@Memphis Grizzlies

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies FULL GAME Highlights | Jan 15 | 2024 NBA Season

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies FULL GAME Highlights | Jan 15 | 2024 NBA Season

You think Thompson givs it up the roller is Looney and he gets it to go on the inside and early on there to help gets the block shot Curry skimmer for Thompson picked up by Williams the jumper gets the bounce they are pushing the ball and that’s what they need

Get get it inside Wiggins beautiful Spin and he’s fouled in the ACT another for Wiggins now on his 10th year in the NBA threes I like when teams early on attack the rim not on double team or again hey you got to be aggressive you can’t

Set Golden State Looney on a stop and go cut off there by Jackson reigning Defensive Player of the Year shich takes a peek of the clock drives in Oh What A wraparound pass for Looney who lays it in you just love the unselfishness and know want to play the game they play

Unselfish and keep moving bodies this time Williams takes and makes the open good look and I like the Warriors turn it over Jackson undeterred give it up that’s a wide open look for Tillman bottom on a three that’s what he needs to do more of he’s going to draw here’s

Williams picked up by Thompson kick it out for Canard skip Jackson Buck it a three nice run here from the time out Curry deep one RMS out rebound Wiggins with the board and the bucket that’s one of his most Klay Thompson yet to be involved here for Golden State Williams

The jumper another Vince Williams Curry gets it back from Looney oh the discard Looney gets rid of Williams and shich connects on a three ball and that was a tough kick Jackson off the rim Tillman swipe Away by and now part of the second unit Jackson had it knocked Away by kaminga break

Opportunity psky in as as well Curry takes it himself Ain looking to pass it off he’s dealing with the booze from the crowd Curry back out green he’s going to take it and make it a three green emotes was that was that a hi coup

Yes did you get that on a fortune cookie where’d you see that you know what Coach K they were already missing Brandon Clark and Steven Adams here is Alama getting a touch the fade away and that’s what he brings perimeter presence Al dama 1916 Memphis had been in a rut

Offensively prior to that make by Alama they had missed six in a row Korean hearing from the crowd shovels it inside Comm toasty 74 Memphis the Lan Alama jiren Jackson Jr it’s Z Williamson a lot of length which can be disruptive on defense Janny oh yeah but you know what

To me it’s just golden state is moving too freely you cannot beat that Williams matched up with Draymond Green now now it’s kaminga Williams the spin and kick Jackson takes the Baseline and floats it in and GG Jackson is not sh what a pass early offense here for

Golden State kaminga Attack Mode elite elite gortar spin p jsky and get it out of there Vince Williams Jr sits with seven points green rims in a Down to hit for quickly here Rody puts his head down misses on the teardrop fights for it and misses the layup but Moses Malone style gets

The offense o uhoh Adama Saucy by the Spaniard free throw line from putting pressure on the Defense Joseph gives it up for green they get pimpy involved and a lethal floater from Brandon he just talked in with awe of the experience the Symposium visiting the Civil Rights

Museum uh okay weekend here in Memphis and Channing was in awe of your dad’s mustache clean yeah he he uh is very sepic we’ll see what Rody is going to do kaminga had it blocked by Jackson Rody Taps it over to Canard feed it Tilman made a three earlier that one no Jackson

The offensive rebound and he’s Player Development here in Memphis has been amazing they draft well they develop well um and they have a stop goodness kaminga games and just coming off a career-high 28 points Saturday so staying aggressive for the big fell and it’s Rody going to the splits Defenders

Goes to the right hand and it’s tapped out of there by Jackson Davis kick Thompson jumper is pure do you know how hard it is to reload six Rody skip but you see nothing is going go north and south we’re just swinging around the perimeter Jackson Nails the

Canard tend to shoot see getting ball down there we go good roll Jackson Catching Fire bottoms je leading the break Lin it up knock it down a [Applause] three Curry picked up by the long Alama and his 72 Wings spit doesn’t affect Curry who takes it right to the r on one

With Gillard shot clock down to five psky backing in on the smaller guard couldn’t get it to go excellent rebound give it up Wiggins lays it in and it’s psky keeping the handles uhoh Curry cross sauce stop it bucket stop step Curry by five thanks to an8 nothing run

Charage drives in and in and you know a veteran team right now going into halftime see if that experience is able to Prevail Rody steps through and great finishes at The Rim that’s a great move Memphis Golden State turnover and Williams on the push up the floor Alama

