@Minnesota Timberwolves

2024 NBA All Star Ballot Is Impossible

2024 NBA All Star Ballot Is Impossible

Let’s get into our NBA All-Star ballot this is saying if I had a ballot which I don’t and and I don’t want one I don’t want the ballot now you’re talking about the end of the season ballot hit me up cuz I take Awards very Seriously welcome welcome welcome back to the Kenny Beach and podcast we are filming this in the basement of my house where it’s it’s it’s 17° outside and that normally wouldn’t wouldn’t matter but since we’re doing this in the basement you can’t tell I got the hoodie

On I got two pair of pants and then another another blanket over but The Show Must Go On I guess I could have put some space heaters down here but it is what it is The Show Must Go On cold weather I know a lot of people are

Experiencing it whether it be in the midwest or out east everybody’s got snow everybody got cold weather and it’s times like this well I’ve always been true to Chicago I’ve always for the 27 28 28 am I 28 27 years of my life I’ve never really contemplated moving away

Until days like this where I go out I got a shovel the snow and I’m like you know what I I can’t even do it I can’t I wanted to shed a tear but I was afraid that if I did it would just freeze up on

My face instantly there was a time where we were going to move we were going to move as collect that that’s the story for another day we’re cold here in Chicago but the show must go on today I’m giving my official NBA Allstar ballot yep it’s early so what so what I

Think the the announcement for the starters is at the end of next week I done did my research I got my 24 players we going to do that today this morning there was a trade between two of the worst teams of basketball we got to talk

About that and my Chicago Bulls fans let me down a couple nights ago all of that coming up on this episode of the Kenny Beach and podcast leave a like subscribe go over to Spotify go over to Apple leave us five stars as we continue to grow this show let’s get into It I guess we start off with the trade the piss and the Wizards are finalizing the deal to trade Marvin baggley I’m I’m laughing because I can’t believe this is the deal this is the second deal of the Season by the way Marvin baggley Isaiah livers and two second round picks for

Four deleno galinari and Mike muscala now this trade happened my mentions went crazy come on Kenny we need a video talking about this trade and I’m like no I’m G wait into the podcast because this is not a trade that needs 10 minutes plus to talk about it is one of the most

Mediocre trades you could possibly imagine and y’all know me Twitter is more for jokes than for facts but this this podcast is a little bit but but let’s talk about the facts of this trade man two of the worst teams in basketball making a deal the Pistons had been

Rumored to be very active on the trade market um saying that they want veterans they want people that can help them write the ship and a lot of people speculate oh does that mean they might be in a Zack LaVine sweep Stakes that mean they want to get Tobias Harris

Little did we know all they wanted was Mike muscala and galinari two players that weren’t even playing for the Washington Wizards uh it’s a it’s a very interesting deal it is a very very interesting deal now I’m Trey Weaver I’m going to start off with the Piston side of things because

They’re uh still on Pace to be the worst team in NBA history uh Trey Weaver has made a handful of inseason Trades and I was looking at this one like this can’t be the worst trade he’s done and I when I say worse I don’t mean oh he lost by a

Thousand he got finessed but just like uh me try we didn’t get anything return or we didn’t give anything out every single one of try in season trades as his tenure as the GM of the Detroit Pistons have been just like this let me read them to you uh they sent Derrick

Rose back to New York in exchange they got Dennis SMI Jr in the second round pick and with that second round pick they selected Isaiah livers Isaiah livers for a lot of people is the worst starter in the association I mean that’s what my Pistons fans were saying on

Twitter uh then another trade he did was Spa Kai lukan in 2027 second round pick from Houston to the OKC Thunder and they got back hamy D Dio now Hami did have some moments and and the Detroit piss his uniform but still nonetheless here we are just two years later and the

Brothers not on the team I don’t think he’s in the association right now but he was he was a blast to watch when he really had it going then they sent the line right to the Sacramento Kings in exchange for Cory Joe some second round picks one of those second round picks

Ended up being luuka Garza who’s not on the team and a 2024 second so maybe they draft the next Nicole yic and I look back on this episode and be like Oh Kenny don’t know what he’s talking about and then the last deal before this current deal was Jackson Trey L to the

Kings for a second round pick another second round pick and they got back Marvin Bagley so so let me let me let me let me let me say that again in order to bring Marvin Bagley into Detroit they gave up Josh Jackson Trey Lyles and two

Second round picks now let’s go back to the original deal the Pistons and the Wizards are finalizing the deal to trade Marvin bag livers in two seconds so they threw two seconds to acquire him and just a year and a half later threw two seconds to get get off of his

Contract all right do I need to say more now they traded for Marvin Bagley then extended him now his contract runs through the end of this season and next season and and pisses fans at least in my men was like Kenny yeah we gave up four second round picks to to get and

Then get rid of Marvin baggley but we opened up $64 million in salary this offseason okay who who’s going based on the culture that is being built in Detroit as of right now what free agent is like you know what I’m going to be the one to turn it

Around unless there are some people in the market that really love Mony Williams or people that are B chasing demard de Rosen you are a Detroit Piston my boy because they got $64 million they can potentially get you half of it uh who knows what’s gonna happen I guess

The route is to go what the Houston Rockets did they one of the worst scenes of basketball for the last couple Seasons then they brought in Fred Van vet they brought in Jeff Green they brought in Dylan Brooks jandale they had a very eventful offseason and now

They’re fighting for a playoff spot they have more than $64 million in cap space to do that so I don’t know what’s going on with the Pistons I don’t think that galinari and Mike muscala are going to be the people that’s going to come and

Write the ship but it is what it is the Wizards like to did a lot for them I guess again it’s such a man trade that it’s hard to say A+ F minus or whatever but you get two second round picks in exchange for two people that weren’t

Playing and then you just have to hold on to Marvin Bagley for an extra year you weren’t going to use no cap space anyway you actually don’t have any cap space when you look at Jordan P’s contract and you look at uh Cal koosman’s contract and so on and so

Forth so cool you get two second round picks with two people that weren’t playing and I’m not going to try to convince you that Marvin bagley’s an NBA player I can’t because I don’t even know but at least you made a deal the second deal of the Season we from OG anobi to

The Knicks to who wait who’s the best player in the trade usually when you think historically through our basketball whatever team acquired the best player ends up winning the trade are we saying in his bag cuz he’s had some really good Seasons or some really good performances not Seasons he ain’t

