@Milwaukee Bucks

The Milwaukee Bucks Unfathomable Miracle Is TELLING…

The Milwaukee Bucks Unfathomable Miracle Is TELLING…

Dame DOA extracted cash to make it Dame time as Lillard called game with a dagger for the ages in the face of both the Aaron Fox and damont sabonis smooth talking Wall Street agent with a heart of cold the only thing he cares about more than

Money is cash however prior to one of the greatest game winners not just from Damen himself but of all time from a team perspective the Bucks miraculously overcoming adversity consisting of being on the second night of a back toback being without third option Chris Middleton and also after giving up both

A late fourth quarter lead and a six-point overtime lead against the fast-paced plus 500 versus plus 500 team Sacramento Kings showed us that Milwaukee is a top Championship Contender don’t forget the Bucks are still missing lock down Defender Jay Crowder in addition to cash more on the

Comeback and the buzzer beater is on its way just wanted to quickly say to those clay and Dame would have done the same thing as Steph if he was the one blessed with the Warrior system to start his career the reason that talking point doesn’t matter is that we can all agree

Who we’ want taking the last shot I want igad doala in all seriousness even after Dame in the Bucks displayed Championship esque unrelenting conviction when the odds were stacked against them all that most people can talk about is Mike Brown sparking the newest meme with his laptop

Rant post game first it was Steve Kerr for the Warriors then it was dark rakovich for the Raptors and now it’s Mike Brown for the Kings as coaches ranting about officiating has been the most popular trend of 23 24’s campaign next to bad officiating of course speaking of both Rants and coaches

Despite Adrien Griffin winning a challenge and in my opinion managing the rotations well down the stretch plus despite Dame giving us hoop fans one of the most exciting buzzer beating shots in the history of the game I found it extremely ignorant how certain so-called Bucks fans were instead of a

Appreciating Dame trash talking rookie head coach AG conversely against the Kings Adrien Griffin had onp Point timeout calling to stem momentum plus both eight plus substitutions and end of game chess moves playing conon over either portter Andre Jackson or fan favorite Marshon boat champ down the stretch may have been what some Bucks

Fans were upset about but the need for paat spacing and ability to play fast was in this case prevalent against a youthfully high octane King Squad as a raptor fan Griffin was always an above average assistant coach and while he’s going to have growing pains in his first

Season appreciate that your bucks are still all the way up as the second seed in the East with Griffin at the helm cut the man some slack but more importantly when it comes to Dame in instead of blaming the coach in a win respect the world class skill and Stage presence you

Just witnessed from one of the greatest off the dribble Shooters to ever step on a basketball court I’m also going to make the not so hot take that Lillard is the clutchest player in the world right now I’m proud to say I’ve been around to watch his 2014 buzzer beater to end

Houston season a three wins the series it’s Lillard he got the shut off and the Blazers win the series his 2019 buzzer beater to end OKC season chance to send the Thunder home Lillard long range three and it’s good and this most recent dagger to break Sacramento’s heart 52 left no time

Outs left for the bus here comes d three seconds D PS for the even if you’re a Rockets Thunder or Kings fan who are on the other end of it you have to respect the Killer Instinct and Poise Under Pressure it’s especially telling about Dame’s ability to stay

Calm under the bright lights that Milwaukee was down two having could have gone for the tie but had the Credence to try to end the game at the horn from Beyond The Arc as the time and score circumstance we witnessed is the most entertaining scenario in basketball

Providing a stage for once in a-lifetime performers like Dame to Fascinate audiences across the globe to be fair Lillard was hitting game saving shots all throughout the final stages and in terms of clutch players d I is the best performer I’ve seen since Kobe Dame’s quick first step and ability to attack

Angles going downhill where he can finish around the basket with pristine finesse had the king’s defense backing off and even in the clutch Lillard was mixing in attacks effectively with his deep range bombs more on the final play from the first year Buck coming up while Lillard stole the show when it mattered

Most you also can’t not give massive credit to the beastly core even without Middleton of Giannis sedmo Malik Beasley Bobby Brook Lopez and campaign for helping Dame out with 104 points combined between the five of them pretty big luxury as looked out in yesterday’s Milwaukee upload a few hours before this

Game the Bucks being the fourth best defensive rebounding team in the association proves their making the hustle plays and right on Q their ability to limit Sacramento’s Second Chance opportunities was prevalent improving them to top three in that category just behind two number one seeds in Boston and Minnesota we also

Mentioned in my last video that Brook Lopez’s defensive rating was middle of the pack among centers but showing you Lopez can still show flashes of his 2023 First Team all Ds self against Sacramento kned up at 88 in the late third queue bur’s going to trigger a momentum shifting sequence where he

Rotates from drop coverage to the weak side to first stop ven covs layup and force the short kick out to Len who Lopez instantly pivots back to stays right with and lines up the merciless SWAT better yet poris collects the rebound down shows off the handle and makes it a crucial four-point swing

Don’t forget after Malik monk missed a pair of free throws up four and with under 20 seconds left in OT we wouldn’t be here if Lopez hadn’t have drained this dagger to pull it within one for franchise staple Bobby poris it was outings like the one against sack toown

