@Golden State Warriors

The Warriors Are A SAD Sight Right Now

The Warriors Are A SAD Sight Right Now

Not going to lie yeah I had a great great sleep had a great dream woke up early I felt good you know I thought man I’m going to be so jubilant after what happened on Monday Night Football and then I look at this box score again through 40 games and

Warriors of four games under 500 and got Draymond Green back and a team that was 29th in the league in scoring 30th in the league which is dead last in the NBA in terms of three-point percentage and a team without John Morant Marcus Smart Stephen Adams uh Desmond

Bane gave up 23 pointers to the Memphis Grizzlies they got they got out scor from the free throw line by 23 and when it comes to points off turnovers they’re at minus 17 and the Warriors lose to the g-league Memphis Grizzlies and I’m sure

Half of you hell I would say 90% of you out there have never heard of GG Jackson I’ve never heard of Vince Williams Jr I had never heard of GG Jackson I was very unfamiliar with his game and then by about the fourth quarter I I said wow he

Can shoot 19 years old and didn’t know by the way Jacob Gillard stripping Stephen Curry in the fourth quarter for an easy uncontested layup what happened yesterday with the goto St Warriors was rock bottom and that may be the lowest moment for this dynasty at full strength hell since they’ve been

Together that was as low as it can get on national television and you come out there like that and you can’t separate from the Memphis Grizzlies and now you go to Utah who’s red hot they’ve been beating everybody the Lakers the nuggets the Raptors the Celtics the

Bucks Mike Dy Joe lob things need to shake and they need to Shake in a hurry like I hear you it was it was a horrible loss and I’m not going to I’m not going to like power five worst losses of the season but I just live my

Life like it always can get worse that’s just how I’ve well it’s getting worse I mean be it’s getting worse as far as last night that was as bad as it could get but this is who they are like they’ve been telling you who they are

For quite a while you know and and we just need to listen and you know I know we’ve we’ve kicked this around a lot right and they’ve had moments and stretches where they’ve looked like a competent basketball organization and team but the reality is is like you know

They they have not looked good for a long period of time long period of time and I think had they lost to the Kings long period of time what’s that you mean over a year and about a year and a half you know give or take and there have

Been stretches you know there’s been moments I think they finished the season on a on a somewhat high note last year but like B I’m I’m just honestly I’m not even that enraged anymore I’m more like get where they’re at right now they’re in a really tough spot I’m not enraged

I’m just a lot of people are I’m just embarrassed I’m embarrassed because you heard the word connectivity which is a word we haven’t heard in about a month who ever heard it in about a month and you have all these things happening at start of we could go

To Draymond Green you go to Andrew Wiggins you go to kaminga you go to Moody the struggles of Klay Thompson early in the season Stephen Curry being visibly frustrated the Rookie Blues with brenon Pinsky and Trace Jackson Davis who by the way only played 9 minutes and 45 seconds yesterday cavon Looney who’s

Just had a Lost season you go up and down a list up and down a list but it’s just just you just know you just know that it’s time and a little bit I think and I feel for Warrior fans out there cuz I’m one of them the end is here and

It’s sad to see it’s sad to see that we all hope that they could all retire together but it’s probably not the smartest idea that’s bad business you know it’s bad business to kind of ride this out but but but like no you could

Have there was a a path to doing it you just can’t make the amount of money that they’re making in a hard salary cap League it’s very difficult like this isn’t the NFL and this isn’t the uh Major League Baseball where there are different rules on non-g guaranteed

Contracts in the NFL and and in Major League Baseball there’s you know obviously there’s a threshold on how much you could spend but for the most part teams go blowing over that like it is so penal the way the CBA is set up and if you’re making top dollar it makes

It very difficult to fill your team when there’s a slight decline in in athleticism but I but I look at Draymond Green for example $100 million he’s going to receive and we know he’s missed 24 games this season it’s Miss 24 to 40 in the most important season of his

Career and you watch him yesterday he said boy $100 million huh yesterday he goes 204 7.7 rebounds four assists did you feel his impact whatsoever no he’s a guy that when that contract ages he doesn’t even look at the basket to shoot he’s a $100 million do player that’s who

