@Toronto Raptors

Darko: This is Shame

Darko: This is Shame

by mMounirM


  1. Raptorsthrowaway1

    Actually disgraceful. Some of the space we had for these misses 🤢🤢🤢

  2. ZoroChopper10

    Lmao most of these were open

    These mfers missed but blame darko for missing open shots lol

  3. how is it the coaches fault that nba players are missing wide open shots? stop fucking doing that if you wanna critique him get him for his questionable lineups.

  4. anuitblasphemer

    how was this not a 30 pt blowout with that type of shooting. free throws were crap as usual too.

  5. ImmaFunGuy

    Regression to the mean. The team is not a good shooting team

  6. juliusseizure

    If you tell us we hit no 3s, we don’t show up.

  7. schooli00

    This is across multiple head coaches. Either the practice courts (and noah) are not set up correctly, or the shooting coaches are shit. How is it that this team consistently shoots a low percentage from wide open shots.

  8. OSAPslavery

    What’s even crazier is despite this we were in the game until the last few minutes

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