Strung together for a full season yet um performances there or is galinari remember galinari was a part of the OKC Thunder and they went from a team that had a 0.2% chance to make the playoffs and and they made the playoffs now that was also what 2020 so it’s been a long

Time um but the last time they played against each other this is crazy because I remember this game vividly because I watched the full game of two of the worst teams in basketball the last time these two teams played against each galinari was like the second to third

Best player on the court so maybe they saw that and said may maybe he can replicate it the cool thing about it is that there was a video that released because these teams or the Pistons were in practice when this trade was announced and to see how much of a

Brotherhood the NBA really is even though Marvin Bagley and Isaiah livers were being traded away from a team that just set the record for most consecutive losses in the NBA season they had tears because they were getting traded away maybe because the situation they’re going to is not that much better but

Still still they got traded away from one of the worst teams in the history of the sport and they shed tears because of the Brotherhood which is it’s something so who knows what’s going to happen next before we get to my Allstar ballots let me take a few minutes to talk about my

Chicago Bulls fans now the other day the Chicago Bulls put together this entire ceremony that was called The Ring of Honor ceremony where they want the fans to know hell we’re not very good right now but we can give you a we could put together a good event and that they did

When they invited some of the Legends and Bull’s history whether it be players whether it be people that were announcing whether it be people that were part of the front office they all got got a celebration for their time in the organization and when they told me

About this a few months ago I was really excited for it I didn’t know if Mike was going to be there um I got invited to go and then I found out that Mike wasn’t gonna be there and I was like I would rather stay home and and good thing I

Did because the Warriors in the second half made me so upset because they went out and dominated um and if I was in attendance I would have probably left out in the third quarter either way I got invited I said no no thank you but I’ll be watching on TV and the ceremony

Was pretty dope for the most part uh these players were given their moment they were given their their time to shine because some of them like Chad Walker’s a name I recognize a part of bull of part of Bull’s culture and and Bull’s history but I don’t know enough

About Chad Walker so in that moment because he was there for the ceremony or at least he was he was celebrated I don’t remember if he was there or not um I got to learn a little bit more about Chad um and I got to learn a little bit

More about Jerry Sloan and and all these people and it was pretty cool like I mentioned Mike wasn’t there Rodman wasn’t there Scotty wasn’t there so maybe the three most important players in our franchise history wasn’t there but that’s fine it still ended up being pretty cool and the way they were doing

Is they were individually introducing every single person we got Steve cerr Steve c stand up and wave his hand which is funny because his team just went into halftime and they were getting dominated at that point he didn’t have a chance to talk to his team about what they could

Do in the second half uh but he was just saying hey I’m back in Chicago and I love it here and then um it got to Jerry Krauss now for the people at home Jerry Krauss is the general manager or president of basketball operations I don’t remember the exact title of the

Chicago Bulls throughout the the 90s and the early 2000s and obviously he was a crucial part in helping or building the teams that eventually went on to win the only six championships in Bulls history and when his face and his name was announced the fans and attendance boo

Jerry Krauss died back in 2017 so instead of him representing himself because he can’t his widowed wife was there and the shock on her face she put her hands up and burst into tears because she did not expect the city of Chicago had that much hatred for her deceased

Husband and it’s kind of disappointing to see kind of disappointing to see now I’m not on Greg Pit Island I don’t think the Bulls I’m not one telling Bulls fans Not to boo because everybody holds their own own op own opinion and I am a guy that recognized the stuff that Jerry

Krauss did for the organization but also recognize that he spent 10 years after he Destro he destroyed the Bulls trying to prove to Michael Jordan that he was more important as good as he was to help us build the six championships he also decimated the the organization for a

Decade I understand that but if I was in ATT tennis that day I wouldn’t have booed because he’s not there to defend himself and the only person in this place was his widowed wife again I’m not telling the people that were there that they that they couldn’t do what they

Wanted to do but it just I don’t think it properly represents the fan base that I’ve been a part of for the last 28 years of my life and I was I was pretty disappointed Now Jerry Krauss is is a guy that was the the talking head the

The poster boy for the Rin store family the reality is Bulls fans though you may have lived through that moment with Jerry Krauss in the early 2000s was making the wrong draft picks and making the wrong trades and so on and so forth the the people the guys that you want to

Boo is the people up top cuz the rinor family and and Jerry crra was like this whatever they said he was like cool job security so on and so forth their their name is signed on my contract on my on my checks so yeah and we as Bulls fans

As White Sox fans if you out there too know that the rinor family do a poor job and owning organizations I was just at the end of that again just disappointed that it had to go through that even though I’m not saying that Jerry crra was a saint and

That and that he did no wrong for the city of Chicago because he did do wrong things he didn’t draft Michael Finley my major gripe with with Jerry Krauss is that he did not draft Michael Finley when Michael Finley was a Chicago Legend damn it one and raced and he

Didn’t draft him instead he drafted I don’t was it Randy Brown I don’t remember remember again a little bit before my time but it is what it is um I have had my fair share of uh documentaries watched about my Chicago Bulls during the 90s because I was born

In ’96 so I didn’t get to experience it like my dad or my uncles or anybody like that so I’ve watched my fair share video/ documentaries I’ve read a few different books so I have a bunch of different uh voices telling me what the Jerry Krauss experience was like and the

One voice that is above all is the Last Dance The Last Dance took the minds of us NBA fans it was released during a time where we had no basketball we were in the pandemic waiting to see when the season was going to come back and the

Last Dance drop and it was magnificent but the one thing about the Last Dance is that if your name was not Michael Jordan you look pretty questionable in the eyes of that camera in all of the interviews Miche was executive producer he said hell I’m the greatest of all

Time and I want I want this documentary to show that but part of that was talking about Jerry Krauss in such a negative way talking about Scotty and pretty much everybody else and again I I’ve watched The Last Dance maybe five times since it’s been released it’s an amazing piece of

Media but it also you also have to recognize the voices that are there who is right this who’s directing this who’s the executive producer who had all of the final say his name was Mike so all I want people to do maybe do a little bit of research on on CR and

Recognize the good and the bad and it wasn’t all bad it wasn’t so uh obviously Jerry krauss’s widowed wife would never see this um but if somehow she came across it I apologize on for the sake of uh everybody that was there and I mean everybody has right Steve Kerr Greg