He’s been for quite a while so but but it’s just it’s it’s really bad now I know it’s really and we saw it we saw some of those signs last season and Andrew Wiggins not he scores just 16 points and five rebounds but yeah you know but B I think like my bigger

Takeaway is like we all kind of like realized how difficult it was to keep this thing going multiple years ago as there were different options whether it was the draft whether it was a Acquisitions finances of how you allocate it I I this is just me personally one player makes such a big

Difference in the NBA but if you are hamstrung by some bad contracts or some maneuverability and you’re not allowed to make certain moves and then you have a team where you don’t allow for the growth of young players man you’re making it really hard for yourself to

Compete I personally believe it might be the most difficult to fill out an NBA roster and be a contender year after year after year just by how hard and how restrictive trades are no it is it is but the Warriors did it to themselves they did it to themselves yeah bad draft

Picks I don’t argue that misuse of the youngsters terrible rotations in terms of substit sus patterns lack of self-awareness the evolution evolving your offense maybe adjusting your offense instead of just going on and doing the same thing over and over and over again these kids that they’re

Playing guys like GG Jackson guys like Vince Williams Jr they grew up watching The Warriors they’ve been running the same set for over a decade at some point you have to tweak it San Antonio tweaked it when the San Antonio Spurs first started winning championships they were defensive first team that dropped the

Ball in the uh in the post of Tim duckin and said we’re going to go four T Tim Duncan down low boom but then by the time Tim Duncan retired there were man their offense was potting it was Warriors like over 30 assists a game three-point shots all over the place

You’re running up and down the Warriors have been running the same set so one they they need to adjust and then the pieces that they have together somebody’s got to go Jonathan kaminga and Andrew Wiggins they’re starting to play better together but it does feel a bit redundant and then when you have

Guys down low that’s the other thing you don’t have a guy down low to make easy baskets you look at all these teams in the west OKC even Sacramento Minnesota the Lakers Denver New Orleans all these teams have guys who could go down on the

Block and get you an easy bucket what do the Warriors have they could could go down to the block and make an easy basket let me ask you like I I just don’t know why every not not you but just in general people are surprised you’re playing Kavon Looney and Dario

Sarich alongside each other how many teams in the league are doing that for long we’re not surprised because last year gu the Kings when we discussed that series wolves one of the big talking points I had you cannot go to the one big lineup in this series you have to go

You can’t you you can only go one big especially if you have two bigs who don’t look at the basket or don’t try to shoot in the post that’s a problem and they didn’t fix that problem they didn’t Rectify that problem well the other part of this is and I know everyone views

Draymond he’s such a great playmaker when draymond’s on the floor and I’ve said this forever and people just don’t they don’t comprehend if you’re going to handle the ball as much as he does your assist to turnover ratio has to be better there is something to the fact

That the Warriors actually have less turnovers when draymond’s not playing and they commit way more when he is playing now if you looked at last night’s game points off turnovers crush them 30 to 13 and they’re not shooting like they used to like that this is one

Of the more poor shooting Warrior teams during the Stephen Clay era that’s a hard one to swallow it’s poor it’s a very poor shooting and I think that when you get a little slower and you’re conditioning is slightly down you’re not going to move as much you’re not going

To get as many free looks and you don’t play with other great passers you know I think we we undervalued you know Andrea gala’s uh passing and Sean Livingston’s passing and and just all of that the other part of this is you brought up the the Spurs Dynasty Tim Duncan’s game

Evolved dramatically over the years they all did and I would just say this like as great as Steph Curry is and people are going to see this as a negative this is not a negative I’m just saying I love Steph Steph is an alltime Legend he is great but but it’s very difficult

Playing with stephh curry it just is and the style that he plays it it limits the amount of players who are going to be effective in that particular system because there’s times he’s going to play off ball there’s times he’s going to play on ball you need to be a pick and

Roll or a stand and shoot guy and so there’s a there’s a there’s a blessing with Steph that is unreal and then there’s also the difficult path of rounding out the roster alongside of him and I just think that I think we underrate how tough it is to find pieces

That fit alongside a very unique player in the history of game and they and they overlooked that they overlooked that because you can’t just have you can’t just say hey Draymond here’s the Draymond effect when it comes to Steph we all say man the two- Man game is so

