@Los Angeles Lakers

Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah Jazz – Game Recap – January 13, 2023-24 NBA Season

Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah Jazz – Game Recap – January 13, 2023-24 NBA Season

And a little Beyond they actually are building leads and not having to play as much of see the game plan is to get to that spot he’s so dangerous Austin Reeds lowest point total and minute total of the season last night some foul trouble [Applause] yeah

175 TI with JC in the back court ker also roaming the paint just checked in under that basket there’s k oh blocked on the floor trying to help the defense he comes by and he’s fastpac 12 minutes wide open to Jazz Lakers open up a seven-point Advantage oh Jazz tried to

Finish making a difference mark it in with 10 three at the horn chrisy Russell Baseline reverse SE rides his hip turns around and fires up a to what he was opening a break and a bucket now Saxton deep put up a wild shot one at a foul cin two on two

Drives and Clarkson Austin Reeves Prince from the quarter Clarkson against Vander Russell trying to sell a a foul by ston more touches Russell wide open here with 92 to play in quarter number three Russell just slips past got it clears done into the paint out it goes mark it in bang ma

Christie marking an Allstar a year ago Collins on that ballot and he hits so the Jazz have to find a way to keep him going back rebounds passes off to gon pulls a trigger for steals last night keante steps to his left with him 25 for marinan ni

Shot that’s a clowning baby there’s the steel a Koo oh my Keon George got it a huge Factor as he takes a three oh to his [Applause] right JC to follow the block turn it over love JC 22 of 25 and a half steel out front Pon drives a penis

Going to force the issue Russell around the scen wow Jazz have made him inefficient you know it’s been hard finally D’Angelo Russell fires up a three and hits [Applause] saon somewhere [Applause] comes 27 for Colin Colin seon the Jazz have reinvented themselves

Los Angeles Lakers vs Utah Jazz – Game Highlights


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