@Dallas Mavericks

We Talk Mavs!! | Dallas Mavericks vs New Orleans Pelicans post-game recap #MFFL #Pelicans

We Talk Mavs!! | Dallas Mavericks vs New Orleans Pelicans post-game recap #MFFL #Pelicans

Stting [Applause] [Applause] it 2023 2024 season let’s get it it’s a great return back we going live and to the m real and K fit in the fact rapping that epical yard in the chat down still on the map the others are we don’t know about that we blueprints don’t know about that we

Trust we know about that m b new Ro cing up with Cur Ste in a hope your appetite for one in ay gra for the after game party we never die we live on a p you ain’t imagine we home like Fosters lightning in the sky like Dr and Kye the

Monster the rules of the game are the same every platform name wtm question keep it court and keep it clean and remember to share and light welcome world and King to the m Wherever Whenever you hear this part ladies and gentlemen this is AOW is AOW YouTube glow gang mffl podcast

Listeners all over the globe guys welcome to a brand new episode of we talk maths special MLK Edition Dallas mask fans perspective guys like I said special MLK Day Edition early game for the Dallas Mavericks so we got an early postgame show for you guys we goingon to get into all that

Plus more but before we do that we ask that if you’re new to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button and join the channel here guys and everyone please hit that like button man hit that like button for the channel man to help us build the algorithm up to find more

Mt fans like yourselves join the glow yard gang all right all right can you ready get into it yes sir all right man let’s get into it let’s go ahead and get into the takeaways of the game here of course y’all already know Dallas wins 125 to

120 uh Dallas shoots put this over everybody to see uh hold on come on thing there we go now Dallas shoots 45% from the field uh New Orleans shoots 50% Dallas shoots 41% from three New Orleans 30% free throws 31 to 41 for New Orleans for 75% Dallas 29 of 35 for

82% New Orleans uh well Dallas wins to rebound battle 42 to 37 with 13 offensive rebounds to eight and it was tied 2929 on the rebounds total all right Keem man go ahead let the folks home know man what your take away from the game

Today um I can’t get too excited for it because of the loss in the last game but they took care of business um ran a little more and we missed derck lley man um I think I asked you a few shows ago was he the most valuable or at least the

Most important Maverick on the team right now and I think you said yeah and I agreed with you uh he went on an offense of rebound like uh just spree in that fourth quarter it felt like he was getting everything he was the he was being the tallest guy out there and it

Seemed like he’s the tallest guy out there so shout out to Derk lively man he makes a difference when he’s involved um the two 40-point games I mean the 40 points from Kyrie and Tim Hardway Jr they gave it their all man Kyrie was out there uh cooking guys doing unbelievable

Moves but Tim Hardway was right behind him man Tim Hardway was out there cooking and doing some unbelievable things I’ve never seen Tim do so um kudos to him Tim was was Major it was good to see Maxi uh in the starting lineup uh to be beside DK Lively to see

Some hyp beside him Jason kid wanted to go with height finally as you say real uh like 41 games later but Maxi played good though man I know he only shot the ball three times he missed both his threes he short on threes right now I’m

Hope he can get that around but he made a big shot he played excellent defense I felt like it and it was good to see him out there I’m not going to lie uh Josh Green Josh Green I felt like was good for us today um not major points with a

Plus 14 and plus minus 13 points for you and he played that I thought he played exceptional defense today as well uh Brandon Ingram helping Brandon Ingram to basically uh do nothing uh I think he had what 10 or 12 points maybe um but I thought he was fine uh Grant Williams

Looked like he was lost out there for a while but actually turned it on in the fourth quarter so it was good to see that from him I was happy he gave it something Dwight PW continued to be Dwight PW he gave a backup minutes behind um Derek Lively uh he did his

Role today I guess that’s what he’s going to be um I was fine with him didn’t see anything differ I actually thought got a couple blocks major blocks play some good defense as well on Zion I thought he was pretty good today uh AJ Lawson cool to see him get Menace he

Made a big three with a bunch of activity around him I thought he was good his energy we always talk about him Jaden Hardy again wasn’t good from the floor as far as shooting the ball but I was good to see him as well I thought

His defense and all of that was fine as well um major problem Seth Curry I don’t know why he’s getting Menace at all really I think we’re at that point now maybe I think you’ll probably agree with me and um you know they let him go on a

Run uh with defense I feel like big guys got in foul trouble and um it hurt us as far as defensively there for a second uh but we got it back and like I said when Lely came back in the game in the fourth quarter um he was just huge man and they

Couldn’t stop him and guys started making buckets so it was all around good game uh we would have swept and would have been awesome um but at least we stay in that position now because we got the split so it is what it is and uh

Jason kid Kudos Jason kid for fing uh Zion Williamson at the end of the game I thought it was it was an awesome decision smart play Zion made one or two and we shut the door after that so Kudos done but that’s all I really got to say

Bro I mean you pretty much hit everything really nothing else to add to it with everything you just said like I said um just the the team the inconsistent MAV strike again they lose the last game and then win this one uh the up and down Ms can’t get too high on

The win because we don’t know what they’re gonna do in the next game they might lose that one too um but yeah they won the day early game they could have came out sluggish like they know been known for doing in the past on these early games they they came out with

Energy uh the Pelicans came out in the second quarter and start kind of establish and they still starting to look like the Pelicans of the last game so kind of I thought that was going to be the case this year this game here I thought going to look like the first

Game but they pulled it out uh got another clutch win uh to add today today tally um it took a double 40o game for Kyrie and Tim to get to pull it out because the third leading score was Josh Green went only 13 uh his defense was pretty solid today

Man offense was a little shaky at some points he did hit a big three the game but um you know it is what it is with him him and Grant Williams I mean they they kind of been up and down all season more down than up what you can from them

Two man they both came out did their thing today can’t take it from them uh BS were a little wonky today I don’t know why we had so many foul calls it was trash it felt like the referees were dictating the momentum and the tempo of

The game man which you never want that uh which was kind of crazy too A lot of the calls kind of crazy uh Grant Williams had n one they took it away but then they gave an n one to I can’t think her Jones or somebody I can’t remember

Who it was and he put I think put the ball back on the floor and threw it up got n one but they didn’t call an n one for Brant Williams which is crazy um we missed Derek lley we know his impact was in the paint today uh valun didn’t had

