@Detroit Pistons

Detroit Pistons trade Marvin Bagley & Isaiah Livers to the Washington Wizards reactions

Detroit Pistons trade Marvin Bagley & Isaiah Livers to the Washington Wizards reactions

Hey guys what’s going on Anthony here with piston stock I wanted to talk to you guys about the trade the Detroit Pistons did make a couple of days ago I know I’m late to it I do apologize for that um but I I purposely waited because

I wanted to see what second round picks were actually attached to this trade um and for you guys that don’t know what I’m talking about maybe I’m getting way too ahead of myself so far um your Detroit Pistons did make a trade uh they’re sending Marvin Begley II and Isaiah l

And a 2025 second and a 2026 second to the Wizards in exchange for danila galinari and Mike pascala now like I said at the top of this video I wanted to wait and see which second round picks were actually attached in this trade now before this trade the

Pistons had five second round picks and I was really nervous that it was this year’s 2024 second round pick um that I believe is owned by Washington and Memphis it’s a more favorable second because it’s going to be a really good second round pick in this year’s draft

Obviously that wasn’t attached in this trade thank God obviously the Pistons don’t own their own second round pick this year that is actually owned by the Raptors because the Knicks had it but they used it to land OG and a noi um we can kind of go Sidetrack for a minute

For you guys that are wondering what second round pick I was worried about it’s the one at the top the 2024 second round pick from Memphis or Washington whichever is more favorable the reason why I was worried is because that second round pick is going to be a really good

SE uh second round pick the Memphis Grizzlies this year have had so many injuries they’re going to be a lottery team this year and the Washington Wizards much like the Pistons are rebuilding and they’re going to be a lottery team this year so that second

Round pick in 2024 is going to be very good it’s going to be you know low low to mid-30s um and like I said you could get a good guy in the low to mid-30s in the second round depending if the P the Pistons keep it or not um and the other

Second round picks the Pistons have is they have one 2027 second run pick from Brooklyn or Dallas less favorable that could possibly be a second run pick that they try to trade and they have a 2029 second round pick from the Milwaukee Bucks now who knows where the Milwaukee Bucks will be in

2029 maybe that draft pick will actually be pretty good you never know maybe Giannis uh declines a little bit over the next five years hopefully um but did want to kind of update you guys on that of how many second run picks did Detroit Pistons have because I know some Pistons

FS were upset that we even attach two seconds just to get off bagley’s contract but hey um I think that’s the biggest reason why they did it they wanted to create more cap space and with this trade they actually created a trade exception now this comes

From Keith Smith uh if you guys don’t know who Keith Smith is really good follow if you want to understand more of you know the cap space aspect of Trades and stuff like that but he had tweeted a minor thing from the Detroit and Washington trade the Pistons shows to

Create a tpe for Marvin Begley in the trade that keeps them and over the cap team that means they cannot reaggregate denila galinari or Mike pascala in a future trade had Detroit not created that tpe and gone under the cap they could have reaggregated galinari or M in

A future trade Pistons can still trade galinari or mcalla but have to do it as individual deals obviously they did create I think 5.6 close to Six Million in a tpe uh with this trade now whether or not they use it we’re going to have to wait and see but for you guys

Wondering like can you pack as a galin Aria mcalla obviously you can’t because the Pistons elected to take the 5.6 million in trade exceptions so you can’t do that um so you’d have to trade them individually as Keith Smith did State now I said at the top of this video that

The biggest reason why the Detroit Pistons made this trade was cap space right and I think when you hear that out of my mouth you hear that out of probably you know so many you know Detroit Pistons podcasters out there as cap space cap space cap space like

That’s all we get like told like you know we’re going to have cap space we’re going to go get that big fish we’re going to do it eventually right now with this trade this comes from Michael Scot he said Detroit Pistons have 64 million in cap space this summer by trading Marvin

Bagley’s 12.5 million salary pray Weaver is setting Detroit up to make a free agency splashes like the Houston Rockets as a year ago as Bobby marks noted on the hoop site podcast now if you guys didn’t listen to that podcast I will save you probably an hour of your time

