@Denver Nuggets

Embiid and Maxey outduel Jokic and Murray in Philly | The DNBA Show

Embiid and Maxey outduel Jokic and Murray in Philly | The DNBA Show

Oh boy wouldn’t the worst wasn’t good wasn’t the worst what’s up everybody Welcome to the losers Lounge the Nuggets fall 1212 126 in Philadelphia in the MVP Showdown embiid goes for a monstrous 41 points and 10 assists to go along with seven rebounds joic goes for 25 points 19 rebounds

Three assists and the 76ers pull it out in the fourth quarter outscoring Denver 277 we got a lot to talk about I feel like there’s a lot first we’re going to lament we’re going to speak emotionally then we’re going to be rational and try to talk about about some of the

Different things that happened cuz there were some very strange but also interesting choices made by both teams in this game we’ll talk about all of that and analyze this one I got brenen vote with me I will say that the result did not go in Denver Nuggets fans way

The game did live up to the hype though playoff atmosphere in the dmvr bar tonight really good game really it was fun man it was fun to feel something like that in in in January and I am looking forward to the next one but we got this one to talk about still I

Remembered this was a true story last year in the playoffs I had to stop drinking caffeine because during the games I’d be like my heart would be going too fast tonight it happened I forgot about it so tonight I had some caffeine my heart was about to explode

Uh over here I got Harrison wind I think vot’s right this is the only game that’s felt like a playoff game so far this season game one had like this for the first quarter the the first quarter of that cuz the dominated so much yeah you might be right actually this one felt

Different though I mean this felt like a game seven defitely did I think it was way too sloppy for that but the intensity for us and in the bar for sure and then Superstar Dev yeah I couldn’t believe how invested I was in that game I thought that uh I liked other games

Throughout the year none of them felt like that one none of them the entire time like halftime took an hour yeah like I was just I was into that one it reminds you how different the regular season and playoffs are honestly like it’s I was watching at the start of the

Season I was watching uh finals highlight and I just remember being like they’re playing so fast and so hard like running up and down the court and then you watch regular season at so half tonight I would say three qus asked yeah wasn’t quite half ass it wasn’t quite playoff

Intensity but it definitely was up there let’s do a fast breakdown start the game My First note I was so ready for this you got this there’s some unsatisfying things tonight first note embiid not guarding yic what a coward who would do that second note yish not guarding and

Beat either h right well that’s one of the stories those guys just didn’t guard each other backfired on me today did you tweet it out oh man you ready to go what a mistake I was ready I was so ready to tweet it out cuz I do think it’s so

Cowardly but guess what we’re cowards too damn it lost The memoral High Ground uh embiid was playing deep drop on P dhos and p&rs all game he was just not guarding pull-up jumpers kyp taking advantage of it Michael Porter Jr also on fire uh and then Joel embiid also on

Fire this game that’s going to be a recurring note throughout the show 3836 nuggets at the end of one Nuggets doing enough to gain a little bit of a lead Christian Brown backto back threes and 11 points in his first stint the dude was on fire it was unbelievable bench

Held Court 55 53 nuggets when they checked out they were up I think that much and they they held on to that so you know a good first stint from the bench in large part because of pton Watson and Christian Brown not guys you you typically expect um both teams in

The bonus in the second quarter with 6 minutes to go though this game for the first what would that be 18 minutes A+ yeah a plus game the last 6 minutes of the second quarter a typical like there was 35 free throws in the first half

They all came in the six minute span to end the half it was kind of choppy actually at that point joic picked up two Sixers had an 80 run in the final minute but then the Nuggets rallied in the in the last like 30 seconds to make

It tied Murray hit the buzzer beater 7878 felt appropriate felt like the game should be that Denver came out with a very weird double teaming strategy in the second half they were bringing the help immediately one pass away and then rotating somebody from The Far Side all

The way over it was super dumb and the Sixers it was there was two stretches in this game that cost Denver uh the game that one where they went on like an 80 run all self-inflicted Denver just doing that weird strategy they call timeout and mix it up but the damage was done

Yoka chin knocked heads um and then there was a nice run to close the quarter at the end of the third so Denver’s struggling the last 3 minutes Denver throws a Haymaker 15-2 run to take the lead jic was going to work he was getting the ball at the short roll

And finishing he was dominant 10499 nuggets going into the fourth but Tobias Harrison the fourth had an ISO attack just going ISO scoring over and over again and it got them back into the game and then I thought Malone left the starters out 1 minute too long it was

Just a little bit too long he kept them on there DeAndre Jordan foued Marcus Morris on a three-point shot it was a four-point play in a game where nobody could pull away a fourpoint foul against the bench from your Center oh that was a tough one a minute away from yoke taking

The floor too so they come back and no it was right then they check in both both both starters come back in 7 minutes and 28 seconds left Jamal Murray the second stretch that called cost Denver though was that first minutes with them on the court Murray had two

Turnovers attributed to him and I think another one that wasn’t or a shot clock violation not attributed to him he just was making horrible reads in the pick and roll for some reason for one embiid was in deep drop take the shot and then embiid on fire in the fourth quarter he

Just did not miss including the dagger which was a lot like last year a three right over yic he wasn’t missing tonight he had I believe I can’t tell exact number either six or eight points in the paint tonight he had 32 or 34 points outside of the paint tonight he was just

Absolutely on fire with his jumper and they get the the win 12621 all right Dev start us off what’s your big takeaway big takeaway was if that is what we would get in a finals sign me up right right now that game was incredible like

A a a classic type game and it does suck that they did not go against each other because those two guys really do want it they want it um really competed hard against each other did everything they could to try to like secure the win for their team um but the competitive Edge

On both sides um was up it’s not like a yage didn’t care about that matchup he did he he gave it his all um but I really did love that game it was good it was a really good game G it is hard sometimes to separate it I will say for

Me personally this one does just feel like a like a regular bummer it’s not like distraught I think last year I was more distraught by the by the game this one look Denver played well they didn’t do the things they needed to do to pull

It out yeah what about you wind my big takeaway comes down to the fourth quarter because that to me is where this game was lost it was 111 111 when the Nugget starters and yic check back into this game Denver gets outscored 2717 in the fourth and Jamal Murray wasn’t good

Enough he was not good enough in the fourth quarter two very costly turnovers in the fourth quarter on just basic Twan pick and rolls with Nicole yic you know plays and passes he’s made a million times in the finals and just the nuggets execution in the fourth was not good

Enough and I feel like Jamal Murray got outplayed by Tyrese Maxi today Tyrese Maxi had way more energy in this one than Jamal Murray did I thought and look it’s not like you needed Jamal Murray to score 30 points because the Nuggets didn’t enough scoring but you just