The biggest the big game like he did last game he have nobody to bully down there Derek Lobby kind of bullied him today got some massive offensive rebounds today his defense in the paint they got him in foul trouble early but kudos to him man he pulled it out the

End he was able to stay with it uh the rest of the way I think he’s uh ended the game with four fouls so so shout out to him man he could have he could have fouled out today but he he stayed with it man so shout out to him uh pal did

Pretty solid at the backup center role again uh pretty much only negative I got is man they gotta stop playing uh Seth Curry they gotta stop playing him there’s no reason to give him minutes he hasn’t done anything to earn those minutes we talked about that before he

Had giv guys certain minute just because he don’t really have a actual answer to why he’s doing it you know we see what’s going on in the court we see he don’t have it you might need to take away some take away his minutes and give to somebody else that actually is

Contributing give them more minutes but is Jason kid what we expect um like I said it was smart the one smart thing I’ve ever seen Jason kid do since he’s been here was foul Zion at the end of the when they were up by three you foul

Him to put him on the line knowing he’s like a 60% free throw shooter or something like that so that was pretty smart on him I give him credit for that but um the one thing I won’t give him credit for is thinking he’s a genius for

Putting Max cleand in there with Derek ly when you had other bigs sitting on your bench so I’m Not Gon to give you credit for something that you could have done a long time ago but you supposed to be so smart but anyway um I mean that’s pretty much all

I got man I a really got nothing else add I mean it was a it was a game they won I’m not gonna get high on it because we’ll see what they do next game they’re know inconsistent MK for a reason they’ll win a day and then follow it up

Playing the Pistons so somebody get beat so we’ll see we’ll see how it go but uh yeah that’s all I got same all right man let’s get into this game ball the game ball to tonight or this this afternoon I should say um well was a couple guys to choose from um I

Know you probably gonna give love to the other two guys so uh I’m G to I’m going to get a game ball though to Mr DK ly the second and um I’m only G the I know he didn’t score a bunch of points um I know we had two guys that got you

40 points a piece uh but two things um The Rim protection the valunas I should say in general just not dominating the game and that offensive rebound spree we would not have won this game without dark loudy in that last quarter grabbing all the rebounds that he grabbed uh so

I’m gonna give a big kudos to dere Lively even if he’s not scoring that’s how you impact the game and I thought he was to play the game yeah I agree uh definitely gota give give shout out to two guys course like you said Tim Hardway Jr uh pouring

In was it 41 yep and the course Kyrie doing Kyrie things it’s like game five in a row he scored 30 points in the uh in a game it’s the only the only game he didn’t score 30 points is with the the game he came back in other than that

He’s literally scored 30 in every game he’s came back I think this is the second longest streak of his career it is the longest is six yep he’s at five right now and I think there no signs of slowing up either so yeah I think he

Gets to six I think he maybe breaks the record with the MS yeah I agree all right man let’s get to the glow yard yes sir all right listen guys if you have a question or a comment addressing us please hit us with the wtm in front of your question or your

Comment guys we ask you be respectful in the question in the comment section and also if you get any super chats that come in guys we will address those first so if any super chats come in we’ll address those and uh yeah I don’t think

We got any today so yes sir hold my latte he’s a glow gang member he says good game after all uh Lely was amazing K and thj is good green and Grant suddenly turn it up I’m sorry they still need to be traded sadly I feel you I

Feel you LTE he also says game ball either to Tim Kyle Lely actually Lely makes so much impact tonight with seven offensive rebounds yes said the same thing Ry what up he says sell high on Tim hey gotta make a choice man or I mean you may not have two though it

Depends we’ll see uh Ry also says it’s not clicking for me bro can you click the next comment some reason gota go yeah he says first game I get to watch live this season because of the time difference I haven’t missed a game though first postgame show I get to

Hang out with you appreciate you Ry G Kim said hey fellas with a game I knew we would win because the PS would be healthy but they really had to make it hard for themselves I’m just happy we’re able to beat the refs too straight

Trash yeah the refs were one one we got a penalty a little like 10 minutes left in the fourth quarter though that was pretty good yeah what it felt like felt like we got to the penalty in the first two minutes of the game no no no no no

No I meant yes as far as the opposite in the fourth quarter though we got there no no no I’m just saying I said it felt like we got into the the first two minutes literally everything they were you’re right ridiculous fouls and like you said Grant Williams didn’t get a

Foul call for that H you you did a a putback the guy pushed you in your back while you were doing a putback that’s a foul and one Kyrie got hit on the play by CJ McCullum didn’t call it nope uh Ry says get me Wiggins and Looney for Tims

Holmes and Seth and we cook in top 10 defense and offense we see says KY was on his tired legs you can see it from the last two minutes but still make some timely passes and make it effective yeah L Gina Kim said I already see fans say

This is why we need Tim or our record would be worse or would have been worse uh Tim has been great but he’s been inconsistent too they don’t say anything when he’s had a stretch of bad games yeah they never did we got a super chat from KY 499 Doo

He’s a glow yard member says much love guys appreciate you Coy man appreciate you uh let’s see lies glow members as well he says what up Brothers what up li what up L fun game with lots of up and downs uh but we got the W and we are

Tied for fifth seed man this team needs to stop effing around so much and take care of business yes yes Li yeah he also says can someone explain why Kai is not getting fou calls when driving to the basket while getting battered uh this is is this is ain’t

Normal why is there a double standard in this league great question ref fouls for valat Tunis but this dude falls on the floor they don’t get a call I mean is what it is Frank is also a glow gang member uh glow yard member I should say he says trade him to the

Magic and I want at least first round pick and return revs is a glow yard member as well he says it’s not a coincidence that Kai is a part of two times in Mavs history that two players score 40 in the same game 20th time this has happened in

NBA history he’s him hash nffl yes he is him ribs what up fa he says yay we beat the trash ass Pelicans Tim had over 40 cool let’s trade him while he hot only positive I have is that was a light 40 by Kai and D live won the game in boards

Grant still ass water yesh uh Ben is a glow yard member as well he says I can’t believe we won we needed that get the PS out of our gym glow gang yeah B RI says thj trade value is at an all-time high like a stock it’s time to

Sell high and get a return on investment GL everybody on the same page Ben says thj looking good for that seum trade yes fact says can’t wait till X him get back but ain’t that crazy we miss at we miss at PG at our full

