@Atlanta Hawks

Atlanta Hawks’ HC Quin Snyder After Win Over Spurs

Atlanta Hawks’ HC Quin Snyder After Win Over Spurs

Well you know the way that we played in the first half um you know two you can have two things happen in a game at once and you can be um really you can feel really good about a win especially on this day um but you can also hold yourselves

Accountable for not being focused in the second half and I thought I think we played hard but being focused on the same things that we did in the first half and I want our team to feel good about that and I want us to dig in and

Figure out how to continue to do that throughout the course of the game and that to me that’s just that’s Focus it’s a collective Focus it’s no one guy it’s all of us and uh that’s something we’ve got to get better at speaking of that first half you guys held Victor Bama to

You know no points just what was working for you guys to kind of isolate him or or take him away from the basket yeah the thing about that the the good thing about that is that no one was thinking about that we were thinking about the fact that we held the

Spurs and that’s what our mindset has to be because when he’s running to the rim and they’re throwing it over the top of us that’s not the same guy every time you know and no one’s saying that’s my match in fact it’s no one’s match it’s

Our match and that mentality is is the mentality that we need that urgency and when something like that happens once you know we’ve got to dig in and not let it happen again coach when you look at that second half I know you mentioned the focus is that just a primary thing

Or is there several other things D no I think that you know there was some things that happened in the game you know way that you knew the Spurs they play hard um you know they’re connected you knew we had a great first half this is you know we played really

Really well and they missed some shots and the score reflected them um but at the beginning of the third quarter they raised their level and you know you have to anticipate that that’s going to happen and it’s not so much about it’s going to happen is how do we react to it

And sometimes even if you react well you know it teams you know he’s on a level competitively and has that urgy because they’re behind um so I thought you know they started picking up um we got a little stagnant we weren’t moving and what that usually means is is we’re not

As connected as we need to be on offense with you know everybody helping each other and that’s really the key for me okay I got one more yes so coach um you touching it a little bit right there but coming into today the net differential by quarter has been pretty

Decent in every quarter except the third um and actually the strongest one was in the second at about a plus 5.4 and in the third quarter it’s a – 12.4 and that’s the biggest swing after have time in the NBA and we saw that Trend continue tonight so is it more of a

Systemic thing or what can you speak to about that sort of discrepancy yeah I mean it’s obviously something that we’re aware of you know whether we’re 30th or 29th or 26th you know I think that it’s you know when you look at how we started the game tonight that that that’s in us

You know and you know that you know starting the third quarter the way we started the game and really really you can you know obviously the third quarter jumps out but I would offer that sometimes it’s the 10-minute Mark in the fourth for the 5 minute Mark sometimes it’s the two-minute Mark in

The first or the you know those swings for us we just got to we’ve got to get better at not allowing you know a few plays you know a six eight point run run to turn into a 152 run you know so certainly coming at halftime that that’s

You know a specific time where we can focus um because it’s there but it’s nothing that we’re not not aware of we just got to got to lock in and you know to your point whether we’re ahead or behind I think that’s the key thing for

Me you know we got to play the same way whether we we’re down we got to lead and that’s the focus I’m talking about coach just the last one for me um MLK game Hawks are usually a part of this um every year what did it mean to you

Tonight you know Dr Tommy Smith is in the building and just what does this mean for the Hawks well you know it’s a it’s a celebration you know and not you know his life and what he stood for and all the things that that he did that we

Have a chance to follow and benefit from um you not having lived here for the last you know decade you know I’ve been here before for a year I have a feel for the city um and I you know it’s a special day for the country I I think

Here in Atlanta um and it doesn’t diminish the significance of other places but here in Atlanta um you know because of the history of the city and you know a lot of other things it’s even more significant I think at least that’s how I feel and and same thing

Within our organization you know so the fact that we get to play today um I’m glad we won you know that that it’s a good win for a lot of reasons and uh had we lost it’s still celebratory day I’m just glad we get to double down with the

Win but it’s uh know it’s good for me personally and I think for our players or staff and for the Hawks organization to to be connected to that you know with the game at home is you know it’s a NE thing yes sir uh good

Game today by the way but what does it mean for you personally to coach on ML you know I I I remember the first time that that I coached on Christmas Day and um that was it was Christmas and you know that’s nice cuz you get to play

On Christmas this is this is much more significant you know and I think because I’m coaching the Hawks too you you know if we were coaching another team and you were here um I think it’s more special and more significant because you’re here and you feel it you know not just today

All right

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