@Los Angeles Lakers

Stats won’t show it but this was his best game so far in the season

Stats won’t show it but this was his best game so far in the season

by sausage_blue


  1. richard_golbes

    Reminded me of the Mavs game last year which saved the season.

  2. Creative_Category_21

    What did he do

    And how did he actually make 2 field goals

    Didn’t watch

  3. frustrated286

    Fr bro. He changed the momentum of the game

  4. LegendKingX

    Now if only Hammy pockets can actually utilize him properly we might actually get more wins🧐

  5. everythingp1

    I was so shocked when he didn’t fumble the fast break or driving to the paint.

    Hoping there’s more to come from him.

  6. Theoneandonlylog

    Someone on this sub said cam was just a better vando and I got downvoted for saying nah. The switch up is crazy lmaooo

  7. Js_On_My_Yeet

    Didn’t watch the game, but glad to see he had a great night. 3 steals is the Vando I remember.

  8. davensdad

    Give all Cam’s minutes to Vando and we back to WCF at least

  9. ShikaMoru

    i’m glad to see his passing is coming back. It was pretty damn good before injury

  10. hungrywantmooshoo

    He was really good when we were in that zone

  11. augustcero

    reminder that we shouldnt shit on the players. it’s how the coach makes them fit into a system (if any)

  12. Public-Product-1503

    Actually stats do show it. This was his best game by epm by far, only his suns ist game was even close n basically his only other vando kinda lvl game

  13. Klaxosaur

    When Vando is flying all over the place and playing with energy. It somehow spreads to everyone else.

    Sadly they don’t like this every night.

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