Needed him to be better yeah you just needed Jamal Murray to be better tonight and he wasn’t good enough strong agree on that point strong agree on it we’re going to get into some Murray stuff here for sure take I did have the same one on

On crunch time them just not looking uh not looking like the Nuggets right in there couple stretches where it felt like they played like it was a playoff game back in the days when they would go to game sevens and sometimes they’d get a little rattled and uh like

Particularly in the in the final four minutes of that game Denver was still in it yeah and they seemed to play that game as if they were out you know what I mean it was a little like they were down by 15 there was it was bizarre like I I thought maybe

Cleaner Nuggets basketball down the stretch and that was still a game as evidenced by only the five-point deficit a margin of of loss so I just thought it was weird I thought Denver kind of in a spot where we’re used to them being composed they weren’t um but also I

Think some of this is like you could take that exact same game and you play in Denver and the 5 to 10% swings could go Denver’s way you know Philly Philly players hit their open shots in Philly I’d like to see it in Denver um but yeah they they weren’t composed enough down

The stretch and and that was still a winnable game for me definitely was definitely not composed which is weird because the whole game I felt like guys stepped up I mean this was both teams as role players made shots tonight at a crazy clip especially in the first three

Quarters they were just incredible shot making from guys you didn’t expect Christian Brown Pat Beverly pton Watson you know Michael Porter you do expect it but he brought it tonight like there were just Tobias Harris all the other guys I felt like stepped up I thought yoke played a very good game embiid

Played a phenomenal game Maxi played a good game I’m agree with you that I thought Murray did not have necessarily a great game he was the one missing piece but for me the big takeaway is the defense Denver decided to play bothers me and it bothers me because

It it was a little gimmicky you know it was gimmicky one to go we understand why you take him beat off of joic for one last year yic was cooking and bead in the post even tonight in the moments when he got him one-on-one he did a

Great job I think he scored every time when he in the few times where he got him switched on him maybe he missed one or two here I don’t remember but he was scoring well so I understand why the 76ers take him off Aaron Gordon not a great floor spacer we’ve it’s actually

The smart way to guard Denver is to put the rim protector off of joic and onto Aaron Gordon but for Denver to be doing these doubles that were so obvious like embiid had 10 assists tonight and I don’t know if any of them were like like impressive Denver just made the easiest

One pass away hard double and like I I get it you’re scared of him cuz he’s going off but guess what you didn’t stop him either so you ended up giving away both the scoring and the assisting tonight and you did it on a defense that I’ve never seen them employ before this

Isn’t like they’ve done this against other team so you bust out a new defense to me it feels a little um like almost like you’re not trusting your team to do it or not putting him like challenging your team to go out there and I thought okay maybe you do it

For a half maybe you do it for three quarters fourth quarter here they come yok’s got two fouls you got four fouls to give put them on and beat Nellis guard straight up and they still didn’t do it so part of me is frustrated with the fact that Denver seemed to concede

That in way in ways to not like Philly where at least it makes sense with Denver I’m like what are you doing this isn’t how you play yeah I think that’s where Denver really lost the game to start that second you know half where he’s he got to just get a few different

Shots off yeah they came on on a run after that but it just showed them like you talk about gimmicky it was reactionary that is not the defense that they typically play ever so now you’re putting guys in different spots where they’re you know not trusting their defense or they’re just leaving Guys

Open because it’s not something that they you know do often also you have Defenders that you can employ out there and you know if you take off yic off I I don’t think that they should have but once you take them off of them you still

Have the guys that you can match up with Aaron Gordon’s a great defender kcp is a great defender Jamal he just didn’t have it today and Michael Porter Jr you know struggles at times but they didn’t attack him every single time so why not stick with what’s working but also stick

To your brand of basketball that was not their brand of basketball and that’s where um it gets tough to watch because the Sixers were ready for that they have seen that all year where guys are trying so hard to like stop embiid where you go

Away from what got you to this point so um the reactionary defense I do think that’s where they lost the game well you said embiid in the Sixers were ready for it the Nuggets definitely didn’t seem ready for it they did not execute that game plan very well especially in the

Third quarter just ridiculous basic mistakes on defense like doubling off of Tyrese Maxi and leaving him wide open but I think that was the game plan like I that they were doing it as if it was the plan that’s a stupid game plan that is a stupid game plan if that’s the game

I mean are you are you serious like why would you double off tyres Max he’s a great shooter it didn’t seem like Denver had a ton of confidence in the game plan going into timeouts it seemed like there was some confusion guys pointing talking it seemed like they were not confident

In what they were being asked to do and yeah I’m with you man weird to debut a never before seen defensive scheme in this game when the Nuggets never go out of their way to adjust game to game in the regular season they never do so I

Was surprised that that’s the route they went I love the points you guys are making it reminded me a lot of when uh the Celtics did win that first game against the Warriors right in the finals Tatum went off and I I this is a real take this is

A real take I’m not doing the thing this is funny though they made it too easy for T like there are certain guys where I think if you have a good enough team you kind of want to let them be themselves right and they basically did a similar thing with like these hard

Doubles and guys were one wide open one pass away and Tatum’s not a playmaker but you don’t have to be a playmaker to make that read and it was just easy wide open threes and then the next game they kind of relaxed and they let Tatum take

Some of those tough long twos and I almost felt like embiid hit every important jumper tonight like tip the Hat credit where due but I almost felt like they did themselves a disservice by making it one pass away wide open three right as opposed to like make him take

And make the long twos you can you can live with that you can trade with that but they almost made it too easy and they turned a guy into a playmaker who who they later in the quarter right they they had the double come from a

Different spot on the floor and it came later in the shot clock and they had him trapped under the rim and he turned it over to yic like that those are the ways you can confuse him right but if you just give him that easy simple pass over

And over again those guys were just in a rhythm and and I’m with you guys it felt like the game swung there you I mean you want to keep them off the line this is one of the reasons you’re going to not put yok cuz you don’t want yok to get

Foul trouble I understand mixing up coverages well he gets 15 free throws keeping him off the line a little impossible I think sure but I’m saying this is one of the reasons that you make a switch like that is we’re going to concede some size he’s probably going to

Have an efficient scoring night but then he gets to the foul line anyway and then on top of that then it’s like okay I honestly think you beat him you beat the 76ers and be goes for 40 45 points maybe even 50 points but don’t let him get the

Guy easy open threes and tonight you gave up that too you allowed them all to get comfortable I mean they shot 15 of 31 tonight from the three-point line yeah 48 and a half percent but I don’t feel like it’s Denver got unlucky I feel like NBA players shoot 48% when you

