@Detroit Pistons

Moves In The Midwest & Potential Deadline Deals | The Hoop Collective

Moves In The Midwest & Potential Deadline Deals | The Hoop Collective

Hello welcome to the hoop Collective podcast we talk about the NBA which we’re doing on Sunday afternoon joining us from New York City Tim bontemps hello everybody joining us from Dallas Texas where the Mavericks continue to confound they win games they should lose and lose games they should win is B McMahon howdy

Partners I drew the wrath of that pesky little Pelicans fan base last night because I mentioned in a tweet before the game that they were punting which I did not think was an offensive term for a team that was sitting out its three highest paid players and as well as Trey

Murphy II on a back-to-back that was totally brutal didn’t get to the hotel till 4:35 and um there were some some angry Pelicans folks the the uh Team social media accounts were mocking me doing the old alternating capital and lowercase letter I mean tell you what Jordan

Hawkins wasn’t puning baby he was he was lighting it up Rising Stars candidate Jordan Hawkins just anecdotally there’s been some wild schedule situations over the last seven to 10 days and I’m not sure it has to do with the the rash of blowouts but I would expect that it

Would um but just this concept that the you know you should never have you should never play a backtack when you go east never and especially when you are pushed back and it’s our company but when you’re pushed back and so it’s a later tip than normal because it’s a

National TV game like they were in Denver whereas we all know the airport is on the other end of the Earth at at the end of a long road trip and and then you on the other side of now this was going west but you had the Bucks uh

Getting to play the Celtics the Celtics now forget about the overtime game but you know I actually personally think that um Florida to uh the Northeast road trips are a little bit ridiculous on back toback so somebody used to live in Florida um it’s not well just think just

Just look at the week that the Celtics were involved in yeah Orlando Minnesota wins in Orlando Tuesday there’s a St they leave Wednesday morning they get to Boston at 2 in the afternoon on Wednesday they have to play the Celtics Wednesday night second night of a back

To back Rudy goar and Mike connley don’t play game goes to overtime wolves competed really hard ultimately Boston tried for a few minutes and won the game then the Celtics fly four hour three hours to Milwaukee to play a back-to-back on Thursday on national TV one of the Marquee games of the schedule

Insane you got to do air quotes when you say play to play well I mean they I mean they got their asses kicked but they played every they played just about everybody and just got drilled and then sat there well they sat I mean Joe Missoula I

Think uh fairly looked at it and said we’re down 40 at halftime I’m just gonna pump the second half of this game so they get routed then they come back to Boston Saturday they play Houston which has bounced all over the place was in was in Detroit on Friday played a close

Game Fred played 43 Fred Van played 43 minutes they escape from Detroit give Detroit their 36th loss of the year and then they come in and they get drilled the second night of right but okay so if you’re gonna have backto backs Detroit Boston you know that’s gonna happen I’m

Talking about when Boston goes to Milwaukee I believe it was a 630 start yeah right so it negates the you know technically you’re going east to west there but it negates the the the even hour not that an hour difference means that it would have been

Also it’s also not a short flight right it’s two and a half 245 probably well and the Pelicans going from Denver to Dallas it was an 8 o00 tip local in Denver you lose an hour and it’s a national TV game so it’s going to be longer anyway right then they had

Weather we all know how far out the airport is they didn’t get to their hotel till 4:35 a.m. they sit Zion they sit Ingram they sit McCollum they sit Trey Murphy the MAV guys too including Luca but uh and and you mentioned it Wendy the Mavericks have had maybe their two worst

Losses of the year playing uh skeleton crw for the Grizzlies and the Pelicans and maybe their two best wins of the Year beating the wolves and beating the Knicks without Luca right it’s just like look we’re at the time of the year where guys start to get dinged up and you know

Every team has one to three players that just have an injury that’s what happens but then you you know some of this I think we could use a little AI on this scheduling that not only figures out the dates but plug it into the computer and

Let the AI figure out how to maybe better organize the distance travel because that’s what they are doing though hey one thing about AI there won’t be any practice Alan Iverson does not well I don’t know what they’re using but it seems to me like it could work

Better the other thing is for the for the for the league Denver should be considered you know in the western time zone because of how far the airport is there so it’s like it’s all it’s it’s I can’t even tell you almost it almost doesn’t even matter if you’re late for

Your flight it’s obviously you know just you know kills you but even if you’re on time when you when you’re on your way to the Denver Airport and you get off uh I think it’s I70 or i76 and you know you’ve made the drive then the 35 or 40 minute drive out and

It says okay Pena Boulevard exit for the Denver International Airport okay we’re at the airport and then it says Denver International Airport 13 miles the access road is 13 miles long access road this is not a problem for uh NBA teams but I do gotta tell you me

Being a cheap ass not paying TSA pre-check Denver’s one place where where it does make me think twice this is this is the when I go around the country and people say hey love the podcast maybe they say they hate the podcast behind my back but when they speak to me they say

Love the podcast most of the time they say the second thing they say to me is how could McMahon not have TSC in the past two weeks I’ve seen several people from the league in airports and Arenas around the country since you said that and all of them have immediately said

What the hell is this guy doing not hav’t pre-checked I’m cheap and I struggle with paperwork it’s a comination we’re okay we’re gonna do it for him we should we should get sponsored we should get sponsored by the TSA pre-check program we should get a sponsorship it’s not all right forget

About it McMahon $17 a year McMahon it’s unacceptable I’ve seen you well I’m not even gonna say it all right um I was gonna say we’re gonna do the paperwork Forum I don’t believe it you promised before you’ve let me down many a time we let

You down okay all right there was a trade in the NBA on Sunday um I don’t think the trade is really all that interesting I think what the trade says is uh is more interesting um it went down uh early in the morning Detroit and Washington two of the worst teams in the

NBA um it’s really not playing each other on Monday ironically oh I didn’t even know that yes they are boy that could be a major factor in that game uh anyway the Pistons traded Marvin Bagley the thir and Isaiah livers and two future second round picks and the

Second round pick protections are odd but it’s 24 and 25 for denel galinari and Mike McCalla um this is definitely a moving of the the deck chairs however the most important thing about it is that bagley’s 12 half million do that was going to be on the on the books for

Detroit next year uh moves to Washington’s books for that 2 point for that 12.5 million Washington basically gets the two um the two uh second rounders the two second rounders we’ll see whether galinari and muscala stay there if they’re rerouted or eventually bought out I doubt the two

Of them are really excited about that um HS Washington though the irony to this is that this trade sort of feels like the ishou trade to Philly several years ago and the Colangelo took over from Sam Hy and that team which was an absolute train w

Uh they were more or less ordered go get some sort of actual point guard to run the team and when you look at this this Detroit team which can’t shoot at all it’s like oh hey you trade for Mike mcow and D galinari at least you’re getting a

Couple of guys that teams are going to respect as Shooters though obviously the more important part is the shedding of money for next season right so I’m not sure why Detroit wants a bunch of cap space what they think they’re going to do with it um but they now have over $60

Million and so the question is um what other moves could they do if that indeed is their focus um and there’s one in particular basically this highlights buan bogdanovich um buan is a player who would be uh probably desired by just about every Contender out there perimeter player who can shoot the three

He’s not a a great defensive player but he isn’t a whole either um he’s serviceable uh there have been times in his career where he’s been you know pretty good defensively not you know not sure where he’s at now it’s kind of hard to judge it the whole Detroit defensive

System is a bit of a mess but um he’s on the books for 20 million this year And1 million next year his contract slightly goes down it’s a very desirable contract for a number of different reasons and so so really the thing is is if Detroit is beginning their restructuring here

Because I know what you’re saying Bon Temps it’s a good you know the the the the 76ers you know for years went doing everything they possibly could to acquire uh draft picks not even really caring about the veterans that came with them and then when uh Brian Colangelo