Papovich um Stacy King everybody that has had a voice about this have basically apologize to them um and that’s a moment that I don’t know if apologies even worked for you know she left that and it is what it is all right all right let’s get into our NBA

All-Star ballot um we’re a week and a half away from seeing who the starter of the game is for the people at home you get 12 spots for each conference and this year is different than the last couple because there’s no draft which I we’ll see we’ll see East versus West has

Been a thing for such a long time I enjoyed the draft I enjoyed the the performances to know oh who’s Giannis going to draft oh who he drafted Dame didn’t he and guess what the boys are now teammates then LeBron draft Anthony Davis them boys became teammates like

Six months later I’m just saying things can happen um but actually I I came up the idea of putting together this ballot a couple days ago and I’ve been spending the last couple days putting names here deleting those names putting names here this year is really hard and the reason

I’m saying that is because every year feels like we have an idea who the allstars are but you can you can count two to three in each conference are going to be injured so now the people that were on the bubble the snubs are no longer snubs because every body gets

Credited to making an All-Star appearance this year for the most part All of the Stars across the association have been relatively healthy or healthy enough to be in consideration now currently we have teres halber out with an injury we don’t know what his timetable really is he’s going to be

Reevaluated very soon um Jolan beid has missed significant amount of time that’s pretty much it Jimmy Butler is a guy that’s always an All-Star candidate he’s not there but everybody else Kyrie Irvin is a guy that’s missed a bunch of time and his numbers look Allstar esque but

He wasn’t on my ballot because I think he missed a little bit too much time um but other than that everybody’s healthy which just makes it extremely extremely hard um and I think part of that is because he’s like hell do I want my incentives to hit in my contract do I

Want to make an all NBA appearance do I want to win an award why I got to play those 65 games so the guys that notoriously may not play as much whether it be low management or nagging injuries are like I’m just going to hoop and

Because of that we got a crazy ballot okay now I’m not telling you this is my prediction to the allstar game this is saying if I had a ballot which I don’t and and I don’t want one there was a a tweet that went on the dunk Central and

Zack low Professor Zach low had said that he got rid of his ballot he didn’t want it anymore and I got so many people replying all right Kenny it’s your time I don’t want it I don’t want this ballot you’re not coming for me now the people

That have the ballot only vote for the starters the reserves are determined by um by the coaches and stuff so I guess you don’t really have that much power as a guy with a vote because I think you only get 25% the f get a percent it it’s

A lot of stuff but I don’t want the ballot now if you’re talking about the end of the season ballot hit me up cuz I take Awards very seriously but allar not not so much I’m not trying to convince you either I’m not trying to tell you

That these are the guys and you should agree with me because there are so many people that are in conversation and if you don’t like my 10th player and you want to put somebody else so be it I’m not here to argue with you that’s how

Much talent is in the association we got 15 to 20 different people that are having an Allstar caliber seasons in each conference and only 12 in each conference can really make it how aggress let me know it’s always a conversation hit the comment section hit

Me up on X on what you agree or disagree with now part of this to start off with the Eastern Conference is really simple four of the five starting spots in the Eastern Conference are locked there’s no ifans but buts about it tyes halber is the lead guard the lead fors are Joel

Embiid uh jannis and de kmo and Jason Tatum those fours are are absolutely lock again Tyrese is dealing with the injury so maybe he has an injury replacement but do I need to tell you why here’s a one sent of Summary of why each of these players deserve to be

All-Star starters teres halber is the engine the the system of the best offense in the history of basketball currently that is a fact when he’s playing um and obviously these numbers are inflated right the last couple years we’ve had the best offense in NBA history but it just sounds good when you

Making a making a case for somebody the best of all time like last year I remember the second half of the season the Lakers were such a good defensive team and they were like the third best def defensive team of all time in that

Time frame I’m like I said that a lot I I wanted people to know um but obviously these numbers are kind of skewed just know that they are the number one offensive basketball and all of that not all of that I’m sorry majority of that

Is Tyrese at the helm now he’s missed a little bit of time and they’ve still been pretty good and I think that goes to a lot of um team building out Indiana because on paper that team shouldn’t be as good as they are right now and part

Of that is because no matter what second they are in the game they’re going to have a point guard on the court that you can trust to run your offense and it’s going to be zero bad point guard minutes and I cannot stress to you how important

That is that I’m like trying to figure out other teams in history that have had this where your starter your backup and your third string are all quality point guards as far as taking care of the ball and making the right decisions it is Reese it is McCullum oh I’m sorry

McCollum TJ M TJ McCollum and then is Andrew NIMH har they always take care of the ball and they always do it right um so Tyrese is a lock Joel embiid is not the favorite to an MVP anymore but when he was playing he was an MVP candidate

He’s he’s one of these few cases cuz you can make an argument that because of the time he has missed so far that maybe he shouldn’t be on the ballot I believe that when you are as dominant as Joel embiid is or has been I’m I’m okay with

You miss some games to this point he might have the least amount of games of anybody on my ballot and I’m okay with that like I don’t have a specific recipe for these type of things and historically I have like if I look back at all of my other videos from last year

The season before that where I was doing Allstar I usually H like a recipe or a common theme of all my players I am all over the place this season and I think that’s because I have so many different options that I need to like rationalize

This I need to rationalize that um but jelan beid has been uh one of the most dominant forces in basketball and the 76s are still really good especially when he plays Giannis is also one of the most disgusting forces in basketball do I need to give you a reason why Giannis

Is still doing his thing and the Bucks are still good even though they might be worse defensively than all of us want they’re still winning a ton of games uh they just ran the Celtics off the floor a couple nights ago granted part of that schedule lost because they had just

Played the previous night in in Min Minnesota and they had to travel or what whatever you you lose by 70 because that’s what it felt like you lose by 70 and Giannis and Company did that Dixon Tatum is the best player on the best team now obviously his uh his case goes

Deeper than that but one sentence tells you Jason Tatum is the best player on the best team cool now the rest is interesting who is that last starter and at the end of the day who starts versus who’s coming off the bench is not really relevant at the end it’s always going to

Say in your basketball reference x amount of Allstars not x amount of starters x amount of reserves or x amount of injury replacement because that don’t matter either that don’t matter either so I was trying to figure out it was basically between a couple different guards it was Jaylen Brunson

