@Boston Celtics

LIVE: Celtics vs Raptors Postgame Show | Garden Report

LIVE: Celtics vs Raptors Postgame Show | Garden Report

Can you say hard hats folks hard hats lunch P steal to a boots anything show of a championship this year is a failure look at this Boomer right here you’ve just got so much talent here somebody said we need to apologize for J can I call the John what are we apologizing

For what do we say what do we Do uh uh all right folks another one in the books another one in the books this time over the Border up in Toronto celex with a win over the Raptors 105 to 96 F little entertaining game on a on a Monday happy MLK day to everybody uh

Watching from home and um Celtics um you know this this was a good one from I would say from start to finish Bobby um you know they they they allowed the the third quarter come back as they’ve been known to do but not to the point where

Things got out of hand and they started to reil again this one without Jaylen Brown who who missed out this game they’re calling it a you know right knee you can call it rest whatever you wanna whatever you w to tell yourself to get to bed tonight but Jaylen Brown missed

This one and we’ll hope to see him back out there Wednesday um but they didn’t need him at the end of the day no Brown no problem um led by the guards how about that tonight leading scorers for the Celtics Derek White Drew holiday with 22 a piece holiday added seven

Assists I thought this was one of his better games not just because of the stats but I just think with Jaylen Brown out you look for guys like a holiday who’s we’ve talked about in the past who’s got that probably more of a sacrifice that he’s made this year than

The other guys in the starting lineup and he he sees an opportunity to step in when when there’s a a vacancy if you will and and he feels it and um you know that’s I think the mark of a championship team when guys are stepping

Into these roles on a pinch on a on a moment’s notice and they’re able to to overcome that so Bobby just you know we’ll start with you because you are or you were I don’t know if you’ve forly a Toronto on Toronto as your as your team

B you you can you can tell us if uh you have or not but they used to be back in the back in the original the original days the OG days of the garden report you were like maybe like one or two most popular guys in Toronto for a bit yeah

And I’ll ride with them I’m G to see it through the rebuild here and I do think the rebuilds coming eight straight the rebuild eight straight wins for the Celtics now over Toronto which would have been hard to imagine a couple years ago but uh this team’s obviously

Disbanding here but you still see them fight I think it was a three-point game in the first Toronto game this year these teams played Celtics really had a scrap and execute late in that game and same thing here a couple big runs by the Raptors to within six late uh the

Celtics led by 11 early and gave up a 23 to5 run yeah into the third so they never stopped attack in the basket new Dynamic obviously with quickley and Barrett involved those slashing guards were just super effective at points through this game I think Barrett

Started like eight for 11 so this was a pretty impressive effort by both of them I think the shooting was just horrible on the Toronto side so pretty amazing that despite shooting 12% from three they stay in this game right down to the wire uh that’s on their rebounding

That’s on their effectiveness inside cakam puts a lot of pressure on the rim and uh this is a rough one for porzingis trying to deal with that and he turned the ball over a bunch on offense too so you needed holiday you need weight to make some timely plays just a ridiculous

Three in the corner uh to close that one out ahead by six I believe at that point so he was great that was after turning his ankle too putting his foot down in the corner making sure he was in bounds a great pass by Tatum there some good

Exec ution in this game in the half court when the Celtics needed it thought Tatum was good in the second half of the third attack in the basket holiday is you mentioned Jimmy through out uh just in the pocket around the basket with a putback uh passing he had that feed to

Tatum for the back door cutting dunk at one point and he puts up these stats honestly night toight shirro like you don’t even notice it right it’s like oh crap holiday has seven rebounds I looked up tonight and was like he has seven assists when did that happen I feel like

We say that every night with him well we do uh and and the thing about drew that I’m getting a better handle and I think most people are as well is he has games where you’re just like maybe he’s lost a step or two maybe his shot isn’t quite

What it is and then there are a nights like this where a key gu is out and he’s allowed to essentially be more of the Drew holiday that we’ve seen on other rosters and he’s really good at pick at when to basically fill that void when they need him basically Paul Pierce

Always says give the game what he needs uh and that’s what Drew holiday consistently does but Bobby your earlier point about how um Toronto you know can’t believe how they were able to kind of hang in here shooting as bad as they were the Celtics were helping them

Because the cels not like crap too Celtics shot 40% from the field great for three-point range 41% that’s a that’s a good number from three-point range but I mean you start looking at the box scores of the Celtics I mean Tatum seven for 19 Al usually four for

10 Derek white seven for 18 Drew holiday was the one bright spot seven for 14 uh and the bench really didn’t have it go I mean brette did some good things I thought Sam Hower not really much of a factor pton missed six of the seven

Shots that he took so this was a game that I thought the Celtics this was a transactional win for me this was simply we show up we get the win we get the hell back to the United States there really was there wasn’t any type of of like emotional engagement or attachment

To this like I didn’t think the Celtics played down to them I didn’t think the Celtics got up for them I think the Celtics just said let’s just get here get the win and get the hell back home yeah and it’s they did it the hard way

Right because if you play this team later in the year it’s probably young guys and I guess in this one too you went up against jonte Porter OG’s gone you saw some of their young guys playing Off the Bench there but uh this is still a team that has yakam Barrett quickly

You know those guys with the Knicks gave you trouble every time you played them so you got their best in I’d say three out of the four games this year and you won all three of those so this is impressive stuff from the Celtics continuing to execute when they need to

I like Joe’s two timeouts in the fourth quarter sherad you know he saved all four for late and he needed them against some of those Raptors runs late the offense at times in this one was just a mess uh holiday had that turnover at half court uh you porzingis running into

The guys over and over again I think he had six turnovers in this one Tatum missed a lot of jump shots you mentioned Pritchard all the way down the line it just wasn’t a great shooting night and they really weren’t able to get up a lot

Of Threes this is normally a team that’s closer to 50 they finished this one with 39 and you knew right from the start Jimmy they went like 15 to eight in terms of shots in Toronto’s fave early on just because of turnovers because of extra uh you know shot opportunities by

The Raptors in this point it’s a great rebounding team you know so they put a lot of pressure on you there nine to five on the offensive glass so this is this is always a challenge against this team you know I I think this new coach

Is doing a good job there despite a transitional roster uh quickley is just a really tough guard to deal with Schroeder can get by mismatches so this is a bad team on paper but they play tough you know possession of possession in the game I thought Barnes had some

Really nice moments in this one too so I like this win a lot this is another road game where you just battled and pulled it out late there was a lot of good stuff here up and down we can get into some of the other individual performances you know starting with

Holiday here of course white I feel like he’s not playing as well recently but he’s still playing really well it’s just he was playing out of this world to start the year and then Horford I thought this might have been his best game of the season so some really good

Contributions from some of the depth guys here Horford with a couple timely uh shots in this game in the second a couple couple big threes and key moments and we haven’t really mentioned porzingis abil just ability to get to the free throw line tonight I thought that was

That was honestly a big difference maker because that happened a few of those did happen in the middle of the Raptors making that third quarter run I just to think porzingis his ability to sort of reset things slow it down a little bit don’t let the Raptors get too too hot