Took over the ishid deal brought in a point guard because they needed a point guard and they actually I think traded two second round picks for him and you really want to unearth that I think they had actually released ish Smith like several months before so they gave him

Away they just cut him for free and then they paid two draft picks to get him back and the point was like the era of them not caring about their record and accumulating draft picks was over and Sam hanky was out of there within days

If not weeks if not days well I think he was officially out of there he was officially out of there till the end of the season but that when the Colangelo came in that was right all but over anyway well anyway anyway um like I’m not sure that you know they’re hoping to

Know galinari provides a steadying no the parallel is just that they’re a disaster of team and it it it’s a similar thing like what are you doing at 3 and 36 trading draft picks anywhere like it doesn’t make any sense right so um except they’re dumping money that

They don’t want for next year you know and cap space again you always think free agency in cap space but we’ve seen a lot of time like Sam presy is part of the way he’s collected a decent amount of these picks is basically running out cap space uh that’s always a possibility um

They’re still renting c space they made a trade for Kevin Porter Jr a few months ago that was renting out cap space they could still rent out more cap space this year if they wanted to right the one significant difference too for Detroit than teams in the past is in the

Past you didn’t have to spend the money you would you would eventually have to pay your players if you didn’t get to the salary floor but you didn’t have to spend the salary cap space in the new CBA the rule is by the start of the

Season you have to spend the cap space so it is a bit of a ticking clock on that compared to what it used to be which could put you in a situation if you’re Detroit not exactly a glamor Market that if you’re not able to properly use that cap space in a good

Way whether it is to acquire a players help you win or players that will give you draft picks or spending in on good players you may end up spending it on not so good players and making your situation worse well that’s the thing so last summer the Pistons had cap space

And they elected to use it on veteran players who would quote unquote help them immediately Joe Harris and Monty Morris now Morris has been hurt um Joe Harris is buried on the bench so they’ve just gone through a trans you know a transaction cycle where they decided to

Use cap space to bring on players and it was blown up in their face so look if you want to get off bagley’s contract fine um but I the accumulation of cap space to me seems questionable decision because it’s not exactly a an incredibly deep free agent class and I don’t think

Paul George is uh considering going to Detroit um yeah uh you know there are I I don’t think free agency is a realistic path for the Pistons at this point right for a variety of reasons so the market for for borean if they go would be interesting

Um he has a he has a he he’s on a cap figure that makes him tradable um he’s not a rental uh the team that comes up immediately bont temps is the Philly 76ers who have expiring contracts extra draft picks um he would fit in nicely

There uh but there are some other teams as well but I think Philly is a team that is probably keeping an eye on Detroit pretty closely yeah and he could be a rental if you want he’s got a very small part guarantee for next season so it’s more

Or less an expiring contract if you don’t want to have him around you don’t have to for next year yeah like you said as a combo forward who’s scoring around 20 a game and is a good three-point shooter and you know is certainly slipped defensively but you could put

Him out there and he’s probably not going to kill you defensively that’s a guy that in theory a lot of competitive teams would want to have on their team I think the question comes back to with that you know is Detroit going to move

Him in a deal and try to get as much as they can like they could have done this a year ago and the price was very high and they end up not doing anything and you know the other way you could look at this trade in some respects is all right

We’re trying to add shooting to this team we’re trying to make sure we’re not the worst team of all time if you trade boan banovich off this team it increases your chances of being the worst team of all time because at this point the Pistons are 3 and 36 and they’re on Pace

To win like seven games which would be the worst team ever and I suspect that while I’m sure they having one eye on the summer they are going to try to avoid being the worst team ever so I do think that’s a real thing to way in

Terms of whether Buon actually would be on the trade market or not if I had to guess I would guess Bon’s on the team on February 10th because I think they’re going to be trying like hell to make sure they win 10 games and you know then he’d be an

Expiring next year um and you know he’s one of these guys who there’s a long list of teams who would be interested in adding him but are there teams that would be interested in giving up value that the Pistons believe is reasonable to get him like the Mavericks have had

Interest in in bogonovich since he was in Utah they’re they’re not alone in that like who doesn’t want a 6 foot eight uh shooter who you know has some playoff experience and uh you know isn’t isn’t hungry for the ball necessarily and competitive all those kind of things

But I don’t I don’t know that it’s if if they’re still looking for like first round kind of compensation I don’t know if that’s going to materialize the other thing that Detroit could do is that they have a bunch of expiring contracts on their books now with galinari and mcalla being added Joe

Harris is a $20 million expiring contract Alec Burks is a $10 million Monty Morris is a $10 million they have as much expiring money on their books as anybody they could basically do you know the old pre- agency where they could try to take on a player who another team doesn’t

Want um and take on money and basically do it now uh I don’t you know I don’t have a great list of players who I who I would suggest for that um you know I this isn’t going to happen because he was already there but like a player like Jeremy Grant who may

Be would want to move off of and you know they have him on this long contract and that’s a way to get Portland out of the contract um well look we talked about it the other day if Golden State decides to move off Andrew Wiggins that would be an interesting landing spot for

Him I think if you’re the if you’re the the Pistons they don’t have any Wing play really like he has proven in the past to be a good shooting Wing obviously he’s been horrible this year for Golden State but like we talked about last week if you’re a team in a

Small Market or an undesirable free agent destination and you believe Andrew Wiggins can had can get back to the player he was two years ago like that’s a guy who would really help this Pistons team I don’t know what they’re going to decide to do like there

Are moves that they could make now if they wanted to to try to get guys like that or you know players that they think could help them and frankly I think that would be I mean we’ve talked about that with Philly right that’s been the question with the Sixers since they made

The James Harden trade are they going to make trades for February to get better now or are they going to try to buy their time for the summer to go after some big name free agents obviously those are two teams in extraordinarily different situations but it’s ultimately

The same choice and if you’re Detroit and you can get guys that you think are fits with Jaylen Duren and Kade Cunningham and their young players going forward I see no reason to wait if the The Price is Right to do it now well in the Indiana’s uh in that same boat so

Speak um but kind of in a in an in between situation where it’s a small Market but that is a team that’s on the rise and so you know you’ve for example they’ve been linked to seum since the summer and so the question that that’s been brought up is well why give up

Assets for cakam when you might be able to sign in this summer and I think one reason to say uh to do it would be because if you really really want a chance to sign him this Summer you would probably be best served to get him in

The building in the system hopefully I don’t know how long halbert’s going to be out but hopefully you know getting fed by Halbert a whole lot realizing wow playing this fast you know with this kind of Allstar point guards really really fun and and that uh you know that

Run the rest of the season I would think would increase the odds as opposed to just trying to recruit him with no ties to him I don’t think Indi would trade for seak unless they had a pretty good feel he was going to remain so um I think if you got serious

With the I think um there’s two negotiations there one is negotiation with the Raptors for the contract or for the trade and the other would be for seak for the contract even though you’re not supposed to do it right that’s what happened I mean that like that’s what

Happens in like um you know World Soccer you know you negotiate sometimes the player neg negotiates with the team and says yeah I’ll go play for you for this amount of money and then the team has to go to his team and then negotiate a fee and sometimes it happens in the inverse

Order and quite frankly that happens in the NBA you know regularly sometimes it happens with the team’s blessing sometimes it doesn’t um but when you ever any player who gets traded of of you know repute um gets traded who’s a free agent to be you can almost guarantee whether anybody wants to admit

It or not that there’s been talk between the player’s agent and the team and that’s almost certainly what would happen with sakam unless you saw SE yakum go at the at the deadline buzzer for like a couple of second round picks and expiring contract or something if

