@Oklahoma City Thunder

What a mature and thoughtful response from Paul George to a dumb question. He’ll always be loved here. He gave the team a chance and sacrificed his body during the 2019 season to bring success. I hope we can stop bringing about the trade everytime PG’s mentioned. Both great players!

What a mature and thoughtful response from Paul George to a dumb question. He’ll always be loved here. He gave the team a chance and sacrificed his body during the 2019 season to bring success. I hope we can stop bringing about the trade everytime PG’s mentioned. Both great players!

by enfirst2


  1. TheNumberSeven_7

    Loved PG before, loved him during, and loving him after.

    He’s never done us dirty, he just never stayed for the length of time to create a really major impact or emotional connection to fans. He’s always been great though

  2. And at the end he says Thunder won the trade because they got an eventual MVP 😢. Love the guy, love his humbleness.

  3. Headlesshorsman02

    Always love watching him play, he has such aesthetically pleasing game and seems like a genuinely good dude, hard not to root for the guy

  4. thelogoat44

    Love PG but we clearly won unless they win a chip lol. So far they just traded their far off future for 2nd round exits and one WCF appearance.

  5. Fair_Pomegranate2535

    This narrative gotta stop, people forget PG13 came from that gruesome injury then turned that around into an MVP candidate when he was playing for OKC. When OKC traded him he was MVP level of player playing great offense and defense. The clippers would have not agreed to that they if they don’t know what they’re getting. OKC would have not get that kind of trade package if he played like crap.

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