@Miami Heat

Jimmy Butler and Bam Adebayo speaks about the win against the Brooklyn Nets!!

Jimmy Butler and Bam Adebayo speaks about the win against the Brooklyn Nets!!

Jimmy Butler and Bam speaks about the win against the Brooklyn Nets check out the video I got my my rhythm as I was coming back guys looking for me get out in over Court more than anything man I’m just I’m just glad we want that’s all play 40

Minutes and your return were you expecting to play that much or was that that surprising I mean I I I never know I mean I would hope if I was playing like some bad word would take me out of the game um obviously that’s not the

Case but I got to be ready um I mean I think I did enough running and conditioning to be able to come back and play 40 so whatever whatever was needed we got to do Jimmy this is only the ninth time all year you toddler and Bam

Played in the same game do you feel now that it’s time you know getting to the second half of this ISM you can get that Rhythm back and you can sort of give to more of a move with all these injuries there been no consistency I know we

Right um just got to keep playing basketball the right way with or without myself Tyler B in the lineup we’ve always found a way to win games uh we will continue to do so but I I like the idea of us through being on the floor at

The same time when you guys up tiny when you guys have a second quarter like that when you go 4 22 you don’t make a three in the first half you see a 14o deficit sort of feel good at halftime that you’re not out of the game already I

Don’t think a 14 point deficit ever feels good to anybody in this league um but we know we keep taking uh the right shots eventually they’re going to go in keep attacking um but more than anything we have to start guarding somebody and then um good things happen all right

Guys we had to get out of the mud and you know we came in the halftime said we had to get out of the mud just was playing slow basketball and we really sped up in the second half and as you can see uh we change we turned the game

Around offensively what aside from just making shots offensively what worked in the second half better uh our Pace you know that’s the biggest thing for us our P our Pace was amazing in the second half we played played fast uh got the ball up the court was really flying around and we also

Took that energy to the defensive end and uh really got stopped was there any way to expect that Jimmy would be able to go that much uh as pertains to minutes and give it that yeah what what what do you mean yeah uh that that that that was one of those moments

Where you know he’s had he’s had he’s got fresh legs uh so I’m glad he uh he brought that intensity he brought that he brought that dog with him you you Jimmy and Tyler have only played nine games together all season so far how important is it now to kind of get a

Stretch together where you guys can get some consistent time together to play yeah uh feel like this is a great great stretch for us to just get back to you know the big three playing with those with with three guys uh and also everybody figuring out you know spacing and and

How we can keep going with this thing the way they defended you SPO was even saying for this long and this relentlessly it might have been a first he also said like you said out of respect but what was it like dealing with something maybe we haven’t seen for

This extended a period in any game uh different um very very different that’s the first time I’ve really been you know doubled that much in the game so but definitely a sign of respect um and watch film and you build off of that um knowing that teams are going to double

You now so biggest thing is to find the open man one of those things where it took a few possessions to kind of figure out what was going on and maybe get a rhythm with it or or did it ever feel feel right uh it it was weird um not going to say

It didn’t feel right uh just cuz you used to like all right maybe you know certain actions you get double but it was like every time uh and and you know you got to have a mental stability to keep playing and uh be productive and I did that rebounding and defending

Congratulations on player of the week Hors the things that I think most connects with that award is not only do you have to play well the team has to play well your thoughts about the week that was yeah I mean I don’t get that obviously I don’t get that award without

My teammate so you know I’m glad they’ve been they’ve been hot um they definitely been making me look good uh so the biggest thing for us is just keep doing what we doing keep improving and uh keep stacking these W’s be sure to like comment and subscribe see you in the

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Jimmy Butler and Bam Adebayo speaks about the win against the Brooklyn Nets!! #miamiheat

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