Good between Steph and Draymond Green oh Steph is going to get unlocked and you know what yesterday Steph had a solid game it was a solid game 26 points eight assists 11 to 20 draym got him evolved but the direct effect is Klay Thompson only gets 10 shots he doesn’t touch the

Ball all of a sudden kaminga has to fight for touches he ends up taking 18 shots so all sudden you’re Force feeding Steph while other guys are just standing around and that’s the uniqueness of Steph Curry as make some Dynamic of playing off the ball but but you are

Right you have to have the right pieces around them and you look at this team with all the different combinations I don’t know if adrew Wiggins is the right piece anymore around Stephen Curry I don’t know if Dario sarage or kavan Looney is a right piece around Stephen

Curry if Draymond Green can only play with Steph Curry then that’s a problem it’s redundancy and that’s bad roster construction that’s bad construction when you have a franchise player and you say well how can I get the best out of my franchise player while helping the

Team win and they didn’t do a good job of that there’s no secret you haven’t even address the defensive situation defensively they’re stink they all stink but I think that that’s a big part like when you don’t get stops and you’re having to walk the ball up the court I

Just think it’s a very difficult you know double-edged sword there the defense when you’re small unathletic that’s a recipe for disaster in the NBA part of what made the splash Bros so Dynamic yes there was the offensive component that was undeniable but it was Clay’s ability to you know be

Able to mask all the deficiencies that that Steph Curry had defensively also think you had a lot of RI protection yeah exactly Andrew B pul had jav M you had David West you had Festa ail you don’t have a rim protector right now no so now when you are getting blown by

Because it would happen with Stephen Clay at times Steph Klay Thompson’s never been the greatest off ball defender on the ball he was really good off the ball he get lost at times but you had bigs back there even Kevin Durant Kevin Durant at one point especially during his first season with

The goto State Warriors going into January that first season Kevin Durant was leading the league in Block shots now you’ve got cavon Looney nobody fears him in the paint Dario sards is food on defense and Trace Jackson Davis is a rookie you can’t expect him to defend at

A high level in the paint so when you have all these guys when you’re slow unathletic and you can’t stay in front of anybody the point of attack defense was a problem last year and it’s again a problem this season and now you don’t have Rim protection so now guys like GG

Jackson guys like Vinz Williams Jr feel really good about themselves they’re like we can get any shot that we want look at how many wide openen threes or warriors were able to get excuse me the Grizzlies were able to create yesterday because you’re overh helping why do you

Overh help because you’re old and slow well yeah I mean and then one p basic pass back out and you’re scrambling you’re in scramble mode I mean look B we can criticize the warriors uh front office and their allocation of of the money or the draft picks and everything

At what point were they supposed to flip off like where they were they just won a championship a couple years ago and by the time the whole Draymond pool situation happened I don’t know who wanted Draymond I don’t know like I don’t think they were ready to make

Moves at that point we can argue about this draft pick is allowed to to thrive and they should have taken that guy I don’t remember a lot of people saying take halberton in real time no I don’t either I know I was I think it’s easy to

Say in retrospect I think it’s very difficult I wanted James wisman cuz there was a lot of Warrior fans you know there are some Warrior fans who want a lamelo ball Halle Burton was a 12th overall pick U no where was Halle Burton was he 11 think was 12 Sacramento had

The 12 pick and so there’s a couple people maybe talk of Hal Burton but not at number two overall there was more talks about the Warriors trading down to maybe get Hal Burton the James wisman effect is definitely luming large here there were more people talking about Obi

Toppen than than uh Tyrese Hal as a player that the new Warriors should be looking at exactly at least that I saw yeah no they so I just I think it’s unfair we do this a lot now look France Vagner and and the kaminga pick and I he

Playing well no I know but I see a lot of people pointing at that are we sure France Vagner was going to be able to play with the Warriors are we sure we were allowing young players to play so that and that goes back to I just think

There’s been there’s been a lot and and there’s a lot to critique at every single term but this is also the natural progression and evolution of an organization when you’ve been this good for this long it it has to tick down it has to tick down no doubt about about it

We’ve been spoiled no doubt but it’s just sad to see a game like that I don’t care how old you are you have to beat that team last night you have to beat that team last night and the fact that the Grizzlies were up double digits and they if Jed Jackson Jr

