by Zhugo


  1. TitanTigers

    That’s honestly so fucking embarrassing for Curry and the ref

  2. not only is it a late whistle, it’s not even a foul! lol

  3. How’s that not a flopping tech. These players act like they’re made of tissue paper.

  4. Niceguydan8

    That’s really bad – even for a late call

  5. LamboJoeRecs

    My favorite is the ‘wait to see if it goes in’ officiating

  6. Thehelloman0

    This was the right call, Williams tripped Curry with his left foot

  7. Sit_on_and_rotate

    I swear she is the worst when it comes to just straight out guessing fouls

  8. Big-Addition-310

    Lmao it’s so funny cause the NFL is going to continue to steam roll the nba and now college football is gonna start to steam roll them as well. College football is poorly run and it still does better than the NBA.

    I love the league n won’t stop watching but the future isn’t bright.

  9. Baby_Yod4

    Naaah that’s the LATEST call I’ve ever seen in my life. These refs are shameless at this point

  10. kosmos_uzuki

    Fuck Adam Silver and fuck his shitty product.

  11. BillNye69

    Heinous. League needs to take action, this is becoming unwatchable.

  12. dakotausually

    Hell even Steph looked surprised he got the call that late

  13. Fantastic_Dizzy

    This reminds me of watching soccer honestly

  14. Buffalo_Bread

    As a ref fan, that was a clutch call. I was afraid they were going to let them play on, but I breathed a sigh of relief when they blew the whistle.

  15. No_Entertainment5853

    Do they put refs through classes? I feel that everyday I see a new moment where a ref called a crazy foul that didn’t happen or failed to call a foul on something that did happen

  16. lol these new refs yo.

    Wait until the playoffs, folks. Hope y’all are ready for chaos.

  17. thedam100

    When did curry get a whistle like this???? Why hasn’t been using these whistle powers all season????!!!

  18. dubler2020

    Looks like he should have had a free throw there as well.

  19. Cockrocker

    Clap, sometimes gives you a call, some times it’s a tech.

  20. peanutbutterandjae

    Well that’d be an ejection for Tatum 2 claps 😱

  21. Anhedonic98

    Lots of people complaining about refereeing throughout ALL sports, but i havent yet seen many people actually try to suggest solutions?

    Do we need to fire every ref and replace them? Does it start from the top down? Does it start with holding refs accountable and punishing poor calls more?

    The more I watch sports as a fan, the more I realize how impossible it seems to actually solve the problem. Not sure how many people have actually reffed anything, but I can’t imagine making these sort of calls in literally a split second, most of them 50/50 calls where nobody what decision you make one side will be pissed, with a stadium full of people pressuring you to make the right call, the players and coaches ALL trying to influence your decisions each and every single play, it just seems like a tall order to ask of ANYBODY, obviously videos like this are blatant and stupid but damn, i feel like most of the time refs deserve atleast a little bit of slack, though i suppose im in the minority on this

  22. GillbergsAdvocate

    He tripped Steph. Foul was the right call

  23. Just replace the refs with AI and denounce gambling relationships.

  24. Kid_Crayola

    NBA talent and parity (except the pistons lol) is at an all time high

    but the reffing has never looked worse

  25. ellonite1

    Correct call if you look at the slowed down clip someone posted but gotta call that early

  26. Wonderful-Ant-2958

    Steph doesnt get calls tho 😂😂😂😂😂

  27. BGMDF8248

    “Oh sorry Mr Curry, here’s your foul” regardless if it was or not.

  28. Ironic to see a post and comments full of people complaining about the reffing, yet over half the upvoted comments failed to see the trip, even with a replay.

  29. prettyflyforahentai

    The comments in here are more embarassing than the ref calling the trip late.

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