It was tyres Maxi it was Donovan Mitchell it was Damen Lillard it was TR young five different guards and spoiler alert all five of those guards I was trying to figure out who started and who’s not all five of them did not make the actual ballot we got snubs so how

Did I determine between Maxi Mitchell Dame and Trey young who starts I kind of went with with uh kind of like a feel I feel as though Jaylen Brunson has been the best of this group as far as being the number one player on on one of the

Better teams in basketball I know julus Randle has been really good this season too but Jaylen Brunson for the past I don’t know uh 18 months or so oh let’s say let’s say 14 months or so has been phenomenal like it was like second half of the season last year and then

Obviously all of this year too we talking playoffs as well like he’s been phenomenal and that hasn’t really changed too much he is uh more aggressive than last year when you look at the grand scheme of things and he is just as cool as as calm as collected and

I’m a little bit biased because I like left-handed Shooters and he’s a left-handed shooter so he’s my Allstar starter okay cool now the guard spots cuz remember it’s it’s five players there two guards three fours the bench is two guards three forwards and it’s two wild card spots which can be any

Position the next lock for me the next lock for me um ended up being Donovan Mitchell Donovan Mitchell has been phenomenal even though his overall counting stats SL his efficiency has dropped a little bit this season he’s asked to do a lot more this year because they’ve had so many injuries throughout

The year whether it be through daryus Garland being out or Evan Mobley being out and then Caris LeVert being out here or there he’s had to shoulders so much weight and then after all of the noise of Garland and then after Evan Moy went out with their injury it’s was like oh

Man would they be be able to sustain their success the answer is yeah because first of all Jared Allen has been ridiculous and that’s a conversation for maybe next episode we talk about Evan Moy versus Jared Allen but he’s been phenomenal he had a couple like 20 17

Games or 20 points 17 rebounds I’m like Jared out I mean he wasn’t all so with two three seasons ago so it’s not like this is completely unique but we just hadn’t seen it much with Evan mobl as’s front Court mate either way D mitu has

Been crazy he went to Paris and dropped 40 something just chilling on the Instagram story he ain’t take the team playing back he was on a private jet he had his own private jet come back from Paris not the team playe um so he’s

My first lock my next lock is B Mao if you know me if you if you’ve watched my content over the last couple Seasons I am a guy that prioritizes defense more than majority of people I would say um I’m not all about the counting stats the

Shooting the offense this and that bamat bio gives me a good combination of really good offense and ridiculous defense well if you ask me today who are your top five defensive players in basketball I’m not I’m not ending that sentence that that list without mention

Name b m bio that time pacu he has been and they’re staying afloat even though Jimmy B who we mentioned earlier has just missed so many different games Tyler hero missed so many different games the one consistent thing has been bam now bam also has missed time do not

Get me wrong he’s another one of those players that has missed some time and maybe doesn’t have the same amount of minutes as his contemporaries um but I’m just I’m just going with what I enjoy as a player and what I want to give an All-Star not to making an All-Star game

Is not unique to Bam if he did make it this year I think this would be his third one he’s really trying to get that that all NBA appearance the unfortunate part he probably won’t get it because now it’s positionist like he had a chance when it was like oh we need a

Center on every team we don’t need a center on every team no more so bam I’m giving you the All-Star n because I think you deserve it the next absolute lock for me is tyes Maxi tyres Maxi took the next jump he’s probably the most improved player of the season so far I

I’m I’m saying probably because I still got hope for Kobe for Kobe white ah probably not happening um but teres Maxi has hit the next jump even though I was looking I was looking at his stats in preparation for this and I I wish I would have wrote it down because y’all

Know we team enjoy shout out to the network um I don’t really talk about the super negative Parts especially when you talk about like an All-Star ballot right um his his pullup jump shot has been like the worst volume shot in basketball this year like lower than Jordan P the

Rest has been phenomenal so I guess you’re just chilling with that and that’s just unlike tyres Maxi that’s why I’m kind of chilling chilling or was it it was either his pull-up jump shot or was floater it was one of the two it was worse in basketball I’m like he’ll get

It together he ain’t the worst at that specific skill so he’s a lock as well so two of my guards spots up top are locked and then one of my forward spots the next one and this was a point of conten I’ve talked about this or I was talking

To myself about this for quite some time my next two forts Julius Randle who again if you get rid of the first eight games of the year he’s been phenomenal um the advanced stats don’t say that but the ey tests and then the the CED stats

Do um and that that was another thing I tried to look at counter stats Advance stats it test F it’s a lot of different things in there because because like some people that are snubbed which we’ll talk about them once we get to the end of the Eastern Conference ballot had way

Better advaned STS I mean like blowing Julius Randle and poo benero who’s my other guard my other Ford blowing them out of the water in advanced stats but at some point I have to be like I’m watching Pao that that that that BR is doing some crazy stuff as the guy right

Now because France vogner has missed a bunch of time w c missed a lot of time he might be getting moved because when he was playing he wasn’t very good um they’ve missed Marquel fols for a great majority to see so like he’s been the one consistent thing on the Orlando

Magic and Orlando Magic are in the playoff hunt currently and they haven’t been like this in the last couple Seasons I think that and I I didn’t do this by like on purpose but when I was looking back through it it felt as though all of the playoff teams got at

Least one person representing them in the Eastern Conference that wasn’t by design that wasn’t like one of my missions but when I was looking at I was like oh that does kind of make sense so Julius Randle poo benero uh babo Donovan Mitchell and tyres Maxi that is my top

10 so now we get to the two wild card spots I have four players that I was trying to pick between and um yes like I mentioned you’re going to get some snubs again the conversations are open here are the people I’m picking between Trey young who we mentioned earlier Damen Lillard

Who we mentioned earlier Scotty Barnes and Jaylen Brown and this was tough this was really really tough Damen Lillard is not having the same season that we’re used to and that makes sense right he’s been in Portland his entire career his first year on a different team it’s not

Going be the same it’s not going to be as good and his efficiency has dropped obviously I mentioned how good bam is defensively this season I had always known Damen Lillard wasn’t a good Defender I don’t know if I just personally have him under a magnifying glass more this year because he’s

