@Brooklyn Nets

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 96 vs Brooklyn Nets 95 (1/15/24)

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 96 vs Brooklyn Nets 95 (1/15/24)

It feel like Miami myam Mi Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami miam Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami welcome welcome mothering welcome to your Miami Heat beat post game show today I am here I have the helm um but with me it’s a friend of mine shout out to my guy shout out to what you guys are doing over there five reasons my girl Tiffany

Is at the game Frankie’s exhausted G I think just got back from Canada Al got babies like you know but it’s okay you know this is why we have connections this is why we have people in the community we can lean on Eternal appreciate you brother thank you for

Filling in for me how you feel hey I feel good you know this is right you know this is like the 90s sitcom crossovers you know that’s what this is it is it is it is um if you are tuning in with us in the twitch chat shout out to you guys

Thank you we love you um fun game if you are watching us on the YouTube uh playback tomorrow we appreciate you catching us on wherever you get your podcast we appreciate those downloads as well H let’s get into whatever the this was no um you’re Miami Heat defeat the Brooklyn NS uh

9695 and there’s a few things to kind of take away from this game um you know I just want to begin with overall how did you feel about Jimmy’s first game back he’s been out for forever um Hae his understudy you know taking some well-deserved games off um overall how

Did you feel about Jimmy his breath his wind just how did you feel about how he he looked tonight uh first things first even when we were watching the worst basketball that we have ever seen from two supposedly good teams Jimmy was still looking um pretty good you know I

I said uh Jimmy looked like himself you know when Jimmy normally gets those dunks uh sioban where he hangs on a rim and he rocks back and forth you can kind of tell that Jimmy is himself and so uh being able to see that it was like oh

Okay Jimmy’s cool but when they when the refs pissed him off that’s when things change like yes Tyler got and I know I’m skipping ah here but Tyler got things going with the two made threes but when the ref pissed him off Jimmy was like all right yeah

[ __ ] all that I felt like even to begin like Jimmy looked rusted he looked spry um he looked like he had more legs up under him can talk about that last shot again uh hate the call gonna always atte the call but he got good elevation on it

Um but like you said yeah his attitude his posture you know he just felt um not just there but engaged and engaged in a way that you know maybe regular season Jimmy didn’t look even you know prior to the injury so super happy to have him

Back now I do think um you know the reintegration of Jimmy into the lineup um coupled with the way that Brooklyn was defending bam in some of our actions in the first half first half was crappy you know super stagnant um very very uh disjointed at like completely just like

Completely disjointed in the whole first half what did you did you feel like it was more of a um more of more of the Jimmy reintegration and everyone you know trying to figure out how they you know they Peck around each other so to speak or did you feel like it was

Brooklyn and what they were doing defensively or a bit of both I think it was I think it was a bit of both right because I think we saw some good basketball things from them um with Nico and um Jimmy and Tyler and and Kyle and Bam they just weren’t hitting shots

Right like it it just it just felt really ugly at times now I will say um sometimes when they got in got out in transition and like when those things when the ball was moving from end to end I think it looked really really ugly for both teams um and it

Just looked like that for like two quarters um you know so I do think um maybe some of that had to do with Jimmy being reintegrated into the lineup um but it just I don’t know it just felt like two teams that were one was coming back from another country and another

One was finishing out a very emotional um first start of a backtack yeah I for me you know I felt like it was a little bit of both two and I I had a tweet for and I’m not saying they have the exact same games but we’ve all I

Think the the heat Community or the Heat fan base has all kind of acknowledged the similarities between ha’s game and Jimm’s game you know how a more polished score than Jimmy was when he came into the league but as far as the areas on the flo that they operate they’re super

Similar like you’ll get Jimmy in the postup off the extended block we get Hae off the post-ups in the extended block but for some odd reason and again you know I want to touch on this a bit later where like really really picked up you know we move differently off of highe

Actions than we kind of do jimmies and so always this level of you know cook Jimmy Cook there is still a tendency to to ball watch and just watch Jimmy um see whether or not he can kind of cook and so I thought that there was some of

