@Los Angeles Clippers

Realistically how far do you see this team going if they’re fully healthy?

Realistically how far do you see this team going if they’re fully healthy?

by IcebergLounge


  1. Baby_Yod4

    If the playoffs started today I don’t think we can beat Denver or OKC rn. So WCF or second round depending on match ups

  2. Rodriguez030

    Finals but Boston will get the championship

  3. buyanisland

    Not as far as they would if they got a power forward

  4. blackakainu

    Game 6 of the finals. Win or lose thats when itll be decided

  5. _konflict

    downvoting anyone that says we’re not winning it all

  6. ThaEternalLearner

    I think the Clips can win it all but it’s sad to see people getting downvoted over a opinion. I guess honesty is not allowed on this sub.

  7. IndividualHelpful820

    Easy title. All we need healthy Kawhi

  8. magnificentmeatwad

    A year ago I would’ve said the WCF. Now that we have Russ, he’s the difference maker. He’s the key to us winning a championship.

  9. DelightfulKiss

    We definitely have a chance of winning it. Despite losing to the wolves, we had a lot of great looks last time, just didn’t fall. If we stick to this core, we’re a championship team for atleast 3 years.

  10. Comfortable_Care2715

    All the way… but I’m not getting excited till we get to the western conference finals

  11. They can win it all if they healthy and a little luck

  12. BurghFinsFan

    They have the potential to win it all as long as they stay healthy. Not going to jump to any conclusions though, just enjoying the ride. It’s been a fun season since the 3-7 start.

  13. Any_Relief8662

    The finals I believe Pg got it in him🥱

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