@Golden State Warriors

How Cooked Is The Warriors Dynasty?

How Cooked Is The Warriors Dynasty?

On a scale of rare to Burnt how cooked are the Celtics or how cooked are the Warriors right now what color what color is this one that would be charcoal that’s called kg whoopy goldber bad moral Whit I’ve never heard them talk about themselves this way and I think that’s

Like the the glaring things they come into media they’re not completely pointing fingers but it’s kind of giving he’s not doing this yes he’s not doing that and I’ve never heard them talk about themselves way to see Steve come in constantly complaining about other things that have nothing to do

With the team and then clay saying you know he not going to lose sleep get that the that that we’re getting booed that to me was the most glaring thing like what you trying to get up out of here cuz you know them fans are your fans

They booing cuz y’all not performing you should be be losing sleep cuz it’s it’s affecting y’all record and then you got Draymond you know he’s been going through his thing but he’s seeing it because he get to see it from the outside now he got to sit out there and

Be like damn we really look bad then I come back and we look even worse I mean he’s their and but he’s their leader on defense like what did he think was going to happen exactly you’ve been gone for this long and the chemistry is Rocky kaminga not happy uh Moody not happy

Then you got the uh what’s the other boy the white boy uh pinski yeah like he like he coming in to be the savior they looking at him to like make a play I was looking at it like they they they they they he walk around no

For real he he walking around like I’m the playmaker now I’m the one like Steph pushed him off Steph is like n you got it Steph told him he got he was like oh I got it all right let me go try to make a play I’m like oh this need some help

This nasty out there one you mother I mean are they relying still obviously everything they’ve done the the the D the four championships but are they still kind of living in the past a little bit like is it still like do we we deserve some Grace and some Runway

Because of all the stuff that we did but they keep getting that Runway and they keep they the only team that still got their [ __ ] locked in together like LeBron got rid of that [ __ ] right he he like I’m going go over here and form a

Whole new team so to see that they still stuck with it KD moved on Kyrie moved on James moved on everybody has moved on from their little sex so he they keeping that [ __ ] together is like it it just it don’t make sense if it ain’t working I

Just feel like the time that’s hard man listen I I we get it but it’s hard to really it’s really hard to digest when we just won a championship two years ago facts right you know to tell me that we need to break it up we like we just won

You know what I mean like 12 12 months of a season ago we was the Champs and you tell telling me like give it up like ah I just feel like the time of like winning like three four five championships in a row like no you those

AES those are done cuz I think everyone’s everyone’s too good now people are getting better younger sooner so you got these new teams like last year like I think Minnesota is a great example last year they were like right there and like the the jump they’ve made

From last year to this year is crazy they just got a year older the proverbial old [ __ ] versus the but you look at you look at the Warriors what they’re used to doing is collecting role players that have been impactful throughout the league and you got deshaan livon Andre Galas the mo Spates

All of the guys that contributed to those championships they don’t have those type of players no more right so when you look at Chris Paul which I always said once they got him he’s gonna get hurt and what happened Chris got hurt again so if he was gonna be the major

Contributor to their success this season and he not there Draymond go down Klay not playing good then is just Ste sarch do you think like is your guy s Ro players around the league like noticed that they wasn’t getting shown enough love and going to state so now like

People are like don’t we don’t want to go play there cuz it’s it’s it’s a different type of brand basetball important I say that but it seemed like a spot destination at least a couple years ago where vet like I can go here I ain’t really got to do much I’m going to

Get this ring but you know just bring that winning attitude well they got Boogie cousins and they just dropped him like a b like a bad habit you know what I’m saying they got a couple guys that they they put into the system and it’s

Like oh it’s not for me and they move them around and now it’s like well what you got left now you got the G league players you got the guys who we don’t know about you’re trying to turn this into Miami and it ain’t Miami yeah I

Mean were they doomed after that whole Draymond pool situation was that a bigger fracture and we’ve talked about it repeatedly seems like they got over it but it seems like the lingering stench of when we go back now on the history books we watch the doc the tip

Of that moment’s going to be like oh this is what so that punch that punch that punch uh slow clay down a little bit of a black eye on the dynasty that that punch messed up wiggin’s thought process and scoring really maybe they was watching they all looking like am I