Because that’s when you know a guy like quickly no pun intended but he wants to get out he wants to keep things moving he can score in bunches I was thinking of you Jimmy they slowed the game down into that third quarter the later half of the third quarter and the Raptors

Just went dead I mean when they were out on the Run they were deadly when it became a halfcourt game the Celtics had a significant Advantage exactly and I I think again getting to the line driving to the hoop not taking those and I thought Tatum did it a couple times

Tonight but overall it kept it in check but sometimes those threes can you live by the three you die by the three if you’re missing if you’re not hitting those threes you’re just allowing the Raptors to get out on the break and do their thing in transition and luckily I

Think porzingis was one of the guys that was a to sort of recalibrate the team a little bit on the offensive end slow it down let the Celtics regain that lead and then they were able to kind of pull away in that fourth I know like was it

Hower that kind of Hit the dagger shot there to go up maybe I think it was 13 or 14 uh in that fourth quarter so um just their ability to to be able to come back from that uh it’s a sign of growth in in my opinion and again you know we

Talked about um holiday starting things off uh in Brown’s absence and then porzingis being able to do his thing this is the difference between maybe a loss last year and this tonight’s outome how many times have we said that this year yeah they’ve had at least seven

Eight nine games like that so far this year where you know damn well if the same situation presented itself a year ago we’d be talking we would be bitching and moaning about a bad loss and they’re finding ways to and this was a game again Toronto game we we always you it’s

So cliche to talk about it being a game of runs but this was really a game runs where Boston will be up by 14 and then Toronto will go on a run and go up by seven and Boston will go back on their

Run and go up by like 10 and it was it was that kind of game and those kind of games the Celtics at some point in the past have just said forget it’s just not our night and tonight they were just like no we’re just gonna find a way to

Win this game and it’s just going to be another transactional victory for us we’re gonna come here we’re going to play with them they’re going to keep it kind of close we’re not going to be perfect but we’re going to be perfect enough to get the win and the point that

Both you and Jimmy you and Bobby made that I think is key is they hit timely shots and it wasn’t just one guy right Tatum had his moments porzingis had his moments Hower had his moments Al had his moments Drew had his moments that’s what great teams do they have multiple guys

That can deliver the dagger or can deliver the final nail in the coffin so to speak and the Celtics you saw a lot of that down the stretch in this game yeah here I just feel like it takes a full 48 to beat this team I think team

Like the Raptors and teams that have sort of been close in the sense of coming into that fourth quarter when things changed they’re starting to learn that and I think when it comes to obviously Tatum taking over the way he did in the third quarter taking match to

His own hands makes a difference but the stic the RS did a really good job of just disrupting them and protecting the rim SEL they were they missed nearly more actually than onethird of their layups they were like what seven to 23 in the paint Toronto shot falling but no

No Celtics were Toronto was awful from from Deep but the Subic missed a lot of layups I thought that’s what really kept Toronto in it despite the fact that they were so ice cold from behind the AR you know uh the way they defended Christ porzingis I thought was was key as well

But the subs you know four of 32 I didn’t even I didn’t even uh yeah Overlook that number that is yeah Derek white Dereck white missed a huge layup and then he made a big three on the other end like what sherro said other guy stepping up as well after

Tatum that’s what really put the nail in the coffin for this for the uh for the Raptors yeah Bobby you had mentioned earlier off the top that you know the rebuilds coming for Toronto they just made a pretty big trade I would say borderline you know franchise altering

Type trade here I mean to some extent with trading OG to the Knicks and taking back um Barrett and quickly I imagine they didn’t do this so that they could rebuild in a couple years what is it about those two players do you think that Toronto that made Toronto uh make

That trade uh and do you think they got enough uh for OG or was it just a win-win on both sides like like I go back and forth on it RJ the problem for Toronto those two players are about to be expensive RJ signed a big extension quickly needs one

This summer so they must want to pay them right I mean yeah you know they probably like them they probably want to invest in them um and they needed a point guard badly I mean Malachi Flynn and Dennis Schroeder wasn’t getting it done for them after Lowry left a hate we

Knew we were gonna get it we knew we were G to get it but they they probably love quickly I think there’s some Tyrese Maxi like elements to his game you know they’re not exactly the same player but giving him more opportunity and room to

Play is I think a good thing for him and you know you just had to get off OG and get something back from him I think they got a second round pick from Detroit in that deal too so that’s a borderline first round pick in a couple years you’d

Have to imagine so it was decent value I know they were looking for like four first at one point for him of value and that just wasn’t happening and then his free agency comes up and it’s like oh crap so I think given that he’s an expiring contract they did really well

Same thing’s gonna happen for sakam here Indiana’s apparently in the mix Dallas um Detroit’s looking at him I mean yeah they want to get a you know Cornerstone guy in there it’s just so bad right now that you know the slow route’s not going to go great for them

So I’m interested to see who makes the big push it seemed like the kings were on the doorstep of a deal a week or two ago you know built around Harrison Barnes and probably some draft compensation but uh they backed out because sakam was gonna extend there so

Will he extend in some of these other cities does he want to stay in Toronto I mean it’s the only city he’s ever been in you know I think he’s a great fit up there in terms of the you know City so the I don’t know I don’t know what he

Wants he’s a great player he’s a champion uh Dallas I think think would be a really nice landing spot that would be huge for them yeah you know and they’re playing great right now um Grant is not so they need that help at the

Four he said it your boy gr had like one good month and after that it’s been it’s been suspect it’s been crickets team Grant has been Qui play them on Monday would not be shocked if the Raptors put together a package that has Grant coming in Toronto and pasc going to Dallas because

To me when I look at that Dallas roster and I look at Kyrie and Luca and potentially Pascal added to the mix they become a top tier team in the west they become a legit a l and because to me you’re need to send a lot more than

Grant then you are you absolutely and you’re gonna have to deplete that [ __ ] but if your core is Kyrie Luca and Pascal look at their big look at their big three in terms of complimenting not just the talent but the way they compliment each other you don’t have

Three guys that are going to be stepping over each other’s foots Kyrie has the ability to play on and in off the ball same thing with Luca and Pascal remember when he first came to the league he was just Mr energy just that guy what’s that he was a gie guy after

That Jimmy after the G well I mean I feel like he had to earn his got on the floor in the NBA his whole game was about energy and hustle and and then as time moved on he became a better face up shooter he became a better rebounder he

Became a better overall Defender and didn’t just rely on just being a high energy guy add a guy like that to the mix in Dallas you got a team that again they’re they’re a top tier team in the west if they can make that happen Dallas does have some salaries to throw around

Tim Hardway at 18 rayquan Holmes at 12 and if you’re team like Toronto if you can get some of those guys on like expiring deals or or if their contracts are manageable MoneyWise you know you might have something there yeah because if you’re rebuilding you’re just trying to find

Guys you’re just trying to find things that click you’re just trying to find guys that are yeah picks and and clicks you know what’s what’s clicking with these guys that we’re bringing in these picks can we do something with them um but we’ve talked way more about Toronto than