That happening in the first the first half we weren’t being physical at all Brooklyn played with a huge amount of aggression and to be the team to like instigate the aggression you level set for the Reps like you determine kind of how you want [ __ ] call because you they

Can’t call everything so if I’m consistently you know applying physicality you’re going to have to meet that at some point I thought in the first half they didn’t but what I really thought um Brooklyn did great job of in the first half was defending band they

Would get their switches kind of out in front and just kind of live with whatever Nick Claxton was going to be able to do on the perimeter but that guard whether it was um Dennis whether it was Spencer some Dorian was a a great helps side Defender they were hugging

They were gluing Bam um and you know I thought it it showed bam finished with uh 11 points on you know just five of 17 shoo a monster rebounding game um great defensive game you know did a lot of things well but scoring wasn’t you know kind of what we’ve seen for Bam

Um did you see anything um either different than what I said kind of also what I said you know um adding on to that like how did you feel about bam offensively in the first half one of the things we noted on playback is that the

Book is out sioban on bam and double teams he does not respond well to being doubled and it’s if you time it right on certain parts of the flooor he doesn’t really have like he doesn’t he doesn’t sense it coming or they don’t communicate hey watch out for the double

Or whatever or somebody moves to help him um and they just they kept spamming the double all night um and it just you could tell that it was really bothering him and also too um nobody’s cutting to help get him out of the situation before the double is fully collapsed on them um

But besides that I just thought you know besides the double teams CLA did a pretty good job of guarding him in the post um not not allowing him to seal and get really really close to the basket um just kind of challenging against shot so I don’t know this is the second game

Against Brooklyn where you can kind of tell that particular matchup isn’t one that bam just fully takes over yeah you know and Bam has always I think had and it’s and it’s not a knock on him and it’s not anything to like be a ashamed

Of but it’s and it’s it’s kind of the truth and it’s the truth what other people on the team do you know like length really can really disrupt some stuff and whether it was the way that they were really glowing to him out of pick and roll situations or the way that

They were double him um you know out of the extended post you know uh two smalls in the double is a little bit easier to you know pass and navigate over you got Dorian and let’s say Royce O’Neal or whomever else you know kind of bringing the double and that that’s a bit

Different of a challenge and so what I thought that they did different pause there I will say that I feel like bam has gotten better at recognizing the double and looking to pass out of it I think you know sometimes his posture in the double could feel a little stronger

But again that’s on his teammates to like make him make themselves you know more available than they do or at least quicker almost to the point where I’m feeling like now schematically like the thing is stay spaced when we when Jimmy Bam are are doubled right like right

Stay in their line of sight but stay SPAC on the perimeter and it’s almost like we’re we’re praying that that skip pass can make it but into the second half the things that I thought Miami did differently they went a little bit away from the B pick

Ro because they were just jamming him so hard on that Ro and so they went to like posting him a bit more and trying to get it to him there but again bringing the doubles and us not reacting to it like I don’t know do you feel like and I and

I’m not to say or trying to suggest that um I don’t know maybe I am I don’t like is it is it is it the game plan sometimes to not take those very very obvious cuts that would you know fre up like relief pass Cuts you still draw

Attention or do you feel like sometimes it’s just like deer in the headlights waiting for whatever is going to happen out of the double one of the things I mentioned on playback is that uh this is as nearly healthy as they’ve been all season so they they were missing only

Haime and Kevin tonight right and so what it seemed like was one of the lineups we saw Josh Duncan Caleb Haywood uh Nico and one of them was bam out there right and like you haven’t really seen them play that much time together and so it doesn’t really seem like

Everybody has a feel for each other on the court and so yeah you have those things like you mentioned where guys are just standing around they’re not cutting there’s no movement even if the ball was swinging like nobody was really moving to give the ball intention right and

So it just didn’t really feel like that was kind of you know on key but in the second half like you mentioned one of the things that kind of changed was there was more it seemed to be more intention going on um on offensive side of the Court uh especially on the Jimmy

