@Charlotte Hornets

Miami Heat – Charlotte Hornets Pregame | Dwyane Wade HOF Night

Miami Heat – Charlotte Hornets Pregame | Dwyane Wade HOF Night

Welcome back to the five on the flo YouTube channel I’m alexo this is Brady Hawk it’s a big day for us it’s Dwayne Wade day and also there’s a Heat game heat Hornets is going on today uh at halftime Dwayne is going to be uh celebrated they’re going to do a

Ceremony for his Hall of Fame inment and we believe he’s going to speak to Media after that so it’s a big day for us trying to get in these questions and wrestle Wiman for questions but besides that uh let me ask Brady here about what he thinks about the game well I think

Number one anytime there’s a guy that goes out there’s a guy that’s coming in so you know you have Jimmy Butler that’s out you have Kevin Love that’s now out which I expect is just kind of cautionary they’re just kind of letting him uh get some time off they need him

To get some time off before the playoffs but Tyler Hero’s back and Kyle lry is back as well so you kind of have your starting back court uh that’s back intact you have a little bit more depth a little bit to the roster question becomes what are they going to do with

The backup big minutes i’ guess it goes to Orlando Robinson I guess that’s kind of what the way they’re going to go they’re going let him get a little bit of run do we see a little bit NI yic at the five I don’t think fans want to see

It a ton I don’t think ni yovic wants to see see a ton I don’t think jimmmy Butler on the sideline wants to see it a ton but we might have to see it at certain points of this game uh and especially with the Hornets the way they

Go sometimes with PJ Washington at the five and stuff like that they can match up in that way so it’ll be interesting to see the the way they go but Tyler hero is the type of guy that can go off in a game like this so it’s good to have

Him back yeah this is a big one in the sense that this is one of those that you’re supposed to lock up this is supposed to be one of the easier wins right one of the worst teams in the league we know how the heat have been historically through the Jimmy Butler

Era when it comes to these trap games right um these athletic young teams can kind of you know boat race you out there if you’re not on top of your game and sharp with the execution so uh this is one that they should win but you never

Know what the heat regardless we’re here to talk about Dwayne Wade obviously uh one of the goats you know the the greatest of all time for the Miami Heat it’s his day heat Hornets come second and with that we’re going to end this so thank you for tuning in make sure to

Check in to the five on the floor episode coming after the game check out Discord check out playback all that thank you for tuning in

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