Position oh well let me go back to being a casual salute OG’s real rag yes King yeah man we got we got Kyrie at at the four man Gina Kim said I’ll take it one game at a time but regardless if we would have won this or not I still think we’ll

Beat both the Lakers and the Warriors both teams healthy and trash we own them scared of Draymond though oh yeah Dr Mone is back yeah Kyrie has seven and seven too 427 and7 so that’s was another good one for him uh Frank says what y’all think of Collins I think he can be

A good cheap alternative four plus Utah are winning because he sometimes play at five so he’s versatile y’all think Utah gonna try to go for the playoffs though no I have no I don’t know what they over 500 now right because there rumor that they might trade

Um L right yeah he might trade Lori so if he trying to trade him I don’t see him trying to make the playoffs so I’m not sure remember that was before they started this ridiculous High stretch though that’s what I’m saying are do you think now that they were 500

They may actually try to go for the playoffs or the play in at least I mean they did it last year remember they was they was hot and then they just started uh sit guys well yeah sorry sitting guys out so I don’t know but Frank Collins I like Collins this year

This year Collins been playing his butt off I ain’t gonna lie to you so I mean started winning they actually started winning when they moved to the five so yeah yeah Gina Kim said at least we got this win does that mean we’re the fifth seed

Or the sixth my Kings just lost and the pals were in their place so I’m not sure where we are in the standings but we getting kind of close kind I think we are fifth now because we we haven’t play played Sacramento yet right yeah we lost

One oh we lost one he we did play once you’re right so then they should be there but we all we make it the tie break over being all tied for fifth ESPN might have the update uh Gina Kim said we won yeah but I still think we should have played omx

We got homes locked up in kids prison and now omx is in omx’s prison oh go ahead bro no we we six because we got one less uh we got one more win I mean uh one more lost than Sacramento so Sacramento’s a lose then we will get

Okay uh why I have him here there if he can’t play I really don’t get kid yeah I don’t get kid we all don’t get kid Jin uh Frank says Collins does leave a lot to desire defensively but he can score rebound and is very athletic we

Have willing passes so imagine a lobs to Collins yeah that’s why they went to Collins before I had talk about them uh Bas he’s a glow yard member as well he says thj and pow show great effort tonight hoping that drives that value you up for us to get

Seak Frank says plus with Lely I’m not scared of Collins defense but Collins is six9ine and does try to play defense so our paint paint protection can be better yeah I think it’ll be good at the four Bes side Lely TGK TV glow yard member he’s also

The host of The Unofficial official Mavs pregame show check it out on YouTube if you haven’t already he says great dub today Grant Williams with a clutch three but man Josh Green might be untouchable now with a clut three hit great F on Zion by Kid M Mavs deliver for the city

Like the Cowboys never do Josh Green is clutch though Bly he’s a glow gang member he said what up Bly what up Bros what up byly says good game today Lively is the most impactful piece for us hands down thank God thj was on one today and Kai

Was Kai now having said that we still need a piece of two badly I feel you Stuart says what’s we could have undefeated on this home stretch Stuart says what’s Good Fellas di play hard in the fourth quarter we need that to get over the hump yes

Yeah Gina Kim said I won’t get on kid because I want to be happy about this win until we play Wednesday but man he almost took us out the game keeping Grant in that long and not calling timeouts great challenge later though yeah uh Stephen says the white p with how many blocks

H he did give you them blocks today Pascal he’s a glow yard member as well he said what up y’ what up Pascal what up Pascal he says three starters out and got the w a win with a young star player resting all we ever asked for

Yes Jason kid Riv says Josh Green out here trying to beat the mations LOL Bro been hoop in these last few games yeah Professor Funk he’s a glow yard member as well he says coach Darko calls with complete crap Coach Brown here’s the receipts coach kid I’m just the

Coach and all coaches you just named off we seen them run up on referees before you never seen Jason kid do that b also says thing I noticed was uh Team looks lost when Kai and thj wasn’t in the game it shows kid isn’t promoting our other players offensive game and

There still or seems to be a lack of play calling outside of KT thj yes yeah look it took took both of them to get a 40-point game for us to win by five yeah Stewart said Hardway said after the game they didn’t take Memphis in New Orleans

Seriously and those losses we got to start taking those gimme games seriously yeah I mean I don’t know I’m like who are you to say that though my G KB said like I said before I’m gonna take it one game at a time shout out to Green for that

Dagger too um I can’t wait to see when Luca gets back I hope aim injury won’t have him out too long we need him and then DJJ didn’t play tonight I forgot about that no I think his is more of a rest though I hope so uh B said Williams

Was plus 16 and green was plus4 y’all thoughts I know y’all don’t care for Maxi but I differ from you on on the that guy does impact game defensively so give him props like y’all do with PO he did good yeah Bly and and Bly the

Thing is I don’t think we ever said that Maxi couldn’t impact the game it’s that Maxi is we think he’s torn like beat down and done that’s why he’s only been playing eight what seven games this year so far that’s why he’s on many restrictions yeah like that’s all we we

Do the same we had the same song and dance every year man with Maxis and guys like that man I’m not I’m not g to get high because he had one good game uh and Williams showed up and helped on defense and did good in the fourth quarter and

Then Josh Green was doing his thing as well do can they do with two games in a row b I gave him Credit in the recap though when I said it yeah I mean like I said yeah we give him they problem no we ain’t gonna be scared to get nobody they

They props when they do good but you like you heard me say them last game my my my key words consistency man y we we can say this today about these guys but will they back it up with another game amen Dar Jones Jr is consistent exm is

Consistent L is consistent those guys you just named off aren’t consistent yeah and that’s the issue if they’re more consistent then we probably have a better Recon and what we have uh Pat says salute happy MLK Day same to you uh J Kim said on locked on Mavs they

Said kid doesn’t have a second gear I agree my question is what is our offense when luk and Kyle off the floor we can’t give the players too much Freedom like he does uh cam what up cam he said let’s go thj was out there looking uh Steph and K

Of course cooking like always yeah cam B says another way you can tell kid is not that coach people want to credit him to be like he is I guess if players he depends on goes down like Lely lukaa we are not probably going to win he doesn’t make adjustments

Yeah ultimate X Factor P of Steve he says salute y’all salute salute he said I’ve seen enough Tim Hardway Jr is the greatest player of all time trade Luca for size and 10 picks and build around H I feel you pie of Steve right uh ersie says don’t y’all think