Playing with Giannis and maybe maybe I’m paying more attention to the Bucks because they’re Contender versus the last couple years where I would watch Portland Trailblazers basketball but I wasn’t like completely locked in for 82 games because they weren’t competing for anything really now that the Bucks are

Competing for something and damel is on the team I’m watching them every single night it’s horrendous y’all the defense is bad it’s really really bad so it’s like okay most not all of them but the majority of the other people on my list have some way of two-way ability like

Tyes halber not a two not a two-way player are you kidding me tyres Maxi not a two-way player he competes but he’s not a two-way player um Donovan Mitchell not a two-way player he competes he can be at times I’ve seen him sitting that chair I’ve seen him make the Right Moves

Here there but they’re not two-way players but Damen Lillard is so towards the bottom defensively that it’s so hard for me to kind of rationalize a lot of the stuff Jaylen Brown started off the season not to a standards but since December 1st he’s averaging 24.7 points

Per game 53% from the field 39% from three that’s damn good and the Celtics have dominated majority of teams this season so I feel like when when you have a team that good where all of the stats Advanced stats the it test the the the actual record their top three in offense

And in defense like it that’s not a one All-Star team that’s not a one Allstar team so my one my one wild card lock is Jaylen Brown and um sh shout out to our friend of the show friend of the show JJ Ric he’s been pushing the Derek white

Allar thing and I thought about it but I I didn’t I didn’t think it was it was me you know even though D white is one of the best perimeter defenders in all the basketball he’s one of the best connectors in all the basketball recently if you look at his haven’t been

Amazing and I think part of that is going to come to play for him and some person that that we’re going to mention on the Western Conference ballot too I’m going to give the nod to Jaylen Brown because he’s J he’s Jaylen Brown if we we’re saying between Derrick White and

Jaylen Brown who would I prefer in the All-Star game I’m going with Jaylen Brown he’s been number four and I know he is as good as these numbers I just read to you um says so now we’re got three players competing for two spots Trey Young’s case is we have the fifth

Best offense in all basketball and my team is awful on paper I the Atlanta Hawks are just one of those teams I was going to put together a whole segment of this show talking about the Atlanta Hawks I won’t be for the sake of time but while most people are watching the

The wild card games in NFL I was watching the Washington Wizards dog the Atlanta Hawks and story for another day I guess but Trey young is still an engine of a top five offense every single season um if you ask him he’s playing the best defense of his career

He is it still ain’t good though but he is an engine of the one of the top offenses Scotty barns all the advanced stats say Scotty Barnes is an Allstar and you’re crazy if you keep him off the ballot but I F I fought for him man I fought to

Get him on the ballot it’s like for me it was between Dame and Scotty sorry Trey young I you deserve it I swear you deserve it but it’s only 12 spots it’s only 12 spots and the two people that I’m leaving off are try young and Scotty Barnes they are playing phenomenal

Basketball and their respective teams those teams are bad and I’m saying that now and you’re going to clip it because we going to get to the Western Conference and I got multiple All Stars on bad teams on the Western Conference but these two teams the Atlanta Hawks

And and and the the uh Toronto Raptors are just just not there just yet so I did give Damen lard the KN even though again it’s a down year and if you tell me you rather have Trey young there I ain’t mad at you if you tell me you

Rather have Scotty Barnes there trust me I ain’t mad at you but I did go with Dame Dolla and Jaylen Brown as the last two spots in my Eastern Conference ballot now before we get to our Western Conference ballots I do want to do my favorite segment H askb you can

Go to Twitter you can go into the comment section of this and use the hhkb and I’ll try to get some of my favorite ones and answer them now these are two that are not basketball Centric but y’all know this the Kenny Beach podcast not the Kenny beachum basketball

Podcast we try we try to talk about a little bit of everything now this first one comes from our guy Andrew Houston who I met in Houston a few months ago cool guy um can you share how the enjoy Brand Works in to I’m reading the verbatim and to what you’re doing with

Omaha ESPN is it like shared ownership are you want a mple podcast tied to the enjoy Brand that aren’t related to your own pod uh bunch of questions there let me try to answer for you so uh me and the guys team up with Omaha ESPN on our

Other podcast numbers on the board we just launched on Saturday quick plug if you’re interested numbers on the board podcast we just dropped the first episode um this is couple different ways these contracts really work in the industry and what we we’ve learned over the last couple years um there’s a full

Loone like IP buy which is basically what I did in our previous contract with House of highlights where they say hey you’re own salary for the next couple years we own the IP we’re gonna pay you handsomely but it’s not your show you can host it you can do everything but we

Only IP um that’s one structure to a deal like this and the other structure is more like a licensing deal where that’s the deal we’re on now where we as numbers on the board enjoy basketball own the show um but on h/ ESPN is licens

So um a sponsor of there is not is not our sponsor it’s their sponsor you know what I’m saying so they’re selling ads on our show and in return we get nice salaries yes we do we get nice salaries um and then they they have the incentive

To of course help us grow our show because help growing our show means that they could sell different ads on our show and it’s it’s goes way deeper but all you need to know is that we still have all creative control like the first episode ES PN company they didn’t even

Look at the run a show it’s not none of their business they pay us to do what we want to do you know what I’m saying and that that’s like the combination of uh relationship that I really wanted um where like when we left House of highlights they weren’t very interested

In a lier deal they wanted to continue to own the IP which again I don’t I don’t blame them why why get rid of an IP why give an IP back when you already bought it right so I don’t blame how the highlights for that um but it’s not

Shared ownership again we completely own it that like in a couple years if for whatever reason the Omaha ESPN conversations end and two years when our contract is up we want to walk away we will we’ll own the YouTube channel we’ll own the audio we’ll own all of that but

Again hopefully the the Omaha espa connection it’s just like that we only couple a couple days in and it’s been phenomenal um and it said do you want multiple podcast tied to enjoy Brand that aren’t your own pod yes so right now there’s only two pods under the

Enjoy Brand it is this pod that you’re watching or listening to and then it is numbers on the board the idea is to eventually grow a podcast Network that’s not just Kenny Beach and led shows um very similar to what Bill Simmons did a few years ago when he left ESPN to

Create the ringer where it started off is just the Bill Simmons podcast or the Bill Simmons is it show podcast whatever it’s his show and then he branched off to have the ringer um NBA show and then the mismatch and then now they got a bunch of Pop cultures and movies and

