@Golden State Warriors

Stephen Curry looks frustrated, Talks losing to the Grizzlies 🎤

Stephen Curry looks frustrated, Talks losing to the Grizzlies 🎤

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies – Full Game Highlights | January 15, 2024 | 2023-24 NBA Regular Season


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  1. Did anyone really expect any outcome different this season. Everyone knew heading into this season that the Warriors needed to make some serious trades if they wanted to contend for a title. They did nothing. Instead of doing anything, they went and got a rusted CP3…… We all knew this was going to be a trash year because they made ZERO moves. I would be pissed if I were Curry. GS better let him have another shot to get one more ring- even if that isn't in the Golden Yellow and Warriors Blue. It would be such a waste of Curry's dwindling prime.

  2. Warriors are done. They need to read the book "Who moved my Cheese?" They are trying to get the same results on an outdated operating system. It's over for this Warrior's team. And I am not sure they have anyone on the leadership who understands the importance of culture. Bob Myers is gone and it looks pretty bleek for this set of guys.

  3. Fouling is something the coach can curb. It's part of the fundamentals. Kerr's after game assessments sound like he has nothing to do with it, like a Proffessor rather than an activist. They've been loose with the ball, throwing it away, & littering the game with empty possessions for a long time now. He sloughed it off as creative chaos. Coaching is adapting, not just shuffling players around. He seems to have either forgotten that or thinks he is beyond that. He use to be the perfect coach for the players he had, but the chemistry has changed, every other team adjusted, caught up, passed them & he just watches & analyzes. I think he's simply at the point where he's content with his accomplishments & not willing to commit his passion into it anymore. There's no stress of personal loss if you just analyze from a far.

  4. arrogance is infectious, Curry can do it all he can, but when all the team feels like they deserve superstar respect, that becomes BS. It's what happened to Klay, Green and Poole, they got arrogant thinking they are also superstar. Making excuses, talking like they're above everyone else.

  5. curry the 3rd best ever…the way he has change the game…got chips…better than kobe put some respect on his name..he getting cold & still cooking it just has a trash ass team

  6. Curry attacking aggressively with individual skills from the first half is a losing pattern.

    I'm surprised they're still doing it today.

  7. I want to hug you my super idol. I still love you and believe in you despite everything. I felt so sad too. 😢 I wish Jordan Clarkson will join your team.

  8. Warriors going thru what's happening to San Antonio right now. They held on to pop too long thinking he'll bring him back to the promise land. When people already figured him out. Kerr is the same way. He isn't as effective as he was when he first started. This the whole reason Bob Myers left. He knew one day all of this would end n he would have to break them up. Should've kept Mike Brown as HC n let Kerr go. He was the real catalyst that held the team together. Look @ what he's doing with Sac.

  9. Seemed like the warriors were just playing around the whole game as if they were up by 20 or something… wasn’t until last 2 min of game where it looked like they cared 🤷🏾‍♀️

  10. It's crazy how the Warriors are being taken down by the game they created.
    Teams did more than just learn to play like them, they learned how to do it without playing small.

  11. The team si collapsing need to re group, trade some players,,Kerr should change his playing system small ball line up the league is getting bigger in size need to catch up, steph and klay are getting old need to give some time minutes to the young players, warriors need to let go Wiggins looney moody gp2,, get assistant defensive coach because Kerr don't know to coach of defense, since Mike brown go to kings, warriors defense is awful, get a big man that can protect the rim,

  12. Bandwagon warriors fans throwiny klay under the buss when he has games betger thwn curry no1 cares but whrn curry does good and klay does bad ever1one seems to notice that

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