@Toronto Raptors

Raptors vs Celtics Game 40 (4 straight losses…) (January 15th, 2024)

Raptors vs Celtics Game 40 (4 straight losses…) (January 15th, 2024)

One team is a favorite to win the Larry OB this year the other one looking towards the draft lottery I don’t know the Raptors lose yet again fourth consecutive game first game back after the west coast swing 10596 to the Boston Celtics they do not have Jaylen

Brown in the lineup no Gary Trent and obviously still no yako purle for the Raptors there’s one storyline in this game the inability to shoot the three that’s it and before I go any further check out the Tik Tok page down below ladies and gentlemen we are over we’re nearing that

600 follower Mark if we can get to a th I can go live during games even with this painful game uh we can go live and talk during the game and react to moments during the game together link is down below for that but the and Shout Out Blake Murphy

Cuz I had to read his tweet today s minutes ago actually the Raptors ended the game 4 for 32 on threes yeah you heard me right 4 for 32 this is only the 17th time in NBA history a team has shot that poor poorly on 32 plus 3es

Yikes only one team that was in the Harden era was the Harden era Rockets has ever won a game like that ever and also the tops uh 6 for 42 against the Heats Zone from 1920 to 22 to 19 to 2 holy smokes from 2019 and 20 season as

The worst three-point shooting night in Raptor history they topped that with two more misses or two less makes it’s pretty bad and somehow they only lost this game by nine obviously no Jaylen Brown for the Celtics and Jason Tatum didn’t have a shooting form 19 but man oh man goty

This is why they’re a championship caliber team right when you see guys like Derek white and Drew holiday just spotting up for three catch and shoot threes money they each had 22 in the game they were electric how much how many threes did they knocked down today they locked down nine those two

Guys combined for over double of the Raptors makes today God actually screw that Derek White made five more than the entire Raptor team it’s pretty bad it’s pretty damn bad let’s break this game down first quarter you lose at 2925 second quarter 3230 and you’re only down six at halftime you

Were down like 11 late in the second quarter and they crawled back and made it a six-point game and then to start the third quarter Raptors came out flying early foul trouble from jontay Porter in comes Thad young and instantly makes a pre his presence known against Chris Taps porzingis causing turnover

After turnover he ended the game with uh where are we here Thad young 16 minutes he had seven dimes now the 04 shooting is quite painful but he was a plus six on the floor and 16 minutes in a nine-point loss and they Raptor you you the Raptors

Were leading by seven at one point that third quarter and then the Celtics call a timeout and then like all right fellas enough playing with your food uh let’s lock this thing down and the rest of the third quarter Raptors can’t make a shot to save their life the Celtics lock down

Defensively Jason Tatum goes to work and just like that you know your uh seven-point lead which would have given you a pretty nice advantage in the third quarter evaporates you actually lose the quarter by 323 32 and just like that you’re down by nine heading into the fourth quarter

I should have seen that with the fourth quarter being tied 2121 but yeah they play even in the fourth quarter at one point it’s a 14-point deficit and the Raptors crawl back make it a six quickly has a chance kind of a fading three he misses it and that was pretty much game

Because I think Derek white came down hit a three after that which iced it at that point you lose 10596 it’s very simple like this game it was funny the um the Utah Jazz game let’s go back to that just a few days ago right on Friday night Raptors were

In Utah against the Jazz and the Raptors hit 17 threes today four ah painful stuff let’s quickly go through the team Stat or the the player stats because who wants to look at the team numbers Pascal sakam 175 and four five of 15 shooting 0 of six from three

Yeah that’s ugly uh he was a minus five on the floor RJ Barrett was a menace tonight the paint he was really good 11 of uh 24 points nine rebounds four assists 11 of 19 shooting two of three from the line but 04 from three and that’s the problem minus four there

Jonay Porter struggled mightily in the match up against Chris STS porzingis two points four boards three assists one of five shooting missed both threes he took fouled four times uh looked like a lot of that was in the third quarter um or no in the in the latter half of the

Second and to start the third he was a minus8 Manuel quickly in 36 minutes 21 points six boards three assists eight of 20 shooting three of four from the line two of seven from three is steal the block uh he was a plus two on the floor

Okay you know Scotty B great rebounding game 13 boards 10 points though on five of 12 shooting he missed both threes he took had a couple steals minus one and then your bench Dennis shuder had 13.7 boards you’re thinking that’s fine five of n shooting one of three from three couple

Two of two from the line looks pretty good yeah minus 15 while he was on the floor so quite painful that was more or less in the latter half of the third quarter when everyone was leaking oil and they bring out quickly and they take out RJ Barrett which they were cooking

But okay and then the rest of your bencher Thad young I thought he played pretty well in his minutes there in the third quarter and then they pushed it a little bit and he’s like not very good after that uh Chris bue one of six shooting why risb he’s taking four

Threes is beyond me and jayen McDaniels I I know he had a three today but Five Points two boards two of five shooting was he minus 12 in 12 minutes and went to the free throw line and botched both free throws and then went lifted his