I and that was talking TR well this is it’s a it’s a conference team it’s a used to be a rival I guess notore they’re not a rival now as as Bobby used to be a division rival sherro back when the divisions matter too divisions don’t

Matter anymore know sad I kind of missed divisions division rival race I bet you they go back to him some maybe they should do that for the inseason tournament there you go Bobby now you’re thinking tie it back in somehow n no whatever instead of Orlando

And I guess there were a couple of teams in their division Brooklyn and Toronto in the group for the IST but um let’s see I guess winning the IST given how it’s gone for the Lakers isn’t the best thing exactly I guess none other than raise that Banner though every team wins

It it’s like bad luck is that gonna be the thing though I forget who I forget who told this I forget who told the story but um guess Larry David was like the worst thing the Lakers could do is win the inseason tournament and whoever

Was talking to him was like why and he’s like you’re ramping up like it’s the championship and then you’re right back in the regular season games and it’s weird because like you normally you’d be doing that for the playoffs and then the season’s over but now it’s it’s like

You’re starting a second season again after that and you know the Lakers have their own issues but it’s gonna be interesting to see how you know teams coming out of that fair the Celtics obviously bowed out early and they’ve now won 16 of 20 since getting that week

Off so I was obviously very upset that they didn’t make it but maybe they benefited from it Jimmy yeah well if Larry David said it then I mean who knows who knows more about the NBA than Larry freaking David I mean I’m like yo you talking about the

Curve Your Enthusiasm I’m Googling Larry David over like is he like a GM of some team that I don’t know about no Larry damn is there a writer I don’t know about the athletic no but mean to your point Bobby yeah I mean we can go back and forth on

If it that’s such a Larry David way of thinking too yeah exactly Larry David just gonna be pissed no matter what right that’s the whole point exactly so of course he’s upset that’s his brand now drops a season every three years because of that he’s got to ramp

Up have a new season coming out yeah so we talk we talk Raptors we just talk Lakers we’ll we’ll we’ll reel it back in here to the Celtics can we talk Al Horford because I was so let’s talk Al let’s talk we haven’t you know what let’s give Alice flowers because he

Probably gets the short end of of the stick on a lot of these shows banished to the bench to start the year talk about sacrifice Drew holiday he was struggling early in the season it was sure trying to you know trying to adapt to that new role on the team he’s been a

Starter his entire career and he’s coming in here again in a situation where you’re down a starter talk we we we said this or I said this about you holiday to start the show but right Al Horford double double tonight for the for the for the Young Buck still uh 10

Points 11 rebounds couple big threes I mean sherro you’ve you’ve been following Horford’s career for gosh over a decade just forever yeah I mean are you surprised by yeah no not surprised I mean Al has always been a guy that has been good enough good enough to help you

Win games uh remember he this this is a guy that won not one but two back toback national championships uh and when he was in Atlanta of a team that when he got there playoffs were something they did every now and then he did it every

Damn year he was there they were in the playoffs so Al I’m not surprised that he’s stepping up to the Bell but the the one thing and I’ve talked to him about this uh this season is just the adjustment that comes when you get to a certain point in your career where you

Have to evolve and Evol when we think of evolution we think of evolving into something bigger better and grander but sometimes that evolution is be evolving into something more specific from a niche standpoint that your team needs you to be like they need Al to be ready

And able to impact games just like that and that has to occur on nights like this when you don’t have a Jaylen Brown where he’s in the starting lineup you’re playing a team like Toronto that doesn’t really have a whole lot to lose you’ve got to make an impact in some way shape

Or form a positive one if your team’s going to win Al he’s this is just who he is um this is who Al Horford is now is he gonna play this wall every night I don’t think so but you know that it’s there and it’s similar to what I was

Saying about Drew holiday like sometimes those those older veteran type players we see the true essence of who they are when someone’s missing because that forces them to tap into that wisdom that experience that talent that they might be holding a little bit back in order

For the betterment of the team to now all of a sudden shine through I think back to pring has said about you holiday about how he is sacrificed more than anyone else on his team and you don’t really see that because when you’re watching him play when when they got

Their full compliment he looks like he’s just kind of fitting in but when you’re missing a Jaylen Brown uh you look at he goes for 22 points shoots 50% from the field four for six on threes makes all his free throws gets you you know what six seven assist six I think six

Rebounds something like that had a really all across the board high impact game and he has that ability it’s just that we’re not going to see it as often as I think it could be seen because that’s not what the team needs for him to do in order to for them to be

Successful yeah for sure and I think you you’ll see him ramp it up for sure in the postseason that’s just what Alex like literally historically speaking his numbers go up in the playoffs and he’s trying to get that ring I don’t think this year will be any different uh yes

His role is Chang changed a bit but that’s something that he’s adapted to in my opinion for these opportunities has his game changed Jo or is his game um over the last couple years clearly it’s it’s obviously changed from the beginning of his career till now he’s I

Mean since his role change I mean I I feel like he’s they’re still getting like the same guy they’re asking him to do the same things get in the same spots take the same type of shots right he’s just gonna take less shots because there’s other guys out

There that can knock down shots right I mean when someone’s out in the starting five he’s going to obviously give nights like tonight but also he can have these kind of nights on any given day I just feel like throughout the course of a 82 Game season he knows that it’s a long

Long road and I wouldn’t be shocked again if Al turns it up closer to the playoffs going into the playoffs you know but this these type of nights sou they they they’ll take that for sure I mean at this stage of his career these are the kind of knights that this is the

Kind of role that I think Al can thrive in yeah sometimes he it’s hard for him to kind of get his pick his spots because there’s so many guys around that can knock down shots and can produce as well but when his name is called he’s

Going to do this and I again I think in the end of the season and going to the postseason he’ll take it up a notch he was awesome in this game there’s certain nights Jimmy where he just looks maybe it was the rest last week and you know

Getting some extra time off he looks super spry on certain nights and tonight was one of them he was all over guys defensively early just knocking the ball out of people’s hands the rebounding in this one obviously pretty high then he went to the post at one point

And I’ve noticed that a little bit over the last couple of games he’s played he’ll go to a small inside and do that little quick Hook off the glass over him I looked at the numbers he’s up a little bit in terms of those attempts at The

Rim up from like one to one and a half a game he’s shooting 70% on them up from 65 last year so that’s big because he ever since that Philly season has steadily gone down in terms of what he does at at the basket volume and efficiency and you just thought oh he

Doesn’t have that anymore but that’s a useful option if you’re in a little bit of a drought or there’s an advantageous matchup there they always say you know Joe always says go to the matchup and that’s something that they can go to I think and then on the defensive end that

Zone tonight was just a killer and they threw that out there against Indiana last week in the first game tonight it was just so disruptive after that big Raptor’s run they shut Barnes down on a few plays with it got some deflections you had Allen cornet out there at one

Point doing it together I think porzingis and uh cornette were out there with the double big alignment uh just have some size and you got holiday playing in the middle it’s a weird look shro I haven’t seen too much 212 in the league but the Celtics have gone into