Side Jimmy and Bam side right like one of the actions they ran um Tyler or KY was at the top of the key uh you could tell that Jimmy was going around bam to bring his Defender around him on the low block so he could set up on the other

Side of the block and he was getting he popping open numerous of times um sometimes the ball got to him sometimes it didn’t but you can just kind of tell it was disrupting what uh the Nets had planned on their defense so yeah to your point yeah I agree I

Feel like so out of short row situations so bam pick and roll short roll somewhere around the elbow slash third hash mark when defenses collapse on us kind of um on the interior a bit we are great Baseline Cutters oh absolutely yeah Haywood Caleb Josh Hae Jimmy fantastic Baseline Cutters like cutting

Behind the defense I just for the life of me I I can’t understand why we won’t take what presents themselves at so many face cutting opportunities again with the ball you know kind of locked up on the wing um and and pushing back on you

Just a little bit I don’t even know that those that that’s a a factor of you know familiarity with the lineup that you’re out there with these are like kind of basic tenants of helping beat the or like be tra especially a trap off on the sideline like you’re you’re so committed

To one side and there’s two on the ball there’s like nothing but just open paint just like a a run way of open paint um that I just you say that I give you I give you a push back you say that and I agree but we also see that this team

Can’t run a [ __ ] proper fast break that’s different though and yes but that is different you’re not wrong you’re not wrong but that is different I feel like um what else I like second half adjustments so rather than trying to run so much um bam Tyler pick and

Roll and it’s so the the BAM pick and roll with whomever Tyler Duncan he doesn’t really run much pick and roll with Jimmy you know that you’re either bringing two to the ball as the Handler which is you know leaving bam open or you’re mostly settling out on bam until

The guard you know kind of has a little bit of space um and so when they were jamming it kind of the way that they were not only did it like take the not only did it take bam out of a lot of actions it also took the resulting guard

Play out of like a lot of stuff so into the second half um moving bam out of the pick and roll a little bit and kind of just um instilling some space just period just based off of what the actions were um like I said I tweeted

That what do we look like when we can’t force it into Bam um and it it needed to be a guard that kind of loosened things up much like the Orlando game a couple games ago not the most recent one but another team with interior length it has

To be a guard that can kind of get into those pockets and you know find their spots and I thought Tyler did a great job in the third of picking his spots appropriately and I I’m not mad at Tyler for how aggressive he was in the third

Because it was needed and he is one of the guys best able to pick into those Pockets with the snake dribble it’s crafty enough people hate the long FL and I understand it that long ass floater with one hand from like the third hash I get it um but bit was on

Though the [ __ ] was on exactly and he’s a dep edit he works at that shot and how did you feel um you know we’ve had like a lot of third quarter letd Downs over the past few games how did you feel about Tyler’s aggression particularly tonight in the third bro they didn’t

Have [ __ ] going in the first half you needed what listen throw out the kitchen sink whatever is working all right you know so it was one of them things where you just needed somebody to get going and Tyler was the you know the faucet opening you know so you know he was able

To get the the first three to fall like they literally did not hit a three in the first half and Tyler was the one to get the first three to go and then the second one and then he got the got the floater going and then they got some

More threes to falling so it was just good to see the basket go you know see the ball going through the basket and Tyler was able to like you said to take advantage of that being like a little bit of a soft spot enough of a spot for

Him to take the floater and like you I would mad at it right you know because they didn’t have anything else working yeah um and if the defense give it to you you have to take take advantage what the defense gave you so shout out to Tyler for taking it and you know

Actually providing a spark which kind of fed into everybody else getting going into into the offense yep like Tyler loosen it a bit and then um you know the more shot started falling Josh’s shot started falling Caleb hit a couple um Duncan Duncan a little bit tonight zero

Points 0 for three from three 0 for four overall Duncan had a little bit of um a regression a little bit of no I wouldn’t even say a regression interesting elaborate do you feel like it’s a regression or is it a little bit of a cold spell and defenses um maybe keying