Going to be next am I going to be next they might have p was ch’s house with I can expect P’s play but the other two they had nothing to do with it so that just Steve Curry stopped you from learning how to uh put your rotations in really okay PTSD there

You so what what do you think it is oh [ __ ] Draymond let me I didn’t do it I didn’t do it yes exactly how he don’t get it he don’t get it like they all walking around on pins and needles like is he going to hit me [ __ ] got complacent they

Thought they were better than what they they really were every everybody else starting to getting better and it’s just affecting him it didn’t affect it didn’t affect Curry fact cuz he kept getting better he did a whole he did a whole [ __ ] City to City tour of his Camp

City to City Tour and damn he looks perfectly fine out there real [ __ ] no excuses he know hey one person know he ain’t getting hit M he can go to see good uhhuh real [ __ ] [ __ ] come on man it’s oh let’s pray for the warriors real quick everybody bow our heads God help

Us don’t let him go out like this I forgot Wiggins was even on the team bro I forgot he was even on the team I don’t know I mean when I think about it when I think back when they was winning and I’m like okay well this is going to end at

Some point but I never really thought about gracefully though yeah like I thought they I mean but how do you gracefully but it was nice to see him get packed up by the Lakers last season that was definitely like how do you gracefully end that the guys just have

To leave on their on their own terms you always want to ride out in the sunset that last championship parade but unfortunately LeBron James and Los Angel Lakers are still on the Western Conference and they have Vengeance on their mind just like they did last year

I mean the real problem is the the guys that the guys that they will that would be holding it down today never develop right they never got like Wiggins is what 28 right 28 29 yeah you think that they like they would pass the Tor and it

Wouldn’t be like Dynasty to next Dynasty it would be like it be 29 February these guys are going to build together we could get back to that right now there’s like no future in sight that’s said Wiggins right now supposed he supposed to be the second option guaranteed yes

Right because this is his time clay slowed down this is when he steps into that role and became a dominant Force same same thing with Moody like how long have you been there to realize that you have to now step that like there’s no three four like this is you are a

Veteran now that should be dominating um kaminga like this is your third year this is when like these are the guys that steps should be using more yep right you know uh Western Dame averaging about he should be averaging about 22 to 25 right now Wiggins Wiggins wiin yeah

Right Wiggins is averaging 25 to 23 um kaminga guaranteed 18 we wouldn’t be paying attention to Klay because Klay moved to the side now he’s more of a a specialty shooter but their offense is geared around Steph averaging 30 more than it is kaminga and Wiggins and the

Utility guys picking up their production because if you think about their offense it’s all three-point shooting ain’t no mid-range post-ups ain’t no slashing across the lane wigg and Kingo are slashers they not Shooters K he was a slasher mid oh he’s a shooter sniper Easy Money easy money but he didn’t he

He ain’t shooting 10 threes a game he but he fit into their Mantra of the two Splash Brothers and then adding another shooter slasher kaminga not a shooter like that neither is Wiggins so they need what like a shooter slasher well they need a different offense where they

Can actually Implement slashing it is slashing it’s not they just don’t slash they freestyling freestyling standing in watching think about think about Golden State with um B uh Bosa and uh lemonon and um igy they wasn’t they was all that all different offense though they not running the same offense right now they

Are they just using their strength we going to post up we’re going to do this and I think just people get so like kaminga if kaminga drove who who’s at the rim with you dude nobody cuz everybody sitting on the Wiggins if you take pump fake and

Take your man off the dribble and go who’s there no one because you got this is the easy because you have Stephen Clay it’s easier to get to the basket you guys are the most athletic two on the team and you guys get no free throws

The fact that you get no free throws changes the game in the fourth quarter right because klay’s not going to get fouled Curry’s not going to get fouled so the only people who’s going to get into the penalty is you two so the fact that you guys are going to sit

There and shoot jump shots with your athletic ISM when we need easy points like now you get to hit you get to sit here and do this to Curry I got I got five more if we in the penalty you can’t do that no more but you’re asking

Kaminga and Wiggins to become one-on-one players that are slashing out of a a pocket situation these are guys that need to be constantly moving and slashing like um what’s the offense um UCLA cuts and U Flex Cuts Flex cut type [ __ ] where they can actually move

Without the ball catch the ball and put the ball up or catching on the run and slashing these are the the situations they’re being put in is like literally catching the ball and having to make a move on somebody slash try to get the rim they not good at that and that’s why