Double one pass away and give them open shots so Denver just to me gave up the trifecta yeah and then the I mean the defensive scheme of when they put Aaron Gordon on embiid that’s when he got going that’s when he got free throw line he shot over him every single time he

Was excited to see that matchup because you don’t do that on him like yeah they do that but they have Defenders where they can do that embiid is a guy that’s just aggressive he’s going to get to the free throw line he’s going to keep shooting every single time like that was

Not on Aaron Gordon to be able to try to have that matchup CU he’s just not big enough in any way and then he got his momentum going and then they started trying to send double teams and then embiid is a good enough playmaker where he can hit the open guy they start

Knocking down shots Tobias Harris had an incredible game um it just was a lot of bad at the right time um you know for the Sixers so um I mean you you tip your hat to their game plan but this is what they see every single night that’s what

Bothers me most they didn’t give the Sixers any new looks they did what they wanted them to do yeah so frustrating one um I put this up people did not like me saying on Twitter uh I tip my cap to embiid tonight because last year one of

My takeaways from last year’s game was you know yoke was dominating through three and a half quarters and embiid had 30 something points and my whole thing was but they’re all outside the paint keep come outside the paint and you’re up 15 and this is the you know that’s

Actually the script some guys you just say if they score their points it’s okay that tonight if you would have told me embiid would have had six or eight points in the paint that that’s all he got I’d have been like I’ll take it that is exactly what you want tip your hat

When a guy makes a bunch of shots and I’m with you good shoot you wouldn’t tell Steph Curry to get easy shots cuz he’ll get going and then he’s going to make tough shots and I thought tonight that scheme allowed him to get easy shots early and he just rolled that

Momentum all the way through to the end of the game so um all right let’s take our first break on the other side I do want to get to Jamal Murray because I have a take I have a pretty scorching take about Jamal Murray that I’ve

Thought about for a while but it felt too harsh tonight feels appropriate guys go to dmvr to get set up with fubotv if you want to watch the Nuggets I can say this because I have fubo TV there’s no better platform to watch some on than fubo crystal clear

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Gamble responsibly if you are someone you know as a gambling problem and wants help caller Texas 1800 Gambler and we are back um I’ve long said that I think that joic and Murray can be and will be this era as Kobe and sha only thing now stopping

Him from that is continued success one Championship down those guys won three we’ll see what Denver does with their Duo but if you remember Kobe and sha Kobe had a certain level of competitiveness seriousness to his approach and intensity to him he was constantly in shape constantly locked in

Consistent and then you had Shaq who was sometimes used the regular season to get in shape I don’t think guys need to be in playoff shape in October and November Murray was the most tired guy on the court tonight and I think the reason he

Is a playoff Riser is great as it is and we owe him an enormous gratitude for what he does in the playoffs consistently but I think it’s clear that he doesn’t take the regular season seriously from a conditioning standpoint because you watch all the guys on the

Court tonight there were old guys on the court there’s Nick tomb on the court running him down and blocking his shot and if you go back and watch that highlight I was wondering if somebody had slowed down the Highlight to like 3/4 speed the how slow he was going and

Embiid was in a drop tonight wide open buckets if you want them wide open buckets from the foul line in the pick and roll if you want them that’s the shot they’re giving you he missed one you know he took a couple but didn’t really wasn’t aggressive there get switches against guys dances

With the ball for a long period can’t do much with them so I just it’s one of the things about Murray that bothers me is he is a different player when he gets in shape he’s so quick the bubble was the best I’ve ever seen him in terms of just

Quickness last year in the playoffs and especially in the finals by the time that went on the Lakers and final and heat one he was phenomenal but for some reason like Shaq he’s content to only be that guy when it matters most and again most important when he does but it is

Frustrating on nights like this narrative nights when you’re like all right but Maxi’s going to outplay you because cuz you’re just too tired and that’s just how it felt tonight it’s a harsh criticism but it’s how I felt somebody said he he plays like he’s 34

He really does look like old out there at times like some nights he’s moving well and sometimes he’s not I hate how aggressive and spry he looks against the bad teams because this was a very good opportunity for him to just go off they gave him drop coverage where they let

Him get to his mid-range shot you know how you know how many players would love the type of drop coverage that he had tonight what would Dame think of getting like that coverage he would love that even just Maxi Maxi Jamal was just like conceding it he was like okay like

That’s okay um and he does look out of shape in these type of games he was gassed the entire time this was a hard game this was a hard game both sides of of the floor like on on offense he didn’t want to take those shots um getting shots blocked by people that

Should not be able to guard him getting the switch on people that should not be able to guard him um and then on defense he just canot keep up at at all um and you can see it in the shots like his legs are just not there he did not you

Know look good in this game and also wonder if it has something to do with that the him and Reggie playing together as the guard like combo that’s a whole another he need to just sit down for that and just let him be the guard where

He doesn’t have to bring the ball up as much or um you know use that much energy on that maybe that’s the time for him just to score or just go away from that like I don’t want that anymore but he really does have to get back in shape

Because you talk about the bubble you talk about off basketball they’re late in the season so of course he’s in shape by that time but you need him for these games that are earlier in the season you need him to come into the season in

Shape and ready to go um and he’s just not right now and it was just so clear watching him versus Tyrese Maxi tonight I mean tyres Max had played 43 minutes he could have played all 48 you know Murray seemed like he was over his limit

At 38 tonight and like Maxi was was like Maxi is like one of those toys you like wind up and you just go yeah he doesn’t stop he just keeps going um so that was that was really clear and look man a and Elite Jamal Murray is the one

Thing I think that separates the nuggets from being a 60 plus wi team in the regular season you know I think it’s true what do we always say about him slow starter playoff Riser like these things are connected in my opinion they just seem connected are we being too

Harsh though on on Murray like it does look if I had to pick between great regular season bad postseason b i I would take it the way that it is but I don’t think you guys have lost sight of that yeah yeah it’s it’s a contextualized criticism right it’s

Contained in in the reality is he he’s not been a regular season showstopper and I do think a lot of it for me has been conditioning and I I I don’t I’m not privy to Jamal’s workout plans and stuff like that right it’s all anecdotal

But we’ve said it too many times to me in the bubble he looked so amazing cuz he looked he looked like he was in incredible shape and athletically he looked more capable um he had more energy he looked shiftier and I I do we said it on the show yesterday that

As much as we expected Jamal to produce to some level in this game were we 100% confident that he was going to lay it down and again it’s not because of talent we know he’s good enough and we’ve seen him do it and by the way he

Might very well do it in this matchup in Denver in 11 days but there’s a there’s a there’s a layer of doubt and I do think a lot of it for me comes down to conditioning what’s weird about all of this is when we talk about yeah but the