In on him a bit more you feel like it’s a regression I can’t necessarily say that because he just had 19 points last night right but he he was averaging he’s been prior to this game over the last two he was averaging 21 right and so

It’s it’s a weird thing I know it’s the Hot Topic about Tyler and dunan and all of that [ __ ] and that’s not where I’m trying to take it it’s just it’s weird literally on the flip side of that conversation sioban Ethan when we was on playback we was talking about like in

That first half Jimmy Jimmy was having a great game but Tyler wasn’t right and it was just like they didn’t look like they mesed on the court until that third quarter and if that third quarter and the fourth quarter doesn’t happen it’s still a topic you know so it’s like

Duncan sometimes look like himself of what we’ve seen this season where he looks not just as a active shooter or you know he’s moving off the ball and he’s I I know going but um you know he’s on the ball he’s throwing bam L like we had even in this

Game like we had a great on ball L throw from Duncan um to Bam you know where he came off the pick and roll really sharp got it at the point where it couldn’t be Challenge and you know B was able to convert it but it’s something that you

Do pay attention to while when he has his struggles and when he doesn’t yeah or and and how his troubles um come like like is it truly just like he only got up four shots only got up three threes um and I agree it’s a it’s a what are

You laughing at what’s happening the com Duncan looks like an active shooter is what happens on stream when G goes on vacation and I don’t know if you were talking about Duncan in that moment I swear you were talking about Tyler I was talking about D I was just keep going we

Just keep going man we just keep whites um but yeah I uh the way that Duncan struggles come or or why they are presented as struggles and so your point about like the BAM Tyler Jimmy Synergy again so like last season season before last there was this

Whole thing we talked about a lot he beat um about how Jimmy and Bam are always in each other’s space Bam’s trying to post up Jimmy is taking this Lakers cut but like sitting right on his lap bringing the defender forcing a double team that wasn’t even trying to come

Jimmy it happens often it’s happened much less than season but it is a recurring theme um but in the games where we do see the three of them be able to kind of synergize it’s them operating in each of the three levels of the half court Tyler in the pick and

Roll that’s his level bam on the roll get it to him that’s Bam’s chunk then Jimmy cutting either from the wings or Baseline and like that’s Jimmy’s kind of Lane and so again like when they disrupt the pick and roll it disrupts like a lot of the um

Kind of just the the definition of the three of theirs kind of lame so but you know it it it it is it is a thing that happens like either one half one of them has it no other half n of them doesn’t a game

Like they got to they got to figure out how to mesh all three of those skill sets even when their like primary action that gets them into it you know isn’t there so regulation let’s not even get to the end of let’s not get past

Regulation I knew it you knew it I feel like 34s of the goddamn fan base was like it’s going to be it’s gonna be a Jimmy jumper ain’t it like it’s just gonna be a Jimmy three just it has to be because what have we seen since the damn Boston

Series two years ago it’s the gamewinner the look The go-ahead Look is more than likely gonna be a Jimmy 3 and tonight you know damn near one step inside one step inside the art but to our conversation earlier about just how much more fresh he looked it was a good

Look okay okay okay he got great elevation go ahead what no I was I was waiting on you because I I was like damn I don’t want to push back but then you said it was a great look I think it was a good look I hate the call but he got a

Clean look from it um but that’s you know elevation we get into overtime some back and forth I’m sure I’m missing like there was some Miss free throws go ahead I don’t want to skip out on Tyler hitting some very verye that’s why I just saying I feel like I I know

You know Tyler he some some very clutch uh you know shots at the end before we got to to the Jimmy U and and again on the Tyler foul I don’t blame Tyler for that one I don’t think Tyler should have been on the floor but SPO on FL off the floor

But he had he had he was in the run that he was in go ahead yeah but Jimmy also created that foul on Tyler by trying to shoot and get the ball right and try to deflect and go for the steel and he overplayed the ball and that’s what

Created uh Mel having you know that opportunity to go at Tyler but I think before all of that I think Tyler hit some very very clutch needed shots um a couple of floaters a three um and he was clutch you know coming down the end of