It’s not translating because guys that are meeting them at The Rim they not calling the fouls on them that’s why they complaining on the fouls they like we not getting fouls and you know we’re going to the rim but it’s like the way y’all doing it is not part of your game

Like you’re forcing it now I’m G be real I think the warriors’s best option right now ride this roster out give him to at least February 9th to see if they can get something going there ain’t nothing to get but there’s nothing to get going you’re just a

You’re just a February 9th see but just R it’s a bad team because the guys that they need today are still pretending that it is three or four four years ago like and I never understood like M you see how like Maxi steps up to the plate

Right Bane y steps up to the plate right but they’re also giving that Dylan Brooks stepped up to the plate he became a three-point shooter this year like you supposed to add value to your but is that easier to do when that opportunity is in place right

Ban got to step up cuz J’s out for 25 games Dylan Brook stepped up because he now goes to situation they’ve been my point up when was there but my point is this this Warrior Squad now has the same guy so they’re coming back year after year but they’re

Not understanding now that oh you can’t clay you still not here now now it’s time to oh you’re not smart enough to look at somebody and say oh he ain’t got it let me go ahead get those yeah let me get those let me get those I understand

Let me get those for real [ __ ] let me get them oh he washed let me get those I got him but God can’t put got God can’t put themselves in the game so my point is just looking in the game man man I I was I think that only applies to

Probably kaminga cuz his minut yeah kaminga didn’t got Wiggins that was a fourth option in go to stve my first year second option my second year I got this got it give me them way he played that year they won and the playoffs he was they second last year last year was

Playing in the playoffs very well miss of Time coming back through perfect example is Malik Beasley Lakers shooting 34% from three Milwaukee now now he’s shooting 47% he leading the league and threes leading the league in threes but he stepped up like he’s saying it’s like

When you get on a team that’s Contender and we need you to do this [ __ ] for sure now when he comes in the game they looking for him they looking for him they like yo we know you going to hit you open we know you going to hit Pat

Conon sit that sit down sit down I got this that’s him saying hey give me them patm give me them that’s what I’m saying who’s stopping Wiggins from saying yo I need 20 shots a game come on bro give me them you got to look around hey

We I mean he ain’t the second option no more so that means I’m the second option so I get all his shots you go to third option get my shot sit in the corner like Klay not trying to get that up it don’t matter if you don’t have to give

It up I’m taking it there’s nothing you can do you can’t perform no more if if Corner if K don’t want that to happen that’s what a her thing you can’t tell me to get the rebound and do what I there was no play that that mus coach

Muscleman can tell me that I wasn’t second option what is he going to say Gil run this play cool go down I’m going to shoot this [ __ ] you don’t want me in and take me out which he tried then losing game put me back in yes sir that didn’t

Work but you know what I mean so there’s there’s there’s it’s you have to play the game how you see it as a player the coach can’t tell you that your second option the game dictates it if you have the game you step into it are you right

For that position or you’re not right so the fact that you’re sitting there still playing like you’re the third four option yeah is weird yeah on on the team that you are clearly the second option that should be averaging 22 23 yeah when KD came when KD came who is the third

Option clay right who was the first option in [ __ ] shot attemps KD clay oh clay really clay was put that [ __ ] that’s what I’m saying yeah moving your option doesn’t AO doesn’t mean like taking less shots it’s just not all the time he shot he scored 60 with two first

Ballot what 11 dribbles that was that game I got this y’all I got it I got this for sure the third option don’t mean you you got it you’re not good you just guess option we going back to the whole ad thing you got to take it like

Keys right here if you not the [ __ ] that’s going to take the keys move around and that’s I mean May’s Canadian there is a part of like you said he don’t want to give it up yeah you’re in that role for so long and you’ve been so

Good at it there is a part of you that’s still like holding on still got it like but just a little bit like you just got to take it a little bit and okay you got it you don’t take it at all I’m still holding like you know I ain’t going to

Let you in the house but the door’s unlocked just open you but if you want to walk it’s going to be cracked just push it open a little bit open but I ain’t open so we asked the chat how cooked are the dubs uh 40% said

Burnt 35% said Well Done 20% said medium rare 5% se but this is the thing uh you know as we’ve seen in Steph’s career especially with these Warriors they’re down now they’re going to pull some moves before the deadline I already know what’s going to happen there going to be