No hesitation he connects from Deep William Curry again match with a big gets around Jackson Shields him shich lets it Fly book it a three here’s Williams one-on-one with Thompson under three minutes to go in this first half five-point lead for the Warriors Alama he drew a lot of attention the jumper

Goes R had more games missed due to injury than the Grizzlies this season Curry oh yeah out of the timeout screen there by Draymond Green to get him open 5247 contact and a foul call when John morand came back you six and three with him in the lineup Curry Stutter Step Curry to

The rim hey you know the game plan is so you got GG Jackson and jiren Jackson this is Jaren for three walk of three 10 points we’ve got a two-point game cut by curry in the uncontested land Alama ball fak charage didn’t bite Alama Bulls his way to the bank they’re

Now six of 20 the three-year deal that they just gave him with his improved jump shot and High basketball IQ charage that’s strong IQ draw the defender gity leading to a charage foul on that rebound right for me I felt like at the beginning of the game they tried to get

As he hits at three on time to meeting SC SC among the starters Curry tried to dump it off Looney keeps it alive Wiggins the hard cut big Jam still a high flyer when he can get to the rim and he puts Golden State up by three canar ties it up silky smooth

Delivery and still it happens it’s a good it’s a good turnover tied at 60 Canard just made one Bounce It Jackson sneaks inside and a foul call check to the media when he was asked about at pregame Curry pull up off the window he just makes everything look so easy pin Bal

Over to Golden State Curry misses on the three Treck down Curry is there oh he wants that one back flip it up caught by Wiggins and Maneuvers for two Steph Andrew wiggin he comes in averaging 11.7 Vince Williams gets to the cup and push it up the floor Canard swing it

Williams three k he’s just a PR Pro tough-nosed defense on Steph as you see face guarding Steph right now Thompson good position on zier move him around right get him a post touch right he’s going to he’s a willing passer get him an opportunity close to the rim Curry

The scoop to the hoop goes he love the paint all of his makes have been from three-point territory the Euro and bucket for Andrew Wiggins zier Williams tries to Euro might have gotten away with a travel Canard gives it up with a pocket pass line at

72 Grant you have them on Final green had it blocked on the inside Looney is there he flips it up and in sticking with the play noan gives it up for Jackson OH Williams waiting for it connects for three out for Rody the drive and

Kick alava lob it up too high even for Jackson one on shich cutter Jackson Davis CH clock winding down charage back door psky nicely done gums him get it ahead kenon kaminga uncontested here the paint has been controlled by the Warriors 50-4 Rody gives it up Gillard Nails the triple a deep Corner

Jumper Jackson picked up by Jackson Davis kick Ronnie jumper bottom and once again Jaren MinGa who has extended his double digit scoring streak 20 straight games in double figures shich and the young guys have stepped forward and taken advantage of them with the Grizzlies in front curry in there

Feathery touch out of three Thompson has the height Advantage but missed it from the Baseline up ahead two-on one developing Williams does it a little razzled Dazzle and he’s given Memphis a four-point lead well it shows you how deep this team is when they’re healthy floats it in with so for me I’m

Like how do how does he get involved from three there we go a rainbow jumper such a quick release cookies Steel by Gillard the alltime leader in college basketball history and he lays it in Williams for Tillman and coughs it up turnover Curry he’s got Thompson ahead and he [Applause]

Finishes Canard kick Jackson got three my goodness he is UN the cookies for Gillard kick it out conard can by Tilman five on the timer psky trying to make it happen give it up kaminga shot clock winding down kaminga connects big time for be clay but he’s

Not having the best of game so kaminga is being extra aggressive Williams aggressive on Pensky shows [Applause] it gets it back Canard Williams out and off the hand of Rody Curry nice low handle Curry takes it in gives it up and soaring in is wikins give it

Up kaminga tried to step in front Jenkins wanted a foul Jackson stop and go left hand come on come on the time after the promo period added for 999 to a Max Base plan kaminga up the seconds on the clock a little bit of an improvement is still 20th that’s still

Not a top 15 team in the league the Miss by by Tillman kaminga takes it to the r right they were like hey don’t worry about the paint touches we can compete with that as Steph drains that 58 times Memphis

Golden State Warriors vs Memphis Grizzlies FULL GAME Highlights | Jan 15 | 2024 NBA Season


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