It’s pretty impressive we are seven games above 500 when a team have hasn’t been healthy All Season yes yes no Ry was more impressive is we said seven games over 500 with Jason kid yes yes uh Kareem’s a glow member he says another day another game where cyrie don’t get a

Call y’all see when CJ had two fouls in the game early and they didn’t want to give him his third right on his for yep talked about it earlier Gina Kim said I’m not a powwow nor will I ever be but I’ll give him his props I’m happy his hustle is finally

Paying off we know he’s not going to get traded so the best he can do is give it his all I say the same thing j Li says R you you still seem frustrated you have that I’ve lost faith in this team look it’s apparent more than

Ever is what it is Li just take it one day at a time man whatever happens happens he said I feel you bro yeah g Kim said I want seak but if we can’t get him then I guess we’ll have to go for a d DFS and a backup big fans think we’re

Getting Tucker but I trust Nico to not even think about that I hope professor says so this is the end of a huge home stretch how are you evaluating it we perform well on the road such a confusing team yeah one game at a time Professor Gina Kim said off topic but

How about them Cowboys what’s their favorite saying we them boys it’s our year I’m so happy we have playoff Rises and not chokers on the Mavs the best Dallas team no comment uh Brian says I’m not as worried with up and down uh season so far which is primarily because of

Multiple key players out at the same time Mavs just need a wing with length and Center kids a problem though yes Brian that’s what I said Brian I said we I’m s somebody said we surprised because of the injury yeah I’m surprised we are where we are with injuries but the same

Time it’s mostly surprised that we got Jason kid doing what he’s been doing and we seven games over five I feel like we could have been more than that yep even with the injury but it is what it is we basically at the same position we were last

Year just hope it don’t fall for Cliff like we did last [Ā __Ā ] G2 said G2 says uh TFK or I guess TGK really wants that pow Jersey man is practically manifesting it TGK hate p man not hate but hate uh Brent said like how the offense look

Right right now um the ball moves around the horn plus I like how fluent Kyrie looks when he’s the go-to guy not saying they’re a better team without Luca yeah we understand what you’re saying Brent you want Luka to flow and he was earlier and then he I feel like injury started

Catching up with him and he started going to that solo Luca step back three ice overall Gina Kim said I trust us more in the road than at home we have to start stacking up these wins from now on Luca should be back if not we still have Kai

And Lively and hopefully DJJ next game I’m more worried about exm I want to know some information sorry I want to see some information on exom uh J Kim said man I love Coach Brown he was really a about to throw hands with the refs kid just keeps his hands in his

Pockets I don’t think anyone on the team will fight other than Luca and maybe Kai uh Ash says keep in mind we got this swim with only 40% off starters yes yes and they got that win last game with 0% of their starters Gina Kim said I

Would pay big money to see p throw hands on 1% I mean no I’m sorry it’s 20% uh I would pay big money to see pile throw hands Maxi was being soft as always I wish Keith was on the floor so he could install some fear in the

PS Bly says bro excuse a lot of my comments I have learned to type before y’all start the show like at G LOL but I appreciate y’all giving players Dead props when they do well yeah byly I never i’ never uh not give dudes Dead props man I’m definitely not a hater uh

Brian says don’t expect K to start getting CS uh this has been the case for many years so it’s not a coincidence the NBA doesn’t like him I’ve been saying this for years you might be right Brian because like I said you you get hit on

The wrist the way he got hit man and hit the ground or whatever and they and then you call a touch foul on the other end for the other team it’s like it just sounds looks a little fishy but yeah is what it is Gina Kim also says I can’t

Wait to get kid off this team and I saw a fans still trying to defend him for what what are they what are they watching what coach says I’m just the coach he needs to back up for not getting CS yeah I feel you that’s

It I guess we got a short show tonight special MLK short I guess so man I’mma give y’all two more seconds man y’all better bring them in the next game is against the Lakers on the 17th what’s this the Wednesday so that’s on Wednesday we playing at the

Lakers so later one start nine 10:30 M oh well 9:30 time no no no 7:30 oh so we got early game make sure Wednesday because that’s that’s uh if it’s 7:30 y time that mean it’s 5:30 there time let make sure that’s right because it got

7:30 on here but let me yeah Frank said it’s early too LOL oh okay it is early know you’re right that’s wild they got a 5:30 game in La damn that traffic must be gonna be horrible on Wednesday it’s already horrible see James said glad to see you hanging

In there with us real we in this thing together all right uh Brian says aim is important going forward because I don’t trust any other guard other than luk kai and Luca with the ball yeah oops sorry I got you Tim give me a second uh Bly says what are you all

Hoping for over the next couple of weeks consistency yeah just be consistent man that’s all we can ask for I’m not going I’m not going to put enough number on or nothing B we not doing that no more we’re going to definitely do one game at

A time we just going to focus on the Laker game consistency though let’s see some consistency and hopefully Health more Health uh Tim says in your opinion if you could get one player for Timmy who would you get yanisa he just asking if I could Tim that’s the one player but realistically

Uh K kma yeah somebody like a kma or or SE yakum or somebody we need a four we need a starting four that can get us buckets at that position so seaka might be too expensive one for one because we too we too perimeter oriented right now your

Two lean scores with perimeter guys we need some people who can get us some consisten consistent buckets in the paint so yeah yeah Gina Kim said I’m also worried about ex him the injury sounds serious but we won’t hear about him until next month yeah give let X him

Heal too man I feel the same way like it’s the same injury that KP had to start the season or whatever so let uh let X him get healthy let the whole team just if you going to go and you wasting games right now and we still like you

Said in a position we basically the fifth seed almost let these guys get healthy then and let’s just go on a run that’s how I feel what up hung H young that’s probably how you pronounce it uh what he say CID media gotta be top five comments it is it is

Oh uh I saw you I see you div I know he didn’t put wtm but he’s a glow yard member as well he said I’m at work can’t really do much but check the box score thj wow LOL yeah D Bly said appreciate y’all coming on

Now and go spend some time with your fam or get some much needed rest rest and food def uh TGK said for clarity I do not hate the white P but my generational urge to have this man move from our team so much that it exceeds Luca’s

Generational Talent we he you TGK I’m with you I still want to move I ain’t trying to S to no I don’t care how good he playing right now I still want him moved I don’t care how good Tim playing I still want him moved right

