@Sacramento Kings

Why is Kevin Huerter struggling for the Kings?

Why is Kevin Huerter struggling for the Kings?

Herder and dwarte combined tonight to play 27 minutes just under 28 minutes two points 0 for eight shooting 0 for five from three with three turnovers seven rebounds for herder though I did notice herder tonight was competing much more defensively the one play I remember he had a nice defensive

Play there was just so I felt so bad for him a couple of times he had a nice defensive play and then he came down and took a transition three that Malik monk I think wanted to kill him because Malik Monk’s wide open like jumping up and

Down and her just launching like he felt like he need he wanted that so I think he needed that and then he had another play where he had the steal and he was taking it to the rre and you think oh I got an easy jam and he got absolutely

Rejected by Queen and it was great defense great def great defense like there’s nothing he could have done except I think there was a player trailing him a teammate it might have been Malik but um there was someone trailing him that he could have dished

It off to but I don’t blame him for being like no I got this yeah there were some frustrating moments but you know those seven rebounds alone it’s I saw him competing in he’s just in such an offensive rut right now it is we’ve talked about a lot I’m just

Stunned I’m stunned that the drop off has been like this because it’s not like he’s 32 and it’s like oh maybe he’s he’s done now you know oh his game’s fading it’s like this guy’s in the prime of his career he’s shown he could be a good three-point shooter he’s shown he could

Be a good playmaker like i’ I’ve seen it not just last year but in his career and I feel like he’s got very little confidence right now and it’s it’s a tough game you know we talk about the mental side so we don’t actually talk about the mental side enough I mean I

Think we do us but the mental side of sports dude it’s a challenge when you’re struggling you got to find a way to get out of it and what can you do you need help from your teammates you need help from your coaches and the one area I’ve

Been a little Critical with Mike Brown this year has just been you know he I feel like he’s been a little more rigid this year and I think he is feeling the pressure of like wanting to take this team to the next level where some of

His he’s much more quick to take a guy out and put him on the bench like almost like playoff level type things where playoffs you go hey we gotta it’s got to be we got to tighten the rotation if mistakes are we we’re trying to win these games right

And this happened the regular season so a guy like herder who like I think his conference is shook I think his confidence maybe got shook during training camp when it was mentioned that dwarte could potentially start and then he started the preseason game and it’s that’s a challenge you know and Joseph

Says guys it’s more than a rut he hasn’t been good for any length of time since last March and I mean the there’s there’s truth to that but at the same time there have there has been more moments for him and if you look at his

Entire career I was talking to Deuce a little bit about this I said there was times in Atlanta where things were down and they’re down for too many games and I don’t know as a play especially because we look at track record and we look at how he had has gotten out of

These ruts and how when the Kings traded for him it was like steal baby steal and then he proved to be there was truth to that as well that’s where I just go it’s still there I’m not I’m not one to just be like no this is who he is soor I was

Just looking up the definition of rut too because I I didn’t know rut had like a time frame a rut I think that’s an appropriate description of it he’s in a major rut right now yeah oh cuz he was saying it’s it’s not a rut no I mean it’s a rut

Whatever you want to call I love that you looked up the definition just to be like no I’m pretty sure rut is the yeah and and I think too sometimes you say we don’t talk about the mental side of things and how that can affect people

It’s um it affects more than others uh when dearen Fox the other night after the Hornets loss was like hey my mentality is when I leave this Arena it’s on to the next and although it sounds easy to get there it’s not it’s not and if you’re

Someone that will just be like you just got to figure it out you just got to figure out I’ve said that at times I’ve definitely have said that like hey you just got to figure it out and understand the Personnel of your coaching staff like if they’re giving you a short leash

Then you got to figure it out it doesn’t make it any easier and there’s people who won’t be able to figure it out or that style of communic unication or expectations just won’t work with certain players and people in sports and in other job I’ve said it before I’m big

On track record he’s had a track record of being a really good three-point shooter in this league and a good player he’s not playing it like like it right now and I’m I still believe he can turn it around and whether it’s here or somewhere else you know a great example

That I think someone mentioned in the chat they brought up this name and I was thinking about this the other night Duncan Robinson Duncan Robinson is having an amazing career Resurgence this year this is a guy that came out of nowhere remember he’s like a D3 guy goes

To Michigan then he goes to the G League gets an opportunity finally gets picked up Miami they give him a big deal and after he gets his contract I believe it was like five years 90 million just wasn’t the same they’re attacking him defensively he’s not making his shots

His confidence is down what happened to that guy who like came here sharp shooter and then late last year he started to get more opportunity right right now this year CU hero is hurt right and so he got the opportunity with hero out they go to him a little bit and

You you saw the flashes of that’s the guy that earn the Contra that’s the guy that fought for an NBA deal and got there and now this year he’s more efficient than ever he’s career highs across the board and so you know I think sometimes we’re so quick to bury guys

And it’s like dude this is not it’s fine if this if that’s how you want to run your fantasy basketball team you’re like Hey Kevin hter is not cutting it for me I’m cutting him not playing him but that’s not how you should run an NBA

Team you got to find ways to get him going and my mission if I’m with the within the Kings is what can I do to get this guy’s confidence back up and get the most out of him because he is a better player than how he is playing

Right now I know Malik monk needs to sell him a jar of confidence that’s million that’s expensive it’s true though I mean not that obviously literally but it’s it’s true like how can he work on finding that confidence I don’t I don’t know I haven’t even found how how to find that

