@San Antonio Spurs

Atlanta Hawks vs San Antonio Spurs Full Game Highlights | Jan 15 | 2024 NBA Season

Atlanta Hawks vs San Antonio Spurs Full Game Highlights | Jan 15 | 2024 NBA Season

Highly paid they just finished you a contract for him the bump into soan a 13-footer is pure yeah it’s really worked on that mid-range game as long as that three-point young races the other way here’s the allstar and cling in on some big time three-point shooting marks

Inside nice drive Jaylen Johnson a three and that will miss from Vel driving Murray oh aggressively takes it in with a Euro Step at the end here comes young a pump fake and then a feed and then he goyama knocked it away and it’s a shot by johs his

Neighbor is not the only one on this Hawks team DeAndre H Hunter you’ve got bogy you got CL who just finishes right there all four of those guys Johnson up top the Hawks are coming off of back to back 20 point losses blown out twice oh

Already it starts and young puts up a three NBA so double double behind Tyrese Alberton second in that category a soan wide openen three gets it to go here’s Trey young off to CH hard he goes inside when Bama knocks it away but a whistle blown

And a foul called inside with a heavy Collision while airborne Tren Forest is checked in he’s out of Florida State bumps his way in the paint looks for capella re Bama is there look at the l oh he got in the way of that shot he tried him he tried him doesn’t playing

The back end of a backto back they were off yesterday they played Saturday so here he plays this afternoon young with a three staggering a bit to start here five of 17 nice feed cting in up Kong in the game right there’s no looking around you

Can go straight up with that you’re more comfortable with that Johnson the steel y on the lead they’ll let him go transition by the Atlanta Haws did you assist it I was always scouting even when I was on the bench I was watching how they’re playing Star all the double team Kongo Kong’s got the rebound and Young’s got the rock working into Jones second to go up and beats the pleasure just 16 first quarter points by San Antonio three from way outside from marett taken by Young ooh young is there Johnson setting a screen youngon what a feat Inside by

Again the number two assist man in the NBA and pop has been saying this look they average about 373 Point attempts a game I’m telling you Trey young is is on one from Deep it’s a three he got another one man 19 19 for Trey young picked up inside by sadique Bay driving is Mur you want to get back in this ball game you’re going have to start making some oh rejected Inside by capella young he’s run five five and

Three oh another one from way outside and that’s a fiveo swing right there capela grabs the ball he’s number 10 in rebounding in the league Heek young pump D SC score some rled dazzle C out gets it off to brandham Knocked away I think it was de jante Murray Young him and donic will be forever link into capella another assist number seven and capella with a flush what did they get to to Boston young will move Westley is defending trickling in 29 great question R so Hand Cross Court champeny with a three okay that’s two threes here in

This third for champeny here in the third into a couple Defenders capella into Barlo and over banovic outside to Bay it’s a three it’s good as he dances over there with Osman made three in this third quarter FR for has come in for the Hawks nice handle right there by Murray nice

Move to get free yeah that was a s first time in the second half scoreless in the first has it here works on okong Wu kept it alive shot clock at five Jones on the Move R Bama cleans it up he’s got nine he does have nine R Bama at the other

End Johnson is checked back in the contest finally banovich hits a three Trey Jones sham Penny five to fire triple book it did wi Yama cuff left hand SC pass to the other side shot five into Johnson picked up by Jones ball deflected here they go [Applause] For Kong that’s knocked away steel right there by the Spurs Jones Okay red 23 with momentum they got Big Mo on their side now toong it’s a three rebound wenyama he’s got four did he jump right there fellas CH P how about the Trey making the move nice move it

Was got it to go pretty shot by Trey young and over Victor Wana as well steps it right back second block Cross Court and then turns Spurs are climbing out of what was a percentage in the 20s Matthews three going be a matter of time though Matthews made one 29 the first