Yeah I’m sorry no I’m sorry I just gonna say for Tim I just want to move because I know he has value and we can get back something with him bro I think we can get a pick for Tim I’m I’m like I said

If we can get two draft we can got two seconds for Reggie Bullock who’s giving you zero Dam near every night I know we can get something for Tim right now yeah just just put a 40 spot up no team looking at that so and uh TG

K the Lakers man if the Lakers had picks man but I really think the Lakers would take tamy they they’d like take him right now if they could uh TGK I know you don’t hate him too TGK I’m just I’m really joking about that none of us none

Of us want to like throw hands with these dudes or nothing like that he’s a like professional athletes like damn near s feet tall and all that uh he says go another 30 minutes for for me sorry TGK I don’t love you enough uh Tim says you think luuka and

Kai uh need to play together or play with their own Squad separate separate minutes no they can play together and separately that’s why you stagger their minutes the way he does too I mean we are one of the top two or three uh clutch teams in the league for

A reason yeah because you got those two together so yeah that’s not the issue yeah they’re fine it’s about I really think I’ve seen it we’ve already seen with can do at the beginning of the Season like we can still be one of the quickest paced teams in the league with

Luca dones there as well like we can get it done Gina Kim said I got my first pair of Kyrie I can’t wait to hooping them they feel good too and please take off slow mode no you be trying to killer Gina gota keep that slow-mo on and that’s not

A bad thing Gina we love your comments love your comments but and plus other people I know be W to talk as well so it’s a way to let everybody get a chance as well exactly uh B said uh he’s a glow yard member as well he says Warriors saying they want

To keep Moody and kaminga means they’re out want to see aam sweet Saks yep just Needum to say he gonna sign with the MAV bro that’s it that that comes out and let say it’s over that’s a good point Bas I didn’t think about that man that’s that’s that’s who they gonna

Want hold on TGK says i’ rather not make a trade anymore and just pick up a big on the B market I mean uh I don’t want to just do that but I I if we just got the power forward I think we can get the

Big in the buyout Market yeah I’d rather do that than than uh just not get nobody in the trade because you got to get some of these contracts off this team TGK you got to man I’m sorry man I know you I know everybody plays good when they play

Good everybody want to keep them when they play Bad trade them like that then that defeats the purpose like people not gonna want a bad player on their team so why you trade them when they’re good he also says or trade Hardy for something if you got to

You got to Ash also said uh thj is too consistent to trade I’d rather see them trade green Williams CLE or Hardy I mean other guys are inconsistent too Ash but Ash um me that consistant in Tim that that don’t that they don’t go together

Man PR that said if Grant made threes we would be the fifth seed if Grant made threes we’d be the third seed probably man yeah Grant made threes he probably would start yeah D says what will we get from the Lakers I mean the Lakers probably will

Give you almost anything right now other than Austin Reeds probably and AD and and LeBron for Tim Hardway junor you think there’s anybody on the team they say no to bro I don’t know I don’t know who I I don’t know who I want

For the lak no I’m not saying I take I’m just asking you think anybody on the Lakers that they would say no to other oh no they no they need Shooters I know they take I think they trade anybody on their team other than those three even

Heard I Haven even heard the m i mean the Lakers fast break guys talk about that they need they need Shooters bro they would love Tim hard and they even said on here on our show they said they they would take so yeah Gina Kim said R sounds like a depressed Cowboys fan

Imagine being both a cowg girls and Ms fan sheesh yeah it was hard times Gina it was hard times shout out to my pops though tjk said I got a memo that’s why J Kim says saw a post on Twitter saying rank the best point guards right now

Brother irin Jamal Curry uh oh we said is that Jamal uh what’s his name what’s the Denver is that the Denver gu that’s that’s uh Golden State lollipop young and I forgot who else but I’ll add Stephanie I guess it was okay so Jamal and him uh in that order is Steph Curry

Cyrie Irving uh Trey young and then Jamal um what’s his name I can’t think his last name right now Murray Jamal Murr yes Jamal Murray yes Jamal Murray would be last in the list what up TGK he gonna try he trying to get me to argue I’m not arguing with

You TGK so you can keep the show going on longer all Eric says funniest moment of the game was when Pelicans players got that poile jumped on a player’s legs and he didn’t understand why what they were mad about oh yeah I thought I thought about Kyrie

In that moment ER he did that he rolled up on the back of I said man now they about to see how he feel exactly that’s why they were mad they were mad like the Mad players should have been mad when P rolled up on uh on uh Kyrie’s so yeah

That’s how the way they felt towards uh pal that moment is how mad fans felt like bro he just rolled up on this dude foot man come on bro and nacho I see you we hope we hope Maxi does that yeah I go by track records man and

Patterns so uh J James says thj still made me nervous when he touched the ball I mean that’s always uh B says Paces are the only other team I feel that are a real threat on trading for se yakum but I feel like they want to keep their young guys as well

Yeah yeah I can see the Pacers doing it TGK said can you hit the be more strut tjk I can hit any dance man I may be tall but I I I can throw down on the uh the Dance Floor man stop play with your boy I’m lightskinn Johnny B

Says uh BR he’s a glow yard member as well he says BR there should be no thj trade talks till the deadline at least like he’s earned his respect every game since Luka been out hashtag Revenge season not every game but these past two games he been good oh y’all take two

Games and think he been doing this all season what be killing me but it is what it is g k said my bad I be on it in the comments lol I might be an introvert but I just like to talk sometimes working on it but I’m glad I found y’all it’s nice

Nontoxic space it no Gina Kim it wasn’t keep doing no we just we just joking Gina but sometimes man like I be trying to explain to y’all we got lives outside of this thing man we we can’t especially at night man we got the that’s like a

Late game or something we got like 400 comments in here man we can’t answer every last one of them you know we gota we gotta have a cutout point and then we’ll get messages at the end of the shows about oh y’all didn’t answer my question or my comment or whatever and

It’s like well we got 400 messages here we’re not gonna be able to answer all of them if we do that we’ll be here for five or six hours and we got I don’t know about y’all I gotta go to work the next day I can’t I can’t be up that

Late but that’s why we do that man it kind of it helps us to keep things in a certain time frame you know so and I gotta think I always say share share share and all that but the more folks we get to watch the show the more folks is

Gonna be interested in putting out a comment to us as well probably so just to help us out and now we also got comments guys on other uh platforms now so it’s not just YouTube uh JP says P was in the Dwight uh dlight Zone yeah JP he on something

