@Chicago Bulls

Report REVEALS Bulls MASTER Plans…

Report REVEALS Bulls MASTER Plans…

We all have expected the Chicago Bulls to be aggressive in the trade market with the February 88th trade deadline just around the corner well this Chicago Bulls fan actually made an article talking about what the trade targets should be for the Bulls going into the deadline and some of these are ones that

We haven’t thought of or even talked about lately I’m your host Joey Mercer this is an episode of bulls digest and uh before we get into it there today I just want to say that about 85% of you that watch these videos are not subscribed to the channel so if you

Aren’t already subscribed to the channel make sure to go down below hit the Subscribe button turn on that Bell for notifications and you’ll be able to stay up toate with our takes on your Chicago Bulls so this article is really eye opening to me I mean a lot of things

Were talked about in this that I hadn’t even thought about myself and I’ve definitely thought of different strategies just in my head that the Bulls could take going into this deadline the article that I’ll be citing is from G Barker that I got it from and it was titled Bulls big pitcher thoughts

For the 2024 NBA trade deadline this was by Morris Bankston and we’re going to get right into that the Chicago Bulls have reached the halfway point of the regular season between now when the majority of NBA players are available to be traded and February 8th the Bulls

Will be in the deep end of the NBA trade deadline season with the deadline looming in under a month I’ll share my point of view on what the Bulls front office leadership should be thinking about when navigating roster decisions in this window I’m a passionate Bulls fan with zero NBA front office

Experience so frame I propose trade deadline ideas in the next context of how I perceive NBA roster fit which leads us to the topic today being Bulls trade deadline targets so yeah I mean it was interesting to see this is essentially from a fan I mean he doesn’t

Have any uh office experience to do with the NBA or professional basketall basketball or so he says and I’d like to give my take on this too so you’re getting a fan take on another fans take and hopefully all of us here fans of bulls digest or the Chicago Bulls as a

Whole of a team and you’re just coming on and watching this content we can all kind of conversate and see how we feel about this whole thing the next thing I saw in the article was Bulls roster fit first let’s focus the Bulls starting lineup before the 2023 24 regular season

I viewed the bull starting group as a collect ction of two broad roles the scores in D Ro and LaVine and V and the spacers in Lonzo ball Caruso dumu and Patrick Williams the bull scores offensive trademarks have typically consisted of dominating touches in the majority of pick and roll actions and if

All else fails it led to a kickout pass to a spacer in either of the corners or slot spaces on the court where low efficiency three-point Shooters excluding Williams willingly took open three-point shots that opposing defenses were happy to give up unfortunately this set of starting lineup rols has delivered mediocre offensive efficiency

At Best in 2122 and 2223 the Bulls ranked 13th and then 24th respectively in regular season offensive rating League wide halfway through the 2023 24 season the Bulls checked in at 22nd overall now that leads us to the next point in this one which was this season the Bulls have displayed flashes of

Offensive Evolution while December’s hot streak of 2020 sorry White’s December hot streak of 22.6 points six rebounds and 5.7 assists per game and D rozen’s evolved playmaking at about seven assists a game in December and the absence of Zack LaVine come to mind speaking of LaVine Bulls fans have also observed an

Offensively evolved version of the two-time allstar since he returned to action on January 5th now that one right there I do disagree a little bit lavine’s had some good box score numbers and the team is winning we lost a pretty big one to the Cleveland Cavaliers last

Night had score of 109 to 91 and LaVine didn’t look great in that one and kind of looked like his old self before the injury happened which was pretty worrisome in my eyes when it looked like we might be keeping on to Zach unless a big deal had come by but some news

Recently has broke that the Bulls may be looking to get rid of him at all causes but I don’t know how much I believe that when there have many offers on the table that have not been accepted from the Chicago Bulls front office next thing we

Saw on this was what should a new Bulls roster even look like as the 2024 NBA trade deadline approaches I propose the Bulls rethink the offensive roles of the starting lineup in the following assignments one high usage primary ball handler the secondary ball handler a big

Rim attacking rle man one 3 and D Floor spacer and one low usage cutter interesting takes there for sure when it comes to the low usage cutter I mean you should be able to get that just about anywhere most teams have it and Expendable at that when it comes to the

Ball handler I think that’s Kobe white we just need to get him some help if we’re moving on from Zack LaVine and that shouldn’t be demer to Rosen as he’s a Ford should be another guy in the back court that can take the playmaking roles

Off of Kobe white and maybe run the two or the one if they want to get a little bit funky with Kobe white at the two and see if he can run some plays himself when it comes to the three and D player that should be Patrick Williams but he

Hasn’t been able to be consistent enough to be considered that on every single night when it comes to the rle man at The Rim Drummond just doesn’t quite have the foot speed for that asset so maybe we should go out and get a guy for that that maybe can play power forward and

Maybe it isn’t necessarily A Center and they might leave alone Vu and Drummond as the two Center rotation or a third string guy can come in in case injuries happen or if on a night drum it isn’t the look that you’re looking looking for and V is struggling a little bit this

