@Miami Heat

Miami Heat Don’t Need To Make A Trade To Win The Title

Miami Heat Don’t Need To Make A Trade To Win The Title

Heat back in the hardwood tonight they look to keep rolling as they take on the Toronto Raptors tonight on the road and then they’ll be back at home on Friday for Udonis Haslam Jersey retirement I know we gave away some tickets to that last week so hope uh all those who won

Enjoy themselves at the game coming up on Friday but tonight the heat want to uh keep this going against the a raptor team that is starting to uh you know is starting to finally trade away a lot of these pieces their last pieces from the championship that they’ve had for a long

Time I think is Pascal probably the last guy from that team that’s on that team because OG and anobi got traded Fred Van vet’s a rocket so I think he’s probably the last guy and then of course you got low dog he’s making his return tonight

To Toronto so I’m sure he’ll get the gooes from that yeah I think he’s the last one damn and then of course we get to see our favorite coach Mr uh rajakovich oh guy dude I love that guy how much did he get fined 25 Grand worth it oh yeah

Oh definitely got I gotta feel like the owner has a has a stack of cash on the desk when he gets back right Leroy yeah from a rant like that owner’s got to have his back I think I think what happen tonight this is completely BS this

Is the problem is the problem is is what this does is what do you think the players think of this dude now oh I think they gotta love him right I think they gotta love him they gotta love him especially Scotty Barnes Scotty because he calls out Scotty Barnes Scotty Barnes number

One star in the league we have stars too imagine how pissed he’s gonna be tonight though when uh his his Serbian Brethren yich kicks his ass starting lineup still not in sou Falls Leroy still not in sou Falls all right still skeptical huh yeah I think

What Leroy is saying is he think he he he’s worried that yic is on thin ice with SPO you know it’s not that dude they do this all the time how many times have we seen guys ball out and then everybody gets healthy and then their su

Falls I’m like he can’t help I think he but I think I think SPO likes likes him now you know like spo’s got him out there he’s playing like basically the whole he plays like the whole third quarter so here’s the deal first quarter

Is it SPO like him or Jimmy likes him uh well Jimmy’s only played one game with him this is but Jimmy’s been leading the cheers leading the charge for for yoi all year I think yic has just earned it I think SPO doesn’t give a rat’s ass

Who’s like SPO SPO don’t play that game you know him his his rotations are going to be his rotations and I think that yic has just earned the time and why not he’s it’s not like yic is going out there he’s chucking up dumb shots you

Know as long as he doesn’t get you know the old dunks two for two hey we should we just call that a young player Young player uh triple double two points two fouls two rebounds he’s uh he’s not gonna go out there he’s not looking to take a bunch of shots

Unless he gets out on the fast break and even then he’s like looking the pass like who who would want to play with this kid dude you know I’m still thinking about the funniest when Shaq told when Shaq told Draymond Mr triple single [Laughter] yeah he was back he was back but their

Team is terrible oh they’re bad they’re bad they’re really bad they don’t even play with like effort right like they just like yeah well you know where it stems from I don’t gotta say it I’m a change man did you see heat Muse the other day uh side by side Tyler hero Klay

Thompson no I didn’t but I would love to hear what that graphic had I’ll find it for you I find I thought you would have retweeted it already like you would have you know I try to turn a new Leaf you know you get it as a man who turn a new

Leaf you try to avoid yeah of course of course and also your viral doesn’t turn a new Leaf he basically just puts the leaf in the back of the book so that when he gets there he can revisit it I’m just look I don’t really there’s nothing

I’m dying for I know a lot of Heat fans are are are trade starving I’m not that guy you know you are the reason why they are that way that’s true I you know what I’ll Adit to that I’ll admit to that I’ll admit to that that I have I bear

Some responsibility in that but I have changed I have changed no so you just want people to change too well I I feel as a a leader of heat nation which is what I am I feel like people should follow my lead like if you’re gonna if you’re gonna be my rats

Who follow me like the pi Piper and you want to you know and we’ll be like you know s you know trailing around for some fodder now let’s just enjoy what we got we got yic baby yic you don’t believe that hae’s got the dwade endorsement come on what do we need any

