@Washington Wizards

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Washington Wizards Highlights & PostGame Live Studio

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Washington Wizards Highlights & PostGame Live Studio

20 and then all of this offense adds up to them shooting 59% from the field almost 60% so when I look guys could be stopped and the points in the paint again that to me says a little bit about the interior defense and the fact that there wasn’t enough resistance around

The rim and that’s what enabled them to get the huge disparity 70 to 48 which is that’s really tough to overcome yeah now Tony you’re absolutely right when you think about you know the two halves of basketball it’s one thing to score but the other thing is you got to stop the other

We have not had a problem all seon with scoring points but we definitely have to get those stops and the other thing is working on rebounding but I want to I want to bring up a certain particular part of this game and to do so I need to

Bring back in our in-game announcing crew Chris Miller and Drew good gentlemen when I did my hit to the to the fourth quarter hit it was around just over 6 minutes and 16 seconds left on the clock Washington was down six there’s no quit in this team can’t find

A way to get over that hump Drew but there’s absolutely no quit no layout for this squad yeah I think they could have had done a better job of getting back in the ball game probably trapped a little bit earlier um I think maybe challenged a couple calls that probably could have

Went their way if they took the Gamble and lost the timeout cuz Wes had a couple timeouts to use uh but I think Tony hit the nail once again on the head I mean he’s played in this game for multiple years multiple teams he’s seen

It all you cannot allow a team to shoot 60% from the field yep 50% from three and have 70 paint points bottom line I mean it’s going to be tough to win that game let alone how will you play but tonight the Wizards did compete they

Didn’t let this game get out of hand only lost by eight little clean up but you’re going to have to figure out how do you guard these these Duos that come into this Arena and they have their way and they get their averages you saw jayen Brunson and Julius Randle do that

With the Knicks the other night combined for 70 plus points and you saw it again tonight with Chad hram and SGA you have to figure out defensively what’s the strategy to just limit one of those guys to get in their average and not both of them it’s hard enough to beat sgaa and

Hren with their Twan game that is unbelievable that’s such put such duress on the defense with the multiple ways you just talked about how how OKC can score yeah and what I liked most about this win is the thunder did it in the fundamental ways outrebounding outworking them in the paint and they

Were limiting them on what they do best fast break points as well which we’ll get into much here on Thunder live for now I want to go back out to Capital One Arena and bring in Chris fiser and Michael cage guys a much needed win on this long East

Coast road trip and now they can head to South Beach with a really good win yeah winning on the road you can’t take it for granted it takes work it takes energy and that’s exactly what the Thunder had to do tonight Michael to pull out this Victory we were talking

Off the air there just wasn’t a lot of variance in this game it was 5 to 10 pretty much since the middle of the first quarter Thunder offense had it going Washington’s offense had it going but you look at how the Thunder were able to generate all of their offense

Off the 37 assists it was fun to watch that brand of basketball it was and I know Madison and Nancy brought up some good points uh in there and I’m I’m not going to really try to you know go off of those points but I got to add to it I

Thought they beat Washington at their own game tonight the the the Wizards are play what the second fastest Pace in the association you beat them in Pace tonight they also fourth in Fast Break points they average over 17 a game okay you get 21 a game Guess how many Wizards

Get they get 10 so you you take away you know you give to get and you got to give the Wizards credit they scor the basketball that’s what they do but they also give up a lot of points and that’s why the thunder won yeah indeed so many different players contributing in

Different ways but it was unselfish I thought that Nancy brought up a good point with that extra pass that extra pass was there the entire night and that’s why the thunder put up 136 points points it’s one way to do it I love it guys thanks so much safe travels to

Miami thought Michael brought up a really good point about the way that this team outworked the Wizards at their own game and a lot of that as he mentioned was in transition let’s go ahead and take a look back at some of Oklahoma City’s transition defense because as Michael

Pointed out the Wizards are a team that like to play Fast average 17 points in transition per game tonight only 10 okay so now they get the rebound and now they’re have to have an offensive set one more time they get the rebound and somebody is lurking right right there

That was kesan slowing up the pace now they have to have an offensive possession and now you can set your defense uh one more time they get the rebounds and you can see kendri is just shadowing the basketball a lot of pressure by Isaiah Joe now you can set

Your defense and your principles and you’re going to make them have to go to do something they really don’t want to do they want to get you sped up they want to be in Pace and they want to attack room I thought Michael and Chris Fisher not only were you spot on you

Guys are two of the best in what you do we just enjoy listening to you break down the game as it’s happening live yeah and going off of that Nancy I got to give you some credit as well because you were mentioning earlier in this game

How this team is smart they have a high basketball IQ and when you execute the scouting report and the ways that they did tonight outworking them in the paint taking away the

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Washington Wizards Highlights & PostGame Live Studio
#OklahomaCityThunder #WashingtonWizards

Oklahoma City Thunder vs Washington Wizards Highlights & PostGame Live Studio

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