Stuff like that I I think that’s like the the road map we’re going for right now our focus is on this show and then numbers on the board we’re probably a year out before we start thinking about adding new Talent that’s not my friends and family basically uh we just want to

Get these shows off the ground and get them running well so yes eventually we will bring in more podcast so if you’re in a podcast game keep grinding and maybe you get picked up by the enjoy Brand I don’t know I I don’t know the

Next one com from srad ow I don’t know if that means OverWatch but maybe it does I ain’t play OverWatch in maybe three four years it’s been a long time it’s only when YouTubers and creators retired step away and they’re talking about M pack um um um Tom Scott me and

So on and so forth that we hear about the grind they go through the long hours the recording sessions the editing the other processes um have you managed to keep things fresh for yourself now I’m not going to come out here and act like I have one of the toughest jobs in the

World because I don’t I have one of the easiest jobs if you ask me one of the most fulfilling jobs one of the my literal dream job like I could not imagine doing anything else so I’m not trying to make as a story about the amount of time that YouTubers put in

Because I mean even though we put in a lot of hours it’s no different than a normal person in a lot of cases like I don’t believe I’m working eight hour more than eight hours a day but maybe I am I don’t know I don’t punch a Time

Clock to even know that um but yeah you do get times where you put in long hours you record for eight hours straight and yes it can be tiring and taxing and things like that how do I keep things fresh uh if you’ve been a fan of my

Content you know that Kenny Kenny be me I’m I am not against just doing random stuff and creating content out of it so there’s a period of time where I was burned out to the te open a PO box and this was two years ago and I just did PO

Box videos there was a time I was burned out and I was like hell I’m picking up manga let me make a couple manga videos cool hell I’m burned out let I want to make bite-sized pieces of NBA content I created hint of Hoops so when I get

Burned out I make more content it makes no sense it’s probably not smart but but that’s just the way it is for me now the people that are retire Matt pack uh Matt Pat Uh uh Tom Scott their brands of cont content inherently is more difficult

Than mine right my job is to watch basketball in most cases write things down when you watch it and then regurgitate the things you wrote down pretty simple in in the grand scheme of things while theirs is like creating an entire script of different theories or Tom Scott dropped a video every single

Week where he was doing stuff that I ain’t even thought about doing he had to come up with the ideas he had to make the trips do the travel my job is a lot easier than theirs there’s different scales to the YouTube world or the content creation world and I would say I

Am in in the Sports World in general in consecration it’s a lot less taxing than some of the other world so I’m appreciative to the fact that I don’t have to go through this insane amount of uh uh lag or things that that Tom or

Matt pack did but it is a sad day to see Tom go and Matt Pat but I I appreciate the time they gave to this platform you know what I’m saying it is sad to see them go but I’m happy for him because at the end of the day y’all believe it or

Not my goal is to retire one day too I I’m not saying when it’s happening because I think I’m at the very start of my journey but eventually I my goal is to retire I think everybody’s is at the end of the day no matter what your job

Is you want to be financially stable enough to say hey I don’t need to work anymore and hopefully that day come for me one day I I don’t really know but um I keep myself fresh by continuing to work makes no sense all right let’s get to what you’ve been waiting for the

Western Conference ballot because I mentioned how difficult it was for the east to west was times harder 10 times harder okay I believe um that the when it comes to starters there are three or maybe four depending on who you ask that are absolutely locked out west and is

Luka donic as the lead guard do I need to explain he has one of the the the biggest loads and basketball as far as what he has to do on the offensive side of the ball and continuously the uh Dallas Mavericks have been able to win games and you look at their surrounded

Pieces it’s not great krie Irvin has been hooping though Kyrie has been hooping if it wasn’t for his gamees play he would be probably on my b he’s not um Luca does so many different things I mean we’re talking about Gams when he goes into halftime with a a 20-point

Triple double it makes zero sense Shar Alexander is one of the top two players in MVP right now um they’re one of the youngest teams of basketball and he’s leading them to wins every single night it feels like no explanation there and another one of the favorites to win MVP

Is Nicole yic though I need to explain he’s he’s coming off a Championship uh two MVPs in the previous years and he’s still doing great things even though his counter stats have dropped if you’re watching Nicole even though he had that two game stretch between the Clippers

And the rockets I want to say where he could not hit a shot like he was missing everything his his counter stats have dropped a little bit but if you watch them you know he’s as good as ever and he’s doing as much as he ever really has

So boom those are my complete complete locks another lock for some people maybe is Braun Braun’s 39 years old still amazing again I’m not trying to predict it Braun is 100% going to start in the allstar game you know it’s 100% he’s you look at the the return ballots he’s

Going to start um but some people might think think he’s not a a lock to start and you know what I ain’t mad at it because there are people that I would say are having better Seasons than him but braon is Braun he’ll be there now the rest those those uh that other

Starting spot at the fourth position I tried to pick between three players all three of these players will end up making a ballot so I guess it doesn’t matter who starts who’s coming off the bench it is Anthony Davis it is Kevin Durant it is kawh Leonard again all of

Those guys made it so congratulations to him but who deserves to start it feels a bit weird to have the Lakers be as bad as they are and not just have two Allstars but have two Allstar starters that feels weird even though Anthony Anthony in my opinion has been

The better Laker he’s been the best Laker Again part of that 39 year old Bron he doesn’t hopefully you know he doesn’t have to be the best player but maybe he should because they’re they’re not very good right now they have the same exact record through 40 games this

Year than they did last year which is crazy um and that that was last year before the Russell Westbrook trade I don’t I don’t I don’t know if it feels right to have two starters on the team that is s 500 so because of that let me

Substitute to Kevin Durant it’s not like y’all are playing Great Hoops right now either but your you know who he is he’s Kevin Durant so I’m gonna put KD as my starter and Anthony can come to the bench um kawh Leonard also I mentioned to you you are there and if you were

Star and ain’t mad at it because you are playing phenomenal ball um they do not they they just rarely lose with him on the on the court I think they’ve lost one game since the beginning of December with him now they are currently playing right now um and I supposed to had this

Up but I I I’m going to see are they winning the answer is they are losing by 10 with two minutes ago it’s wrap so they they just lost another game with kawh Leonard on the court but two losses with kawhai playing in a month and a