There was anything of real value given for zakum which is what it would take for Indiana to get him you know that there’s been an understanding and you know it’s just what happened with New York and oan noi there’s you know the Knicks don’t give up those two pieces

Unless they’re pretty sure ogan noi intends to stay there but first of all not necessarily an understanding uh it doesn’t have to be hey if you trade for me I will resign even I would say a a an indication of a of a willingness of a

Hey if we feel like this is a good fit then we’re we are open to resigning at X number well let me just tell a story because I’ve written this before and the parties confirmed it and you know know I guess it was technically tampering but

It’s in a book so when before LeBron James came back to Cleveland in 2014 when the Cavs were you know planning on building around Kyrie Irving and they were trying to sign Gordon Hayward when Kevin Love asked for a trade from the Minnesota Timberwolves David Griffin the general manager of the

Cavs then the general manager of the Cavs called up Jeff schwarts the power agent that represents Kevin Love and he said I’d like to trade for Kevin I know he’s only got one year left on his contract if he trade for him would he stay here if you know I mean I’m sure

They was offer from a Max but what do you stay here and Jeff Schwarz said no don’t trade for him he wouldn’t stay there so Griff had done his due diligence scratched Kevin Love off of the books and moved on to other business specifically trying to do a the deal for

Gordon Hayward when LeBron announced he was coming home gave a great Griffin’s phone rings hello Jeff Schwarz literally I mean Griff told me the story it’s in the book he’s literally in his office within five minutes of the of the letter uh the essay from Lee Jenkins coming out

In Sports Illustrated one of the first people who got to him was Jeff Schwarz informing him that Kevin Love was not ready to be a Cav I think Kevin Love and LeBron might have communicated as well but then they then after that was settled then they called and negotiated

With the Wolves so that is a routine piece of business that happens so um and that’s one of the reasons why SE yakum hasn’t been traded is that there have been and this has again been reported that se yakum has you know been involved some teams have been interested where SE

Yakum wasn’t interested necessarily in staying and part of it also was SE yakum wasn’t interested in getting traded at all I don’t think because if he would make all NBA this year and he was on the Raptors would be eligible for the super max um you know we’re in the

Stress Max Zone here with sakam and so um it doesn’t look like he’s making all NBA I guess I shouldn’t rule that out but I think you know he’s made all NBA I think twice in the past and in July by the way just as a bit of a non sequor

One thing to think about with this going forward is SE yakum last year finished ninth in voting among forwards for all NBA right if he’ made all-nba last would have been eligible for the supermax because he would have made it two years in a row um or he would have been able

To sign it I should say because he was going to be a free agent the three guys three of the guys who finished ahead of him Giannis Jimmy Butler and LeBron wouldn’t have been allowed to be all NBA players under the new system with the new rules Kevin Durant would have been a

To be vote for either he finished eighth ahead of seak Kawhi Leonard wouldn’t have been able to be voted for either he finished 10th behind seaka point is if this rule had been in place last year Pascal would have qualifi for all and ba and we would have been talking about

Well are the Raptors going to give him super max well I okay he would have been fifth among eligible forwards to vote for right but this rule as well as the positionist ballot sure my point is that there were there were five or six of the

15 players last year who were all NBA players would didn’t play 65 games so I’m just saying that is a great point it is there’s already been a lot of stress around these these votes and whether guys are going to make it and get this thing and like this award or this rule

Is going to add another level of intrigue and stress on that on both ends because you’re gonna have guys who would qualify it that should qualify for it and should that like Tyrese Alberton this year Pro would have been on Pace to get the fun Max now he’s got this

Hamstring injury or we’ll see when he’s able to play well hton guys on supermax yeah yeah I’m saying he get the 30% if halberton already got the fun Max but but we we don’t know if he gets the the escalator the well it it would it’ll be

A little more fun for him if he gets an extra large chunk of money agree I agree I’m just saying he already he already got the contract just to be clear right but right but there’s that level of player that’s focused on that and there’s guys like B bio and dear and fox

And a bunch of guys that are going to be in the mix for all NBA that may play enough games may not may make it because other guys don’t so it’s just it’s an interesting wrinkle to think about with this rule going forward because as we

Know every year we get down to like Jaylen Brown last year we get down to the end of the season and there’s a lot of focus on well is this guy going to be all NBA is he not and what does that portend for his contract in the summer

And by the way SE yakum has only missed one game this season and he led the league in minutes per game the last two years average minutes per game he missed some time but he he played 71 games last season so he’d have been eligible um mhm so that’s uh that’s very very

Interesting to point out um uh speaking of what the Pistons are going to do um I thought there was a fascinating comment from Monty Williams before the game uh on Saturday when they uh was it Friday was it Friday Friday I believe it was yesterday after Friday’s game but I could be wrong

On that okay um he basically said that there had been a uh uh he the term he was was uh he used was big organizational meeting um uh on Friday and in that meeting it was pointed out to him that um uh they you know maybe he should be playing jadeen Ivy

More the guy that they uh no that no no it’s not that it’s worse than that it’s a Jay Navy the point guard they drafted with the fifth overall pick in the 2022 NBA draft should maybe be playing point guard that was that was what pointed out

To him starting well no but playing with the ball in his hands that was the point it was hey bnie maybe you should play Jade ivy with the ball oh you know it’s on me just I just wasn’t thinking about that no proba should have done that the phrase he used

Was I have to eat it I wish I did it earlier well it’s never too late when you’re three and 30 some odd well the point is 36 we’ve been I mean we Haven we haven’t talked a lot about the Pistons on this podcast but the few times we’ve talked

About it we’ve said we can’t believe Jaden iy is not playing like we can’t you know Jaden Ivy’s got to be you know really or when he is playing he’s standing in the corner watching right um well they’re playing Bon Tim’s favorite player over them yes Killian Hayes best

Player in the league according to Monty Williams apparently well I’m trying to see if I can uh get what percentage of the time he’s been at the point this year I haven’t and have that we don’t need to get that in depth on it it’s not enough

That it’s one of many reasons to the point is they’re halfway through the season and there’s just no way that this hasn’t been brought up to him over and over and over it’s certainly been brought up by people who are around the team forget forget even about like fans

Like say listen it ain’t that loud at those games I’m sure you can hear some of those fans like yes I mean and like look I the Pistons organization like I’m sure that he was told before this quote big this big organization you know yeah I mean

Honestly I I don’t even know what to make of I don’t even know what to make of of that I mean reference as a position estimate thing as part of each their estimate is he’s played 4% of his minutes at point guard this year Jesus

Yeah yeah but you know he was a I don’t know man it’s a it’s a mismatch roster all the way around and when Cade’s healthy Cade is going to have the ball when he’s on the floor which always made Ivy an odd fit and I get when you’re as

Bad as the Pistons have been you don’t necessarily draft for need but man they’ve got a whole lot of God I mean it is you don’t need to be playing Killian Hayes that it’s very simple don’t play him and let Jade na’vi have the ball it’s not this ain’t

Complicated The Story Goes that look I don’t know what the I don’t know what was in Monty McNair’s head the general manager of the Kings but the story goes and you know they had dearen Fox but the story goes that Jaden Ivy via his representation let it be known to the

Kings he didn’t want to be there and so the Kings again they may have taken Keegan Murray anyway right but he tried to avoid Sacramento which he did you that was a that was a in the moment that was a surprise that that that sack would pass on him that night

It was a surprise right um so he gets to Detroit which he had to realize was a possibility you know he knew that Cade was there so he must have felt that that was a a possible match um despite Cade being on the roster and despite there being another lottery pick guard Killian

Hayes there so you know I will say that part of it was he kind of guided himself to Detroit whatever that’s worth I’m pointing out the full rounding of the story but either way you have the number five pick in the draft who was as exciting of a player in college as we’ve