Playoffs are what matter and the playoffs are where you’re there the NBA is in this weird place right now and I think it’s because we’re all smarter as fans to the very specifics of it where we just know the regular season doesn’t actually matter and it’s this weird

Thing and I think Murray also knows that and players in general know it but it kind of does suck because as a fan of sports it sucks to be aware of the meaninglessness of it right when things feel meaningful that’s when they’re the most fun the stakes feel so high and

With Murray I just think there is this thing of like yeah I’m not in shape but you know Coast through and then be healthy and ready for the playoffs it’s like yeah that’s true but then you get nights like tonight where we’re like what are we doing why are we so invested

In this stupid thing and why are we so invested with him playing with the bench exactly is that what we’re invested in I mean it is part of it right I mean this is a big part of it and look tonight Tobias Harris was the one that like Maxi

Was okay in those bench minutes but Tobias Harris was the one awesome you just kept waiting for like all right Murray give it back to him now like go like this is your chance you see what Tobias Harris is doing give us the same thing and it just wasn’t it wasn’t to be

Let’s talk about yices KN 11 of 20 he had 25 points 19 rebounds a career-high 11 offensive rebounds here’s what he was a plus one tonight which is kind of funny now I will say that’s disguised I think that’s in part because he was took taken out when Denver was fouling late

So you end up not getting docked the points in the free throw game he was probably really like a minus three or plus minus truth or well I’m just saying that people are going to be like they won his minutes but it’s a little disingenous they slightly lost his

Minutes but very very close um but to me this night like yoke we’ve often seen he takes what the defense gives you they takeen beat off of him and he knew it’s not about attacking my guy now whoever that might be it’s get on the offensive

Boards and clean up and he has 11 offensive boards I actually thought he was really good in this game I don’t have a ton of critiques of yoke other than I he would have guarded embiid a little more I thought he was very good in this game too he was very good in

This game embiid was better but I thought jic was very good yeah and I get what dline says a lot now especially after a game like this when he’s just like I just want yish out 40 you know like I just want him taking every shot it’s easier to make our

Narrative arguments when a guy goes for 40 yeah but honestly I felt a little that way tonight I I actually kind of did and I’m I’m usually never that way you know I’m usually always you just trust Nicole yic to make the play trust him to read the game I kind of just

Wanted him to go shot for shot with Joel embiid at times tonight and I feel like you know maybe Denver wins if Nicole yic has 40 in this game so he played well he played very good I thought he could have played a little better I thought he

Could have been a little bit more aggressive just looking to score um but he he played more than well enough for Denver to win yeah big matchup and he he stepped up into it um this was a game that the narrative is always like does

He care or um is he going to try to compete I feel like he competed in this one um he took 20 shots in the game where he could have just not done it I wish he would have took more like I really do love when he gets in that mode

Especially when other guys are not following him this is a game that Jamal didn’t have it going Michael Porter Jr wasn’t scoring much so like this is a game he could have t taken over especially with them going with a smaller um you know guy on them and

That’s why we saw the offensive rebounds which he had a career high of offensive rebounds because he’s he’s shooting it if he misses it he’s going to go right back up with it and that’s where the Competitive Edge came out um but I do

Think that it was a um IQ game of him just trying to read what’s happening right now um and still trying to compete in that you know cat and mouse game um but I I really did love the way that he competed in this game and I think that

In 11 days he’s going to go even harder where he tries to score every single time but I him and yo uh him and ID went after each other I love that yeah he competed his ass off man like he played hard you could see it you could see it

In his eyes like Nicole joic wanted this game yeah he wanted this game way more than he wants a lot of other regular season games and we we were wondering about that coming in he played hard he he played well enough I I was I was very pleased with like Nicole jokic’s

Approach and just how he handled himself in this I agree with you guys the four turnovers to three assists is obviously suboptimal that’s never ideal it did feel a little bit like um he was where he wanted to be at the floor at all times and for the right reasons and

It’s like this game wasn’t necessarily about a high assist total like if Murray had just maybe read some of those pick and rolls differently it’s about Murray eating and yic is content with that because he understands how he’s being guarded um he did get 20 shots up to

Embs 22 and it’s not like yic could just press the I get 15 free throw now button um whether that’s a skill or not is Up For Debate it’s just not something yic can do in the same way I thought he was aggressive enough uh but it’s for me

It’s it’s the only three assists and I think some of that can be chocked up up to some wide openen misses from some good players on the road yeah I think um the other thing about embiid not guarding joic and guarding Aaron Gordon yic can’t run him you know one of the

Ways that he has been very effective on him in the past is wearing him down throughout the course of the game and then by the fourth quarter embiid’s just two gas to keep up with him embiid kind of gets an easy matchup now when he plays in large part because he’s

Guarding Aaron Gordon he just doesn’t have to guard him and then on in transition he can kind of just get back and rest a little bit so yoke I think has lost that and I’m not sure how Denver’s going to be able to take advantage of that next you know to to

Try to wear out and beat I think they could probably try to put him in more pick and rolls try to use Aaron Gordon a little bit more and draw and beat out a little bit more um but that’s got for some misses like this game such a slow

Pace man there were no fast break points in this game cuz everybody was just making everything yeah so that that makes it easier on like the big guys too it’s funny because everybody was to so tired and there was no fast breaking it was but I mean because of that The

Starters play like heavy minutes you know the only thing about the the Yoke thing is Denver had a 131.5 offensive rating tonight it was the 89th percentile offensive game so to me like the idea of yoke scoring a little bit more this or that only had 17 in the

Fourth though you could you could have that you could point to a possession I think a lot of that was Murray a couple turnovers blocked at The Rim you know then the 24 second violation didn’t go on him was like those plays but nonetheless I do think there was a play

Or two where it was like hey this is your moment to kind of Step Up and Go for it whatever I still think he played well it’ be like an aame for me for him it’s just that he so happened to have gotten outplayed even though he had an

Aame um Aaron Gordon 7 of 11 16 point actually we got to take a break we got to go to a break and we’ll get to the other side run through some of the other key players tonight shout out Red Hawk Roofing if you guys need uh anything to

Do with your roof check out Red Hawk Roofing they do homes they do businesses they might have been here at the bar night I don’t know they’re here always rooting on the nuggets with us uh they’re also giving away two of their company tickets to nugget Sixers on the

27th and how you can win those is by coming to the bar for the watch party on the 25th uh so two days before they’re raising money to support the Volo kids foundation so super good cause really good people I come to the bar on January

25th to try to win Red Hawk roofings two company tickets to nuggets 76ers the rematch um yeah if you’re looking for a new roof over your home or bus business red Haw Roofing is your goto tell them dmvr sent you redhaw oh yeah that’s me bre and Ridge Brewery