Half it’s just absurd work the Clippers are rolling the Kawai has been their best player by far he’s one of the best catch shoot players in basketball he’s one of the best ISO players in basketball and he’s still coming off screens and hitting a bunch of shots too

I don’t need to explain to you ka Lind is doing this thing so as of right now with Lucas Shay yoke Braun ad KD and Kawai that’s seven of my 12 spots done let’s get to my Reserve guards sethh Curry’s averaging 26 five and five cool that’s pretty cool you know what I’m

Saying he’s still sethh Curry uh maybe lot it’s a less than what we traditionally know for Steph Curry and the Warriors are more um I don’t know they’re just worse than we’re accustomed to but he’s still Stephen Curry you know what I’m saying some of these players

And this is this is unfair this is unfair for the first timers or the second timers some of these players even if their numbers take a dip and in Steph Curry’s cases we’re talking about a dip but not like he went from 38 points per game to 26 he’s taking a dip nonetheless

Some players just have it Steph Curry is one of those guys and if I go to my Eastern Conference um uh who’s who’s that guy for me who is that guy for me uh like Jaylen Brown getting in there it’s just part of it his reputation again Jaylen Brown doesn’t have the

Stats to a 25 50% 40% but like some guys are just going to be there and it’s just the way it is and Steph Curry is one of those guys so he’s there the next guy it’s Anthony Eris I just mentioned how they’re they’re playing against the the

Clippers and they’re winning oh the Clippers are making a little run who knows what’s goingon to happen they are the best team in the Western Conference record-wise um record-wise and they deserve to have at least one All-Star and Anthony ett there’s nobody that’s GNA argue the fact that Anthony ever

Deserve to be an All-Star he is another lock to me um if I see an Anthony Edwards list ballot I’m assuming you’re not watching Hoops because he he has been the best player on the team now there was a stretch a couple weeks stretch where carony towns was the best

Player on the Minnesota Tims and it may have been for like three weeks but since then it’s been back to Antman Atman has a shot where it’s high off the glass for midrange bank and he’s doing it more this year than any other year and I

Don’t even know if there’s a stat to prove that but I’m just saying as a guy that’s watched a lot of Tims because I’m a Rudy gobear fan I’m seeing it I’m seeing it a lot I’m seeing it a lot so as of right now we have

Nine nine of our 12 spots and those are my locks now after this it’s like okay here are the here’s the collection of talent that I am picking between you see me keep glancing over I’m trying to see if the clip is gonna make that run these

This is the collection of talent I’m picking between it is dearon Fox it is alpren shenon it is damat sabonis it is Paul George it is uh Brandon Ingram it is Devin Booker carony towns Chad hren Rudy goar and Desmond bank I have 10 players for three spots now this feels

Weird right the Lakers have two all stars and they’re bad right now the Suns could potentially have two Allstars and they’re not very great but these teams are so very topheavy that it just it’s probably the way to go go Brandon Ingram is not having this super phenomenal phenomenal year he’s

Been really good don’t get me wrong his offici has tanked a little bit but they’re one of the better teams in basketball and I’m gonna tell you right now Brandon Ingram is not on his ballot he did not make the official list and he would be he would

Be the only current playoff team not represented would be the Pelicans if I leave him off this ballot and that feels wrong Zion didn’t even make my top 10 of people that I’m fighting for these three spots BR Brandon Ingram did but he’s not the guy

Unfortunately one of the guys that I do have and my last Forge spot before we get to wild cards is Paul George now before I came down to the basement to film this episode Paul George started off this game one for 10 and maybe the part of

Them being back in this game was because he turned it up but it was maybe not the greatest day to give you Paul George propaganda but here it is he is still one of the best catch and shoot players in all of basketball we mentioned that

In the last episode I think it was 45% on catch and shoot and he’s not only been used that way but man he’s get a lot of catch and shoot opportunities right now he is the best or top three in coming off screens and creating for himself or for others the Clippers are

One of the best defensive teams in basketball and a lot of that is why a lot of that is Brody Russell Wester coming off the bench and a lot of that is Paul George he’s one of those guys that I feel really good about having my last dedicated forward spot now if you

Didn’t have him and you win with Al BR shenon I’m not mad at it whatsoever I’m not mad at it whatsoever because Alp is one of those players that I have advocated to make the allstar game but that was before I started to put together my ballot when they played

Against the Chicago boyss a couple days ago they won on a huge run I think Al shenon went into halftime with like two points he ended with like third uh 26 all second second half bucket bucket pass bucket bucket footwork leaning mid-range jump shot he’s got it all if

You had some bonus in the spot a m Ed he’s leading the league in rebounds he’s good for seven to eight assists per game and also giving you 20 points he’s nearly a triple double every single night understand it my first wild card spot is dearon FOX NOW the last couple

Weeks of dearon might ruin his case because reccy bias is a thing and he has not been good since the turn of the calendar year he just hasn’t um at least his own standards because before that he was averaging 30 plus points per game he had a career high at three-point

Percentage a career high on um on mid-range jump shot I’m sorry on uh pullup jump shots he was playing great ball but the last two weeks he hasn’t now when I mentioned the ballots and stuff are in at the end of next week so maybe the stretch of him not playing

Great ball is going to ruin his case now he did have a good game tonight so maybe he’s back on the swing of things but I’m giving him that last spot I wanted to give so so okay okay we’re down to sabonis alpie Devin Booker that’s it i’ I’ve got rid of

Carony towns I’ve got rid of Rudy go home Des Bane Des Bane I I swear I wanted to get you in there too but the team is one of the worst in basketball and that’s not because of you but it is what it is uh Gober you might

Be the dpy this season it’s not the year I don’t think Carney towns was one of the few or the last 50 40 90 players in basketball and they’re the number one seed and I mentioned earlier how like the Celtics have been so damn good that

I wanted to get them two All Stars I try I wanted to do the same thing for the Timberwolves they’ve been phenomenal they’ve been the best team out west and it looks like they’re gonna close out this game it feels weird to not give

Them two All Stars I’m not doing it so I really boiled it down to sabonis alrin shenon and Devin Booker and the guy I ended up with was book and the Suns again have not been great and the problem I have with my ballot and I’m the one that created the

Ballot is that we have Kevin Durant and Devin Booker two players on the Suns it’s not a great team and we have Anthony Davis and LeBron two players that are another team that’s not very good I’m not saying I have the perfect ballot but that’s what I ended up with