What do we need deals for okay we don’t need anything the most excited man in South Florida when they make a deal is gonna be Tobin I mean you know I can’t help how trade but I don’t think that he’s going to he doesn’t make trades okay

Okay all right you know plus you know Barry Jackson and you they threw some cold water under jonte Murray he was like ah people are skeptical of it I’m like Ah that’s a shame I mean if a different me would have said uh what you know what is Barry Jackson talking about

But but a new but the new me is like you know what that’s great you know because I don’t need the trade for Deonte Murray I’m glad they’re skeptical okay maybe Barry Jackson’s trying to throw you off his SC what do you mean maybe he’s just putting that report out there just to

Make sure that you know no one gets no get their feelings hurt exactly you know like Tyler doesn’t get all all upset because he’s back in he’s back in rumors again interesting because like you know Barry’s hypothetical trade package which I definitely didn’t read but you know maybe you know Drew Drew

Star put it out there on Twitter okay he said uh you know you gotta throw in yovic and a first round pick and I’m like with Tyler no I think it was with Lowry like Lowry’s the salary and then you’d have to take back uh you it would

Be like Deonte and Patty Mills you’d get back for Lowry yich in a first I’m just like 610 Serbian point guard point forward for dejon Murray I don’t know I don’t know because what like there’s just just listen this is a new me would just want

Moves for moves but but but you know an old me would want that a new me says does does jonte Murray really put us over the top more than than than a a developed yovic so let me get this straight all of a sudden you got up one

Morning and start talking the same nonsense I’ve been talking to you for eight years because that’s what I’ve told you that’s what I’ve been saying and you no no no no you you listen you do whatever you can uh you I’m tired of running it back but I can’t be yeah but

But it can’t be like I can’t be like Dade South says I can’t be wild heat coyote anymore like I can’t keep running after the Road Runner hoping that I’m gonna get Damen Lillard it’s over I gotta grow up at some point listen when Amazon brings that Acme to the

Door I can’t do that you goonna go out you goonna go out and try to get catch uh the Road Runner so stop soon as that doorbell rings you’re gonna be like Pav’s dog going run into the door yeah but like after the summer I had where I was

Following like Damen Lillard’s cousin friend on Twitter like oh what did he tweet you know I can’t do that anymore I I I got to at some point just enjoy the games you know and that’s what I that’s what I do I’m I’m just a I’m just a fan

Of of of the game of basketball and I just want to watch who we got and see how they go you know you cannot possibly lie anymore I swear I’m not I have never checked that doesn’t even sound like you I know I know it’s different it’s different I’m a different guy I’m

Telling you no you’re not you’re a different guy too day dude something can happen in the next two days and you know oh why do we do this every year like name a player would it get me it wouldn’t give me the goosies or wailing it it doesn’t matter what

Un it doesn’t it doesn’t matter what player you are all about the trade not anymore I don’t think I am anymore okay I don’t think I am I think I’ve moved on okay I just want to I just want enjoy my team okay okay I got you you’re lying but I

Got you I’m not lying y dude look at me we got we got Haywood heith look at me Haywood heith look at this this is the this this this is the face of a person who doesn’t believe a damn word you’re saying that’s not fair though like that’s not

Fair yes I am why wouldn’t you want me to better myself this isn’t bettering yourself it is you know what this is this is putting a a Band-Aid on a wound that needs stitches right like you’re just trying to put a little Band-Aid on your boo boo

Over your feelings soon as I’m like a turtle like I’m too hardened from this summer I’m not gonna be wanting to to put myself out there anymore with with the with these trades it hurts too much I wanted look when you think you’re going to have the the whale of your life

All I ever wanted whenever I start when I picked up my first Harpoon all I ever wanted was Damen Lillard on the Miami Heat and I got the greatest day of my life which was sham Sania tweeting out that the only team Damen Lillard would accept a trade to was the Miami Heat

Then why is he playing for the bucks well because there was a conspiracy from the NBA about about teams going to glamour markets and leaving their Hometown teams so they would only let him go to Milwaukee because the heat they thought the heat were conspiring against the Blazers and ever since then