Right now hopefully he stay that way man we we need it uh ramble says I hope thj thinks he can be the next Brunson and Lead his own team that’d be beautiful if we can fleece someone like we got fleece for Kent Williams G oh

Man I hear you R I hear you uh hold on TGK says hit the carinal stump one time for us King TGK you gota pay me for that TGK he said for 2K Subs oh Melissa tellum King yeah Melissa man I’m an old man now so these bones be

Hurting but I’m sorry bro I’m my Cy with the 499 Doo glow yard member he says three things for sure death taxes and cowboys being trash in the playoffs yeah man I was telling my wife that earlier because she was like why they so many people making jokes about the Cowboys

Like it’s it’s a thing I don’t know why these fans so surprised by that stuff man it’s happened literally every single year every year they get hyped up and then get let down every year first round exits so bro yck Cowboys the Nicks to the NFL

Pretty much yeah I mean they got more championships in general but talking about the time per and all that like it’s been years for them to be so popular it’s like why do why no one understands especially newer uh like fans and all uh what did I get hold on I’m sorry

I think I SK Johnny B I’m sorry let G get to you base Johnny B says can y’all let these seak dreams go he’s not the Savior we still not a contender with him they want too much and we be depleted n you thinking too much Johnny you just

Hold on hold on and then then then read his next question that you clicked on uh who TGK oh never mind never mind somebody else said that okay on Gina says you got Steph over Kyrie right now wrong answer is Kai Steph Trey and then Jamal Steph has not been getting better

Have has not been better than Kyle lately all right okay I’m not going I’m not goingon to argue with it okay that’s fine I’m still I’m still choosing step though uh B says Johnny B I would trade tsj for Advia straight up no picks included amen I’m telling you uh Tim

Said goad yeah like yeah I know Tim had two good games bro we gotta chill man because I know if as soon as he back it up with a bad game everybody gonna be back in here talk about trading them so so we expect we expect 25 plus from 10

Every game now right that’d be nice the way he playing right now they saying don’t trade him 25 plus every game right at least 20 all I know is the phandom is as consistent on Tim Hardway as Tim Hardway is consistent on the court uh ttim says will you think in the

Best of seven we are a flip of a coin like now because I don’t see a consistent five eight players n we got like five to eight players right now we got like I don’t know if it’s five eight players we need but we got like we got like eight players that to

Me after the after the trade deadline yeah I I see you TGK no you fine bro I might have to post something at some point let me get out and uh get on the floor and get some drinks in me or something I might post a video on uh on

Instagram Johnny B said Doug uh what the hell has gotten into pile paw he’s been playing very well as of late I’m mad I can’t come on here and ether his ass oh well I still got Josh Green slander yeah I feel you man po Ben cooking

Man nacho says I feel like the Raptors won’t trade seak after all why sell low when they can get him his contract and trade him on the line I hope I’m wrong know what I heard nacho I just got a report I got a alert on my phone a

Couple days ago that that that that relationship is over yeah I think that he he he screwed them over when seak by doing this has screwed the team over by what they can do so I don’t think it’s like I think he’s gone so I said just

Wait for him to say he will sign with the Mavericks and it’s over that’s all I’m waiting for uh G2 said the G2 says the man upstairs is funny sometimes he made the Cowboys the New York Giants and the himothy him Wayne Uh humor the

Second coming of MJ on MLK yeah he was on one Johnny B said base I trade Tim for Advia today yes I’m glad you said that Tim I mean Johnny B he just said this guy can’t be traded he untradeable but you said you trading for him today I

Mean w’t trade him for all NBA okay I’m sorry go ahead you got it Johnny you got it bro w’t trade for all NBA allar you know a third a legit third option on the team bro but he he want he’ll trade him for for Denny hold up

This this comment don’t even make sense Johnny B he said no other player on this team outside of Luca could have had a game like Tim did today don’t we got Kyrie no what yeah you must be day drinking man cuz you saying some wild stuff today

You won’t trade for seak but you’ll trade Timmy right now straight up for Danny Avia okay was Tim the leading score no okay I’m sorry I’m sorry I’m sorry we don’t have we don’t have nobody else on our team so yeah it was Tim Tim was the leading score TGK said thj is

Untouchable pry memo must be a Johnny B memo because yeah y must have got it together man like I a see that I ain’t see that memo nowhere I see you TK I’m sorry uh Prince said which Mavericks team will you get in the next game against the Lakers great question Prince great

Question so you see how it’s like that little uh scroll bar beside it that little like loading thing is that like a something you Emoji or something oh I don’t know what that is J Kip said like I said I’m putting all my trust in Nico fans are consistent and

Believing in players after one good game they are hilarious and why is green still having to be encouraged by teammates now that’s what I just said Gina you know cuz I I mean like I said we we do these shows you can go back and

Look all I remember was fans was in here killing t t uh TJ not too long ago he had two good games and now it’s like why you why you talking about tradeing we need to keep him it’s but that’s fandom for you man it’s ups and downs with the

Team so people had their favorites yeah people got their favorites you don’t want to let go of your favor it took me long enough with Josh Green Johnny B said I me Kyrie as well okay Johnny B all right let’s see TGK says did you see ESPN

Lakers trade guide guess uh who they mention who they could trade for who thj or Kyrie TGK or seak I wouldn’t be surprised if they had all three of them in there Richard he’s a glow gang member he says Denny power yeah Richard I told you

All of us on that Denny train pause like we we like Denny man we just don’t know if Wason would give him up because it’d be stupid for him to give him up wow he young younger than Luca oh he said Kyrie Kyrie man should have known

Right come on man what the hell is is espa doing man but but yeah man probably wrap it up there man uh half a show I like that yeah half a show man gonna give me something eat now listen man we definitely appreciate everybody uh rocking with us on the MLK Day

Hold on he say yeah he said you act like Toronto gonna trade TJ for SE yakum straight up what if they won lob too no I’m not saying that but you talking like you don’t want him for some odd reason but you’ll you’ll go get Denny ABIA though what is Denny

Done I mean you you you have a chance to get a third star and you you don’t want to get him like what we talking about bro like come on man uh but yeah uh read I read the rest uh J Kim said looked like luuka was celebrating with