Alp hopefully next year’s or year U maybe this year’s a year again my this is not gospel it’s not set in stone this is just my personal ballot and sabonis it was one of the hardest players to keep off I it’s one of the hardest players to keep off he’s been great

But it’s only a limited amount of spots before we get out of here we got to bring it back Greg’s I test takes he’s here some some of y’all been agreeing with Greg lately some of y’all been hating his takes but let’s see why stand today Greg how you feeling today man I’m

Great Kenny how you doing good good good all right let’s start this so first one the Andrew Wiggins 2021 22 season to me was an anomaly the exception not the rule he’s been a consistently underwhelming player for the rest of his career Greg I think the I think the it

Test is right there man um Greg’s a Warriors fan so he’s been dealing with wickets for the last couple Seasons I mean the consensus when he was in Minnesota was like oh he’s giving us some good counting stats as far as points but he doesn’t rebound he doesn’t

Defend as well as he probably should he doesn’t pass then he gets to the Warriors and now we think that the system is going to change him and it did Allstar starter but the last 18 19 months of Wiggins has been as bad as anybody could imagine so I think that

The it Testa saying that’s the truth um could have Chang the scenery again rejuvenate him for a second time maybe but I’m not too optimistic about it where would you want to see him next where would I want to see Wiggins next he I I’m just I guess he’s just

Been so very bad and he just got the extension that I can’t even imagine him anywhere else because what team is Trad of him right now because exactly what you said the everything else other than the one Championship Brun says that Wiggins hasn’t been very good so we’re

Going to attach ourselves to three more years of of that um I like him as an athlete and any time I see an athlete I want to send him to play with Tyrese so let’s say Indiana even though they would never take on their contract I like that

Uh Second One the NBA would be better with no timeouts in the last two minutes of games I don’t agree with this one one one of my favorite things is a um a sideline out of bounds when it’s only a couple seconds left in the game I love

When a coach can draw something up I love when we get the the Tyson Chandler just throw it at The Rim because we only got 0.9 seconds to make it happen and without timeouts we don’t get none of that um I understand where you’re coming from though from the viewing experience

But I just think that there are so many different uh chess pieces that can move oh we’re going to put our best defensive player in now and then get the offensive player in after the next timeout that I kind of like the chess match between coaches and I think without timeouts we

Don’t get that enough last one uh you mentioned Dame earlier so despite his you know I wouldn’t say struggles but he’s taking time to figure it out this season I believe he will become Peak Dame in the playoffs every Milwaukee fan in the world is hoping that’s the case um he’s

Always been a a very phenomenal player and highle situations and nothing from this season makes me think that that would go away um even right now if you look at his fourth quarter scoring he’s one of the top three players in fourth quarter scoring and the betting odds

Have him in the top TS when it comes to clut player of the year and I think think we’re going to continue to see that Adrien Griffin also has to allow him to run more pick and roll with Giannis and I’m just I think every Milwaukee Bucks fan person that is

Watching bucks regularly is just hoping that they start to do that more towards the end of the season to the playoffs because that opens up Giannis as the r man and obviously Dame has unlimited amount of range and you can’t you can’t really guard that especially with Chris

Middleton plan as good as he has been and then you add uh Brook Lopez who’s been a Splash Mountain for the last couple Seasons yeah I think we as NBA fans and the NBA media a lot of times when it comes to ranking players or assessing the game have pretty

Short-term memory I think when it comes to guys like Dame it’s important to have some long-term memory and just understand what he’s done and what he’s capable of in the biggest moments yeah other than the one abdominal year where he was injured with his abdominal injury he’s been ridiculous like um for the

Majority of it he’s probably like what the third best point guard in basketball um then he ended up being second because eventually Russell Westbrook had his tumble down from being one of the top ones and then he set towards number two for a long time and then now we got like

Luca we got Shay who probably classifies as point guards but he has been as consistent as ever and then when you talk about walking off series he has two of those in his bag like already which is just crazy to really think About I want to thank you so much for watching or listening to this episode of the Kandy Beach and podcast again this is a fluid conversation you let me know what you think about the trade about the Bulls versus their former gener en manager the allstar ballot oh I know the

Comments is going to go crazy I just looked at the box score of Milwaukee Bucks versus Kings sabonis had 214 and 15 on 90% shooting God I left him off the ballot hey I a say I was perfect leave a like subscribe and I’ll see y’all in a couple Days

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  1. So jamal murray, the guy who just won a championship and is on the three seed doesn't have the experience or reputation, yet, steph does. Stephs out of the playoffs bron and ad barely in, and it's not even a question they just get it. This league doesn't make sense, this is so bullshit man I hate this league all big market centric.

  2. So Kenny does HoH still own “TTW”? i cant see them doing anything with that to make money without yall tbh

  3. Hey Kenny, when looking to expand the enjoy podcast network, expand into different sports too! y’all could be a powerhouse. When it comes to football you should eventually check out ThatFranchiseGuy. Solid following, similar roots to you (madden instead of 2k) and then doing very analytical and deep dive podcasts i think that would be a great team up

  4. The Dallas hate from Kenny is insane, never hear or see a video about them just a 10 sec piece here and there 😂

  5. Trae has been growing on me honestly, he's REALLY good. And his defence, at least statistically, is really not that bad anymore.

  6. I still stand by the cold take that Anthony Edwards should’ve had Wiggins all star spot that year. And to anyone who says it was a forward spot, the Wolves started both Pat Bev and DLo that year consistently so Ant was the 3 just like Wiggins

  7. Every year my hopes that Jamal Murray will make an all star team dwindle further. He could end his career as the best player to never make an all star team

  8. Hey Kenny, Love the podcast and your case for the eastern all stars and I respect your decison on having dame over Scottie barnes. (Scottie Barnes Fan btw). I wouldn't be mad if Trae nmakes it over too. And I understand what you mean by how the teams playing and thats what makes me sad that I might not see Scottie in the all star game. I just wish Toronto did a trade earleir so they can finally confirm in the direction theyre going with building around scottie barnes and also having scottie barnes be more possesions. Maybe either this year he is a injury replacement last minute or even a wildcard. This years All Star voting is VERY VERY hard to choose. Hopefully Scottie makes it tho. VOTE SCOTTIE LMAO!! Hope yall have a great day!

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