@Sacramento Kings

Kings defensive mistakes on Dame’s game-winner

Kings defensive mistakes on Dame’s game-winner

So you didn’t like the way that he was trying to deny with Malik on Giannis you didn’t need to okay let yanis gets the ball look at where his angle is so Giannis maybe gets by Giannis is going to have like some like half court heave and it’s Giannis I’m not

Worried about that what I’m worried about is this guy getting the ball back so now Dame right at this moment I mean he’s got an ability to go downhill sabonis at the free throw line sabonis decides to back up Bon stay at that you know I think he’s a little worried about

Giannis at that moment but look at this moment D look dear thinks he’s got Dame Dame can put on a little move he does just that sabonis why are you staying there the the you know what can beat you a three-pointer not a two dude two can’t

Beat you so get your ass up and get up there Blitz him I he cannot get that look I was so much I was way angrier before but watching this over and over it’s worse to me no it’s not it to me it’s not as bad it’s it’s bad oh don’t

Get me wrong it’s bad but what’s bad about it is you don’t leave Dane listen listen what’s bad about it is just the IQ not kicking in for everybody right that that was and that was it that is it because I I even I thought I thought maybe dearen

Was like too much uh like too loose with this situation when I first watched it but looking at it again it’s not that he’s loose it was just they weren’t reacting quick enough to their personnel and even right there Dame crosses over Andor just starts going down toward the middle instead of

Down the right lane and that’s where dear’s body he gets that one step in front of him and domas just stop look how far domas right there he’s thinking there’s 3 seconds left on the clock he’s just thinking I’m not letting I’m protecting my paint but I get it I get

It I’m not saying he’s right top of the key now you drop back and then that’s that does nothing and it’s a hell of a shot by Dam let’s also acknowledge that like I don’t it’s a hell of a shot but he shouldn’t have got that shot and that’s what’s disappointing is I

Understand Daren recovered but who cares at this point this is where it’s communication monks like I monk should be like I got him I got him instead de yeah yeah it’s just I would not even worried about Giannis in that point at point I guess my point is is like I’m

Not leaving I’m that’s dear’s had moments like that late in the game where he gets the ball back you know guess what though he’s not going to have that moment again he’s not going to have that moment again not this season he’s not GNA have that moment

Again I think he looks at that and like even if Mike Brown is trying to stick up for him and goes we should have blitzed Dame at the end of this one it’s like even if you were to Blitz D it doesn’t matter it’s it’s on you want to you want

To still put that much pressure and that much responsibility on your leader in dearen Fox to just get it right Kyle says you act like it was a wide open catching shoot three no Kyle but here’s the thing like The Details Matter in these late game situations and that’s

What basketball is you know these players are so good right so you have to do everything in your power to make it slightly more difficult and Dame getting the ball downhill is he’s done this like this is he’s comfortable with that like oh I have a

Straight line to get to my spot and that’s someone that’s done it before Kyle and that’s the only reason why it’s like because I get what you’re saying too you’re like wait it wasn’t the the easiest look but for Dame that’s like a walk in the park type of look and it’s

Just understanding the moment too like Waring like dearn coming off the inbounder to worry about Giannis getting the ball it’s like look Monk Is there and maybe help can come up like is Yannis jiannis could get past monk I guess and go but what are the odds that

Giannis is going all the way to the basket in that time he’s probably going to feel like he’s got to force something up where Dame just gets the ball right back and fox recovers but puts a little crossover on him gets to a spot sabonis doesn’t help bang that’s game and that’s

What’s unfortunate Philip says I threw up in my mouth right now that’s a bad feeling yeah we all did

Deuce and Mo break down Damian Lillard’s game-winner against the Kings and what went wrong for the Kings defense on the final play vs. the Bucks.
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  1. Doesnt seem like theres much anyone could really have done but its surprising how easily Damian blew by Fox, 9 years his junior and supposedly the fastest player. Unless Fox is hurt or something

  2. What is that title, come on guys. I'll take an ot game multiple last second shots instant classic against the number 2 seed in the east, any day of the week. Let's talk about those 2 Fox clutch drives, 1 to send us to ot, one to take the lead with 2.1 seconds to go in ot. Let's talk about red velvet, where's he been hiding? Hopefully keegans allright. Oh, and Coach Brown got tossed then proved not only was he right but that the refs fully rigged this game against us in his presser. Hell of a game, we get 0 respect from the refs.

  3. Sabonis should’ve had better awareness and IQ his man lopez was at half court why wouldn’t you go double dame ?! Fox sagged off to much these guys aren’t all stars

  4. If Sabonis ran out Damian would just use him as a screen against Fox. There was enough time. It's on Fox if anything not staying in front of him

  5. I don't care that Kings lost. They played a very strong game against a damn good team. They came back from 12 points down and were very close to winning after the Brown situation. The pleasant surprise of the evening was Huerter.

  6. Bucks fan here, you guys are awesome and it cool to see the kings good again. Seems like both teams need to figure out how to play some defense if they want to win a title this year.

    Also dame time 🙂

  7. I was watching the game with my family for my Birthday dinner when Lillard hit that last night lol Thanks for the memories Kings

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