@San Antonio Spurs

What killed the comeback. If Keldon had enough vision to see Sochan under the basket, it’s an easy bucket and lead down to 4. Who knows how it plays out from there…

What killed the comeback. If Keldon had enough vision to see Sochan under the basket, it’s an easy bucket and lead down to 4. Who knows how it plays out from there…

by Southern_sky


  1. Thin-Gap9295

    Or we could’ve idk, not have a 30+ point deficit at half

  2. lemontortilla

    I mean probably right. Keldons biggest weakness outside of defense is his vision. We can only hope he continues to develop it

  3. Keldon is more of a put my head down and drive to the rim kind of guy unfortunately. He will never see the open guy in that scenario.

  4. thedam100

    lol was this the only thing that went wrong with keldon’s play today?

  5. Bonesawisready5

    Y’all laugh but Keldon plus filler and like a pick for Lavine would be fire. Maybe ATL 2025? Idk if Lavine still has bad trade value tho. Big FA don’t usually leave to other teams anyway (Brunsons and KD aside) so trading for a guaranteed bucket (who is mid on defense) but has better court vision than Keldon would be a good upgrade at SF.

    Then draft whoever and by the time Zach’s deal is up maybe those 24-26 picks will be ready for big time

  6. This play doesn’t even do it justice it’s so bad. He’s turned into keldon “the possession ends here” Johnson and unlike porter if he’s not hot he don’t make it. But he kills flow, he’s killing energy. He’s not thinking at all and he’s not even showing any traits of winning.

  7. BeautifulDimension56

    Nah this play is not bad he just missed. This was more of a bad miss than anything. If he passes to sochan theres a very real chance Trae young can get into position to knock the ball loose from sochans hands

  8. bballjones9241

    But the way ppl on this sub talk about KJ, you’d think he’d be a top 3 guy on a title contending team

  9. Alltalent

    Tre fooled himself here by not dumping it to Jeremy for the potential dunk/layup and 1

  10. 789Trillion

    Keldon was actually pretty bad down the stretch. He reached in on Trae Young 2 or 3 times that led to easy baskets when they otherwise would’ve struggled to get a good look as they had the entire half. He missed a few bad layups, missed a few open passes, racked up bad fouls. Honestly I’m not sure why Pop left him out there. I was calling for Julian to come in but by the time he did the damage was done.

  11. ASithLordNoAffect

    Nah. He had a layup and just missed it.

  12. password_321

    You guys love Keldon one day and hate him the next. He’s an average player who has a high motor and that’s it.

  13. Mclitness

    You people becoming unbearable. Most the team played like shit the first half and you zero down to one play that “ruined” the come back.

    It’s hard coming back from games because the amount of focus and energy it’s takes to get stop after stop while executing on the offensive end.

    The team gave there best effort to come back, which is solid improvement from where we were at the beginning of the season.

  14. postpostpunkdad

    I think Keldon made the right play. In my mind you’re either going to finish or get fouled. Unfortunately neither happened. Sochan also has trouble finishing around the rim at times so I think it’s probably 6 of one half dozen of the other. And like the top comment said – we could have just not played like absolute shit the entire first half. That may have also worked

  15. seceipseseer

    Keldon needs to know by now that he is not clutch. Stop forcing it and just pass to someone.

  16. I really question how well some of you read the game if you think Keldon not passing to Jeremy was what went wrong that possession.

    Him missing the layup was the problem not him “‘missing” Jeremy when he was mid catch 7 feet from the rim.

    The other solution here is Tre dropping it off to Jeremy who is also in his line of sight.

    KJ played like shit tonight, this is probably the worst example u can use to emphasize that point.

  17. Sellerdorm

    He also missed two wide open 3s in the fourth, which further deflated the momentum Wemby brought back. I’m not saying he lost it alone, but OP is right. We would have been down by only two had he made the easy pass or made the layup.

  18. CrissCrossAppleSos

    It plays out the same. I know people on Reddit think momentum is real, but it’s largely not. Atlanta doesn’t all of the sudden miss shots that they otherwise would have made if Keldon Johnson makes a layup. Take the spurs score and add 2 and that’s what they difference was

  19. RogerTreebert6299

    I blame the whataburger unis personally

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