That look with holiday in the middle so he can defend low and high and just kind of roam out there and then you have the two bigs down low so Indie kind of carved it up in the second game but it was great against them in that first

Game and then tonight it just completely shut the Raptors down for a little bit it just forces opponents to have one more thing they got to think about when their preparation for the Celtics and and it’s something that I don’t think it’s to me it’s it’s more of a gimmicky

Type of thing where you’ll do it for maybe two or three possessions just throw something out there give him a different look just like Al getting the ball on the Block I want to see Al do at least three post-ups a game he doesn’t have to shoot all three times he doesn’t

Have to pass because he passes out of that spot well too but I want him to do that because it forces the defense to react in a way that other there’s no other Celtic that they’re going to react that way for porzingis can score in a

Block but that’s not really what he does um Al can literally go down put one foot in the paint one out and demand the ball and get it to him porz is different uh but Al like I said I just think Al is one of those guys that little things are

Going to be huge for this team to win a championship and something as simple as Al getting two or three touches in a post per game even if he’s not looking to shoot even if he doesn’t pass that’s one of those things that they going to need they’re going to need

That guys I W to take a quick break remind everybody that this show would not be possible we would not be able to pay Bobby Manning salary if it wasn’t for a couple of our great sponsors including the great Folks at hellofresh America’s number one meal kit guys whether your resolutions to save

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Sometimes the process of putting that thing together go make sure you got all the ingredients that you want some people want a certain type of vegetable on top maybe a certain type of cheese the condiments I’m personally a ketchup and Mayo guy I gotta have ketchup and

Mayo on my burger I gotta have them both Jo knows what I’m talking about shro you don’t like Whoppers what do you what are you shirro they added when I made it last time I don’t need both man that’s what I got have Yeah man they had a recipe of a

Segregationist when it comes to my condiments T man anyways they had a recipe Jimmy for like an onion sauce to put on top of it last time that was just amazing yeah really oh they gave you the ingredients for it or they ingredients they had this um it was it the

Firecracker Burger it was like hot sauce and mayonnaise they had these nice sauce Blends this good yeah little catchup little mayo some people call that thousand island but it’s different it’s not quite it’s not quite that but I’m telling you it’s money on the burger but anyways guys that’s

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Our friends at FanDuel guys right now you get $150 in bonus bets when you place a$ five bet you don’t even have to win the bet and I hope I hope I’m gonna I’m gonna I’m gonna say a little pray here I hope sherro did not bet too much money

Tonight on his Eagles shut up Jimmy as we speak it’s still close it’s still close it’s it’s 18 wait was there safety or something was it just 16 to n or oh it’s still close huh it’s 18 to n there was just a safety so that should

Tell you how things are going listen I’m doing well you know why I’m doing well why you doing well I’m doing well because I was a one of the few were proud who went get the cow went against the cow boms and picked the Packers well

You had you had to go against the Cowboys as an Eagles fan I could I could have stood on the sideline I could stood on the side but I said you know what Green Bay doesn’t lose in that building Cowboys are do this is exactly what the

Cowboys do every year 12 and five 12 and four lose before that was shocking though to lose like that I mean they just got running out of the building there a lot of words to describe kind of like the Celtics game seven um yeah against Miami there so anyways the

Game’s still going on right now obviously no one’s watching it because they’re all watching our show but if they were watching it they would see the Eagles are are going to have to Stage a little fourth quarter comeback but again guys it’s new yeah I know but I’m just

Anticipating if they just gave up a safety that means the Bucks are about to get ball back probably take it to the fourth quarter Anyway by the way did you see the commercial Jimmy I guess gr’s kicking another field goal this year at the Super Bowl for I love probably some

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Bonus bets when you place a $5 bet we’re going to wrap the show with a little bit more football talk I don’t want to say what it’s about yet but we did have some late breaking news right before the show started uh about the NFL I’m not going to get

Into specifics but I’m sure people can do their own research and figure out we’re GNA what we’re going to at least mention teas Jimmy great te before we do that we will reel it back in here let me get back to my let me let me let me go

Through a thousand of these lower thirds and find the one I want here it is bring everybody back around here and um you know recap quickly 10596 Celtics win after a big win against old friend uh e udoka Saturday night night and I wasn’t able to be on that show but it

Looked like the Celtics rebounded very nicely from their embarrassing loss in Milwaukee and they kind of handed the the Rockets a similar a similar type of loss I hate to say it too Jimmy I think John got you on that one it was definitely a subdued crowd that didn’t

Really care it seems subdue but I will say this there were some booze there were more booze than cheers that give me that I I want to say this I didn’t really hear any cheers I heard like some faint boot and then like you said kind of nothingness because typically there’s

Not a huge reaction to the coaches and I thought maybe em would be a lot louder than it was but it it you know they did that and of course you made yeah he said it quick you know what it’s over with it’s done with we don’t

Have to talk about it anymore and I think both sides can probably move on and that’s how it felt it’s like it’s over obviously the big Revelation was that he told the players what happened apparently um so everybody just moved on after that I guess yeah he told the players his

Version of what happened yes about that the biggest here’s the thing and and this is why I think it’s just such a Dead Issue look at where he’s at look at where the franchise is at they got killed today I mean why if if you’re the Boston

Celtics you’re kind of good with where things are right now right um you’re not Brooklyn Nets you’re not you know some of these other teams that at one point had like watershed moments where they were like top tier and then all of a sudden one change in their you know top

Of the organization and then they just they basically begin to suck no Celtics have actually moved on and moved forward and moved ahead since he left so if I’m fans I’m not mad at him hell no I’m good I’m good you should be good if you’re Celtics Nation you should be good good

The Celtics were 500 you know damn well place would be boo yeah I think I think udoka needs to send um Missoula like a fruit basket or something to took the heat off him a little bit I think with the way that Cel have been able to to continue on uh

Without him my whole thing shirro and I don’t want to go down this path again because it’s old news but my whole thing was regardless of whether or not you think the punishment fit the crime and we don’t know but regardless of whether or not you

Do the person that it only mattered to thought it did and in doing so eay fed the team last year in my opinion because if you thought they were good enough definitely much more impactful last year no doubt about it last year if you thought that Celtics should have been in

The NBA finals and been an NBA champion they weren’t and I think a lot of people would say the Way That season started a little bit you know obviously everything was kind of in turmoil for a bit and the toughness that eay brought the team you could make the point that the

Heat out toughed them in the playoffs last year maybe that doesn’t happen if e may still coach so so it’s watered under the bridge at this point but that was my point is that’s why I would boo him is because for the simple fact that he

Wasn’t around long enough for me to have any other like I’m not gonna like cheer I’m not gonna bring a sign says you know Wasing Miss yeah John brought his pom poms apparently um but I didn’t I didn’t think like there was enough there wasn’t enough time no John said no no reaction

Which is basically what it was all night I thought there might be some jering I thought there might be some maybe there was but and it was blowout so they didn’t need to come to that but what happened to homec court advantage make the other guys keep it in line but isn’t

It all about making the like the advantages making the other team uncomfortable so why are you cheering why are you doing those things I I would any excuse that I can boo an opposing player or coach or team I’m taking it if I’m a fan just because a solid game for