And ever since he put on that stupid green uniform I decided I’m not doing this anymore first of all the system is rigged against the Heat and SEC because if it was the Lakers you know he’d be a Laker and second of all I just had to

Stare myself in the mirror and be like you know what can I be the guy that is going down to the Boys and Girls Club stalking bam out of Bio to ask him about Damen Lillard rumors I can’t be that guy anymore I can’t be that guy anymore I

Need to be a guy who grows up and just watches and enjoys my team and what I enj and you know what I found this year Leroy I’ve enjoyed the holy hell out of this basketball team you know I love Tyler and I love Jimmy and I love bam

And I love yic and I love Lowry and all Kevin Love all the Kevin Love minutes love love who doesn’t love the Kevin Love minutes you forgot your boy Yi oh the because it goes on who needs to even say it it’s obvious everybody knows I love yic hey can I just tell

You you tried you tried to sell me the girls SC cookies but I’m on the diet I ain’t buying it really I want so bad it broke me um not buying it you hit rock bottom you have two things to to decide you can either lay there in your Rocky grave or

You can get up and change to get out of the Grave is that a saying didn’t really FL that no no no no no you like come on you know but is it win the Pooh who quoted that who who quoted that Daffy Duck because like that’s your quote all your

Quotes come from from when you hit rock bottom when you hit rock bottom you can either enjoy the stones or get to rock climbing all that’s better that’s better better that’s still just as dumb long now we’re tour of the program ladies and gentlemen what are you showing me there Leroy I can’t

[Laughter] see oh I can’t stop looking little horse in a hammock from D be honest with you I’ve never seen that before never seen a horse in a hammock little baby horse that’s a jackass just that security footage of you dude that’s crazy I’m not tuckered out though I’m

Not even why why is it jackassery huh well what’s so jackassery about everybody knows you’re lying dude soon as the first trade fighter comes along I’m not dude okay okay you know and you know let me ask you this let me ask you this this is an honest question as currently constructed yeah

Can this Heat team win the chip absolutely absolutely I I regret absolutely I absolutely I regret why hold on hold on hold on they’ve gotten better hold on they’re better than last year yeah they’re better than I’m not I’m not even questioning that I’m Notting that I’m not disputing that I’m here’s my

Question is can they get through you’re gonna have to beat two of these three teams okay Milwaukee Boston Philly you mean our kids I mean come on listen you want me you you want to know something dude and and this is why people send pictures of a jackass and a hammock you

Want it’s interesting it’s interesting you me you you mentioned horses because you want to know something about the heat the heat are mutters you know they can go in there and they can go win a race in the mud okay the the these little show ponies out there the Bucks

And the Celtics and jool and bead Sixers they’re perfect conditioned racetrack horses hey if everything sits right maybe you can win a race maybe you can get go get yourself a win there the heat any conditions any time so they can play their little games right now with this

140 points that ain’t play off basketball okay let me just tell you something right now Marcos yeah that ain’t playoff basketball no I didn’t think so that’s not playoff basketball all right okay Leroy that’s not playoff basketball okay it’s not playoff basketball it might not be but you’re still doing it you can

Have all the zingas is you want assuming he gets there we’ll see talk about horses I mean this guy you know you never know when he’s going to pull up lame so you could have all the guys you want out there porzingis Dame dala okay old Turn Style McGee when it comes to

The playoffs but the heat damn oh okay let me just tell you something right now right now a message has been sent and Pat Riley told this to Eric spola he told him this he says hey don’t be afraid to go win up ugly and what did

SPO do three straight games holding a team under a hyy in this NBA in this economy you know what that’s like two1 filthy exactly dude just like Paul Maurice said and the heat they’re like a piging slop right now so you bet your ass they can win the championship we got

Jimmy mother bleeping Butler we got bam out of Bio one of the best Duos in the league and now and now they’re gonna have Boy Wonder with a headband on ready locked and loaded we got a giant Serbian Terminator who’s going to be starting

For us we got love love who’s now a a year inside with his heat veteran presence maybe we’ll have Lowry who’s to see what happens at the end of the trade deadline we’ll have we’ll have the the secret weapon of all secret weapons you want to know you want to know what what