Maxi so he ain’t going nowhere or anywhere but Maxi being better than Grant in 2024 man we really got a new Tubs on the team Grant versus Zion was a battle hey Grant woned the jump ball and nacho says I feel TI Grant being the reason why we got jump balls

But yeah uh nacho says I feel like it comes down to what seaka wants being number one on the team and gets his numbers or try to win rings so nacho I think he passed that I think he had his opportunity without Kawai to try and I

Think now he wants to get his money and win championships now I think he’s at that point now I understand that he is never gonna be that number one my opinion yeah please click on Johnny’s comment I will Johnny B said Denny not gonna cost you what seak will

What cost us what Johnny yeah you don’t even know what it’s gonna cost us not even that okay you heard me say a million times if it’s not Luca I’ll throw Kyrie in there if it’s not Luca Kyrie or or Lely everybody else can go so what’s it costing you ain’t nobody on

This team untradeable bro like what we talking about if it GNA make my team better Johnny B you not you’re not trading the draft picks um what’s his name uh rwn homes and timway Jr that’s too much like you I mean you just want to you want to try to keep

These guys y’all like man while alsoo trying to add on Talent that’s not that’s not how that works you got to give up something to get something man that’s how that works in the NBA unless you get extremely lucky and give away a bag of chips and a stick of gum for pal

Cassol or something like you’re not g to just trade no you’re not you’re not getting a guy like Pascal seak for a Seth Curry bro that’s not how that works you got to give up people like Tim y so I mean that that’s that’s how I look at

It like people say you it cost too much cost what what we giving up ain’t nobody none of these players on this team Untouchable bro like all of can go other than the three guys I just named up uh Richard says LOL Denny for sh I would I

D I do that that be even trade but Prett much even trade money but we can’t because I don’t think they gonna do it no they would do it but yeah I do that yeah uh G2 says I think Grant knows what he must do but does he have the strength

To do it the pinky to must come off Max g k said I can’t wait until Holmes is off this team just for kids and not play the new guy we will have and trade Max too if you’re not going to play Just useless uh to have it this point I think

N om still it’s his first year so even if he don’t play this year like next year or all remember Hardy his first year uh Johnny B says King I do that but why would they take that for him I keep so I’m tell you again y y’all thinking

With the y’all thinking with the a logical mind right now but I want y’ to think on a rational level right now and seaka if he destroys his trade value and tells it that he just wants to go to Dallas which KH is already doing already

They will have to take what Dallas is willing to give them because if not they’re just going to lose him for nothing so it’s going get they have to trade him by the trade deadline like it has to be done I think at a point if the

Mavericks then say like we’ll give you the picks because this all you can get from the Mavericks but we’ll just basically match a contract it’s basically down to who bites or who blinks first and the Mavericks if seak is there in the waiting then Toronto has

To make the decision if they want to do it or not because at the end of the day they’re going to trade them for whatever they can get for a team that’s going to give them something so pretty much see holds the power yes seak hold either

They trade seak right now or they losing for for nothing yes and like he just said he’s he’s his trade value is dropping because of the fact that he he steady writing teams off and telling like Sacramento Atlanta he telling those teams I’m not signing with you guys so

That takes more teams off the table that they can trade to Johnny B I’m G read this next one first because I know we at the bottom I’ll come back he says seak never said he wanted to come to Dallas where are y’all getting this from we did

Say I never said said he did Johnny B I said Johnny you got to start listening nobody say has to do is say he will sign with Dallas I didn’t it already and Johnny weren’t you the same one that said we weren’t getting Kyrie was no way

We can get Kyrie all I’m telling you is he has look how much we got gave up for him all he gotta do is say Johnny B and if he does he hold he holds all the cards bro he’s an unrestricted free agent if they don’t trade him by the

Trade deadline they lose they don’t want to go through the same thing they went through with uh V where he just lost him for nothing yeah and the way like I said the way pasc seak is talking right now he holds the power because guess what there were other teams that were willing

To jump onto the trade but as soon as he said I’m not reigning with Atlanta I’m not resigning with Sacramento those teams pulled out so more many more more more teams are pulling away from the trade it makes it easier for for one or two other teams to try to get them it’s

It’s the great it’s it’s I guess great right now that we have the players we have the other teams can’t go after seak because they don’t feel like seak is going to put them over the hump so so if seak doesn’t put him over the hump why

Would I trade all my Pieces away for him to then possibly leave at the end of the year the marriage can do it plus Johnny B cakam already has ties to Dallas he’s played high school basketball there so it’s like I’m just trying to tell you man it’s adding up

But you’re not paying attention Johnny B you’ll see when it happens like Kyrie he also said they want multiple first for a guy who publicly said he’s not signing with anybody I don’t think he’s nice I I think he’s nice but who got time for that in indecisive BS I

Told you Johnny B he has to make it they want two multiple first they’re going to get what they can get at the end of the day because Pascal cakam is setting him up where they can get nothing for him is either you get something or you

Get nothing you know when you put literally what it is Johnny literally what it is when you put a car for sale or something like that you put it up at the best value you think you can get for it right if people don’t bite after

Months or years what you gonna do lower that you lower the price you g lower that price because you’re trying to get rid of that vehicle uh Frank says Toronto is going to be desperate because they they’ve been ghosting seak and if other teams aren’t going to trade

Anything valuable they’ll take what they can get a that’s what we saying Frank I’ve been trying to tell you thank you that’s what we trying to tell him uh like he he’s holding all the cards bro literally holding all the cards he can decide where he wants to go if the team

Finds out you’re not gonna because nobody’s gonna want to give up a ton for this guy if they don’t have a guarantee he’s gonna resign with them yeah so why would you trade 85 round picks for a guy you’re not sure you going to sign resign

With him that’s that makes no sense and that GM need to be fired B said uh thj Maxi and Holmes two second round picks in the first if we get that seak commitment and we’ll take Koko from them he’s still developing defensive Center so that last part yes that would be

Awesome I don’t think we’re gonna get him but let me let me tell you this what if this happen say thj not on that trade right there say the Mavericks can somehow an Eco get it done and it can be done I’m telling y with Grant Williams

Maxi CA and ran Holmes that still adds up with the two second round picks in the first round is they still get the picks out of it that’s what Toronto gonna have to want out of the situation because that’s all they can really get are the picks they worried about now

They get them picks we get the guys off the team and we get seak that would be the piece where Nico would be that dude and everybody be like oh I didn’t think we could do it and Watch Nico does it to me man the K the the the goal is try to