Seen the last few years when so many of the top players are coming from g-league ignite overtime Elite or over overseas or Australia you know Europe or Australia like watching jadeen Ivy play in college was extremely exciting you know he was a big- time impact player a

Lot of excitement around him and the fact the way they’ve just sort of let him wither this season is frankly unacceptable like look if he’s not playing well okay you know but like what they’ve done to him is just like it’s it’s egregious on what’s going on

With that team that season it’s one of many it’s one of many reasons why it’s been a complete disaster this year beyond the 3 and 36 yeah um listen that’s enough Detroit talk this let’s let’s brighten the mood a little bit all right yeah I talking about the

Bulls oh my god oh boy oh boy I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything more uh disappointing and ridiculous than the booing of the Widow of Jerry Krauss I mean think I’ve seen things that were more disappointing ridiculous but it’s it’s up there that’s for sure I

Mean it’s a dead guy’s wife and by the way way in a city in Chicago by the way that is basically known for epic failures in sports like the football team I would that I think two baseball teams winning six titles in eight years I think that was pretty

Good talking about the Bears Uncle Jim led him to Super Bowl championship they won they’ve won one Super Bowl they haven’t they the the last all pro quarterback they had I believe was Sid Luckman which was in 80 years ago the two baseball teams were known for having 100-year droughts without winning a

Championship and the one team that’s had an incredible run the Blackhawks have won like a couple of cups in the last 10 15 then had just and also had like unbelievable Scandal within the organization on a variety Chicago sky might have won a title as well yes they

Have the sky have won a title the the point is the one great Dynasty in Chicago Sports History built by Jerry Krauss and Jerry Krauss is treated like David Khan in Chicago it is insane while David Khan is just over in Paris listening to this podcast he’s like wait

He just took some shrapnel holy mes if if if Jerry Krauss was did what David Khan did in Minnesota he would deserve to be booed in Chicago the way you know this is this is insane you know what this is about of course I do the reason

That the people boo Jerry Krauss is because of the Last Dance well because I mean Michael Jordan is a bully he’s a petty bully he’s arguably the greatest player of all time but he’s a petty bully and they followed his lead that’s right totally that’s what that was that

Was I mean because how many of those fans really remember the intricacies of Jerry Krauss you know I mean I mean none of it was also it was a very clumsily done thing like to think that people booing like booing a dead man is rough regardless but I would like to

Think those folks weren’t aware at the time they were booing that the man’s Widow was sitting there yeah I I think the way it was presented on TV we saw his widow there and we saw her tear up um that wasn’t necessarily the people in the building were

Aware I know they were aware that she was there but they were booing his face on the scoreboard they weren’t directly booing her but his face her face was her face was on the scoreboard I’m just saying I talked to several people who were there I don’t want to defend I

Don’t want to defend them let me just say real quick but what was going on was the Bulls have retired jerseys and by the way Jerry krauss’s name is in the rafters um at being honored they also have done statues I mean um Jordan has a

Statue at the United Center this was the beginning of their Ring of Honor they didn’t previously have a ring Ring of Honor the difference between a Ring of Honor and um a uh a retire Jersey is how badly you need to sell tickets in January if you want my I was gonna say

But that’s neither that we’ve been mediocre for years so let’s celebrate this buy a ticket yeah and Phil Jackson came but Scotty pip and Jordan didn’t although Jordan did a video and he ma he managed to make quite the impression because in the video he was sitting in

Front of this gorgeous trophy case and you could see at least three of his finals MVPs I think the other three might have been behind his head but it was very impressive the room that he was in um but the reason Krauss got boo was because of the way he was you know

Portrayed in the Last Dance uh and you know the reason that pippens you know Scotty Pippen went after Jordan you know in that book and in subsequent interviews was because of the way he was portrayed in the last and he wasn’t there and Dennis Rodman wasn’t there either yeah Rodman Rodman’s kind of

Rodman but yes you’re right Rodman supposedly there was some weather related issues you never know yeah well anyway saying the three of them weren’t there yes um and look like the last answer was amazing and Jordan had full control of the edit and it was what it

Was and I’m glad in a I’m glad he was being real like when Jordan like gave that speech about what it meant to play with him and then he said uh time to take a break like I want that and So like um uh I want them being him being

Real and I want him to tell his side of the story but there’s Fallout for that and that Fallout was unfortunate right in that you know hit Thelma Krauss Jerry krauss’s Widow in a moment that is a very unfortunate mark on Bull’s history I would say that the Ring of Honor

Ceremony went slightly worse than their Zack LaVine trade discussion so far well by the way there is there has never arguably been a more immediate dose of karma in human history yeah than that happening at halftime and then the Warriors coming out in the third quarter and human history outscoring the Bulls

48 to 20 in the third quarter and just curb stomping them instantly after that Steve C had cr’s back Kenny Atkinson um another man play by Jordan I don’t know I don’t know for sure who gave the halftime speech not that there’s a halftime speech but Steve cerr wasn’t in

The Warriors locker room at halftime he was being honored as part of the 98 I think 97 98 team or maybe 72 win the 72 win champs yeah they honored the 7 two win all right the uh 95 96 team um he was out there uh so he wasn’t in the

Locker room going over maybe Steve Should Skip that the locker room uh going forward but uh yes they gave up 50 in the third and then the Warriors um uh even most points of the year and lost yeah and Curry didn’t even have that good of a game Curry was I know he’s

Three of 15 in the first half or something like that so um yeah so that was very unfortunate and uh the Bulls did come back and win Saturday night in uh in San Antonio although uh that’s that much didn’t play Victor didn’t play that’s not saying

Much um but uh hey Trey Jones started a point guard the the Spurs were somewhere B out ability when that happens he bowled out that game almost like he should have been starting lineup all season but I’m not want to question a legend no yeah Trey Jones and um me J

Ivy are they can text each other memes um all right I’d like to have some some Sun and Fun in this podcast but it’s not happening because now we’re we’re planning on hitting the Hawks if we want Sun and Fun we better skip we better skip right that’s what

I’m saying we’re I was gonna talk about the Hawks let’s spin it this way McMahon about to come with some positivity listen I’m all about I’m all about as if you are a leader in positivity there I have L of positive [Laughter] stuff I saw uh well anyways we’ll go

On saw a former Maverick who I went up and said hi to the other day and that’s the first thing he said to me um anyways we could spin it let’s not talk about how messy it is in Atlanta let’s just talk about about potential destinations for dejonte Murray

Potential deals that would would make sense places where he might be able to make an immediate impact and move the needle we could do that because it’s mess Atlanta fact that they’re trying to they’re determined to trade this guy that they just gave up a ton of draft

Capital to get year and a half ago is indication that things have gone off the rails as is losing by 28 at home to the Wizards which is what they did Saturday night yeah so real quick on Atlanta their eight games under 500 they are just outside the playin line which is

They’ve been a playin team the last two years that is not what they were looking for when they hired Quinn Snyder midseason last year they’ve actually gotten worse defensively I mean Quinn um not what our guy Zack low was thinking when he bet me that they were going to

Finish top five in the East earlier this year also what was the wager uh he he on I went on his pod before the season he bet me $100 that the Hawks would finish top six so before I could say absolutely which I was about to he then said no

I’ll make it top five so I said oh my God great I think it was supposed to be a steak dinner and then Zach realized that would mean he he’d have to actually socialize with you listen bontemps has gotten uh reservations at Peter Luger before and

So I would have you know I Hey listen man I’ll I’ll go spend Zach’s money I mean 100 bucks isn’t get you get it done there but I’ll you know I’ll take I’ll take the Jackson’s Jackson’s old man is at Peter Luger’s at the moment he tells