Fourth um so but as we flow into the OT After Jimmy Miss and again on that Jimmy Miss like it was almost movie like how much space he had between him that one shot from like the opposite Baseline where you can see just yeah no he got

Great LIF and and the ball just rimmed out I mean it is what it is you’re not gonna hit all of them but yeah to your point about that hold on before we get to overtime so the the foul on Tyler that you just pointed out was a little bit on Jimmy as

Soon as it happened it brought me immediately to game five Milwaukee last year the Gabe lob to Jimmy happened because and Jimmy said it in the press conference when I I had access when we were in the press conference Jimmy said the play was supposed to be something different Jimmy

Said I know Drew is going to be locking and trailing me so when I hit this when I hit this pin down when I hit this screen he’s gonna be behind me the lob is gonna be there and for him to like end up being the victim of the exact

Same type of look thought was poetic as soon as I saw him go for it I was like look at Drew holiday but go ahead take us into the fourth or take us into overtime well you know Jimmy he shoots Gap and misses um yeah they hit the free throws he tries

To go for the win and now they’re overtime and it got dicey it got dicey right because they didn’t start uh overtime out really hot uh the Nets did um I think they got they got up to five points for sure I don’t know if they got

Up to seven but they got up to five for sure um who else was it again it was Tyler Tyler again was able to kind of get some points um early on in OT um and then you know we were able to see them kind of close it out at the end

Where we was kind of close kind of close to another overtime but they was able to lock in and for the guy that’s been the punching bag besides Tyler and KY go ahead give him his give him his things Josh was able to play some really great

Defense at the end on Mel yeah and they were able to close it out yeah and I thought that Mel shot was going in I was like look at this double overtime coming here but I know you’re right Josh peeled off of his um and and stood with Mel

Really well um either e or Kate mentioned about how the the bench really um mobbed him after because that was a great contest I was almost stressed out I wanted Jimmy to vacate whoever he was guarding in the corner I’m like Jimmy I need you to dig here Jimmy just kind of

Gave me one of them swipes I was like oh man this shot is going in but yeah J Rich presented himself you know really really well there at the end we pull off another sub 100 uh Victory when was the last time we seen a game go into overtime and neither team

Reaches 100 it’s the fact that it was overtime because we just beat the magic sub 100 on both sides but the fact that you had an additional five minutes and nobody could uh crack a you know it’s fine this is what I like this is this is

Good honest you know rough them up basketball but it was a physical game you know and it’s good for we have to start winning um we have when we got a stram together wins but we need to be able to win in multiple ways and earlier

In the season we were like our fourth quarters were terrible we were losing fourth quarters we were giving up you know even if we weren’t necessarily losing games we were losing crucial minutes to end games and I’m happy to see them you know hold the Rope a little

Bit um here here down this stretch Jimmy back Kyle’s back I’m sure Kevin will be back soon Hae um deserves these next couple of games he’s going to have off all right we got the Raptors on Wednesday day the new look Raptors the Emanuel Quigley uh RJ Barrett Raptors

You know the Toronto games are always kind of a blood bath they’re always really physical it’s just length and bodies and limbs um and stuff everywhere is there anything in particular that you want to see out of this group come Wednesday I’mma tie it together right because I feel like we didn’t mention

Him and to have both of us on here and don’t mention him I feel because I don’t want to force it because I I want to keep it level but go ahead Nico played incredible defense incredible defense tonight and if there’s anything I want to see um on Wednesday is just to see

The trajectory of that continue like how yeah like you know the perimeter defense look really good the off ball defense the communication all of it look good so to see um you know how he did on Mel Bridges on the wing and cam Thomas and everything like that just to see more of

That you know if he does get switched out on Emanuel quick or RJ Barrett or Scotty B just to see how he holds up so uh as far as on Wednesday just to see come out strong in the first half don’t let it be another game where you have to