Guy can come in maybe that’s the idea that they go for next thing we saw was looking at the Bulls current roster construction Kobe white should occupy the high usage primary Bell Hender role like I just mentioned for context I Define High usage as a rate of 25% or

Higher through 41 games White had a 22.1 usage rate and I suspect one of Zack LaVine D Rose and a vuch all 20 plus% usage rate players will have to be traded in order to boost White’s usage rate to 25% this season and Beyond the secondary ball handler role has become a

Critical roster construction consideration due to the emergence of White’s consistent three-point scoring which strongly depends on assisted shot opportunities and that’s very true I mean Kobe white is way better off the catch and he’s off the dribble now he’s still a very good score off the dribble from three-point line but you’d rather

Him catch and shoot why would you not rather a three-point shooter catch and shoot unless they Steph Curry but even in Steph Curry’s uh situation there I mean if he’s catching and shooting in the corner up top it’s still a higher percent shot than when he has to take

Ones off the dribble but he’s just so good at both the next thing that we saw on this was through 41 games of the 2023 24 season 85% of whites made three-point shots were assisted as for the low usage cutter roll Patrick Williams should return to the starting lineup yes

Williams is an efficient three-point shooter at 41% through 41 games on a low volume of attempts at 3.2 per game but his three-point shooting likely won’t be a primary feature of the Bulls offense anytime soon so I’d rather see him carry a light offensive load and focus on

Growing into an elite defensive anchor Reed all NBA defender of the starting lineup in my observation this proposal can only happen if the Bulls are willing to trade Alex Caruso at the deadline the secondary ball handler Rim rolling big and 3 andd spacer rolls should be addressed via trade deadline targets

Demard Rose is a great ball handler compliment to White’s offense but he’s 34 years old hold an on expiring contract i’ like to see a younger secondary ball handler who can started alongside white for the next three seasons Malik monk of the Sacramento Kings or awesome Reeves the Lakers come

To mind as potential candidates to fill this role now one thing I got to mention there we don’t have to go out and get a guy like monk or Austin Reeves to be a ball handler there’s lots of people around the lead that could fill that

Role and we wouldn’t have to even get rid of Alex Caruso that’s the one bit of beef that I kind of have with this article is them saying to just trade Caruso when Bulls front staff has come out and said that he’s basically an Untouchable I’d rather hold on to Caruso

By all means and not have Patrick Williams be that guy who’s the cutter if Caruso is the cutter on offense so be it he can knock down a three if he needs to but obviously it’s not the main thing we want Alex guso doing I just want him to

Focus on the defensive side of the ball and just knock down shots of needed offensively he doesn’t need to be an offensive threat is basically what I’m trying to say and I do understand he’s not that great of a playmaker Paul ler but he is so versatile in the offensive

End still and defensively he’s one of the best players in the league at that and that’s just based on my own opinion now when it comes to Patrick Williams I do understand the whole like let’s not get him involved in the offense as much and I do agree with that he should

Develop his defensive game a little bit more focus on that end of the floor and I see that that’s why they want to move Alex Caruso but maybe the deal is not to move Caruso and have him be more of a mentor to Williams if he hasn’t been all

Already maybe just keep both the guys around cuz Kus is a guard and Williams is a wing so they’re two different positions or should be playing that I know Caruso has played some small forward but he’s a bit small for my liking at that position and that’s really where Patrick Williams should be

Playing play Caruso at the two Williams at the three even if they both had to come off the bench if other trades were made I think that could be something to really develop Williams in the next coming years and as far as d rozan goes move him for value on that expiring

Contract for sure and that could be where we get that secondary ball handler it doesn’t have to be monk or Reeves it could just be a guy who was solid at that where Kobe white just needs someone passing him the ball I would look to get somebody like maybe Jose Alvarado would

Be a solid Choice from the Pelicans if they were willing to give up on him and that’s just a first name that comes to mind anybody else really I wouldn’t want to pay too much for that ball handler playmaking role if you could get somebody older like Mike Conley it

Wouldn’t fit this team you’d want somebody at least somewhat Young so Alvarado would be a solid fit just off the top of my head head if you’d like somebody defensive that could play make Theon right is a solid option and I don’t feel like we’d have to pay much

But the ultimate guy that I think we’d like to get there next to Kobe white would be tus Jones I feel like he’d be a great fit for us here at the Chicago Bulls next thing we saw on this was my ideal Rim rolling big Target for the

Bulls is Nick claxon in 2223 claxon was an elite offensive pick and roll man ranking in the 89.7 percentile so basically 90 percentile claxon’s pick and roll man percentile is lower at 53 percentile this season but he’s still an elite shop Blocker on defense at a little over two a game however executing

This change will be difficult for the Bulls because vuvi received a contract extension this past offseason onto the three and D spacer RM ultimately talking about Wing position players were reliable three-point Shooters and at worst neutral Defenders Sam Hower of the Boston Celtics and Jones to the New

