@Sacramento Kings

Perfect Trade Targets for the Kings | The Mismatch | The Ringer

Perfect Trade Targets for the Kings | The Mismatch | The Ringer

Well if it’s not going to be cakam why not look at Jeremy Grant from the Blazers or Buon bogdanovich from the Pistons or both of Them you mentioned in your article uh about what Sacramento could do and about how seak would be a really good fit for him but it has been reported that yakob doesn’t see himself as a long-term fit there and you kind of made the case that like that would actually be a really

Good case and I thought it was interesting for you to bring up that Aaron Gordon thing because I think that is super applicable here I I am I don’t think pasel yakam can be the second best player on a a team that can be there at

The end I think he needs to be your third best guy on a team that could be there at the end and people can nitpick on the the Raptors thing or whatever but like yes there are C nights but like I’m talking about I agree with you in the

Sense that like you got the two guys you’ve got you’ve got you’ve got Fox and you’ve got sabonis and those are the guys that I’m going to be counting on night in night out and then this thing this thing one night he’s gonna win me games by being being able to dominate

His matchup right there were and and then there’s other times where it’s not going to be as applicable which is ex ly what we saw with Gordon we saw Gordon dominate in the playoffs and then for a moment looked unplayable against the Lakers and then ends up helping them win

The NBA finals and it but you knew that that thing’s running with Murray and and and and joic and then there’s going to be nights where Gordon’s a guy a big time contributor for him and then there’s going to be other nights where he might not and I do think that siakam’s destiny

Is to be that third guy on a team that is a devastating in that role um I think it’d be a good fit but obviously like you were saying who who knows maybe he just doesn’t I I who knows what he thinks kind of money he’s getting in

This offseason he might just not like the city he might just not want to maybe be in Sacramento it might be that it might be that he has a friend on another team that he prefer to play with that friend it could be something along those

Lines I I don’t know also may not feel that they’re going to unload you know back up the Brinks like he expects it to be backed up for sure that and that that’s part of the challenge that the Raptors are facing right now too because

You get a lot of teams that don’t want Zack LaVine that don’t want to pay Pas kakum the money he he could demand this off season so there’s not a lot of teams out there uh that makes sense for seaka when you check all the boxes with with

Team fit team situation the the the finances to acquire him the willingness to pay him there’s not many out there so I think Sacramento that’s the tough spot like in terms of do you want to give up what it takes to get seakan when he hasn’t committed to stay with you after

The season and you actually want to pay him or would you rather go in a different direction which is why I outlined a plan B within that article I said well if it’s not going to be cakam why not look at Jeremy Grant from the lasers or Buon bogdanovich from the

Pistons or both of them because they do have the pieces to go out and get both they could in theory trade Harrison Barnes with Davon Mitchell and picks to to go get Jeremy Grant they could trade Kevin herder with picks to go get Buon bogdanovich and that would effectively

Give them those types of Gordon esque third pieces that you’re talking about where Grant is a good highly qualified number three for your team bogdanovic is a better Kevin herder he’s a more versatile scorer a bigger Defender Jeremy Grant everything you said about Pascal sakim with the ability to elevate

His play and and and be a guy who plays a role on certain nights is applicable to Grant as well and Grant is a better Defender um like he’s not as big as seaka but cakam looks like at least this season has completely folded he’s just not putting in the same effort we’ve

Seen from him in the past grant grant isn’t obviously either for Portland to be fair they’re not a great team but Grant I think is the higher upside Defender the more versatile Defender who would fit next to sabonis in that front court so I think either either or both

Of those guys would be welcome aition for the Kings much like the Knicks uh acquired an anobi you know this Kev when we get to the playoffs bro you got to have Wing Defenders like this is what and and and I know you you you kind of

Nitpicked on Jade mcdels but we know this we know they’ve got they’ve got Wing Defenders they’ve got guys that they can put on guys on the wings they also have Wing offensive players uh Oklahoma Oklahoma City switchable guys that can defend wings uh Denver you’re gonna be having to deal with these right

You know you’re facing these pick and rolls and you know they’re going to try to attack any situation that you’re weak at so you want to have the these Wing Defenders the Clippers they just got I mean a full bag of them that they can

Throw at you and you got to have guys that could defend those guys if you want to get and so I I actually think that you’re probably better off I like your much like I endorse the grant acquisition or that’s who somebody Daryl should be looking at in uh Philadelphia

Uh the Kings as well they they need better wings they need better weights I mean they got to the point where they had to bench harder and they’re putting in uh you know they they they were starting uh oh what’s the guy’s name the

Guy that uh I I saw him start in first DTE yeah yeah yeah the guy that used to be on the Pacers um I mean it’s not good enough and monk small when he comes in but I mean they they need some they’re all too small all of them herder’s too

Lean Duarte is too short Harrison Barnes doesn’t rebound doesn’t have the size tough Murray’s okay but he’s not a mega athlete no I mean Murray Murray’s been good defensively and he’s better than he was last year defensively he’s a better overall player than he was last year but

He Keegan Murray should not be your number one perimeter defensive guy he should be your second guy or your third guy and and Mitchell’s tiny yeah Mitchell doesn’t even play yeah yeah I me so it’s I don’t know I I I just think with them Keegan’s good it’s just he

Should not be your stopper he should be your number two option to be a stopper and that’s where I think Jeremy Grant or Pascal cakam particularly Grant as that stopper um would be I mean the truth is is the grant bogdanovich idea within the article we framed it as like Plan B the

Truth is that might be a better plan than just getting seum having those two salaries in Grant and bogdanovich rather than the one in seak that needs to be paid could be more beneficial in the years to come as well because it maintains your trade flexibility to have

Those two salaries for further potential upgrades or changes in the future um so I don’t know I think Grant should be the guy alongside bogdanovich for a you know a a top option for the Kings and we’ll see we’ll see what they end up doing because we know they’re out there we

Know they had conversations for OG even though they ended up not making a serious offer we know they’ve had conversations for Pascal SE yakum it’s just a matter of who they pull the trigger on uh I look forward to seeing what the Kings do and I hope they make a

Move cuz I want to see them increase their chances to make a Run

The Ringer’s Kevin O’Connor and Chris Vernon discuss possible trade targets for the Sacramento Kings that would allow them to make a run in the playoffs.

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  1. I’m a Kings fan. Were one of the worst defensive teams in the league and your fix is Grant and Bogi???

    Instead of trying to pry away Caruso and Williams from Chicago
    Thybulle from Portland
    DFS, O’Neal and Claxton from Brooklyn
    Wiggins and possibly Kuminga from GS.

  2. Teams that want defensive wings (including the Kings) must target someone like Dorrian Finney-Smith. It might cost you a first but it'll be worth it.

  3. Philly would be awesome if they put together all the expiring contracts they got for brogdon and Grant i think that make than solidly the 2nd best team in the east and close to being on Boston tier

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