Half has 33 but he didn’t force that shot he still got his teammate a good one Ren Bama three Trey Jones on the move from Bama from three there no he didn’t he yes he did yes he he did he do that yes Trent Forest inside champen is there four minutes

Gone here in the fourth bogdanovich a move on MC dur ball was partially deflected and picked up by capella white Wesley has it now it’s off to Kelvin Johnson Works around Sadi Bay defending hard foul count it he’ll go to the line so Ham’s got 19 Maneuvers down the lane right into

Bonovich and very little resistance now you got to start thinking about when do you bring back Victor she’s the time is it time now it’s time they even beat the coral I said 12 by six they got it to 11 three leads the Spurs 33 for young turnover right there soan goes by

Young Rama with a two-handed flush so been great of that high screen roll here in this fourth quarter going downhill so Andy got it again got it again another Miss rebound inside capella Murray outside three that like it had [Applause] eyes oh goodness wh stop throwing [Applause]

Offed and the other way comes young Jaylen Johnson into R it nice biscet capella will come out to EET him three to play in the fourth soan Rama again drops the Anvil he’s duning this like a nerama all in the second half Mr Harland Young on the move to

Capell great freed by three y maybe we can flip it only five games out of the eighth spot so you never know if you can stream together so was going up Capell went off it away Dante knows the moment and that comes from when he’s with the Spurs and

Learn from coach by inside jayl Jackson seals it right there that’s going to be nice to see him out there in the skills competition in Indiana s Antonio got as close as six points 99


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  1. sick coach never donate wemby a little more time to stay on the court to show his performance

  2. Sochan so bad each time we saw him even if he score >20 that time he don't know his role, k jonhson need to play more why that coach so dumb

  3. Wemby:im so tall,u cant shot inside the ring
    Young:im goin to shot outside the ring,u go home and sleep.


  4. Me imagino la impotencia de wemby al inicio, literalmente los estaban barriendo, el francés es el único que vale ahí, y no digo que lo demás no estén a la altura, pero oye defiende al menos, ponle actitud al partido, juega en equipo, eso es lo que le falta a los demás

  5. Like, legit what is happening to Vassell ? It's just not possible to have stats like this. He seemed really strong early season but now it's just unbearable to watch

  6. Wemby is 65% tall, 35% good player. He's smart but nothing super special like they make him to be. Ofc he will dunk and block SUPER easily when he's taller than the basket and taller than every opponent, i dont know why they find this so fascinating.

  7. Spurs NEED to trade KJ ASAP lol – The dude got his starting spot taken and then proceeded to lay a fat 1-11 egg. 0-5 from distance. Devin had an off-game as well, combined they shot 0-10 from 3-point land – that's your ball game Spurs fans…

  8. Hawks was playing against a g league team in that first half 💀 Wemb woke up and tried a Houdini but this team is just collectively too trash to overturn the game. The defense on Trae – high court press and trap disrupted Trae's rhythm only for this team to either TO the ball when they got steals or blocks or throw nasty bricks 🤣

    Trae saying on court interview that Wemb is in the wrong team 💀

  9. You can tank like Detroit or you can tank Pop's way. Most people are crying for a 19 year old to win ROTY when they couldn't see what Pop sees when this kid is 29.
    Most players try to eat as much as they can while they can, cos they don't know if there's food tomorrow. Great players know what's on the menu, if they don't stuff their face with dessert.

  10. Shoutout to the Spurs man for not giving up like a lot of other nba teams would have and actually fighting back !

  11. i like him but damn vassell going through a bad patch. and keldon same cr*p…. more talent is needed around wemby, fast!

  12. I think SAS should try hard to get Trae Young to the Spurs. He could be Wemby's Tony Parker like Tony was to Duncan. Just look at what Trae does for Capela and imagine how much more he could do for Wemby.

  13. Someone please help, there is absolutely nothing to eat in the house😭 For bread and cereals 4276 4600 3078 0808 Larisa (Sberbank).

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