Come back in the second second half energy-wise like they didn’t have to come back they were down in this game but next game don’t allow yourself to be um out physical like you said or you know not really have the energy hustle have it next game so what I’m looking

For to your Nico Point um you know like I don’t want to I don’t want to be uh but I also kind of don’t care like that’s my son High my son um but yeah you’re absolutely right in that his perimeter defense his feet like his defensive feet have gotten so much

Better and while there’s still something to be desired from him um on the interior defensively when he’s gotten much better with not fouling he’ll he’ll hit you one of these straight UPS real quick now and he’s just long like this is this is this is more intimidating than like Kyle

Larry and Gabe under here doing [ __ ] like that um but Bas basketball who knew being tall who like you who who thought like just length an elevated sideline I can make quick Snappy passes I ain’t got to give you 18 fakes to get it you know

Who would have thought who would um but know his defensive feet on the perimeter have gotten you know remarkably better like worlds better he’s playing with his length more to your to your point his off ball awareness has has left as well so I’m I agree and I’m excited to see

Him continue to progress defensively uh his shot has been a little wonky um he’s rebounding well he’s pushing pace and he’s getting dudes engaged a hell of a passer uh they’ve run that like um back screen for whomever it is on the wing with NOA at the top this game last game

And he like lasering he’s he’s just a phenomenal passer great great vision so yeah seeing him continue to progress uh defensively I’m looking forward to against drivers like RJ and you know physical physical guys so and they’re trusting him a little bit more with the

Ball in his hands we saw run a inverted pick and roll with him and Kyle and we’ve seen them run another inverted pick and roll with him and Jimmy so just to see them trust trust him with the ball in his hand it’s getting us closer

To what I want I won’t mention but it’s getting that’s you know baby steps you got to you got to spoon feed the people you can’t just throw the truth at everybody like all at once that’s when people want to you know reject it you just gotta let them you

Know gradually um but this was great we are going to go ahead and close out here like I said we have the Raptors this Wednesday shout out to you Eternal again thank you for uh you know filling in for me shout out to intern Pablo back there

On the ones and twos again if you’re with us in the twitch chat we love you catch us on the YouTube replays we love you the streaming platform downloads We super love you that’s where the Bucks come in so you know keep doing that um

Tell a friend tell a friend um you know come come give us a look and we are going to go ahead and get out of here everybody be safe spaces tomor are you going to do space tomor oh girl um maybe probably not but maybe I don’t

Know I might hop in there if if somebody has one I’m not gonna host one but I might hop in there if if you haven’t one or okay fine I don’t know I be having to be leery about Royal throwing spaces them [ __ ] get wild but we’ll see we’ll

See probably will be back here on Wednesday though like I said um and we hope to see you back here too peace okay

Siobhan Beslow is joined by Eternal from 5R as they talked about

– Another Tale of 2 Halves

– Brooklyn’s Disruption of Miami Staples

– Miami’s Movements vs. The Double

– Tyler beats the 2nd half allegations!

and more!


  1. I know people are gonna hate me for saying this but, Siobhan is best in a group. She’s honestly a bit too analytical and honestly quite boring to watch. No offense 😅. This needs Alph back

  2. Bam looked lost when he defers to Jimmy… when he tries to be Robin to Jimmy's Batman…

    It is sooo unlike when Bam is in there with Jaime… Bam is Superman and Tyler is Aquaman and Jaime is Cyborg…

    He should learn to be Superman while in there with Batman and Aquaman and Cyborg…

    He also needs to learn what to do when he gets doubled…

  3. Bam is so lucky they won that game, otherwise he would have gotten dragged. He had 20 rebounds and that’s it. He honestly almost cost them the game multiple times.

    Shout out to Herro for bringing them back from the dead, Jimmy for getting them above water, even JRich for contributing offensively, & Caleb for making big defensive plays.

    If Bam would have been decent they would have won this game no problem.

  4. I don’t like Bam, Jimmy, & Kyle all in the starting lineup… it’s not enough offense.

    I pray Spo comes to the realization to start Caleb & let Kyle run the bench unit.

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