Was four of20 it was 420 he couldn’t buy a basket and you still lost by nine to the Memphis Grizzlies the James wisman pick the reason why Loom so large and I think people misre his rookie season he was trending up despite all the injuries despite Co

He was ascending now not greatly but he was he was giving you double doubles go look at the game logs go watch the game wisman was getting better the injury obviously set him back but that’s a pick and that’s a player that you’re missing right now that type of player and you

Hope that you could develop him the lack of development there is sad and now we’re in year three now we’re just figuring out that kaminga could play we knew kaminga could play his rookie season but you played Anthony lamb and Ty Jerome last year as if you and and

And and Steve CER all the rhetoric all the dialogue from the Warriors last season was we knew we maxed out here we maxed out as a team we didn’t we have the championship we max out by going to six games with the Lakers well if you

Knew if that was the max out if that was the ceiling then why didn’t you play Moody and kaminga if you knew that the max out was a second round get these guys ready to go now all of a sudden kaminga is coming off the bench and he’s

Grabbing he’s dropping 281 he’s been your second best player on this road trip it’s just it’s it’s not good right now and and I look at some of the veterans and I look at Draymond Green and I’m just watching them and I’m saying to myself booy how the hell you

Going to move off that money that’s not GNA age well Andrew Wiggins that’s not aging well what has happened to him what is happened to him and not the body and now when I’m afraid of shasi I know I’m long waed here no no keep going I’m a

Little worried that Steph’s going to start asking for a trade at some point in the next six months you’re really worried about that I I don’t I don’t know anything I don’t think Steph like that but I’m looking at his body language and I’m listening to some of

His dialogue I’m listening to his dialogue and he’s talking about you know it’s Insanity to stay the same and I’m just looking at the way he’s shaking his head and I’m thinking he’s sitting here watching the situation play out I’m afraid that he’s going to want out but

Okay so I hear you and that’s what the NBA superstar like that’s more their their mode of operating as opposed to I’ll just stand here and watch a rebuild but like be he is culpable to some degree if you don’t think that he’s co-signed on all of these roster

Decisions and minute allocation like they’re running things by him like I I I find it hard to believe that he’s simply a victim who just shows up to work every single day and he had no influence and them keeping everyone together like I I I I find that hard to believe he’s the

One of the greatest players the Warriors have ever seen I’m sure that he has earned a level of of input and respect within that organization that look he’s he’s earned it but to sit here and say that like huh well th this situation is horrible I had nothing to do with this I

Disagree I don’t think I don’t think I said that did I say that no but I would just say to him that like that’s an unfair point of VI think if he wants out I would say that’s an unpair point of view because we’ve kind of shaped this

Thing around you no I don’t I don’t think anybody said that though I don’t think I said that I I I’m nobody saying that of course Steph Curry has some juice of course Steph Curry they’re going to run things by Stephen Curry but I also think we underestimate who Steph

Curry is he’s too nice of a superstar sometimes you know when you think about superstars and NBA LeBron James James Harden Russell Westbrook EMB all these guys have forced their way out they’ve talked which has really turned a lot of people off I would agree Steph is kind

Of stay in the background and not said too much especially publicly especially publicly and he’s wanted to ride this out with his guys and I get him he’s loyal to a fault he’s loyal to a fault but I don’t I I think clay I mean Steph

Excuse me the beauty about him is that he hasn’t thrown teammates under the bus that he has tried to be too loyal to a fault so yeah does he have any cability of maybe the way the roster is shaped yes absolutely but we’re out here trying to talk like Steph Curry’s just cut

Throat said yeah you got to get rid of this guy get rid of that guy get rid ofon but Bonte this owner has gone above and beyond in contrast to other owners who will barely dip their toe into the luxury tax he has spent more on luxury tax in multiple years than entire

Payrolls I mean he’s historic levels of infrastructure being supported by this team so all I’m saying is that if if if Curry wanted out I would be really disappointed I would be disappointed but would you blame him if this roster you look at this roster construction no but

I would say to him that’s unfair that’s what I would say I would say look Steph I mean we literally band-aided this entire thing together and paid historic levels of luxury tax coming out of a pandemic when we built a brand new stadium things change I no I hear you