Is awesome it’s the official beer of dnvr and you can enjoy it at dnvr we’ve got a great many bre Brew on tap or by can and if you’re looking to enjoy a delicious bre Brew in the safety comfort and convenience of your own home check

Out the Breck beer locator it’ll tell it what kind of bre beer you’re looking for they’ll tell you where to go to buy it you can bring it home and enjoy it it’s that easy or just come see us on the corner of York and kfax again great

Crowd tonight and I actually do want to encourage everyone if you’re free when the nuggets are away or you’re not going to make it to ball Arena I know we’re we we’re used to these games now we’re waiting for the playoffs keep coming to the bar it is so much fun tonight like

It’s up to us to create meaning right across a regular season and tonight I got a lot of it by people showing up and and and and watching the Nuggets together and treating it like a playoff game and people enjoy that delicious Breck Brew you can always do

That at the dmvr bar all righty segment three here um who’s the MA’s most interesting nugget tonight I don’t know um I’ll I’ll go I’ll to go here I thought pton Watson tonight he had two assists a lot has been made about what is pton Watson offensive upside I do

Think it’s going to take a little bit of time for him to realize that upside but I also think that he has playmaking chops he’s actually pretty good as a passer and as a driver and I wonder if I know how Malone handles young players he just wants them to do the

Defense hustle those things first and he doesn’t even want to throw anything else at him and I almost feel like he reduces their roles so that they don’t get distracted like hey don’t do this be and forget to do that that being said that bench drives me nuts so much and he

Becomes a guy that just stands in the corner I think he could actually handle a little bit more trust offensively because he actually has a little bit of it in him and tonight I thought he showed that yeah you got to let him be a dog off the leash because like he’s a

Livewire he he had a play in this game where he just made a play happen and then dropped it off to Christian Brown for like the easy and one finish um because he’s just so different than like the the Denver mode of like slowing him

Down or not letting him just go and at times he is just able to just break out because he is so athletic but he also he has good reads he tries to find guys and things like that and that’s without being able to have the ball in his hands

A bunch so I think that they should give him a few more opportunities um also on defense he’s just he he’s so good at just you know turning up the volume just a bit um because he you know he has those defensive chop so I do think that

They should uh like let him just run around a little bit more and just trust in him um I think he had a pretty good game as a young guy I thought he played a great game um offensively you you contined to see The Flash and then defensively they stuck him on

Maxi a couple times and he did a great job just denying him off the ball like using his 68 69 frame just denying him and kind of keeping it out of his hands sometimes especially when Maxi was playing with the bench unit the bench was not the reason the Nuggets lost this

Game the The Bench played well enough yeah I thought and it’s the DeAndre Jordan and like it’s crazy literally was that even with that man like well I’m saying they lost by oh no they lost by five I’m with you I’m with the bench in the end it was

Fine it was good enough to win tonight I’m with you wind and and that it’s crazy how much work that one mistake by DeAndre undid like if that’s a if that’s a four or three-point deficit with Y coming back in just the difference of that psychologically but I’m with you

Like Reggie and Christian did enough Payton had some flashes like this was not a bench sunk them game in my opinion and pay wants to hit a three tonight then guarded Tyrese Maxi incredibly well and you know what’s funny I was thinking about this tonight watching him navigate

Pick and rolls and with his long arms as long length kcp is such a good person for him to be studying under kcp is so good at navigating screens and on tonight I saw Payton Watson navigating screens really well and I just kept thinking like if he can there’s certain

Things you hope he’s honing in on learning a little from yoke learning a little from uh from kcp maybe even a little from mpj and tonight I saw a little bit of that the kcp part of it uh Michael Porter 6 of 12 tonight goes four of eight from the three-point line 20

Points and five rebounds he was a game wors minus 12 and I couldn’t tell you why I have to go back and rewatch anybody know why he was a game worse minus 12 dumb luck did they just give him minus 12 for pulling a three on that

Three on one I think it that was a wild play that was actually the most funny come on Extreme M he had back to the corner to take it yeah I know how he like talk to him like the yeah yeah Mike moment he’s like I worked for this steal so I

Should be able to take the shot he’s like [ __ ] it they’ll rebound but the minus the minus 12 came I think at the beginning of the third quarter where the Sixers went out on a run um he got out and then Denver went on a run I think

That’s where it happened but I mean Michael Porter Jr was good in the first half like he was really his big thing is about being involved in having the offense be involved with him when he’s shot ready when he’s a part of the offense good things happen and then he

He becomes invisible or he makes a bad play or two and then it just unravels for him where he just can’t bounce back um so like he needs to have a bit more you know mental fortitude of when he makes a mistakes still continue to play

And then also the guys have to trust in him if he makes a mistake that he can bounce back forward because there’s a lot of times that he just is not part of the offense anymore if he makes a mistake it’s like all right well we’re not looking your way anymore um and

That’s not how you play with a guy like that you also have been with him for a few years it’s not a new young guy or anything like that like he should be part of the offense because he is a a weapon that Denver should and can be

Using at all times um so there has to be a bit of give and take uh from the guys and also Michael Porter Jr yeah he was fine I don’t really have any what about any my big thing with Mike actually is like the floor on the

Production is there in these games like the way he played in that first half you’re like okay he’s ready to perform in this game there are just these little loose bolts and screws with like the the the cleanliness of the very important moments so that three is a good example

Um the turnover he had to AG where he has this great rebound and then he throws it to AG who’s barely looking and I don’t know if it was Maxi or Pat Bev strips it yeah like production wise energy wise like Mike is ready to be in

All these games um and and that’s old news he’s a champion now but there is a little there’s some specific area of improvement for him where like in these big moments do I trust him to hit a shot yeah but do I also worry sometimes that

He’s going to throw that pass a little bit Yeah I do uh Aaron Gordon kcp we got any notes here I mean this was like the kcp show in the first half they play and drop kcp was like all right I’ll take this foul R jumper he’s like Jamal this

Is how you play against the drop yeah you get the hand off you take one dribble and then nobody’s on you and you just shoot a free throw shot so I loved how aggressive he he was to start off the game like he had some big shots in

The first quarter when these two teams were going shot for shot and Aaron Gordon like played his hard out I thought I I thought he played hard I I thought he played physical two six from the line hurts but um other than that yeah the free throws

Were were rough tonight I felt like he was a beast inside I really did I mean he had a couple a couple really nice finishes in the paint went and beid with in there just going up strong dunking it and um I I loved how Aaron Gordon played

Tonight yeah with kcp like he really had the opportunity to be the hero of this game like the Sixers gave him many opportunities to like finish them off and kcp could not hit especially in the fourth quarter like I know Jamal was like really bad in that in that quarter