What what translates to the playoffs Leroy what’s that Marcos you want to know no no I don’t want to play your game playoffs dude can I attempt to solve yeah is it defense that does too but that’s not what I was gonna say all right that does

Too that does to he’s good he’s good he’s good that’s good that’s good but do you want to know what translates to the playoffs what translates to the playoffs I’m going to tell you but first somebody’s got to call in 305 567 0560 305 567 560 if you want to know what

Translates to the playoffs that’s the Miami Heat are bringing to the table this year I’ll tell you what translates for the playoffs but first I need to call it 305 567 056 because I can’t just you know give out these answers willy-nilly by the way these uh this uh

This this puzzle brought To Us by the new palal for truck Super Center why buy your truck at a car store palal for we know trucks see I got the hatch down you know what that’s for yeah trades all right hold on let me see this first hey

560 what’s your name hi this is silly saw 778 hey silly sauce hey let me ask you a question dude you want to know what the Miami Heat have that translates to the playoffs uh I want to know though can you tell me toin I’ll tell you just hold

On one second okay okay 560 you’re on the air oh he’s gone hey 560 oh well are you doing that on purpose Marcos 560 you’re on the air cool I want to know what translates hey what’s your name George George you you want to know what translates the playoffs dude I want to

Know footwork dude footwork and we got the best footwork right now you tell me dude you tell me H hwz has the footwork that’s exactly right dude and so let me just tell you something right now Dame doll’s got a lot of things in his back pocket he’s

Got range for days he’s got Swagger but he ain’t got the footwork that hotz does dude wow let me ask you something is Dwayne way ever called Damen L de baller didn’t think so nope ha you have to Hae hakz Jr is packing up his footwork and

He’s bringing it to the playoffs dude so you ask an interesting question Leroy can we can we win the whole thing you bet your ass we can win the whole thing because let me just tell you something about the Bucks and the Sixers and the Pacers and the Celtics can I ask

You a question sure sure sure if the heat make a trade yeah then that means the organization didn’t believe they can win the championship as currently constructed right no not true oh my goodness then what does it mean then what does why would you break up a championship team because there’s plenty

Of ways Leroy to put together a bench okay you could do it with a drill and you could do it with a screwdriver it just depends on how you want to do the job what you know I’m just telling you right now it’s like Miley cider said can

You no can you stop Mike McDaniel in in the situation what you know what rambling about nothing I’m not rambling about nothing you asked me a question and I gave you an answer no you start talking about building a damn bench well you just said if they I thought you were talking about

Depth on the bench you were talking about building an actual bench that’s where we like we ain’t there you want to know what we built that bench with dude what the new and improved and gives less of a bleeps Duncan Robinson dude wow the dunkyard dog we got him too dude so

You can sit here we can do this whole Jo embiid if you want to live pie in the sky and you want to live in fantasy land NBA go ahead because the bums won’t talk about it the bums won’t talk about it that’s fine they don’t have to but

You’re asking me a question can the Miami Heat win the championship as currently constructed you bet you’re ask they can because you want to know something they did this last year with me stru and gate Vincent I mean come on and now what what do we have Duncan

Robinson who’s like going for 24 every other night we got Tyler herro back we got nicoa yovic we got love love I mean like Caleb Martin’s like our 11th best player he was the second best player on this team in the Eastern Conference Finals so you tell me dude you tell

Me what did Miley Cyrus say it’s like Miley said dude I can buy myself flowers okay I don’t need flowers from the from the national media all right I can buy myself flowers I don’t need them wow the bums to talk about us okay bum because I can write my name in

The sand okay okay all right okay what does that me okay means I’ll talk to myself for hours okay and say things they don’t understand dude because the bums won’t talk about this’s the problem we’re doing the show with you we don’t understand yeah yeah yeah came out like a wrecking ball there

Huh after this

Listen/Watch to Tobin and Leroy weekday mornings 10:00AM to 2:00PM

1 Comment

  1. Would this trade work. Kyle Lowry 29 million expiring contract + Caleb Martins 7 million with a player option for next year + 2 first and 1 pick swap for Dejounte Murray 18 million and Bogdan Bogdanovic 18 million.

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