Us Peter lug great Stak house in uh New York City it’s in Brooklyn actually um is in New York City but thank you SPAC well that’s true but um anyway uh anyways they’ve actually gotten worse defensively under Quinn Snyder which is not what they were looking for because I

Mean it helped to have the stifel tower out there in Utah but they were tremendous defensive teams under Quin it helped Rudy propped up a very mediocre group around him that’s what happened but does Quinn Snider get no credit for being Quinn does he he structured a defense around a generational defensive

Talent look I have a ton of respect for qu we all do we all do Clint capella is not having his best season uh either but their perimeter defense is awful but okay we don’t have to get in the point is I would just say this about the Hawks the Hawks in the

Last you know since the summer of 2022 have been so overstuffed with Talent on their roster that they’ve given away two players without getting anything in return yet they they they they dumped John Collins for a second round pick basically a salary dump and then they traded Kevin hder for a first

Which they get the Sacramento’s kings first round pick this year which it might end up drafting Hall of Famer but I’m just saying like they’ve to clear out room on their books for the amount of talent they’ve got on their roster they’ve literally CED off two guys to

Get the salaries off their books in the last two seasons and yet they are still well below 500 and not making any really progress and still owe the Spurs some significant draft capital I don’t think they’ve paid any of that yet nope they have not starting next year 25 27 29 I

Believe is the and swaps and at least one swap right I think maybe it’s two picks in a swap I’ll look right now well they gave three firsts but one only two of them were theirs I think maybe that other first might have been used also uh

Trey young is shooting 42% on the season he’s having his worst shooting season since his rookie year we said we were gonna spin it on who might be all right you’re right all right anyway uh so deante is the name that is on everyone’s

Um 25 26 27 26 swap 25 27 uh unprotected first going to San Antonio man here comes which is which is where the discussions about what’s gonna happen with Deon Murray uh that’s sort of where you have to start with the fact that they paid a huge price for a guy who

They thought was going to keep them right in the mix at the top of the East and instead if they are trying to Arbitrage that now you know you should not be looking at it like hey we’ve got to get back the same value we got to

Just make the best move we can make for our team if you decide you got to go in that direction but that’s typically not how teams look at this stuff yeah and that’s the first thing that’s going to be said when that trade is made is look

At what they gave up and look at what they got back y let’s talk about two two guys they’ve extended not just Murray so Murray Murray signed a a four-year $120 million extension in July um they’re looking to trade him right now so that’s one thing and then DeAndre Hunter they

Sign him to a five-year $90 million extension last season and he’s a guy who I think has a good chance of getting traded as well they dangled him this Summer well I I don’t know I wouldn’t I don’t know if I put it that way I would

Say that uh he’s a guy that they’ve been I think they would like to trade and attempted whether I would guess I would guess will not be traded but so let’s just let’s just cut to it Wendy you put some makeup on and went on TV and talked about dejonte Murray to

The Lakers yeah what do you think it would take from the Lakers to make that happen Okay so as of Monday when this podcast comes out the whole Lakers roster is available to trade um yeah January 15th is the final day before the deadline when all the all

The contracts other than guys who’ve been extended in the season or traded can be right moved in the case of um in the case of the Lakers it means Austin Reeves and Ru haimura were not eligible until Monday can be traded um so a couple of things about dejonte Murray

One is is that he has a trade kicker in his contract which Bobby Marx tells me would be the highest trade kicker if he was traded it’d be the highest trade kicker in league history so as that because of how many years it it’s added on yes because

Um you a trade kicker you get a bonus per year you have left on your contract or or the amount of money you have left on your contract um the other thing is is you can’t make more than the maximum salary so there have been players on maximum salary contracts who’ve been

Traded in the past many of them have been traded in the p past um but you can’t get more than the max well here’s a player who’s below the max who has a big giant contract um it’s it’s unusual for a player on this type of contract to

Get traded with this much left on his contract so it would be I believe Bobby said to me it would be the highest trade bonus in the history of the league $13 million and that would that would have to be paid by the Hawks but it goes onto the books of the

Team he gets traded to on a perear basis and that doesn’t it’s about a little under $3 million per year now that’s not that big of a deal but it is something to consider for a team that’s potentially in the apron um that when you look at Jamal or Jamal Murray

When you look at jonte Murray’s numbers you just need to consider that um I’m sure dejonte Murray is like send me the Lakers I’ll take the 13 million on the flight out of town um but that is one thing to now trade kickers are negotiable you may remember as a matter

Of fact when Anthony Davis asked to be traded to the Lakers uh the uh he had a pretty big trade kicker seven or eight million I think it was and he waved it to help the Lakers out on some stuff uh it can be waved or it

Can be reduced but I don’t see why dejonte would be in any mood to reduce it so the Lakers a lot of Atlanta I mean right the Lakers would be the the the I’ve often said that the two assets that the Lakers have that have interest into teams around the league are Austin

Reeves and um and their their their future first round pick that they have they can trade either 29 or 30 not both they can also throw in some swaps they have all their swaps I believe um so that can be traded now this is Tak some nuance and anybody listen to this

Podcast I already think understands this but I seem to be having this back and forth with Kendrick Perkins regularly on TV is Zack LaVine a better player than uh Austin Reeves yes so I was trying to explain him that Austin Reeves has more value than Zack LaVine I’m not

Saying that you know just just like Bradley Beal Bradley Beal got traded for expiring contracts and second round picks he didn’t get that traded that because he stinks he got traded for that because of his contract and there’s no trade clause the reason Austin Reeves

Has such value in trade is he makes $12 million he makes2 million and he’s a starter level guard and that is why he has value he’s you know he’s not you know you he’s a he’s more valuable than D’Angelo Russell because he’s more productive than D’Angelo Russell and he

Makes $5 million less well he’s more Valu d’el Russell because he’s good that’s that’s why he’s more he d’el Russell had 39 points points in Utah last night and was loss yes it was a step forward because he’d had 39 points like his last three games so um they

Need D’Angelo Russell to score no matter what happens but but listen just to cut to it Austin Reeves potentially being included could make or break this deal yes and so we thought Austin Reeds might be an ascending star I think probably need to tap the breaks on that but he is a

Quality starter on a great value contract um you know and makes him a very good asset right and if you’re talking about him plus a future pick that’s far enough out you know I I guess you can play with protections or whatever but that pick’s far enough out to where it’s you’re

Going to have to discuss protections because there’s going to be some significant risk involved just as there would be with any kind of swap that’s like and I don’t know that just straight up Reeves for Murray like how much does that even move the needle well that deal

Doesn’t work I know but I’m saying plus whatever you got to do to make the deal work I’m saying it’s it be it wouldn’t be very hard to make that work I know I’m just saying just Reeves etc for Murray but essentially I’m saying I don’t know if

Moving Reeves and bringing Murray I don’t know if that moves a needle for the Lakers Murray I Scouts I’ve talked around the league they’re basically saying one thing they’re trying to figure out with Murray is how good of a defensive player is he actually he had a reputation for being a

Very good defense player in San Antonio and you haven’t seen that since he was traded well he gets a lot of steals he led the league in steals a couple years ago he he’s he’s he’s got super long arms so he gets his hands on balls but I

Think if you look what’s happening with the Hawks where they’re continually getting blown by on the perimeter and then capella isn’t able to really help him as much at The Rim as he used to Murray’s a part of that now one one thing I will say is that he was sort of

Viewed as a below average or average at best really below average shooter yeah he is having his best three-point shooting year he’s averaging 39% on six a game um coming in he was the season he was about 34% um so he you know I don’t know if

That’s sustainable or if he’s just on a hot streak but he is because the thing about the Lakers is they just can’t afford to spend assets and get a guy who isn’t help them at all with spreading the floor but he is shoo it yeah he is