But kcp was not great as well he had a few dagger type shots or at least shots to keep them in it where he just missed it or went in and out um and he was knocking him down early they kind of ran the offense through him early on and he

Was hitting the shots and then the Sixers are like okay if he beats us he he beats us um and he did not beat him defensively he was really well he made Tyrese Maxi work for a lot of shots Casey I mean Tyrese Maxi did not have a

A great game um because he he is who he is on defense like that is a a first team all defensive player um but you wanted some more shots to fall in that game to like say how great of a game that was yeah um and then Christian

Brown you know we mentioned it earlier but two of three from three what’s sad is his third one an airball it’s like he had two two in a row which is good like any look Christian 11 points they needed it from him he gave it to him tonight

And actually he had a good a couple good defensive possessions as well tonight which we hadn’t seen for a while so I thought he was really good tonight Reggie Jackson as well um Reggie Jackson also goes two of three tonight yeah again man the bench was not why the

Nuggets lost this game you take this game from the bench every single time in a big game they they did enough it I honestly man if they win this game we’re probably very very excited about the way Christian Brown stepped up as a guy off

The bench in this road wi and even some of the stuff that didn’t go his way I mean like yeah some of this is size and and there’s not much you can do about it but like some of those shots to BU his hairs hit on him man like CB did awesome

A awesome work and it’s just the that’s what jayas does right he uses his high difference backs you down and he’s he’s so good at that turn around but CB was right there you know I thought he was really good in this game and I I wish I

Wish we were talking about how how this was maybe his big moment of the year yeah yeah this was a a bright spot game for for Christian he had you know a couple of tough finishes he also knocked down the three ball which he has been

Doing this you know as of late um and the confidence was so down that this is like the type of games that can get him going you also talk about the defense they were making tough shots on him but he played good defense like you don’t

Hang your hat on those type of shots you just say okay I have to work a little bit harder I have to be a little bit better but he’s starting to put together a couple of good games you want him to stay consistent stay aggressive but the

Bench played well and Christian was like a highlight for that the bench so weird takeaway to kind of end this segment on but if you pair this game with the previous two Denver just played I actually feel really good about where Denver’s at if we just step back now

From the matchup of the embiid yic piece of this you know where you just want the win in a vacuum if you step back and think where is Denver after losing that game to Utah and we were wondering like what’s going on three games in a row

Where I’m like okay they can execute they can play well like that that’s the team that we kind of remember them being and they lose this one um but it’s still I think all in all like pointing towards the Nuggets being in a good spot overall

I’d say so one Trend that I’ve got my eye on though is is the nuggets in crunch time I remember talking about this after they lost that game to the Thunder they’re just not the same Flawless team in crunch time right now that they were last year and you know that’s something

That was a Hallmark of this team last season in crunch time nobody was beating these guys like they were not given any leads away in the fourth quarter last 5 minutes of a close game the Nuggets were going to win I don’t have that same like unwavering confidence in them right now

That I did last year you don’t don’t have confidence that they’ll get it or you’re just saying at this very moment uh like right but I’m saying are you saying that you’re worried they’re not going to regain that no I I think they’ll probably regain it but it’s been

A flaw I think so far this season they have not executed the same way in tight close games against good teams in fourth quarters they they have not executed at the level they did last year do you think this can go hand inhand with the conditioning part yeah maybe we’re

Talking fourth quarters game yeah yeah I mean they ran out of gas also Jamal was like the standout in a negative way in the fourth quarter and he clearly was gassed um so like the conditioning that does play a big piece also it’s it’s stupid mistakes those are not passes

That Jamal makes earlier in the game yeah those are like simple passes uh where they just have to find that chemistry again or just get on the same they’re just not in the same Rhythm so I think conditioning is the biggest piece of that Casp is missing shots wide open

Where his legs are just not there and things so it it’ll come but it is not there right now like Harrison said all right let’s take a break on the other side let’s talk about what we hope is different what do the Nuggets try defensively in the next matchup which is

Only 11 days away so we don’t have to sit on this one for too long when you get hurt backs and Shanker is here to help they win for Colorado families they’ve been helping those was seriously injured in Colorado for more than 25 years and you don’t pay backs and

Shanker any money until they win your case no upfront fees no fees while they work on your case you can call them up chat about your case no fees you only pay them when they win your case and they’ve one over1 billion doll for their clients they’ve got neighborhood offices

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Just two fast break points they’ve had a handful of gapes Denver’s Wild on the fast break this year man that’s another reason why this felt like a playoff game it was such a slow game both teams were walking it up no it was it was in a

Second half that first half was paced like it or at least it felt they just scored actually it wasn’t really Pace they just scored a bunch the second half it really did really feel like a slow down um playoff like we’re going to just try to work for every single basket um

And that that kind of got away from them Denver only 23 assists Again part of this is how much em beads off the paint’s kind of cloud there’s not a lot of drive and kick there weren’t a lot of lanes so 23 assists is probably a season

Low for the Nuggets I’d have to look it up um but two fast break points it’s wild that Denver was in this game 23 assists and two fast break points not nuggets back basketb and yet here you were so I hope in this next game that Denver tries something different

Defensively that’s tied for the third lowest assist this season it’s tied how many of those games did they win well the two Houston games are their lowest assist games of the season 17 and 22 really and then they’ve got a couple 23s well there you go um what do you hope

Goes differently in the next one whether choices made sure I first and foremost I think it would be the defensive game plan I’d like to see yic guarding embiid I think you could argue some of it might have been about not fou you know avoiding foul trouble and so that’s I

Get it but even that one to me is secondary from like if it’s fine to double it just has to be more complicated than that and be is a better player than that he’s not yic with the ball in his hands as a playmaker but uh he’s an improved one

And it it was too easy for him to just make those reads and like where does the double come when does it come in the shot CL does it come every time like change it up a little bit and it was just too simple so the first thing for

Me would be take a different defensive approach yeah I mean for me it’s uh it’s meetting and beat where he’s at like I want yish to just attack every single time or just try to score especially if they decide to take them off of you punish them for that decision um also uh

The the late game execution because it is going to be close like those are two of the better teams in the NBA um especially when healthy and you just have to make better decisions like down the stretch where you can grind out that type of game um so those are my two

Things yeah it’d be great for Jamal Murray to have a like Banger of a game as well um that’d be number one on my wish list when it comes to defending embid man like the nuggets have never had an answer for embid he cooks the Nuggets every game yep even last game they

Played a different defensive strategy on him he’s still at 40 y so I mean Joel embiid Cooks the Nuggets they don’t have a great match up for him and I mean if he’s hitting his jumper like you can’t stop him yeah you really can’t Michael Porter once over lining 45% from three