A quarter and a half before it became a BL so right there was an opportunity to but again I just don’t think people cared anymore that was my big that was my Big R reaction well you guys you guys were right you guys are more right than I was and you know

What I thought it would be like 6040 which year I thought he’d get a nice Ovation yeah you thought he was gonna get an ovation see I I never I never understood that at all making the final one year they made the final we got another we got another Jo Freeze Frame

Right now Jo stunned Jose stunned at your take that’s why you’re giv us a free stream like that uh anyways I’m not get into it he coached one year they lost they actually blew the finals if you want to spin it and then he got fired so that’s why I would so anyways

Anything on this game again I mean we’ve we’ve we’ve hit on a few I mean we haven’t really mentioned T think Tatum’s game yeah yeah we haven’t mentioned him much um sherro you know any that stood up to you tonight on Tatum other than the the usual well he had that stretch I

Think it was in second or third quarter where he was just rebounding the ball like crazy had like six or seven rebounds in one quarter uh Tatum did what Tatum was supposed to do I mean this was a game where well as I said earlier this was a transactional win

They there was nothing emo there was no emotional engagement or attachment to this Victory other than we’re just gonna go 14 rebounds damn win yeah and this is this was tat this is what Tat’s supposed to do now though he didn’t shoot the ball nearly as well in this game as he

Has in previous three four five games but still he made the shots that needed to be made he made an impact and I I think Tatum at that point where he doesn’t have to score a ton of points to have a very good game like this I he’s

Had games where he scored more than this that weren’t nearly as good as this one because he impacted the game on multiple levels his scoring his rebounding he made some really good passes he did a little bit of everything and his defense was solid as well so this was a good

Jason Tatum game but was it a great one is this one for the for the archives no it was but they did he did exactly what the best players are supposed to do in games like this hold on let’s let’s pull in Joe way do we have to there he is

There he is he’s stunned still at Bobby’s take that eay should have got a standing ovation I’m surprised he didn’t retire eem’s number just pick a number and toss it up there in the Raptors he brought him to the NBA finals oh he helped push these guys and

You know one of the things he talked about that Tatum did again tonight is when the shots not on find other ways to impact the game the rebounding has been huge all year I feel like he’s the best rebounder honestly they need it because some of the other you know bigs and even

You know you can’t rely on the guard so you need your big forward to be getting those and he did did he did tonight and does but uh the shot wasn’t there and at the start of the third I thought his misses were big reason the Raptors were

Getting out and yeah on the run and such but then he went to the rim and those finishes were just so powerful back cut guys finished over uh young at one point with a vicious dunk and then the free throw attempts so this is a good resilient performance for him in terms

Of how does he play when he’s not making shots which is always the big question with him because I feel like how he reacts to that is how it you know piles down to the rest of the team and then when you don’t have Jaylen to kind of

Counter his style you know Jaylen would have been the one attacking the basket tonight and they didn’t have that so he went to it he’s so good in there shro and you know I’ve had this conversation with Jo swod terms of like who he compare like who he compares to because we’ve kicked

Around Durant Durant’s just a much better shooter than him I think so it’s tough to make that comparison he’s bigger too taller there’s just a power to Tatum’s game now at this point where he’s gained the weight where he’s improved as a finisher that he’s that power forward

And more often than not he needs to power through guys whether they’re posting up whether on the drive and finishing side get free throws because his shots very inconsistent we’ve seen in recent years and in a game like this where it’s not there you have to get

Downhill and his drives are down this year which is very disappointing yeah but you know you know Pierce back man that that that footwork you know we see it from time to time we just don’t see it every night here’s my thing though about this game I mean

Tatum like I said he he’s he’s not doing anything right now that we haven’t seen at least 10 15 20 times already this season he’s the he’s that consistently a lead uh but for me Derek white is interesting the we we talked a little bit about him struggling but I want to

Ask all of you though I mean are you concerned about his shot making because he’s shot less than like 40% in like four of the last five games and he shot less than 30% in like three of the last five games how concern are you with Dereck

White and his shot making because that’s a big I mean that’s that’s one of those little things that’s going to be huge for this team they’re GNA win it all yeah with him go ahead Jose I’m just gonna say I’m not I’m not too concerned

Um the the ankle thing kind of scared me tonight he was able to come back because he’s he’s Derek white and he’s just Iron Man but uh maybe he needs a few games off you know he’s taking some hits physically that make me a little bit

Nervous he’s not why he get ARR we’re just used to White not being phased At All phys by physicality and he’s is taking him he’s he’s feeling it he’s feeling some of that physicality now that I don’t know if he felt or at least he didn’t let on that he was feeling

Earlier so he I I said it off the top he is not playing as well as he was to start the year obviously when he was on All-Star pace around Christmas there but he’s still playing incredible you look at the floater over Barrett late the three obviously and he had another finish late

Too he he he was just timely tonight I thought he was the most timely player in the fourth quarter in terms of the shots he made so he’s going to stay involved there was oh the other shot he made cakam came around the back of him and

They were like triple teaming him and it looked like he was goingon to lose the ball and he just kept control of it and then everybody kind of backed off and he just stepped right into the mid-range and hit an elbow jumper so he was super

Timely in this one the defense is going to be there you know that uh he’s definitely in a little bit a slump right now and maybe that’s fatigue or bumps and bruises whatever it might be he wants to play every game so I can’t imagine he’s going to take a rest at any

Point uh but this is I think an acceptable game from him when he’s making shots he’s in another Stratosphere when he’s not he’s still doing so much else that I think you’re able to live with it now it can’t be a massive slump like we’ve seen over you

Know a handful of games coming into this one like we saw in the 2022 playoffs Jimmy but I think he’s in a much more confident place where he can shake off a game like this shooting wise and again he shot five1 from three that’s pretty damn good

Yeah like if he’s not gon to hit those big shots you know he’s going to be like a big steal or some crazy putback or some sort of offensive rebound to give these guys another chance you know like he he just finds a way to make an impact

But you wonder if this stuff is catching up to him it would be nice to see him have a break every again if we’re panicking over 22 and 51 from three you know I think we’re that was if it were just the one game then yeah you you’re

Right but it’s not extended stretch yeah he’s had like three or four games and we’re not used to Dereck White having three or four within a five six game window of subar shooting games that’s just not that hasn’t been his pattern and that’s why I think it’s something to

At least put on the radar to be on the lookout for um but it it to me it it it reinforces the need to to have a a stronger bench I mean if how talk about that yeah I mean I think back to When Brad kind of alluded to you know wanting

Another Wing uh I’m not sure he’s looking at a wing for defensive purpos I’m thinking he might be looking for someone who can actually make a shot uh or string together a couple of shots when you have a guy out and maybe you know one of your your other wings that’s

Playing more minutes maybe they don’t have shots going is there someone other than Sam Hower that you can rely on and that’s no disrespect to Sam it’s just that he’s the only one one yeah I mean and there and and I part of my concern