Shooting the ball pretty well yeah 39% from three on on the highest volume of his career yeah so I think if you’re the Lakers you’re trying not to give both Reeves and the pick if you can give one and not the other well and look if you’re the

Lakers it has to be the pick you you know I to me you have to be willing to give up the draft compensation if this is if you decide hey we’ve got to get Deonte Murray because the whole point is you’re trying to win when you have the greatest player of this

Generation still playing in an all NBA level at 39 years old so youo yeah I mean I’m not saying you just don’t think down the road at all but you are a mediocre team right now that might be charitable in a position of trying to make a a a win now major

Needle moving type of of of trade and sending out your third best player and just you know even if you feel like it’s an upgrade it’s your third best player it ain’t enough of an upgrade to make that kind of a difference well ESP d’el Russell and and you know discuss the draft

Compensation if so then I then you get aggressive in those conversations but I just if Austin Reeves is involved I just don’t think makes sense for the Lakers well you know if you’re Atlanta you know it’s not just the Lakers this is what w just you know I was talking

About you know I’m I know that the Lakers and the Hawks have talked um and I know it was like okay check back after January 15 what wo is saying is it’s not just the Lakers and I know the Knicks have been tied in I would keep an eye on the Nets um

Well the thing about Deonte Murray is he he’s a guy who has to have the ball in his hands right like that I know he’s shooting the ball well from three this year but he’s really a a pretty ball dominant guard you’re gonna have that’s why the Hawks are moving him right it

The fit you know the fit there has not worked in part because the perimeter defense has been terrible because he was supposed to be a guy who would be locking up guys next to Trey young and he hasn’t been right I mean he’s not he’s far from the only problem in

Atlanta but that’s that was the theory of what they did and it hasn’t worked that way now I want to hear wheny list of teams well I was going to say the Nets are the team I’ve been thinking about with him for a while because they don’t really have anybody who can

Dribble and if you put dejonte Murray on the Nets he would raise their level I think pretty significantly right away if they you know they have uh Spencer dwit he is an expiring contract they have draft assets they’ve got cam Thomas if they like him like they have some stuff they could

Trade assets that’s right so you you put him on a team like that I think that makes a lot of sense I never like to fit in New York we talked about that before because you got Jaylen Brunson and again you’re in the same situation you’re in

Atlanta why would you do that and it’s the same reason I don’t like to fit for the Lakers because well I I think your point about Austin Reeves is spot on I think we all have I think a slightly overrated Austin Reeves the player but what’s unquestionable is he’s their

Third best player they might not have a fourth good player and if you’re trading the third good player you have on the team to bring back one guy you’re more or less in the same spot you already what if you trade Austin Reeves what if you what if you trade like D’Angelo

Russell and the pick and like that’s why I saying in McMahon’s point that that to me the Lakers need to add they have a very shallow pool obviously there’s two huge fish in it but they got a very shallow pool of good players taking out

Of that pool is does not seem to make a lot of sense I also don’t know where the Hawks what the Hawks feel about Jaylen hood chafino that would you know know he’s obviously a rookie hasn’t played much but he’s a guy that you could put in the deal because he’s another young

Player it almost functions as like another first round pick um so if you were able if you were the Lakers and you made an offer that was like D’Angelo Russell the first round pick that they have haggle on the protection and you know hood chafino you know it’s they can at least

Say well we got two people and off the money um yeah and you know I I mean Russell has a player option for next year for 18 million which I would be stunned if he doesn’t pick up and if he does pick it up then that becomes a possible trade

Asset as well so I just don’t don’t like the fit for the Lakers I just don’t he’s a good player I think it’s a bad Lakers the Lakers pinka is obviously going to be under pressure again to upgrade I’m going to tell you why the Lakers would

Would do it you know first off again I always I’m always saying this you know the Lakers don’t get to go to the store and there’s 30 players on the market to trade for and say oh we’ll take this one we’ll take player 17 on the list there’s a there’s a

Small group of players who are available the Lakers can acquire with what they have I do think dejonte Murray is a player they can acquire and when you compare him to Zack LaVine he literally makes roughly half the money of Zack LaVine a little bit more

But then it gets to 25 and you’re still not paying him 40 okay but less money and it’s a guy who plays who who doesn’t have injuries I mean he’s had a past ACL but he doesn’t have huge injury issues with his knee right now like LaVine does

And he plays both ends of the court I know he’s maybe not as good defensively as his reputation may be but he’s better defensively than Zack LaVine so if you’re comparing those two and you’re saying well he’s he’s eight figures a year cheaper he’s signed to a contract

That most people in the league think is a reasonable contract if they have to retrade him they could if he is shooting okay if he plays both ends of the Court you could it doesn’t take long to see how the Lakers might talk themselves into it also I’ll say you’re point about

Him needing the ball bontemps that’s true one of the things the Lakers are having problem right now with is a guy to initiate their offense because Russell has been so bad and Reeves has been not good in the starting lineup that they’ve been starting with LeBron as their point guard and since LeBron’s

Been playing point guard for them his productivity has dipped significantly his numbers in January since he basically became the starting point guard have really gone down and I know that dejonte isn’t a a a starting point guard but with him and LeBron out there you have two different guys who can kind

Of initiate the offense I’m not like super excited about it but I’m trying to explain the way they may be seeing it yeah if I’m Rob pinka though it it’s not there’s not a store with 30 guys available but it’s not just line or dejonte Murray I’m calling Charlotte I’m

Inquiring about Terry Rosier I’m at least checking to to see you know if he might be available at a significantly lower cost um because I think that you know that’s a guy who would give you a lot of the stuff you need and wouldn’t cost you as much it’s not it’s not the

Big splash um although he is averaging like 23 points per game nobody just nobody knows that because the Hornets play Hornets yeah so Rosier here’s rosier’s contract Rosier makes 23 million this year 25 next year and 26 the year after which is a team option so you’d only

Technically be on the hook for him for another year if you wanted it um he is I mean he is a shoot first player I mean uh and no one’s gonna say he’s a two-way player but he is a guy who can give you big-time offense he is an explosive

Offensive player at times I mean look I I mean if I was the Lakers I think a better move than getting Deon Murray would be getting Dorian finny Smith like I think the Lakers need to try to find like we I talked we remember we last talked about this a couple pods

Ago last week whatever I think the Lakers need to try to find two guys who can play defense and hit catch and shoot threes I I know everybody’s players that the whole okay I I understand why the price for Dorian finy Smith isn’t gonna well I’m not saying it’s gonna be

Dramatically cheaper than deante Murray but my point is if you’re going to try to maximize this team I think you’ve got to try try to find as many of those guys as you can find between now and February and say if we’re going to have any

Chance of winning it’s going to be with LeBron and it’s the ball in his hands all the time when he doesn’t have the ball in his hands we’re going to give it to Austin Reeds and he’s GNA have the ball in his hands and that’s what we’re

Going to do we’re gonna and then we’re going to have shooting and defense around Anthony Davis and LeBron James and when he’s doesn’t have the ball give it to Austin Reeds that to me like you talk about it all the time when they were good last year that was the formula

Right they guarded I agree I agree and they don’t have any shooting on the team so they got to find like toan Prince is not a great player but he has come in and he can guard people to some degree and he’s hit open threes right like tan

Prince is like you said man he’s shooting fine my point is they don’t I don’t think getting dejonte Murray and giving up a bunch of assets for him when I think it’s a bad fit with LeBron and G to be clunky and it still doesn’t solve the overall problem for

Them to me well I think the Lakers Big Challenge is their defense obviously isn’t as good as it was last year but there are certain times where their offense is just Flatline and at least if you have a guy like deante you have a guy who can go

Out there create his own shot be dynamic can put up 25 points in a game and again I’m not like arguing like that this is a trade that’s going to change the face of the conference but I could understand and also gives them a guy that if they