Over the last 15 games 45 that’s the number we expect and it still feels like he’s off a little bit he’s actually now one of four players in the league shooting over 40% on seven attempts or more there’s only one of how many there’s only four players in the league

It’s Malik Beasley Michael Porter Jr Paul Malik Beasley is shooting the [ __ ] out of the the regular um but yeah Malik Beasley Paul George Michael Porter Jr and there’s a fourth that I’m forgetting now but these guys are the only four players in the NBA to shoot seven threes

A game and be up over 40% Porter just got their last game four of eight tonight so yeah the the shots back man the shot and if you look at these last 15 games he had four tonight right do he go four of eight four of eight y yeah

Four of eight tonight seven of 11 the previous game two of five four of six four of 11 three of 10 five of 8 so he’s having three four 53s made basically every other game over the rest 15 game stretch so I think he has not had a game

Without a three and he’s had only two games in that stretch where he went one three one of five and one of three so he’s his it’s under the radar a little bit that Mike’s starting to hit his threes and it’s a positive slope so he might actually there might be more ahead

Here honestly for him in his shot making um I hope that yes a different defensive scheme I hope that by the time they roll around after this road trip we’ll be right around the allstar break it’s I don’t know how many games after that is the All-Star break but it’s probably

Only like six or seven typically you start ramping up to start getting in playoff shape and I just hope that Murray I mean you have another measuring stick game on Friday at Boston I just hope like Denver it’s not necessarily needed because you do want to be healthy and at the playoffs

But I do think when you start to look at standings Denver it’s not inconceivable that they’d fall to four I think we’ve all in our heads had this like they’re either going to be one two or three but the Clippers have come on very strong and you don’t want to fall too far

Behind and to do that you probably need to be in shape and to start stringing some of these together and that’s what I hope to see a little bit differently all right Alyssa do we have super chats there were some sickos that super chatted this one Stefan uh

Diami First Time shadow a long time listener all the Nugget are good when they need to be young Ben showed up in a playoff atmosphere on the road optimistic for May June nugs and 20 that’s a good silver that’s actually a really good one that we didn’t even

Mention the fact that those guys stepped up in the game that had the most pressure I mean Christian Brown he’s been in pressure before Oh some call him a winner some people say that that’s a really good note good Super Chat good first Super Chat Ben 1984 this season feels just

Like last year which is good news for the Nuggets that it is true it does feel like last year uh Nico Perez sending love to the dmvr crew from Vietnam is this how the rest of the NBA feels playing yic I knew every shot embid was going in not fun yeah I kind

Of felt the same way tonight feel that way man I did you know no point in taking this season seriously if your $40 million starting point guard can’t be bothered to take more than one game A Week seriously um it’s a fair criticism to be upset with him like look it’s a fair

Criticism today today today yeah but I mean but come on guy he’ll be back yeah it’s easy to probably soon it’s about the time he starts getting in shape BJ malaise was working and only had the game on in the background can’t wait to listen to The Losers Lounge

Always feel better losers Lounge equals equals Best Value in media best value my goodness world is free I do but it’s a great is a great Point yeah is not for BJ Malay it wasn’t though he’s super you know again plenty of fingers to point but the guy who drew up whatever

The hell that defensive game plan was deserves majority of the blame embarrassing it was an experiment you guys it they picked a weird game to experiment did the Nuggets throw the game I hope they throw the game plan what if we one pass away off Maxi help

And then rotate from the B that decision I don’t know based off doubling off Maxi one pass away I don’t know the first few minutes of that quarter were just like what are we doing the margins were so tight too Steve Joel is a really great talent

But his game drives me not centered around jumpers and foul calls which by the way do not translate to the postseason uh maybe maybe maybe not I will say I do also find his game not the most fun it’s funny to me the people that that think yok’s not fun and then

The you know I always find that so fascinating there people that think y’s boring I think he’s impressive as hell but but fun probably is he did not miss his shot tonight he looked like DK man to be honest with you dude he was awesome tonight he really was 55555 is I

Actually liked the mpj fast breake 3 he was wide open wide open and it’s being taken by our best shooter Jamal wasn’t passing him in the fourth anyways I will say respectfully disagree thank you for the Super Chat you got better it the craziest part is I did see

A lot of people on the timeline liking the shot really yeah yeah he’s not the greatest of passes other people scw up the pass he might have like ended up throwing it out of bouncer you have to knock it down you do have to knock it down NBA players suck at running fast

Breaks they’re so bad they’re so bad uh by the way that one where Marie gets blocked by uh by Batum I was sitting here thinking the whole time of one Porter needed to Sprint to the corner and get there a little earlier but I was thinking it was the perfect Drive kick

To the corner for the three instead slow ass layup gets blocked by a 50-year-old he he could get you to the corners with a little more urgency on some of the breaks I think I think but he also was like yeah you want me to Sprint there he’s he going to pass

It’s so true dude uh Shaban Kellen has anyone done a wellness check on dline I did I did see him tonight I did he was here watching the game he passed the wellness check he passed he passed it optimistic take the Nuggets will take it up a notch when the playoffs begin

Nugs have been playing with a championship hangover all season first of all what do you know where the one pepper T is Alyssa Kale’s on vacation do you know where the one pepper T is the Nuggets will turn it up in the playoffs they’re going to play a little bit

Harder I’m telling you man this is the thing about these nuggets and you can’t be upset about it too much but it is one of those things where they just kind of know the formula like I said the NBA was better when no one realized that resting on back-to-backs was smart and load

Management dude if you look at LeBron’s rookie season played like 44 minutes a game Nobody Does it anymore cuz we all got a little too smart about things and we realize that none of the stuff matters and it sucks the Nuggets know better than most that they’re like yeah

Man what are you we’re going to experiment with defenses we didn’t even try the last month the season and won a championship they learned the worst lesson but if you win again you better win 60 the next year gosh darn it okay you’re going to take 54 and like it I

Know I and I will actually if they win again I’ll love it Austin Rally Austin rally Super Chat all right hit that outro music for us Alyssa she’s like there it is um interesting game good one you know we’ll have to sit on it for 11

Days there is a chance at Revenge after the game Joel and B and yoke at Sharon and Brace uh and allegedly embiid told him hey you’re the best player in the world you’re the finals MVP the reigning Champion I’ll see you in 11 days which is both a gracious compliment you know

And I think he honestly means it sincerely like I do think that with through all this there’s a little bit of a hey we both know what both of us really want the championship you got one I didn’t outplayed you tonight but you know whatever but I do love the we’ll

See you in 11 days because embiid has not been doing that game on the road and it sounds like he is excited and anticipating playing in that one so you know what 11 days a chance to redeem yourself 11 days can’t come faster I like how he knew it was exactly 11 days