Was Sam and again this is this is no knock on him but I wish there was someone else that would push him to be better because Sam’s really good now but I think I think I still think there’s a level that Sam can go to if there was someone around that was actually

Challenging him for minutes but there’s no one there is no I’m so curious they’re gonna make a move I don’t think there’s any doubt about it because my sense is you know just talking to people they really like this bench they really like the guys off one more piece they

Know they need another piece they need another piece and there’s just so many unproven guys here off this bench you know Hower had a great year he didn’t play a minute in the playoffs last year at least a meaningful one uh Pritchard had a little bit of a run during the

Finals run but you know wasn’t super impactful but he has the experience and then you go to brusett no real playoff experience there cornette obviously none so you don’t know how any of these guys are going to fair in a playoff environment are they going to get

Targeted and driven off the floor are they going to get Ed ignored offensively sherro to a point where they can’t play because it’s impacting the offense that’s your worry with this bench right now because like you said Hower is the only one who’s really a threat who really draws defensive coverage and even

He’s prone to go cold at point so I don’t know what you’re gonna do here they’re definitely not gonna consolidate this bench Jimmy I don’t think into one like shot trucker Off the Bench but I think you do have to just add a guy to the mix like mcalla last year and you

Know looking back on it honestly that mcal trade was a miss you traded two seconds for a guy who could never really play for you so that was a swing and a miss interesting today though and then you know there’s a good segue into this I don’t think it’s gonna necessarily be

A trade go ahead I was just gonna comment on white before we got off him I mean I I think you know just to answer shad’s question I’m not completely I’m not I’m definitely not in panic mode about Derek white one of the reasons

Is I know what he’s capable of now I was panicking I was panicking when they first made the trade and he was shooting horribly for the rest of the year and I said and anyone who watches watches the show knows how you know concerned to put

It in a lack of better work me and John were about that trade and and we wondered if it was like a trade that they that was gonna just torpedo the team for the next couple years um obviously that wasn’t the case Derek white completely turned it around last

Year if you if you just look at this season alone shirad I don’t think the last 10 games are indicative of who Dereck White is and I don’t really know if the 10 games before that were indicative of who Dereck white is he’s probably somewhere in the middle and you

Know because like just looking at the splits if you look at the games I think it’s 21 to 30 he was shooting 54 55% from the field that’s not sustainable and whatever it was from three is probably like 46 47% and now I’m sure it’s torpedoed

Right I mean over the last five six seven eight nine 10 games he’s back down to earth I don’t think he’s going to continue to shoot at that level but I think he’s going to find I think he’s finding water a little bit and I think

He’s going to come back up a little bit you’re still gonna get a player that’s gonna have a career year this year um you’re still gonna get a guy that’s gonna finish with the most points he’s had uh you know at the end of the year

On an average G on an average basis I still think the intangible stuff that he’s doing now reminising of like those Marcus Smart days again he’s he’s like a he’s like a higher basketball IQ Mar Marcus Smart in my opinion again not not no shade at Marcus Smart Marcus Smart

Was good at Marcus Smart things but I think Derek white when he has the ball even if he’s not having a night where he’s averaging where he’s scoring 20 plus and that’s what he was doing for a stretch he was scoring 20 plus points a game and I don’t really know if that’s

What we can expect from him on a night by Night basis as the guy who’s got to score after Brown who’s got to score after Tatum you know porzingis is GNA get his I don’t think you can expect 20 plus points a game from Dereck white now

It’s great we know he’s capable of it but I just don’t think that’s what you’re going to get doesn’t mean that I’m panicked I do think some of those shots that aren’t falling are going to start to fall a little bit more often than they have over the last few games

Is it uh a nagging injury that’s he’s dealing with I’m not sure does he need a night off maybe he’s had a couple this season um but no I’m not panicked I do think that this is a slump all these guys go through it I think he’s earned

The right to go through a little bit of a slump he has it just look it I mean and again not it just it looks as though it’s more of a mental thing than anything else that he needs he needs some time off I mean I’m I’m at this point just watching

Him play I’m really I’m hoping that once the kids keeping him up late stop Jimmy don’t go there it’s a dad problem everyone’s I know which is why I’m telling you to stop that’s I’m telling you to stop no I I think I’m really hoping that All-Star break is

Going to be really good for him to have some time where he’s not doing anything in terms of game direct game preparation he can actually kick back and relax a little bit cuz he need I think that is what he needs more than anything else right now just some time off the floor

Uh but the problem is he’s he gives you so much even when he’s struggling that you can’t keep him off the floor so uh the All-Star break can’t get here quick enough for Derek whether he’s an All-Star or not he’s gonna be yeah I mean he’s probably not GNA be at this

Point unless there injuries but even now I don’t even think I don’t even think he’ll be a Top Choice for injuries yeah he won’t be he won’t be the Top Choice certainly um I want to bring this up though maybe maybe minor but a interesting trade did happen yesterday

In the NBA uh between the Wizards and pistons Marvin baggley and Isaiah livers going from Detroit to Washington and Mike mascala and Danilo galinari going to the Pistons yeah why’ you light up like that Mike mcal Bob’s cooking going on in his mind up there I I find it interesting because

No One’s Gonna trade for those guys they really struggled in Washington didn’t play a ton but I love Gallow you’re aren’t you yeah so I don’t think it’s mcalla they don’t need another big he’s not better than cornette gonar is interesting because he can play a little five he can he’s

Better than cornette let’s say it Bobby say it he’s better than cornette he’s not no I don’t think so but I mean galinari this year and I know it’s a small sample but 31 from three 43 from the field rebounds yeah I meanb that takes threes wow I’m confident in

Him playing better than that but he’d effectively a Blake on this team I know someone said in the chat earlier does that help you do you actually want more of an impact guy because I don’t think he’s gonna help you much uh but if you do want a guy in

There for some Vibes and you know maybe sneak a few minutes here or there for free that might be a guy who becomes available well I think chances are Bobby whoever the SEL trade for isn’t going to be someone that’s going to help you right away right I think if anything

It’s a insurance policy and yeah g good enough for that I mean I’d rather Wing insurance policy to be honest yeah yeah I think I think Brad just have enough Wings not not especially when you know the ones You’ brought in haven’t exactly made the most of their opportunities to

Get on the floor right O’Shea has been up and down um Lamar has been down and proba a little something now what’s that is o’sa showing a little something I mean he’s so good he shows a little something every and then but he doesn’t show it consistently that’s that’s been his issue

Here when Brad said when Brad said that Wing might be on the team I don’t think there’s any doubt he was talking talking about o he’s absolutely talking about OA but the fact that he has to qualify with might be on on the team tells you all

You need to know he might be on the team but he hasn’t shown me enough so I’m confident as a GM to say that’s my guy right so if we’re comparing in other words Brad’s still looking if we’re comparing someone to cornette though I mean the offensive rebounding that pret

Brings is really a game changer and if you shro you got him in his feelings man look what you did I know if you put he’s still thinking about what you said about cour wait a minute I was ready to let that ship just go down the oan and you