Get as many of those those contracts off the off the books man that’s really what my goal is to me yep Gina Kim said how many first rounds do we have just one if we had two or more do you think it would be easier to

Make a trade I think RS will get desperate and have to trade with Ms if we had two we could have already got it done but no need if they’re gonna Nico’s playing it like a Salesman right now J yeah just wait yeah it’s just like you

Buying new sneakers man wait till wait till the price drop on them sneakers you get them y somebody telling you they gonna go and sell in a week I just wait the last one said Tim I don’t give a f hard away yeah uh Johnny B said if he wanted that he

Wouldn’t he have said it by said that by now he’s telling everybody where he’s not signing I believe seak want to go play with him be so Johnny B based off of what you just said then based off of what you just said let’s not even say

About him saying what he would did you said he’s telling everybody what he’s not signing the Mavericks are on that list of people that are interested in se yakum whereever you heard it he said he won’t sign with the Mavericks thank you you heard him saying who he not

Going sign with you never heard him say he was GNA sign with the Mavericks which is what we’re telling you J Kim said yeah I don’t think Raptors want to lose seak for nothing I think he would want to come here because we said he would put us over the hump

And don’t he and om share an agent yes they did uh Johnny B said it’s okay we GNA see and when that woes drop and seak goes elsewhere I’ll be right here to say I told y so like you did for Kyrie yeah CU you the first one tell us

We wer F to get Kyrie nope we we don’t have enough to get Kyrie and look what we end up doing Kyrie uh Gina Kip said if we can trade without having to give up omx that would be great seak ktox 2 I saw a video of them talking to each

Other doing the draft combine so we have a chance to yep and that’s the last one go ahead all right man we GNA call it hold on read nachos real quick man yeah not not trying to give you hope not trying to give you false hope Noto just

Trying to put into perspective bro for people was making it seem like there’s no way it’s going to happen and the same people that said there’s no way it’s going to happen the same people that say we wer goingon to get Kyrie yep so uh I

Think I’m I think I’m going trust in Nico then then random people saying it’s not gonna happen as if like they have any say so if it’s gonna happen or not so and Johnny B like I said I want Johnny B here first if that trade does

Happen and you tell me if Nico got would have gotten Kyrie and seak with two first round picks you better get be on this show praising that man that’s all I want to know Johnny B that’s all I want to see got another Super Chat real quick uh

Melissa with the $10 Dono she’s a glow yard member said do you know when Luca is expected to return ask Jason kid Melissa we don’t know uh post a video of king and queen dancing I got you Melissa next time I go out I got

You and then we get this one last one Jay uh big j a glow member too D feel like it been a minute big J uh it says Toronto messed up by not trading him earlier that there you go big J that’s what we trying to trying to tell Johnny

He said he wants a super match and since they had held him past the 15th he can only sign a two-year deal with the trade team yep you said BJ you said Kyrie what that lineup with bro what you say oh okay that lineup with Luka and Kyrie you

Said right yeah oh you said that’s the that’s the missing piece that lineup you make the years line up when he I’m sorry never mind you said uh you said he only can sign a certain amount after getting traded to a team uh big J kind of like

What we did with Kyrie oh okay I feel you I feel you but yeah let me click on real quick good win y’all but I wish TGK was in here how about them Cowboys and Max man TGK man you need turn your phone off man I know they gonna kill you today man

Shout out to my Pops I know he he mad he text me this morning man so yeah uh but yeah man listen guys uh great show tonight man good win for the Mavs of course they play the Lakers on Wednesday so we’ll see how that goes we we might

Have a guest on might see if Jeff will hop on with us he said he would so I don’t know if you remember but we got to remind him yeah we’ll remind him so have Empire Jeff on with us on Wednesday guys hopefully CH chances are he will

Probably join us but we’ll have Empire Jeff on with us Wednesday man talking Ms and Lakers um if you guys want to become a member of the channel and all that good stuff man I don’t know where the there it is thank you Melissa I I don’t know

If I said thank you but thank you Melissa I appreciate that uh if you want become a member of the channel man just hit that join button right there next to the Subscribe button guys everyone uh that’s new to the channel go ahead and hit that subscribe button for us too

Guys hit the like button to guys that’ll help us out a lot uh like you said it helps build up the algorithm man it help find more math fans like yourself to join the glow yard gang also too guys uh we will have this up in podcast form for the podcast

Listeners um see if there’s anything else I’m missing oh playback guys can follow us on playback on playback. TV if you’re on your computer or you can just download the playback app and then you can subscribe and uh follow us under we talk Mavs of course we uh stream all the

Games there and you got other fans in there talking about the uh the game as the game is going on guys so uh let’s see what else oh and then of course follow me on my other channel guys because we geeked we’re trying to get to our first 100 subscribers on that

Channel so we definitely would appreciate man y’all going over there and subscribe to the channel on there uh had a good show on Saturday we have shows every Saturday mornings guys for that channel so you can follow me on that channel um is there anything else King I’m missing you said merchandise oh

Yeah the merchandise if you guys want any of the show merch you can just go over to the store tab on our YouTube channel scroll there or you can go to uh we have a link in our bio on our Twitter page guys you can follow us on all of

Our socials I got links down in the description box below guys to all of our socials and yeah think that’s about it share share more share guys a share is the equivalent of a I sorry a like is the equivalent of a share uh if you can

Do us that favor on our way to 2K hopefully we can beat the Lakers especially with the guests in here you know we hate losing when we have guests on the show that’s the worst uh but other than that go Mavs and um one game

At a time yeah yes sir so we’ll be back here on Wednesday guys uh same M Time same M Channel as a MTH take on the Lakers so we’ll see you guys then we talk Mass we talk Dallas Mass from a fans perspective guys and we out Peace oh

Relle and King give their thoughts on the game between the Dallas Mavericks and the New Orleans Pelicans

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  1. Great team win! Very good coaching from Kidd! Mavs fans need to stop being so negative and hang in there for the team like they're hanging in there for each other.

  2. Great show fellas and great win, Lively is the MVP on this team, as both of you mentioned, crazy how Mavs are relying on a 19 year old…šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

  3. Tough stretch of games coming up… @ Lakers is going to be tough, the Lakers have a good home record. @ Warriors they're still dangerous. Vs the Celtics is tough. Vs the Suns should be fun. Then it gets even harder from there…

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