Needed to retrade they could I’m not in love with it but I I get it I get that’s I get why they’re looking at it and let’s just be honest he’s represented by clutch right so you know that LeBron now we get to it by the way the Lakers are

Tied with the magic for 28th in threes made a game like very they need they need that that the reason their offense is not good is they don’t have enough shooting no lasers they’re also 22nd and three-point percentage like they they need to go get yeah shooting that could

Guard like that’s not dejonte Murray it’s also not Zack LaVine like Zack LaVine at least is a great three-point shooter but like again if they trade all this stuff for Zack LaVine I don’t think that’s solving their problems either and I know everybody’s looking for wings

That can shoot the ball I get that but I think those think zero percent chance of the Lakers trading for Zack LaVine zero zero w zero 0.0 0.0 the Lakers also by the way are dead last Lakers by the way dead last in three-point attempts per

Game like you want to like that’s a straight line to why their offense is bad there’s just not enough shooting they have to get they need shooting that can somewhat guard that’s what they have to be trying to do do we want H Murray

Is not that kind of player do we want to hit on some other teams that we think think are potential aggressive Shoppers aggressive Shoppers Philadelphia I’ll be very surprised if the Sixers don’t do anything between now and the trade deadline uh Joel embiid seems like practice Sunday I think he’ll

Be back for the games Monday and Tuesday they play the nuggets on the second night of a back-to-back again for the second time in 5 days we have a marquee matchup in the league where we have one at least one of the teams play on the second night of a back toback which

Doesn’t make a lot of sense um but I expect Philly to to try to get better between now and the deadline I expect the Knicks to make I would expect the Knicks to make at least another move between now and the deadline I’m not sure what I mean they they’ve got some

Flexibility to going a lot of different directions as Adrian reported um Mitchell Robinson decent chance to be back by the end of the season so you know they’ve got some flexibility to go different directions there um um let’s see who else here we talked about the Pacers

Earlier but with the fact that they’re below the cap they have buddy helds expiring contract they have Bruce Brown who’s a big you know he’s I know he’s got a um a player option but he’s a big number they could all a team option team option large it’s a large expiring it’s

A large potentially a large expiring contract they’ve got they’ve got a lot of expiring money buddy heel and him are two big big not you know nice sized expiring contracts they also have all of their own picks plus the worst of uh the the Thunders 2024 crop yeah they have

Eight Bobby says they have eight million in cap space and five tradable firsts 10 seconds and um so they are in Prime position if they want now I don’t think they’re going to look for rentals that’s what we talked about right um you know but uh

You know I think there I think there’s you know it’s not as exciting to talk about the Pacers but they are they are they are as in good a position to make noise as anybody in the league uh with Philly with Philly right there as well

Um couple others I wanted to just hit on real quick the Kings uh I kind of the sense I get is they are aggressively exploring but don’t aren’t necessarily operating under the pressure of to make a move but they have they owe the lottery protected pick to Atlanta for a herder

And Ne than that they have all their own um you the thunder come up I don’t think I mean I think it’s very is not in any any major hurry to he does certainly doesn’t feel any pressure to make a splash with the evaluation period so far

Resulting in a team that’s tied for first place in the Western Conference um would suspect the Bucks will try to do stuff John horse has typically been really aggressive in season trying to make trades I know they have limited trade assets however one asset they do have is Portland’s second

Round pick which is a pretty a pretty juicy second round pick and they’ve got some expiring money to float around or some money to float around I don’t know if they’ll get anything done given the situation they’re in but I would expect that they will explore stuff just based

Off of horse history went and traded for Nikola metic at the trade deadline went and got um who they trade for last year Jay Crowder at the trade deadline like they’ve consistently gone and tried to make moves in season and that’s a pretty good second it would probably get him in

The mix for some stuff I would guess they’ll try to use it to do something well J Crowder is an interesting name not only possibly to be traded but he hasn’t played all year I I don’t know what he’s kind of come back from injury

I don’t know if you know I don’t know how he’s looking yeah but that could be their sort of move could be what about what about the heat obviously they were involved in some major uh I mean in the Dame Lillard conversations this summer he don’t make a lot of inseason

Trades I’d be I’d be I mean I wouldn’t rule it out especially if you know if we see some significant names come available the heat are always ready to pounce on those but they typically tend to do their business in the summer I Brian spent even more

Time around him than I have but I would if I had to guess I would say they’re lower down on the list I mean the the interesting group right is that 9 to 12 group in the East all these teams are bad Chicago Brooklyn Atlanta Toronto they all for different reasons I think

Are going to be actively trying to do stuff you know maybe the Nets less so but like the Nets have a lot of guys that if they decide to trade trade him Dorian finy Smith Royce O’Neal they got all these Wings they could trade that teams would be interested in Chicago

We’ve talked about Zack LaVine incessantly we just talked about Deonte Murray we talked about Pascal sakam earlier like a lot of the tradem market could hinge on what those three and if you count the Nets four teams wind up doing I think the thing the thing about

The heat is you’ve got KY Kyle Lowry’s $3 million expiring salary which gets them into a lot of Y situations they also have two tradeable firsts but y they are right on and I mean like within a few hundred thousand of the second apron line and

So forget about Lowry for a second even if you you know get in and start talking about well they could package Josh Richardson and Thomas Bryant blah blah blah they are not going to incrementally improve and end up in the second apron yeah if they’re going to do a deal it’s

To be it’s going to be to try to Big Move move and I don’t know if that’s going to be presented for that in fact I think it’s more likely because I think Bobby has explained before that Tyler Hero has some bonuses in in his contract

Ifan he and if he hits them I think they go into the second apron wouldn’t surprise me if they figure out a way to slice off a player just to give them some breathing room so that they could sign somebody in the buyout Market um

You know and by the way in the buyout Market I’ve got to keep a name an eye on is PJ Tucker uh because I do think the Clippers are a team as well that is not done um Tucker do Havey for next year yeah that’s the problem he’s he’s do money next

Year yep about player option for next year but they are a team that’s I think going to be active trying to add to their team over the next few weeks right so the so the Clippers so PJ is uh 11 million bucks yeah he’s got 115 next

Year yeah there’s no way he’s not picking that up but it wouldn’t it wouldn’t keep an eye on PJ Tucker he’s not really playing um also Mason plumbley uh he’s sort of their third big now that they’ve uh that they acquired Daniel Ty he’s he’s getting their backup

Minutes and they have a you know they have a couple of interesting younger players I don’t know if anybody wants bones Highland at this point and then um uh nobody did last year FJ Boston anyway uh I the the Clippers have one uh first round pick left that they can trade I

Believe it’s 2030 I don’t I don’t think they want to trade that but I do think that they are interested in you know next year they’re going to be you know in the full second apron rules and they’re going to be limited in what they can do in aggregating players

So it wouldn’t surprise me if they would try to get one more piece even if it wasn’t a a guy who’s going to impact their team this year but would give them something to trade next year so PJ would be the guy guy to watch for but like that’s a that’s a player

That a team especially a team in the Eastern Conference who’s maybe not gonna wouldn’t face the Clippers in the you know the Conference playoffs might be interested in acquiring especially teams who’ve had him like Milwaukee or Miami yeah another team I would keep an eye on is the

Rockets I was going to ask you Tim about Dallas and Houston and what your thoughts were on what they were I think I think that you know the Rock um obviously I don’t think they do anything shortsighted but the point of the deal with Oklahoma City was getting

Victor Oladipo as an expiring contract um you know if if it’s about picks obviously it have to be something that really helps them moving forward but they had their own from 27 to 30 they had the Nets 24 26 27 swap there’s a complicated like multi-team my head hurts looking at it