They basically were saying they could see the the Detroit Pistons having a free agency this summer much like the Houston Rockets did you know they they paid Fred Van vet they paid Dylan Brooks they got good vets and Jeff Green they think Detroit could have that similar

Type of free agency now me being a Pistons fan I’m kind of skeptical and the reason why I’m skeptical is in four years under Troy Weaver with this front office they really haven’t been a organization that looks to make big splashes and free agency and obviously you know Troy’s first year you can’t

Really count it you know Blake Griffin was still in the books there were marginable moves that he could make but you know this past summer didn’t really do too much with the cap space he signed Joe Harris and mon Morrison those both really haven’t worked out so far uh

Monte Morris has been injured all this season he could possibly come back next week uh Joe Harris has been in and out of the lineup hasn’t really been the shooter that probably the Pistons want him to be so uh cap space this year the way they used it I would say was a

Failure um that’s why I’m skeptical uh of them trying to go out and signing you know veteran free agents trying to you know get you know what quote unquote Big Fish I’m kind of skeptical with that I think what they’re probably going to do over the next couple of weeks you guys

Is I think they’re going to use a majority of that cap space on a trade now whether that’s Zack LaVine whether that is Pascal cakam Andrew shery Grant Tobias Harris who knows but I think this F office has shown you that they’re not a organization that wants to use free

Agency to acquire Talent s Troy has come here he’s always looked in the trade market and I think that’s where the cap space is going to be spent that’s just my opinion now maybe you know Bobby Marx and Michael Scott will know something I don’t they probably do I’m not a

Reporter by any means I’m just a fan at the end of the day but just you know having some evidence with this organization over the last you know four or so years they really haven’t gone out in free agency and signed that quote unquote big fish that you know a lot of

Us get excited about like they they really haven’t like you could even go back even before shroy got here I mean the last time they signed a big name free agent was like what Josh Smith like I mean come on um this organization isn’t really an organization that uh seems

To you know go out and get those big fishes because you know not to say that Detroit isn’t a a destination that free Asians wanted to come it’s just not an organization that has won a whole lot of games under Troy waver tenure so far um

But I know I rambl a little bit I did want to touch on the contracts now I know a lot of you guys you saw denil ginar you saw Mike pascala they’re both on expiring deals you guys so we could start with theil ginar 1 he is going to

Be an unrestricted free agent in 2024 he’s only making around $6 million uh Mike mascala again he’s going to be an unrestricted free agent at 33 and he’s on a $ three and a half million do contract so these guys are on like really cheap contracts um so I’m not

Like really too upset with this trade I get it at the end of the day it was a salary dump by Troy Weaver and Company but I I just kind of think they probably could have got something a little bit more for Marvin Bagley I don’t really

Think he had to attach two seconds just to get off his contract even at 12 million I think teams r on the league probably could have used his bench scoring probably could have used just his you know post presence alone but that’s just my opinion wanted to touch

On this for a little bit um because it it has been a couple of days those second round picks that they did trade out they’re not really um that valuable you shouldn’t get really too upset if you’re a piston fan at the end of the

Day but let me know Down Below in the comment section what you think of this trade give me a letter grade I’ll give you my letter grade right now I think this is a c minus trade at the end of the day um I thought that could have got more for

Baggley um I’m not too in love with trading Draft piics when you’re a four- win basketball team but talk to me down in the comment section give this trade a letter grade and I’ll talk to you guys down there like always hope you guys are staying safe take care and I’ll catch

You guys in the next video peace [Applause] [Applause] Yeah

Anthony reacts to the Detroit Pistons trading Marvin Bagley and Isaiah Livers to the Washington Wizards

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  1. Good watch. I’m also a bit skeptical on free agency… historically, we haven’t been able to. Loving the solo show

  2. Having to attach 2 2nd round picks to complete the deal only compounds the issue of when we extended Bagley. More expiring contracts, oh that’s just what we need to increase the “Cap Space” we have heading into the summer. Oh yeah with the great FA class available & who wants to come to Detroit 🤷🏾‍♂️

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