But I I would tell you that that I was the I would say to him that’s unfair I kept your together I did everything I could to peace me this bad boy I paid historic levels of tax I I would say do we know for sure Steph Curry Co side

Dray mree reiding do we know that for sure Joe L right here next to me to my left to your right and he looked Us in the eye said Dray mree drove down to my house and we had dinner and the contract got done basically I think that Steph

Has some influence obviously the owner running things obviously the GMS are are the top dogs but Bob Myers was here for years and he used to say on some level it is a partnership and that’s all and and you’re and I look at I just think

That if I’m Steph Curry and that’s and that’s his point of view I’d be very disappointed and I didn’t say and I didn’t say he’s going to do it I didn’t say he’s going to do it but it could all have a change of heart why would you

Stay in a situation that’s not you know what you’re going to stay in a situ like if we were here at 957 game and our ratings started tanking and we weren’t getting along why why would we want to do the show together a year from now you

Know yeah we have a dream job but at some point things change at some point you got to Pivot right don’t Panic what if Steph Curry does decide to Pivot Don’t Panic I’m afraid that the situation may deteriorate to the point where he says I have no choice what else

Can I do what else can I do I got a guy in Andrew Wiggins who ain’t playing hard I got a guy in kigo who wants to play but he’s going to the media running left and right I got a coach who won’t adjust I got L I got no no

They lost to the G League Grizzlies last night!

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  1. I don't hear any of the Warriors media or podcast guys except Cyllas calling foe Steve Kerr's job, I'm sick of it all true Warriors fans ban together and let's get Steve Kerr out of there

  2. We lost to a G league team, idiot Steve Kerr needs to go asap, I'm desperately waiting on that news conference

  3. Idiot Steve Kerr wanted so bad to put Draymond out their in that starting lineup, trotting out that old squad who teams have no respect for

  4. Kerr need to send in g league learn how to coaching defense since Mike brown left the warriors defense is awful, Kerr only know how to play offense but the defense is very suck,

  5. I think the team chemistry between the veterans and the young players has gotten to the point of no return; therefore, no defense. Even Podz looked despondent and aimless in the yesterday game. They need to pick the side before the trade deadline to make this group to be more united. Chemistry wise, this team looks worse than last year!!

  6. Kerr has been a great coach. Operative word is HAS BEEN. His loyalty to the players is admirable. But who pays him and his team? Ultimately its the fans. Were is the loyalty?

  7. 14:20 This take was. 👏 👏 I’ve been saying the same thing about Wiseman and people call me crazy. That trade should have never happened.

    The Warriors have a tendency to shy away from developing young players and it’s coming back to bite us. Wiseman had lots of potential and all he needed was to figure things out and that would have come with more NBA experience.

    It was a mistake for us to trade Wiseman, Poole, Patrick Baldwin Jr. etc. Those guys would have kept the Warriors relevant in the Future.

    You have to find a balance between developing young talent while you’re strong.

  8. Trade, Trade, Trade warriors can have the best trade in NBA and the best players available, it won't make a difference. With kerr as a coach….😢😢😢 now without trade and a new coach, something good will happen with same warrior player.

  9. Trade Steph for his own sake! And for the W's sake. He's the most valuable asset we have. Trade Dray too! Dump his salary and get a lesser player in return, which is all you might do. Time to start over. bring in some talent. the young pieces in hand look pretty good. It's not unreasonable to say Podz may be teh W's next Steph in his own way.

  10. Curry and Klay not hitting like they used to. Wiggins just a shell of who he used to be unfortunately. As a fan, I want to see Kominga and Moody and the young squad get some time to shine. Sarich and CP3 grat together, but not seperately… missing GP2 also… tough season

  11. Curry does have culpability in all this. Why is it that we hold different standards for him than Lebron?
    Light skin brother always gets a pass.
    He is not a natural born leader. He is talented but not a leader.

  12. We had an amazing run. Winning 4 🏆in 8 seasons is a remarkable achievement. We all have to accept that the dynasty has ended. Time to rebuild and go to the next chapter of Warriors basketball. Change Coach and trade everyone except Steph….. Win or lose, rain or shine, until the wheels fall off, Warriors all the way 💛💙🖤

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