Know die the like the Titanic is going to die but Bobby’s like no let’s go if you about that on yeah ahead finish the locology if you put up Brett’s offensive rebounding number against everybody in the league he’d be 17th right there tied with sabonis coming into tonight so that’s

The level he’s rebounding at obviously he doesn’t qualify to be among the league leaders but sabonis in his minutes he’s rebounding at like a sabonis level so this is this is super impactful stuff from him he’s doing on the boards and if he can shoot their 33 to 35% from three

Defend they might go small with you know Horford O’Shea rather than go trying to do the Horford cornette thing in the playoffs because cornette matchup wise there’s certain games where he just has a lot of trouble you know getting switched out and things like that and tonight again I know why people are

Frustrated he dropped so many rebounds on the offensive glass in this one so that’s not that’s something MOA is not going to do he’s gonna hammer it down he’s gonna uh get by guys and be in the right spot I mean his rebounding is uncanny shirro

Like the way he crashes out of the corner I know scal said on the broadcast too that’s a real what do we say shro if you’re gonna be on the court if you’re gonna be in the playoff rotation you need a real deal skill that’s gonna keep

You out there is it your shooting is it your passing is it your decision making his is his rebounding and you know he’s might not hit you seven3 like Grant did in a playoff game but he might have three or four offensive rebounds in a playoff

Game over a 5 six minute stretch so I I do believe in uh in O’Shea like I think he’s gonna be in that mix for a playoff spot I just think the cost of acquiring an impact wng like John Kar like somebody like that’s gonna be a little

Too high I mean I I said Jimmy would you give up a first for him and you were like hell no hell no so we laugh we actually had a good long hard laugh so I like and right now Memphis needs them to actually a you know NBA team like they

Have so many guys hurt so um right I don’t know if that’s going to be in the cards you might need O’Shea to step up and they might just be stuck with who they have and Jimmy that that’s what I think May wind up being the case maybe

You throw gar in the yeah and hope you get lucky but it’s very possible you make no trade deadline deals yeah it’s very possible and and I would I would be okay with that as long as Brad has exhausted all options and there wasn’t a ridiculous offer that they walked away

From like if someone said we’ll give you Kar and it’ll cost you a second round pick two seconds do the deal yeah do the deal but if they’re saying it’ll cost you two second round picks and a future first we’re good thanks and and some teams do I know

Oklahoma City valued kendri Williams at that price for a while there and some teams you know just hold a hard bargain for their players they really like their guys and they need be blown away to move off them and they have no urgency to move Contra I think he signed three

Years so that’s how it goes like right you’re either gonna be looking at an expiring guy who’s very cheap and that’s a limited number of guys or a bio guy and at the end of the day we make a big deal about it every season no bio guys

Help realistically like who’s the the last bio guy who really swung a team sherro I can’t think one I just I remember years ago there was this huge thing about Troy Murphy Troy Murphy I was gonna say he’s like the poster child for bad buyouts what have bad

Buyouts go wrong Troy mury Michael Finley come in here and flip Michael Finley he was horrible great guy yeah great guy love Troy Mur Notre Dame that’s the guy what he was a horrible fit in Boston horrible Amed says Bor you know why this happens every year right

Guys because the one time they did it or maybe the first time really in sense of a team that was had a contending team already intact was the year they won it all they got Sam Cassell they got PJ Brown I mean people technically retired

But they they got him off the bench you know and they obviously won a championship that year but ever since then that was it that was the one time yeah it hasn’t been it hasn’t been easy Goron rck last year but didn’t he go to the bucks or maybe that was two years

Ago at this point years ago yeah you have to remember that when guys are are bought out there’s a reason why they’re available they’re done yeah there I mean now Hayward the Celtics can’t acquire him but if Hayward becomes available and I don’t know who’s under that second

Apron you have it’ll be to see which team gets him yeah it will he could actually be a differen maker for a team if he’s healthy of course which we always I mean if you if you’ve got him slotted to play 15 to 20 minutes a night

For you and you’ve got enough Talent where you can justify him having that limited window of of playing time yeah he can absolutely help you absolutely he’d have to be playing for the Knicks or um I’m trying to he might wind up playing more than 15 and 20 minutes if

He’s with the Knicks that could be a team he ends up with um Miami I don’t think they’re over the apron so he could end up there too and you know they’ve got that that that you know after the fact Bromance thing going on uh he wanted to go there he really wanted

To go there and yeah so would not be surprised if he bought out and goes there you spent your career in Utah Boston Charlotte you know nice warmer City but not a great team you might as well go enjoy the ended if you’re if it’s the fourth qu of your career like

It is for him finishing in Miami you could do worse he does seem like a heat do I can’t wait to see what the Heat and Sixers do because they’re just sitting on so many assets those two teams want to do a deal so bad like did one of them

Get Brogden did one of them get Hayward neither one of them well he’s Philly the one I’m thinking they’re not willing to put in a a big piece you know it takes move to Bas Harris now is the time his stock is not gonna get any higher that ship is sailed man they

Waited too long I think I think him at this point yeah he’s playing well though that’s what I’m saying yeah yeah but it’s that money it’s just that money it is it’s a problem money money so that’s that’s that’s the trade chatter going around that we’re that

We’re we are how many how many days from the deadline 15th today I was gonna ask you that the deadline is three weeks from Thursday oh it’s coming up yeah it’s coming up got like 23 days do you see any of the I mean we just talked you just mentioned Sixers

Yakam is the big name um do you see Buck you see bucks doing anything no they can’t they have two second round picks so maybe they get something small with that I don’t think what about Atlanta you think they move Murray that’s the big one and there

Does seem to be a lot of momentum they’re falling apart tonight they won two two first at least the latest you’re hearing there is the Nets and that makes a lot of sense because they’re the only Suter that could get the ball in his hands a ton bridge is obviously a guy

Who can Thrive off the ball so that makes a lot of sense they have a lot to offer you know maybe they could send one of those Rockets picks uh you know just add a playmaker offensively and they need one um it’s it’s weird that the

Hawks are looking at to disband a little bit here I guess just rework around uh young they’ve tried to do that a couple times and he was obviously the big move they made Spurs interested in Merry to which would be weird but uh it does look

Like the net you know kind of that emerging big suit right now Knicks are in the mix I don’t think he makes sense there you just be playing off off ball like he was next to Young Lakers same thing like they need shooting he’s not

Much of a shooter so I think he’s gonna end up with the Nets there you go well once again guys we want to thank hellofresh for allowing us to do the show tonight seals free use the code cins free and get free breakfast for life and we have a bonus

Football segment to today brought to you by FanDuel guys we’re going to end the show on a little football segment get $150 in bonus bets when you place a $5 bet at FanDuel visit Boston and our bonus NFL talk tonight is the news that just dropped no it’s not

That the Eagles are now down even more than they were I hate you Jimmy that’s not the news We’re not gonna talk about that about Shas We’re not gonna talk about the Eagles blowing this one and possibly firing dick serani after this we’ll see if they do there is a coach

That is actively interviewing right now his name is Bill bellich and this wasn’t a report this was right from the team this is the team the team just that never happens look at us everybody we just interview we got built an interview we got built an interview this is like