Orleans Pelicans are players who would fit this profile both are 6’8 Wings who shoot about 38% and 41% respectively from the three-point line I’m also open to the possibility of LaVine buying into this role if the Bulls don’t trade him by February 8th now this is where I

Really disagree we’re not getting Nick Claxton it’s not happening he’s pretty much an Untouchable from the Nets the only reason that they’re going to trade him or I can see them trading him if it was literally Lally team altering it would have to be a guarantee like run to

A championship or altering Talent Prospect coming up they are not going to move Nick claxon for anybody that we have or willing to give up right now the trade would not be worth it for the Bulls if we were to give up what they were expecting and return uh for that

Rim rolling guy I could see Daniel Gafford coming back her way wouldn’t be too happy about it and the Wizards would be pretty low on bigs they just got Marvin Bagley but gave up mascala so they still only really have two centers that Rim rolling big roll is kind of

Interesting to me I don’t know if there’s anybody that comes to mind right away off the top of my head and I don’t really know if there’s anybody they should Target in that maybe it’s just a guy that you wouldn’t expect coming back from another team maybe we reacquire

Like a Derek Jones Jr I’m not really sure and I’m not really convinced that that’s exactly what the Bulls need so that one I’m going to stray a little bit away from because I feel like when Tory Craig comes back in we have a little bit more versatility there and we just need

To pick up a PF from another team now who that is going to be I really don’t know cuz I’m not sure about what fit I’d like to see where LaVine goes and where the other pieces fit and I’d say that would be the last thing I would try to

Get now when it comes to Herb Jones or Sam Hower completely different players herb Jones is three and D he’s a more versatile player Sam Jones is just a shooter with the Boston Celtics they’re completely different players and I don’t want Sam Hower if I’m going to be honest

Unless we were getting Sam Hower for next to nothing in terms of value I wouldn’t go out and try to trade for him cuz I’m not confident that he would still produce on a different team I think if you’re on the best team in the NBA right now in the Boston Celtics

You’re going to look a lot better in playing time even cornette looks okay in certain sport spurts and he was awful when he was on the Chicago Bulls now herb Jones love to have him obviously is he a three-point sniper not necessarily but he is still a very good three-point

Shooter I’d say his defense is better than his three-point shooting even though his three-point shooting is very good but I think that a guy if they’re looking for a three-point shooter to come in maybe if we could get Canard off the Grizzlies I think it would be less

Of a risk than Sam Hower because I feel like the trade value on Sam Hower right now would be higher like I mentioned because he’s on the Celtics and Performing better within their system Canard is a legitimately proven shooter who’s in a bad system on the Memphis

Grizzlies and can fit much better on the Chicago Bulls probably for lower value of trade if there’s a massive trade to happen we could try to take a swing on Kevin herder while his values lower right now as a shooter and hope he picks things up but that one I’d be a little

Bit more hesitant about when it comes to a big trade for LaVine right now we’ve talked about those different players and teams sorry that we could get coming back our way but realistically I think that the Lakers are going to be a top team for LaVine which could include Austin Reeves D’Angelo Russell

Or ruy hachimura or maybe two of the three and if it’s the two of the three it would probably be ruy and D’Angelo which I’d still be fine with I mean they’re both very solid basketball players could fill two positions as opposed to one on the court and probably

Help us out a little bit on the defensive end as well where LaVine lacks for us so that’s an interesting take on that as well last thing we saw on this was overall I like to see the Bulls be strategic in their trade deadline approach whether that entails moves or

Players retain between now and the deadline rumors and mock trades will fly left and right but this philosophical direction should be at the core of the Bulls roster construction decisions for the remainder of the 2023 24 season and Beyond yes and no like I said there are

Some things I definitely agree with in this we’re not getting Nick claxon we shouldn’t go out and get uh herb Jones or Sam Hower because if we can get herb Jones somehow but all means yes I feel like the trade value is going to be way too high Sam Hower right now is

Definitely overvalued because of the system like I just mentioned and we’re not going to get Malik monk or Austin Reeves cuz the trade value on Reeves is very high and monk is probably a little bit too high just cuz they like him in that system in Kings so yeah that’s my

Take here on bulls digest I hope you guys enjoyed the video there today make sure if you did to go down below like and comment on the video i’ love to hear from all of you here uh at Bull side just we love it and yeah make sure to

Subscribe to the channel turn on the bell for notifications I’ll see you all in the next one

In this video your host, Joey Mercer, breaks down the recent report that has surfaced online of what the Bulls should be targeting entering the Feb.8th trade deadline. He’ll give his takes on the report and any changes he would make.

0:00 Bulls news
1:48 Bulls trade deadline targets

Bulls Digest is a channel that breaks down all of the latest news, reports and rumours on the Chicago Bulls. This includes coverage on players such as DeMar DeRozan, Zach Lavine, Alex Caruso, Lonzo Ball, Nikola Vucevic, Patrick Williams and everyone on the Bulls Roster!


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