Away I looked earlier oh him inid no embiid oh embiid oh yeah you’re right like not I’ll see you in Denver not I’ll see you in a couple see you next week I’ll see you in exactly 11 days hey guys man these one mean something they mean a little something

Any final thoughts I can’t wait for the next one man I’m glad we had one to care about and I can’t wait for the one that happens in Denver Oh I thought you meant Friday’s game you have another narrative game for you personally Boston on Friday on

Friday can I tell you much like the Philly matchup you know what scares me most about that c it’s January they don’t care it’s January so we but we don’t care as much about the like for you do but for me I’m sitting here going with that Celtics one like I’d love it

To win measuring stick game but well the problem is the Celtics win all the regular season games so it’s way less fun well I’ll tell you something you know what Celtics have not done yet this year lose at home so that’ll be fun could be fun let’s go do it I all

Right hit that like button for us on the way out we’ll see you Guys we all sitting like the mayor

Joel Embiid and the 76ers out-duel Nikola Jokic, Jamal Murray and the Denver Nuggets. Nuggets lose 121-126, hear the guys breakdown the game and give their big takeaways on the loss.

0:00 Start
:30 Intro
2:46 Game breakdown
6:35 Big takeaways
20:01 Jamal Murray
26:38 Nikola Jokic
34:40 Other key players for the Nuggets
48:48 What do you hope goes differently in the next matchup?

An ALLCITY Network Production





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  1. Murray had his usual game…16 shots for 17 points, how long before Malone understands that he is max contract player who is never going to be an all star

  2. Head to head:
    6-2 record in favour of Embiid:

    Player Pts REB AST STL BLK
    Joel Embiid 27.6 11.3 4.4 1.3 2.0
    Nikola Jokic 22.3 10.1 6.9 1.1 1.1

  3. CB second half was really bad. The airball 3, getting picked on by Tobias Harris, and couldn’t handle a AG pass (which is AG’s fault by definition, but it would have been a hell of an assist). I’m worried nba length is too much for him.

  4. That was disappointing by the Nuggets, P Watt played like 10-12 mins. Leaving everyone open for 3 and them hitting it at a high clip was not what i expected. Im shocked at the 16-2 run at the end. DA got one dunk and then made 8 bad plays. Coach was not coaching….

  5. Disappointing game, but not a concerning one. Imo jokic was the X factor this game that did not show up when we needed him to dominate in the 4th of a regular season game. The rest of the team gave him enough, as the best player on the court he needs to be the best player in those last 7,6, even 5 minutes. But he didn’t want it enough and that’s fine. He WILL in the play offs. We move.

  6. MPJ with that three point attempt with player on him while AG and Jokic are under the rim like ghosts. Man, that can ruin team chemistry so easily. I think every other coach would send him to the lockerroom…

  7. So Jokic better rebounder, better passer, better defender, Embiid better flopper Jokic +1 Embiid +0, how symbolic…just venting, Embiid played great, but as a rule I don't believe that jump shooting ever winning anything…

  8. Game came down to wire and Denver # 2 and # 3 did not deliver. Maxey outplayed Murray, Harris outplayed MPJ. Murray being out of shape also puts him at higher risk of injuries. His body doesn't even look like the one of a professional athlete, more like a weekend warrior.

  9. Jamal being Shaq is such a great take…the problem is that Shaq had the highest "talent level" in NBA history and Jamal is, well not in the 1st hundred…

  10. I want you to stop saying the NBA RG-season doesn't matter, it's not true. it's just totally different competition from the play-off, both in terms of attributes you need to be successful and the goals you are aiming for. Yes you run fast in a marathon, but you don't actually sprint. In PO everybody is aiming for the 1st place, or winning the next round, in RG season your realistic goals (sure everybody wants to win the next game and be the no1 seed) are just different, but PLEASE stop saying RG-season does not matter, it matters, it's just different. (I'm okay with saying any one game in the season does not matter, but not the competition as a whole)

  11. btw how is that 3on1 corner 3 a bad play, you shoot and rebound, no? esp. when you are down late…and you are not getting a stops

  12. This this coverage reminded me PHX game3-4, BB also talked about it in some interview, why do you throw these stupid one pass away double teams at jump shooters who are real hoopers and can't really play make (KD/DBook/Embiid)…I mean it's really dumb, you don't slow their jump shot down and you give them open 3 as a bonus, the only thing I don't want to ever see again…I'm used to Murray not playing well, I'm used to the refs, I'm used to bench being the bench…DON'T double team jump shooters!!!

  13. MPJ was good on offense when he got the ball but on defensive rotations he was horrible. They made like 6-7 3s just because he was late on the rotation

  14. Regardless of all 76 did not have a double-digit difference, the game was equal throughout. CB has been playing very poorly for a long period of time, he needs to work a little on defense, not making unnecessary fouls. Embiid is a player who has a large number of free throws, perhaps the most of anyone in the league. There were no dunks and he didn't dominate under the rim.

    Embid's behavior is so rude he acts like a pussy. He probably won't be in Denver again and that says everything about him, until Jokic doesn't miss games, Embid has already missed 10. Denver is a better team and they could have easily won the game

  15. Stop hating on Embiid .. He always shows up vs. JOKIC except in Denver last year and dominates his butt.. Embiid is still the MVP … He draws double teams and still made that top defensive Nugget team pay for it with his assists. Sixers defense matched up and got those loose balls against the Nuggets… They shut down the nuggets offense in 4th quarter… Embiid's mid range shooting at top of key is like a layup… This why he is dangerous as well as his 3pt, inside game and Defense… Nurse has Embiid playing Pt. center at top of key with a motion offense . If you double team him there are other shooters who will be open that You have to defend ! Sixers were without 3+ rotational bench players as well.(Melton, Covington, House, MoBamba)…

  16. I bet every loss has had one or both point guards stinking it up. Murray is no where close to being an all star. Jackson is like an accident waiting to happen. The Nuggets need to make a move before the trade deadline.

  17. Trading Mal for Luka gonna happen when?

    Yes, I’m speaking this into existence. 😂 We know it’ll happen eventually.

  18. 50:48 What is this stat by Vogt?

    Players who shoot above 40% from 3 with 7+ attempts:

    Paul George
    Tyrese Haliburton
    Tyler Herro
    CJ McCollum
    Bojan Bogdanovic
    Coby White
    Kyrie Irving
    Duncan Robinson
    Michael Porter Jr.

    That's more than 4 players… And Beasley is not even one of them (with 6.3 attempts).

  19. At some point Jokic has to play better defense. The Sixers are a bad matchup for Denver. I say it every year bc Jokic is below average defensively and when they play the Sixers in particular, Embiid exposes him in a lot of different ways. Nuggets gotta sure up that end

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