Which showcase how much better he makes Milwaukee when he has it going the Bucks improve to 5-0 and BP scores 20 or more points that said regardless of whether or not coach Griffin gets the luxury of Fortis being in a scoring flow the rebound bounding and toughness from Bobby have been severely underrated

Factors to Milwaukee being tied with Oklahoma City for the NBA’s third best record halfway through the season poris was quietly tied with Dam and Giannis for a team most nine made field goals additionally Bobby was tied with Giannis for a team high in rebounds and tied

With Trey ly for a game high in plus minus however Dame doll’s cash money flamewing is what we’ll all remember from this day that and for fans in Wisconsin beating the Cowboys to advance to the playoffs for dala his coach would highlight his Origins as a shooter being

Most contributive to his shot falling through and would highlight Dame’s leadership down the stretch to fuel his team over the top collectively Griffin went on to say he’s a shooter that’s what Shooters do he never lacks confidence he has that quiet strength he doesn’t talk much but when he does talk

People listen he’s a leader he shows it through his performance he was vocal in the timeouts especially in overtime Dame time moved into 12th Place all time in buzzer beating game winners with his fourth as the only players with more of them are firstly fittingly Andre Iguodala I want Iguodala to go along

With John Stockton Vince Carter Kevin Garnett Gilbert Arenas Paul Pierce Joe Johnson Kobe Bryant LeBron James and Michael Jordan it really shows you how much of a legend Lillard is that he’s right behind those 11 Under Pressure assassins factoring in he’s ended Seasons entirely with two game-winning playoff buzzer beating daggers and also

Considering what he just did to Sacramento I want to know where Lillard ranks all time in terms of clutch players in your opinion best answer gets next videoos comment or shout out top two to five commenters with the most shoutouts by June 21st earn either a free NBA shoe or Jersey of their

Choosing so leave your take on today’s question to compete in community speaks today’s shout out goes to KB who says regarding whether or not milwauke is built for the postseason the Bucks are serious bro I think the slow pace of the playoffs is going to play right into

Their hands they they still have Jay Crowder to come back so their perimeter defense should improve and then Giannis and Dame on a bad night will give you 50 points and 10 assists which is scary on an average night Giannis Dame and Middleton will give you 70 points and 15

Assists this team is deadly substantial points right there from KB great take appreciate every answer def flow signing Off He

Dame’s all-time buzzer beater required a mix of skill, killer mentality, and stage presence that’s definitively rare. However, the Bucks wouldn’t have pulled out what was the game of the year without Brook Lopez showing up on both sides. Along with that, Bobby Portis’s meaning to this team is evaluated. Also, stick around to find out how so-called basketball fans were still disrespecting Milwaukee even after an “against-all-the-odds” type win. The overcoming of adversity showed us the Bucks have some real heart- which will translate well to the post-season. Great win against a Sacramento team that isn’t a joke anymore. Milwaukee fans should appreciate what Griffin’s doing as a rookie HC. Vibes are up…


Last Video: The Milwaukee Bucks Should Not Be Forgotten…



0:00, Intro

0:51, Ending The Dame-Steph Discourse

1:03, Coaches & Rants

2:27, Clutchest in the World

4:19, 104 From Your Next 5

4:37, Rebounding Passes The Test

4:58, Lopez Comes Through

5:43, Bobby’s True Value

6:20, Clutch Ranking Boost


  1. Top 3 easily. The difference between dame and others is the range he's done these buzzer beaters. There on a whole different level

  2. Boston are the real contenders look what they did on their back to back night…

    And the media didn't make a million excuses for them😅😅

    But seriously the bucks are a wildcard …I can see the winning the chip beating everyone in 6 …as much as I can see them flashing out in the first round..

    Their defense is the obvious weakness..but I can see them stepping it up when it matters

    They have the personel for at least a top 15 defense

  3. Only players you can say are more clutch than Dame all time are MJ and Kobe. Dame has more game winning shots than any player all time other than Kobe. Buzzer beaters is kinda cherry picked compared to game winning shot stat, since if there’s 0.1 left they go back and play it out for next to no reason lmao

  4. Why are a lot complaining about Pat getting play time? Like bruh he's like one of the few guys who hustles, rebounds, athletic, brings energy to this old ahh team yeah he's shooting poorly but cmon

  5. This bucks team seems to player better against top tier competition for whatever reason.
    I’m hoping to see them rise to the challenge of their very difficult post all star schedule.

  6. 🏀 Dame is an End-of-Game-Flame. . . . . thrower 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

  7. Bucks fans are imploding after every game there's a lot of the pearl clutching happening.

    Last season I knew the Bucks were struggling despite 1st seed… They had a lot of lucky wins. I'm definitely more optimistic about this season as I can see they're improving. I'd much rather a slow start that allows them to see and address their issues, than early success and a false of confidence.

    I'm a bit meh on Pat these days, he's a lot less consistent than 2 seasons ago, but to all the numpties that want to trade Bobby… Well it's a moronic take and you can't have been watching the Bucks closely.

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