@Los Angeles Clippers

Paul George Reacts To Dropping 38 On The Thunder In The Clippers 128-117 Win Over The Thunder.

Paul George Reacts To Dropping 38 On The Thunder In The Clippers 128-117 Win Over The Thunder.

Pete congrats on the win um 28 in the second half for you did this kind of feel like a playoff game to you felt like there was a lot of physicality and stuff you guys embraced it but you accepted the challenge 28 in the second

Half uh yeah I mean this was a grind out game um against a really good team they’re tough uh but we had to put everything together I thought we played a great game um but I mean it kind of had a playoff feel for it just with the

Way the back and forth was going and elite shot making and um you know a lot of great defense on the floor as well Paul I asked Ty this question it’s an off the court question if you don’t mind but tonight was black Heritage night and

When you think about your career both on and off the court how proud of you to be an inspiration for the Next Generation uh completely completely proud um obviously uh for a lot of us we come from uh you know tough neighborhoods under privileged neighborhoods um and you know just

Communities that haven’t been um you know poorly managed um and so you know for us I think we do a great job of giving back to our communities um but still you know being mindful of where we come from and um embracing that and um

You know I I love being able to share that um you know I’m I’m my hands are in a lot of Youth um things and and definitely targeted uh kids that look like me and come from the same uh background as me so um I’m always

Continue to push the envelope um but I think at this point where where the world is um it doesn’t just happen and and and you know I can’t just solely look at the kids that look like me it’s it’s kids that don’t look like me that

Deserve uh the uh the handout as well so so you know I’m I’m you know I just love where I’m at in my career and where I’m at in this point in my life Paul uh I know you mentioned this on your episode Monday but like your off

Ball right now is is really cool to see like the fact that you scoring as much no turnovers again uh and I wanted to I was interested in hearing your perspective on what the difference is between your role now and your role the first year with the team when you also

Had a similar heavy off ball role relative to the other three years with the team yeah um I think just now it’s you know take nothing away from that group when I first got here we had a ton of talent as well um but you know I’ve

Been saying that James is just one of the best at playmaking and um seeing the floor reading the floor and you know if they going to double team Kawai on a nightly basis that leaves a lot of opportunities for me to be aggressive and um nine times out of 10 I mean I

Usually got like third worst defender or third best defender excuse me on the floor um so at that point you know I feel like I can score on anyone but if I got the third best defender on the floor um I’m ultra aggressive in those situations and uh the game just opens up

For me Paul now that we’re five years after the trade um I’ve always wondered what what did you think of the hall that they have to give up for you to Oklahoma City and did you kind of remind them tonight a little bit of maybe why you cost so

Much uh no that wasn’t on my mind but um you know I I just think both sides won I did think it was quite a lot that uh Clippers were willing to give up um but uh you know it’s their commitment to me is is my commitment to them so um

Just appreciative that they uh went out and and and grabbed me and brought me over here um very appreci appreciative of Steve um but both sides won uh Shay is you know I think initially when that trade happened um you know no one saw um you know we knew Shay was going

To be really really good but he’s special um and so you know I guess you know in a way um Oklahoma won that trade with picks and a a future MVP um so um again great trade for both sides hey uh PG I asked the same question to Kawai just how much

Fun are you guys having out there with you know your offense being so free flowing multiple guys like last few games having over five assists like how much fun are you guys having out there yeah I mean it’s a lot of fun playing with greats out there future Hall of

Famers um and and I think we’re just having fun on both ends we’re committed to to playing on both ends even James um James is T taking matchups and he’s holding his own so um it’s fun you know it’s fun being you know um steering the ship um and we’re getting the job

Done Paul over your career when you have a start to a game like tonight where it starts to start falling like you like you’d like are there things you do you found that that work to kind of get yourself back into a rhythm whether it’s

Going to a a pet play or just a favorite type of action or are there ways that you can kind of get things going for you and get things rolling again that you just again found it again and again work yeah I mean I think for me is it’s you

Know sometimes you know I just I need a couple shots you know sometimes it just takes a couple shots um you know it’s tough catching the Rhythm sometimes for me if it’s shots are very sporadic and come from different times and um but if I can get

A shot boom I might miss get another shot right after all right now I’m kind of dialed in and and and kind of locked into my rhythm um and then from there is just being aggressive once I found that Rhythm um but you know it’s it’s every player is different

Um uh some guys you know are efficient from jump um come right out and knock down the first one in the Rhythm right away um but throughout my career it’s always you know takes a couple to kind of ease into a game and and um once I

See the ball going in it’s it’s it’s you know feel confident confident and and you know Ultra aggressive in that moment hey Paul um I’m not sure if youve seen But on social media you’re going viral um you have a theme song it’s called didn’t you know by Erica B uh can you

Talk a little bit about that and your thoughts about the fans giving that theme song to you uh yeah that’s funny um I’m sure it’s somewhere on Instagram right now probably a new version of it after tonight’s game um it was funny I think my teammate Kobe Brown was the

First one to show me it um but uh shout out uh Dash shout out dash dash I think was the first one to put that clip out um with that song on the background um I don’t know I guess I’m smooth I didn’t get it at first but I guess it’s

Just I’m smooth um but you know I tell people you know um I always look at basketball as dancing anyway so um I’m always down to tangle appreciate it let’s get ready for hoop Jab

Los Angeles Clippers All Star forward Paul George speaks to the media following the Clippers 128-117 win over the Oklahoma City Thunder. George finished the game with 38 points, 7 rebounds, & 5 assists.


  1. We are seeing a super clutch PG this season, that's different than past seasons, I don't know what happened but this season he's been crucial in the final minutes of most games.

  2. Crazy how many clippers fans on clippers nation Facebook page heckling on his first half performance talking about SGA got traded for him. Then pg went the fk off on the 4th splashing it in front of the defenders faces contested. Some clipper fans need to fall back and talk when the game is over not during 🤦🏽.

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