Swapp in 25 so they have uh some draft Capital um they’re right in the thick of things as far as the playing uh obviously they still have a a lot of young talent and they are a competitive team that’s still trying to develop good young players I think you can certainly

Make an argument that one of the best ways to develop good young players is to get them playoff experience and I’m looking at like alarin shenon and Jabari Smith Jr T een um cam Whitmore has actually been playing really well for them with some INRI played well played

Well in a blot lost and bit Boston I watch last night but you know their moves last summer have panned out as they anticipated and I just I I know they will be aggressive exploring it I don’t know if there something is going to come up for them or not but definitely keep

An eye on them and as far as the Mavericks uh I think it’s the same thing as far as you know there’s a lot of there’s a lot of discussion blinking them to seum um you can certainly make a case for it I think the biggest case against

It is are you going to move forward with a third 40 million dollar a year type of player and one who is is not a uh floor spacer you know when you have Luke and Kyrie and you’re obviously building around that um I expect them to look to

Up grade but I don’t think there’s anything close to the desperation last season and the biggest reason I say that is because Derek live II while he’s been hurt a couple times he’s he’s missed the last week and change and missed another week and change before with an ankle but just

Drafting Derek live II I think you’re they’re going to move forward past this season with a sense of optimism and and more specifically I think Luca does just because Lively is such a high ceiling Superstar role player type of guy if that makes sense you know what

I’m saying in other words I say Superstar role play I think he’s I think he’s got a chance to be an absolute Elite Rim Runner rim protector exact kind of Center that Luca wants to play with and so I think there’s a d there’s a totally different

Uh near future outlook just because they really seem to have hit big on that pick that they T to keep and I guess golden state is busy too because I can’t imagine them just standing Pat with this team I don’t know what that means but I feel like we’ll be

I’ll be awfully surprised if it’s exactly the same roster in a month y all right well much lot to be discussed thank you for for uh spending some time with us here thank you to Bon Samson McMahon thank you to Jackson our producer thank you for listening we’ll

Be talking to you in a few days hey I think it’s fitting that we end this with some positive about the Mavericks that’s baby have a great great week fellas and all you out there and adios amigos

Moves In The Midwest & Potential Deadline Deals | The Hoop Collective
Brian Windhorst is joined by ESPN’s Tim Bontemps and Tim MacMahon to talk a trade in Detroit that may be a sign of things to come, a player who may finally have a path to a better role, a ceremony gone wrong in Chicago, who may be the major players at the trade deadline and what players may be targets including Dejounte Murray.
#thehoopcollective #nba

0:00 Intro – NBA Scheduling
7:30 Detroit Trade A Sign Of Things To Come?
32:42 Disappointing Bulls Ceremony
40:10 Dejounte Murray’s Future In Atlanta
49:25 Potential Trade Deadline Targets

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  1. The Hawks should only consider a trade offer from the Lakers that includes Reaves, Rui, Max Christie, and their 2029 1st round pick. We have many potential trade partners for DJM, so we are not obligated to trade with the Lakers. I think the Nets could be a good option as a trade partner.

  2. The NBA screwed up the schedule messing around with this money grab in season tournament. So glad the Wolves lost and then cleaned up in the games they were assigned.

  3. Tons of teams are over the cap. What if the Pistons know teams will trade picks along with salaries to get their teams under a more cap friendly situation like OKC did for Dallas during the draft. They could take on a couple 30 million dollar a year deals and get a few picks back in return for taking on what is now percieved as bad contracts on a roster almost void of talent.

  4. Guys, am I missing something? Krause broke up the dynasty. He deserves the hate he gets for that. Sorry about his wife cuz she caught some strays.

  5. Embum is going to avoid playing Jokic tomorrow. Embum knows deep down that he didn't deserve the MVP last year

  6. We all know the Warriors are desperate to get off the Wiggins contract. No one is taking that contract unless the Warriors give up something. Kuminga wants out. He has shown he can play in the NBA. You just said the Pistons should trade for him since the have the cap space. Why couldn't the Pistons ask for Kuminga and a first from the Warriors. Chris Paul just went went out i think for three season. Pistons send Bogdanovic and Killian Hayes expiring contract for Wiggins, Kuminga and a 1st rd pick. Is that too crazy to ask for to take on Wiggins contract? You said Bogdanovic is a scorer that can play limits defense and hype the team. He would basically that the 4 off the bench and take Kuminga's minutes. That sounds like a win win trade. Boom cap space used.

  7. I would probably suggest a trade for lakers get lavine and vujavic to get a center and wing shooter for Reeves, Russel and Hachimura + 1st round pick

  8. Jerry Krause was disliked by many Chicago Bulls fans before the documentary whether it was because of the Craig Hodges, Scottie Pippen, or that final season situation. The Chicago Bulls organization should have honored Jerry Krause in a more internal and corporate way. This is like the New York Knicks trying to "honor" James Dolan in front of the general public. That was an inept corporate decision, but by all means, vilify and blame Michael Jordan.

    It shouldn't have happened, but a logical person doesn't hang raw meat in front of wolves then complains when it gets ate.🤷‍♂

  9. Good pod, thanks guys. Love this trio, lots of knowledge and personality. What I appreciate about you guys, and Zach, is you actually embrace the whole NBA, not just the usual big city, big media market teams. I know the top 5 teams account for probably half the NBA fanbase, but there is virtually no growth potential there. All the audience growth potential is in the increasingly good smaller market teams that are attracting new fans and interest from cross overs (“second team” fans).

  10. I’m convinced the wizards could make a trade with the Guandong tigers, and these analysts would still only mention the wizards for 1% of the time

  11. Bruh not to defend it because it isn’t right at all. But Bontemps is a hater fr. Her face was NOT on the scoreboard at first when the booing started. The booing turned into cheers once they showed her on the Jumbotron. I get Bontemps wants to hate on Chicago any chance he gets but calm down and get your facts straight brodie

  12. Scheduling is only a problem because things hurt worse than they used to. If you want to understand modern life, apply this key heuristic: things hurt worse than they used to. You can see this principle at work in every area of American life—sports, politics, education, marriage, the workplace, HR departments etc. Once you understand this fact, you can both avoid going crazy and can begin to make sense of this new age. Simply put, once you accept this idea, you can see it at work everywhere. Its explanatory power cannot be underestimated.

  13. I would like to see this podcast offer a trivia question where the first person to answer the question correctly wins a twelve pack of PBR and a Saturday night with Tim MacMahon at his favorite Texas watering hole. Cell phones would have to be strictly prohibited, of course, and the lucky recipient would have to sign a waiver with all sort of protections for MacMahon and the pod For instance, if someone ended up intoxicated in the woods with MacMahon and a shotgun at 3 am looking for bears, then the pod would not be liable. It might be a little risky, but this prize would beat the hell out of Amazon gift card.

  14. "Michael Jordan is a petty bully." Couldn't have said it better myself. @#$% MJ!! (Arguably the 3rd greatest player of all-time behind two players who wore #6.)

  15. where the hell are the big trades.i was expecting an explosive trade deadline with so many teams looking to make moves. boooooooo at this boring AF trade that no one cares about. lets be honest.

  16. I wish Bontemps would find his purpose in life. His level of insecurity makes him such a negative and hateful person at times, that's scary.

  17. You guys have to be bored as hell if this is the best trade target y’all could think of. He doesn’t even make any of the teams mentioned THAT much more relevant. 49:33

  18. Well with Hell surely frozen over today I suppose it’s only logical that Bontemps and I finally agree. Move off of Russ if you can get rid of his contract otherwise buy more Reeves time and let the kid cook. He’s got game but he needs dedicated ball time. It’s the same situation as when they had AC and Bron bought more KCP and whoever those other no names where that were taking his time. Surprisingly it’s always the white guys that are getting smudged on Bron’s teams. 1:02:56

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