Head to the sky like yeah are you kidding me he’s clearly fighting it but why are we playing him then like I tweeted out you know during the game as he missed the free throws and I’m like what is what does he do is that a great

Defender or else he’d be out there uh his numbers this year I’m not going to look at his like points per game stats because he doesn’t play very much but he’s shooting 18% from three and 34% from the field the true shooting of four 43% it’s not very good at all like what

Are we doing putting him out there albeit who else do you got you going to put Garrett Temple out there uto Porter’s hurt yak’s hurt Gary was out with a flu like symptoms and an illness uh Grady dick I guess right thrum strain so he’s done so I guess that’s all he

Had in Jay McDaniels but Garett Temple may I don’t know I I oh at this point Raptors were cooked tonight they couldn’t make a three to save their life I like the energy and the effort even though you weren’t making shots but in the end you’ve now lost four straight

You’re 10 games under 500 it’s not fun 15 and 25 no matter I’m not going to do moral victories anymore it was it was okay in La when you were playing these tough teams and you were real real close but now you’ve lost four straight it’s just a painful watch all

Right next game of the Toronto Raptors they welcome in Kyle Lowry in the Miami Heat to town on Wednesday night uh so 7:30 tip off there as I don’t know the Raptors like to win a win a ball game and uh get under that 10 games under 500

Mark or I guess better than that or above that I don’t know how you want to word it but I don’t know win a basketball game Sho three a little bit better it’s all I got to say all right so you know what guys that’s gonna do it

For this one if you enjoyed the video and um RJ’s aggressiveness tonight hit that like button I do appreciate it hit the Subscribe button you guys not already comment down below thoughts on the video thoughts on the game what you like would you not like from today’s game for the

Toronto Raptors Twitter Discord Instagram Tik Tok all that stuff is down below so follow up there if you’re not done so already and I will talk to you guys of course I’ll be here Leaf’s Edition what is that tomorrow night or is day off somewhere do I get one day

Off no they’re in Edenton tomorrow at 9:00 at night we’ll see what happens there it’s probably going to go ugly but I’ll be here anyways and as for the Raptors are back in action like we said on Wednesday as they are at home taking on the Miami Heat 7:30 tip off there

Thank you so much for sitting and watching hope you enjoyed the video and not the loss talk to you guys then

The Raptors shoot a horrific 4-32 from 3 and have a -36 point differential from deep tonight as that is the main reason they drop this one 105-96 to the Boston Celtics!! Next up the Raps welcome in the Miami Heat to town on Wednesday night…looking to win a game!!!!

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  1. Raps is rebuilding; so bad news will be with us for a while. Celtics defence is really good. Trent and Jacob missing what to expect?

  2. I thought this game was lost at the end of the third where Boucher and Jalen McDaniels and to a lesser extent Dennis came in. Poorly coached game by Darko allowing Boucher and McDaniels just do whatever the hell they want instead of actually running actions that most teams do. Scottie needs more touches and shots than tonight, just kinda unacceptable at times.

  3. Raps need to make iq a specialize shooter . Raps have enough 2 point players. Barnes, paskal, RJ, portle, and the list goes on. Iq has the ability to be a very good 3point shooter. Let him forget about going inside.

  4. Look y’all this sucks I know that but also Darko isn’t his first year as a head coach which I don’t think he became a head coach at all so yeah there’s that second of all we have a new group with Barrett and quickly but we don’t know how to figure both of them out, so what I think it’s probably gonna take time, but we gotta be patient and trust this team to win, but today was terrible game for us for offense, but defensively was amazing even though we didn’t have yak I think it was a great defensive battle and a great defensive game but we got to figure some things out and see where we go from here.

  5. They were gonna lose this game regardless so yeah the only good news is that this makes it more likely pascal gets traded

  6. Also you're at 10.5k subscribers now, I think time you invest more into your setup, someone to do your thumbnails and invest in your channel and improve the look and quality if you want more growth.

  7. I'm gonna be honest, I can't see Scottie as the franchise player because his offensive game is too underdeveloped. You can't be the guy to close out games and carry the team to a W by doing floaters and catch-and-shoot 3s because it's too difficult to create a bucket off-the-dribble. He's also too emotional when things aren't going well as you'll often see him hanging his head. You gotta be more stoic as that guy

  8. Shame on the Raptors coaching staff not seeing the illegal defence… zone that the Celtics played all night. The Refs would not call it. There was a player standing in the key the whole game. Then switched it to disguise it. Shame on Raps coaches.

  9. The Raptors haven't won a single game against any Atlantic Division opponent all season, I don't know if they've ever been this bad in their own division but that right there says it all. It's gonna be some dark years to come. They've slipped into irrelevancy here once again, heck the Jays off season is getting more coverage than they are right now.

  10. This is a bad team all together . Coaching is terrible too . I like only RJ the way he played . Please get rid of Jalen McDaniel and trade pascal already 😢. What a shameful franchise .

  11. time for full rebuild and get some young assets. mcdaniels should never be taking 3's and he is worse than precious for tunnel vision on offense.

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