@Oklahoma City Thunder

LA Clippers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 16 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

LA Clippers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 16 | 2024 NBA Regular Season

Spent some time with with ignal in our room before the game just to pick his brain on the team he said one thing about us for a young team G it’s an emotionally stable team you’re really even healed big win big loss they just

Kind of show up the next day ready to go to work and as Westbrook misses right at The Rim Ty is there to clean things up and it really starts with Shake guis Alexander his personality that they follow you know typically A team’s going to take on the personality of either a

The coach or B their best player and I think in this case it’s their best player fga just never seems to get overly emotional good or bad and I I think that calmness about him really helps this young group stay connected look at Wallace pck Harden’s

Pocket where he can put that in his early highlight reel tape he’s already thinking about that one he knows that one’s going to go viral there is no doubt about a terrific job great hands there by the young fellow remember Wallace lottery pick by Dallas before he

Entered up with the Thunder as that ends a 10 run you knew hard wanted to come back quick and I tell you no way to take away a moment better than the go for the final three games of that series that’s kind of been the staple and signature of this Clippers team

Since Ty has been here this is the first year where they’ve had some consistency in terms of not having a ton of injuries Harden’s going to fire again by the way the delay just a second ago they changed the Harden two to a three that he hit couple of trips

Earlier over the top of Wallace so just like that the Clippers lead is nine we’re just under two minutes gone by Williams puts Harden on skates you know we talked with Coach Dan go before the game right I was asking you know who who do you think could

Become that next Dynamic player for you cuz ultimately if you want to have a chance to win a championship you’re going to have to have multiple all NBA caliber guys and he spoke very highly of of jdb and also Chad he felt like either or both of those guys could Elevate to

That level hren somehow is able to keep it alive in a beautiful scoop right at The Rim by meic how about hren just able to keep it alive Underneath great clock at 10 coffee puts it on the deck Harden from Deep offensive rebound coffee out of Westbrook as the shot clock resets Westbrook likes the match up wants to take Williams kicks Tyce five to shoot there’s one of those deflections wig got a hand on it Williams

Hen angry flush well period at it for just 999 to a Max Base plan sellout crowd pack Arena downtown Los Angeles for the Clippers and the Thunder Clippers number two in the west OKC number four I thank you Mar OKC to clippers for second meeting of the Season between

These two teams this is Vil meic into the corner to Wiggins Wallace going to fire a three we told you about his three-point prowess already Mark D by the way has got 11 deep already G in this first half and as you mentioned I mean they did play last

Night and I think those are Denver Boston what a matchup that’s going to be followed by Dallas at Golden State up in San Francisco to take on the Warriors or visit the NBA out how about Cleland and how well they’ve been able to play with all the injuries another terrific attack there

They just do a great job of allowing OKC their offense to create offense right they always looking to make that extra pass to create an advantage for a teammate that was Foria meic he’s a 30-year-old rookie guy was drafted and the Clippers conversely you know they do it their main guys are

Going to have an impact but to me as much as we talk about how good they are offensively I think from a defensive standpoint that’s they have shown some real signs of grow KC has lit only briefly as me exchanged his look able to turn holgren back here comes George the drive and

Kick Coffee corner pocket buries another three and he’s got six isn’t it amazing when you can get two feet to the front of the rim how often you’re able to get that corner three-point shot coffee played a scoreless nine minutes in their last game Sunday in

Mines so coffee will stay on the floor here with plumbley and George up front Harden and Powell in the back court for tyo as we come up on the seven-minute mark look at harden distribute and find George open three not that time and George is quiet first half continues

He’s now one of three from the field just two points V going to reset this is dork from Deep that’s his second three and the half one of the other things I love about dork he’s a terrific spacer you know he has a great uncanny ability to

Get into the vision of the ball hmer multiple threes for dor in now six straight games it’s his longest stretch of the Season as George left it a little bit short and it’s last Touch by the Clippers you see how he Sprints over a

Lot a lot of guys will just stay off to that free throw line extended area and they’re open but the the the guy with the ball can’t see you and that was an example him running to the open area allowing the basketball to find it this is Williams against coffee gets

It back from Wiggins seven on the timer Williams gets one foot in the paint little step back won’t go and the rebound weak Side by [Applause] George George transition three not that time Thunder looking to push again and then temp’s best record in the Western Conference 27 and 12 they’re 11

And seven on the road so far as guilis Alexander has reinserted himself and he puts one down over the top of Harden that was an incredible shot there cuz I thought that was terrific defense by oh for a lot of contact underneath Leonard George got it and loose balls right fly Leonard

Able to put that Claw on it and create that triple there for George George struggled Sunday in Minnesota just 16 points he didn’t shoot it well but the three games prior to that is such that he can knock that down with consistency whistle coming before the

Shot this is Isaiah Joe what up from Deep again just a great job of that Twan action from Joe spreading to that top of the three-point line there and great delivery there by dor Leonards the layup from Deep so 11 points for Leonard didn’t we talk about the ability of these two

Teams to shoot the three I mean it has been on display here tonight number one and number two three-point shooting teams in the NBA Jay Giles Alexander sh

LA Clippers vs Oklahoma City Thunder Full Highlights 2nd QTR | Jan 16 | 2024 NBA Regular Season


  1. ā€œClippers 2nd in the West and OKC 4thā€ lol we recieve commentatoršŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚

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