@Detroit Pistons



This afternoon belong to the Detroit Pistons coming in snapping their losing streak against the Washington Wizard I mean you know it’s it’s freaky but it happens I’m sorry everyone I’m I’m just trying to wrap my head around this so you mean to tell me we can beat the

Hapless Wizards I can’t even say hapless we’re we’re hapless Uber Uber hapless compared to them but we can beat them without Cade but with him we lost you just win this game I wasn’t expecting us to win because with Kade we lost and we win without him him and Alec

Bricks dropping 34 points what got into him where was this when it mattered where was this in November why couldn’t you guys have done this then before you dropped my credit score turned me into an embarrassment and humiliated me for thousands of people to see

Why that is a timeline I would rather be in you didn’t really mean that you got a lot of subscribers from the Pistons being trash isn’t the whole go of doing YouTube to be popular you misunderstand not like this no example time you have people in school who are famous or

Popular amongst students for being a jock being somebody who’s like funny kind of popular I had the funny thing going for me but there comes a time when you’re known for some things that simply won’t go away it’s a stain on your resume I was chased

By a squirrel in Middle School in gym class everybody saw it that that thing was rabbit or something I don’t know chased me all over the place did anyone help no of course not I had to climb up somewhat of a tree but forgetting squirrels do that too so he climbed up

There as well this whole thing lasted like 2 minutes for the entirety of Middle School oh it’s the guy that I taste by so I had to do things to make people forget about that like putting my tongue in a mouse trrap someone else bought the

Mouse trrap I didn’t so then it’s like okay no one remembers that but then it starts to build the point here of what I’m trying to say is and then oh and then you add in Jump by cherle this thing which I’m going to talk about as well it’s an amalgamation of debauch

No one wants that any publicity is good no no no thank you I would much rather have us to have been the Houston Rockets or maybe even the Orlando Magic both of which were towards the bottom of their respective conferences and things like last year and year before that people

Were thinking oh they’re not going to do anything look at them now look at us even worse than when we were supposedly at our worst it’s like you play Minecraft and there’s obsidian down there and say you can’t dig past that and piston said

Yes I can watch me do it I no no thank you the only good thing about this for me is that this now I think we would have been like eight losses in a row and we played the Timberwolves and the Bucks twice so it definitely would have gone

In the double digits if not for this win so thank you Wizards thank you Kyle kma for clapping in the ref’s face yes clap back and you got clapped out thank you but you guys were up by 10 no no do you know who we are at this point there is

Nothing sacred nobody safe danger lurks around every corner that lead could have very well have evaporated or just just I don’t know but him being gone definitely helped so yeah that’s great what I also want to highlight something that I had missed talking about before we made a trade and unloaded

Two Acme anvils basically that that’s what they are I would have loved for it to have been Killian Hayes as well but easy like little baby steps Isaiah appendix got transplanted thank you thank God thank you Marvin noag baggley is gone these guys got traded mid practice

Let me say that again traded mid practice somebody come up to you you over here doing shoot around put the ball down son you’re gone yes we got Danilo galinari and Mike muscala far better in my opinion than the both of them I mean unfortunately for appendix and noag

You’re going to basically a situation that’s like one to two% better to the team that we just beat imagine just being traded from the worst team in the league to the second worst team in the league oh my oh my goodness oh my good we we

Had I I don’t want to be mean but I I’ve been through a lot I deserve to laugh at other people’s expense at this point downside to this being both of these gentlemen are a lot older than livers and baggley you got two 35 year olds basically one of them is

32 I I mean it can we be worse than what we had I don’t know it doesn’t really matter at this point this season ended in November so anything that’s done now so long as they aren’t tene players being signed for year two and three is whatever the

Season is defunct it’s kaput it’s foar so if you want to put some people here who can like shoot a little bit better than it’s like Li livers is I saw one sequence he shot the ball and missed they gave him the ball back and he missed again stop stop

Stop a construction worker is a construction worker no matter how much you look at them they pour concrete lce cement build brick houses stuff of that nature they are not aquatic nothing about them is wet in any way shape or form well it’s good to see him make his

Free throw there he was only three that’s a violation wow this is why in one reason why the Pistons are 3 and 35 yeah yeah I remember that I started blocking traumatic experiences out so sometimes things just I oh yeah yeah that happened that’s about all I have to

Say I’m happy we won a majority of them my happy I’m I’m more disappointed that this wasn’t done before the Lions doing what they’re doing is what’s keeping me elevated so I’m not going to be happy and satisfied with this season until it is statistically impossible for us to

Tie our record again so sometimes in maybe March something like that until then I’m at defc one season is lost I just don’t want us to do that anymore right for the sake of my mental health my wellbeing and my continued existence on this Earth I don’t need that anymore

Thank you so much for watching like And subscribe if you’re new that’s it

Detroit Pistons beat the Washington Wizards and have avoided another losing streak of double digits. I am somewhat upset because we should have beat the Wizards in November when it mattered but whatever. The Lions doing what they are doing has me in a better mood than I would have been at this news. Pistons traded Livers and Bagley as well. 2024 is definitely looking up!!



  1. For me to give a damn about the pistons at this point I need 10+wins that'll prove they at least know how to play basketball. At 25+ wins then I'll get interested until then I'll use my energy for the Lions. I refuse to watch the pistons until they hit those benchmarks

  2. The story about how one thing can stick with you from middle school/elementary all the way through graduation hit for real.

  3. Hi again man! today is my birthday and this win is definitely a present for me!! let's go with the 2024 redemption! 😁we're gonna get out of this dark hole💪 peace to ya and keep cracking me up 😅

  4. What if they went on a 42 game winning streak and got into the play in. Did what the heat did last year and won’t the championship.

    I’m trying my hand at fiction. How does it sound

  5. I’m not gonna front, you made me care about the Pistons…before this channel, I could care less about that team 🤷🏾‍♂️

  6. You got chased by a squirrel and during the panic …u climbed up a tree and forgot they do that 💀💀💀💀

  7. 2:01 A bar was uttered so effortlessly that the man didn’t fully catch it himself. 😂

    All jokes aside, I completely understand your reaction as a Rockets/Texans fan myself who suffered through mediocrity (although short in rockets terms). Honestly it’s still strange to have both the Rockets and Texans be competitive again. In the same year no less.😅

  8. It would be incredible if Detroit could go through all this and still not finish with the worst record in the NBA. We're only a couple wins away from the spurs, wizards, and hornets

  9. I said it last video, Wizzards are way more disgusting than Pistons. Pistons at least play competetive games, teams like Wizzards and Portland and Hornets get smashed by 30 by halftime.

  10. I think the trade is decent for Detroit. At the very least, these will guys provide more spacing than the previous guys. Won’t do much in the terms of extra wins, but it should just let Detroit function a little better as an NBA team.

  11. A construction worker 😂😂
    Yeah so many dumb errors, dumb plays ( not shooting in front of the rim but instead trying to pass – why? The shot was not that contested-) , 3pts attempts with crappy accuracy and the worse part was they retry many of the 3pt shots lol. If you are not good at 3 dont shoot that often its simple

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