Type of confidence not playing professional basketball I could tell you some am mine oh I’m very similar to like $5 no they do call me the Malik monk of podcast no you call yourself the Malik Monk of podcasters the chat I I read like four

Of them just a few minutes ago you’re so you’re just like Malik Deuce just wait they’re coming in you probably have to scroll up there’s just so many I’d pay you I’d pay $5 for a jar of de’s confidence because I feel like it would it would just be like a quick whiff like you smell it and you’re like

Confident for five minutes what but the here’s the only problem though what if sometimes I need my confidence filled back up I need a little affirmation you know but when when I get a little touch of affirmation no but Deuce begs for affirmations and like he just wants to

Be validated yeah see drunk on look great we all call Deuce that

Deuce and Mo talk about Kevin Huerter’s struggles and what the Kings can do to get him going on.
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  1. Ke-von's mom was in chat last night mad at me for wanting to upgrade his position for the $ he's paid. Like the guy but we need more productivity and reliable defense and size when scoring isn't there, which is WAY to often.

  2. He needs to get some DNP-CD's he's had more than enough chances. Maybe some time away from the floor will help reset him.

  3. Get rid of Huerter, he’s the weakest link. Constantly getting cooked on defense and can’t even shoot anymore. Pay MALIk

  4. Mike Brown system requires athletes who are tip top shape and in offseason player’s who took that for granted are struggling.The cheesy poll who should be starting ? C’mon, right now he needs to concentrate on workouts a whole lot more.His game will not improve til physically his body catches up,no legs to be a two way player required.

  5. A "rut" is a relatively small bump in the road or small slump. This for Huerter is more than a slump. It's an extended stretch of unproductive play and it has forced Brown's hand to take him out of the starting lineup, when he didn't want to

  6. They must be tryna show his value same with Davion because there isn’t a world where those two deserve more minutes than Keon every time one of those two goes to score it almost feels forced like their pressing for their jobs back monk looked at huerter crazy last night when he took a three in transition while he’s the coldest in the arena and monk is wide open on the wing hotter than anybody he can take that selfish ball somewhere else you seen fox get out the way last night because he was off he’s not just continuing to throw up junk

  7. Honestly, I think let him settle into a bench roll, where he's playing against other bench players that may ignore him or may not be able to be a strong defensively. And run a few things to get him open and get his confidence back

  8. I think he needs to play as much as he can. Get his swagger back. I think he is trying. I wanted his shots to fall so bad. He has just been a bit shaken

  9. He’s been off since that dreadful 3 pt contest showing at the all star break… he’s in his own head

  10. I feel like the 3 point contest destroyed his confidence. Even last season after it happened he only had a few good stretches. When before the contents he had swag for days. Didn’t even think just shot. That’s when he plays best, when he plays and doesn’t over think.

  11. Huerter seems to be shooting line drives with little or no arc. So then, how is the ball supposed to find it's way through the hoop?!? At least now it seems he's not putting up so many shots that are off line.
    He's impressive with 2 point shots in and near the paint, so I hope he takes more of those. Hopefully then his confidence grows and we see it again with his 3 point shooting. 🤞

  12. Fox hasn't been breaking down the defense as much this year so he has had less clean open looks and defense have done better against Sabonis DHO action. He's just not getting the same quality looks as last year combined with surely his confidence being shot.

  13. Time to move on with him. The offense doesn't work well with him because he needs a lot of shots to get in rhythm and that doesn't happen in this offense. We'll still love Red velvet

  14. Brown changed everything with his focus on "physicality" on defense. Slowed this team down. Same players totally diminished results. Number 1 offense is now middle of the pack.

  15. Hopefully it’s sooner but I think huerter will bounce back if he’s here after the deadline. That’s a big boost of confidence in my team’s belief in me in my eyes

  16. Unfortunately, he is one of those 1-dimensional players (Watanabe, Joe Harris, Huerter) who needs their teammates to setup them up for cuts, screens, dhos so they can get a shot off. But, when the shots are not falling what else can they do? Defense? Not exactly his forte. And, unfortunately for him, the Sacramento Kings have a supersub in Malik Monk. Whereas before the coaching staff will just let Huerter play through it, now the choice to bring in supersub Monk is easy. Monk can shoot the 3, play make, attack the basket and defend better than Huerter. What Huerter needs to do is start playing like Murray. Murray used to be just a 3-point shooter, now he is attacking the basket and defending as well. So, for Huerter to get back into getting consistent playing time, he needs to defend well and really be strong to get those cuts and dhos because opposing defenses now knows that is his style of play. Those cuts and dhos are not going to be there if he lets opposing defenses grab and hold him. He needs to be really strong.

  17. We bring back the same team we gonna get the same result so for anyone to thing we got better is crazy….fox Murray and monk got better but monk and Murray jus took Barnes and Kevin spots as scoring if we wanna get better bring in system guy that 3 and D

  18. Kevin always struck me as mentally weak. There's always something about players like him that you can kind of see in the eyes. He doesn't have any intensity in his eyes, even when he's playing well.

  19. Had a bad feeling when Kevin came to this team,he is a great teammate and probably the smartest player on the floor. But he is getting screwed just like his neighbor in NY did Jimmer Fredette! Yep blame their defense, like the rest of the NBA are defensive specialists! Kevin pack your bags and get out of there if they don't want you to help them get to playoffs like you did last year.

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