Some [ __ ] that pisses everybody off like the trades of Lakers used to get off I don’t know man you have a different you have a different general manager now we don’t know what dun Le they not answering the phone no what I’m saying is we don’t know who dun Ley is is right

He going to be the [ __ ] that fire Steve C that’s who he is no but that’s what I’m saying we got to like you know we that’s who he should be no that’s what I’m saying we’re going to we’re talking about like like um Meyers what he

Did this is dle exactly right we have to first see what he how aggressive he is how passive he is so we have to see what he’s about we can’t say oh this is what Warriors used to do no that the person who used to do that he’s gone so we got

About so 3 weeks to find out we’ll see we’ll see what dun Le is about on the moves he makes that’s what I’m saying so if dun Ley wants to write his name in the history books of the Golden State Warriors he got to start fresh you can’t

Use Bob Myers’s Legacy of having Steve cerr and the whole thing start fresh get that [ __ ] out of here cuz he’s [ __ ] [ __ ] up already for you so we got it’s already a stay on your [ __ ] coffee table and you got to get him out

Of here we got we would have three weeks to find out with the trade deadline LOM see if they can make any moves

Gil’s Arena Debates How Cooked The Golden State Warriors Dynasty Is as Gilbert Arenas and The Rest of The Gil’s Arena Crew discuss Draymond Green’s recent comments about the team having no pride and how the trio of Steph Curry, Klay Thompson and Draymond Green are on their last legs after dominating the NBA for nearly a decade.

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  1. I feel like we’re all ignoring the obvious. The party’s over. That simple. The lights are on and it’s time for everyone to go home. Y’all had a great run but…’s over

  2. Y’all downplaying Jordan Poole and what Draymond did to that lockeroom full of young players who built a bond w Poole is fkn CRAZY. And shows how much y’all don’t watch or pay attention to the dubs. Waste of a segment

  3. Jordan Poole and Wiggins were BEST FRIENDS. Soon as Draymond punched him n got a way with it this was over.

  4. Meyers left because life overceeds basketball and people wanna live off reputation.
    1st Kerr, 2nd Lacob & 3rd Curry
    Needs to let Klay & Dray know they're 17 million max role ("speciality") players.
    So they can add what's needed.
    IF NOT.
    Warriors need to give up everything necessary to add Lavine & Vucevic.

  5. nd kuminga hoops everytime hes given minutes he had 25 11 his last game nd wasnt his best game kerr js doesnt use him rt nd im sure kerr has something up w him and moody bc he hoops everytime he gets minutes last 2 games before he got injured was 2 twenty pieces but kerr doesnt give him enough minutes sometimes not any which is the problem and also doesnt put him any good positions like him or kuminga have no pet plays or sets when they’re obv in our top 5 scorers but havent been incorporated well when they hoop nd have big games its entirely off the skill and talent not kerr putting them in the right spots to succeed nd smthings wrong w wiggins mentality he dont even try to dunk when he blow by ppl i js wanna see him explode nd stop shooting them weak ass lays he b takin n missin

  6. If Wiggins girl really cheated on him with his best friend then this explains why he playing the way he playing. Something ain’t right in the water


  8. Gilbert ability to act like the shit that happened around that punch wouldn’t effect the other players is a super power. Not many could see that happen and just ignore it lol

  9. It didn't affect curry because… all he did was hide an shoot…he never had to do the dirty work…how hard is that to do…get out of her…stop trying to protect you'll golden boy…if he was any other superstar he would be killed for them losing no matter how they scored's a team sport…he's the leader I tought….he don't get to judged as a single…stop it.

  10. Kerr can’t coach all he knows how to do is go out there and tell steph to give him 30 He’s the reason the warriors stink cus he got no schemes or coaching identity 🚮

  11. It’s very simple.. We had 2 years of proof… without KLAY THOMPSON being a major shooting threat, Steph Curry is essentially Dame Lillard..

  12. All the players McCant said “moved on” none of those MFs have won a chip since they “moved on” I admit we need some better pieces but we not breaking up shit

  13. This is the first segment McCants actually spoke ball with sense. The warriors don’t have that crazy bench that they had when they had Iggy, mid range God Livingston, and Mo Speights

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