This is like this is like the the the ugly freshman in high school going out going on a date with like the the prom queen and then telling everybody in school the next day like yeah I went on a date with the prom queen yeah Amma

With a good point he he says that bill actually interviewed Bill’s on his tour the biggest free AG ever FAL think that they interviewed bill but it was actually intervie I know right what are they gonna interview him about so taking a pretty uh pretty impressive uh resume uh looks like you

Guys here you got like what’s that what’s that interview ex the references you know like yeah oh my God that’s too funny what do you guys think is it is it I’ll be honest it’s not fun I mean I know it’s been the I know it’s been the rumor for a while I

Just can’t picture bich in Atlanta I just think it’s a whiff organization yeah it’s the same organization that I thought I thought belich murdered that organization a couple years ago this is to me this is the team to get all the other teams riled up and thinking that

You know what let me take let me take a shot at them but sorry go ahead shro no I was gonna say I wouldn’t be surprised if Dallas made a decision on their head coach and and cut him loose that they reached out the bill that wouldn’t

Surprise me that’s such a Jerry Jones kind of move to do but would Jerry Jones and Bill belich be able that’s a good question because the jobs obviously amazing they would not it would it’ be great for the media because you’re going to have so much is so many issues Poland tug yeah

And there was obviously that in New England at the end too but not to this degree and you know if you’re both those guys go in with mutual like they both have a lot to gain by allowing each other to do their things and so that’s

What I was going to say the Cowboys have lost so much at this point they’ve had so many bad coaches maybe if you’re Jones you take a back seat and put your ego aside and let Bill run thing things I don’t know if that’s going to happen they must have

Some kind of relationship they’ve both been involved in the NFL for 50 years and I’m sure that they’ve come across each other and all that stuff I don’t think Bill find a better roster win if he’s if Bill’s trying to that’s what I’m saying set the record

For wins right and make another Super Bowl run I just don’t don’t know if Atlanta’s the place to go about doing that unless he’s planning on coaching there for five years and and turning the whole thing around they need a quarterback you know they’ve got some pieces there but I mean

Again I don’t want to I don’t want to bring this up but Phil Philly could be looking for a coach soon there’s a couple of organizations and teams that might be good or better matches for bich it is weird to hear that he’s interviewing for you know it’s like the

Breakup oh is she already dating is she already dating somebody else like already like it’s only been two days and she’s already dating somebody else like whoa so um it is kind of strange to hear that but yeah exactly Jimmy this is that like this is the one to uh to get the

Other ones jealous you know it’s like the rebound the rebound yeah you think so so joose way is it is Atlanta the team or is this just the first n it’s is just a rebound he’s just flirting a little bit back on The Field’s getting yeah

He’s bel’s getting back in the game he he hasn’t been on a date in 20 years Bob CRA is thinking like man Atlanta would be cool no I’m just kidding Bob CRA Bob Craft would be very happy if he chose Atlanta I tell you where nobody nobody wants Bill him and

Meek Mill might pull up if that was the case yeah what team’s coming in New England first that’s who he really needs to end up ons a fly guy but um nobody trust me Bob Craft does not want Bill going to Dallas he does not want to see Bill holding up uh Lombardi

Trhy Legacy Legacy talk start starts to shift towards the crafts here can I just say real quick right so toward the end end of the podcast with Max he’s going on and on about how Bill bich better not go to some team just to get the alltime record just CZ and all

That so then finally I go Max what if he goes to Dallas Max is a huge Cowboys fan oh a smile on his face little by little he was like every Cowboys fan must be dreaming of this he goes I never thought about that and like really guys check it

Out like the last 10 minutes of the show it’s going to come up next episode like it’s just he couldn’t stop smiling like he couldn’t stop thinking about it it was hilarious how can Max be a Cowboys fan that is just crazy I always say is

The people who fell in love with that era they just they couldn’t Let It Go Charlotte North Carolina didn’t have a team back then so right that too but I just he’s been in New England for so long though you know got their team 95 or something like

That right that’s a good point Bob for a non-factor when he got here like yeah yeah the Panthers started in like the mid 90s yeah all right all right guys we’re gonna let you all go sherro thank you for joining us Jo thank you Bobby thank you wama

Wednesday Wednesday please let him be available it’s that one shot to see him I know he’s been resting here there they have a couple nights off after the game today so you think po please please be available ah that would be a killer if he wasn’t but he’ll be in the building

I’m sure either way and uh I think just like looking at a guy like that is just a no we want to see him play I know get out there you got to get him out there gota get he’s going to do at least one thing in that game that just blows your

Mind gonna get dunked on like oh maybe Jaylen Brown call right now Jaylen will dunk on him maybe Jaylen Brown’s saving up that’s why he didn’t play that that that’s a great prop so quiet speaking of uh gon try to speaking of Bill I think fortunately papovich is

Kind of pulling a bill down there with the Spurs yeah I mean he he did a I forget exactly what he said I I I texted someone about it he did one of those timeout you know the interviews and I know he’s always a little short with

Those but they were down like 30 early and he was like the offense is pretty poor and from what I’ve seen the Defense matches that talking about his team well he’s gonna be he’s always been blunt so that’s not great new Chaser yeah exactly um yeah papovich has always been

Compared to to bellich in those you know different sports similar mindsets and success stories and all that stuff but we shall see how it ends up but yeah W be on Wednesday we will be here after the game so we hope that you guys all join us thanks again to everyone who uh

Hung out with us tonight after the Celtics take down the Raptors what was it 10796 something like that join us tomorrow we’re doing a 12:30 G report gonna have a raptor guest on talk a little bit about them in this game here so uh stay tuned for that we got we go a

Bonus show tomorrow we got Joe podcast with sherro podcast coming out tomorrow shro you got anything coming on down the pipe yeah we’ll have a podcast either Wednesday or Thursday all right be on the lookout for that and I’m just gonna be chilling so you might see me John

Podcast yeah yeah be on the lookout for that all right thank you guys we’ll see you later peace

Tune in to The Garden Report live after the Celtics game against the Raptors for the Celtics Postgame Show. Join Bobby Manning, Josue Pavon, Jimmy Toscano, A. Sherrod Blakely, and John Zannis as they provide detailed insights and analysis on Boston’s performance in their game against the Raptors in Toronto. In this matchup, Jayson Tatum contributed 19 points and 14 rebounds, while Jrue Holiday added eight of his season-high 22 points in the fourth quarter, leading the Celtics to a 105-96 victory over the Raptors on Monday night. This win marks Boston’s eighth consecutive victory over Toronto.

0:00 Instant Reaction
21:30 Al Horford talk
27:15 Get Free Breakfast for LIFE at Hello Fresh!
34:00 Celtics moving forward from Ime Udoka
38:00 Jayson Tatum has good game despite low scoring total
41:50 Derrick White, tweaked ankle vs Toronto
51:15 Gallinari Buy Out?
55:45 Oshae + Trade Talk

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  1. Love everyone on the Garden Report, but I really miss John when he's out. Saw some people bashing him on the other edition, so I'm here to say that I'm a fan!

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