@Atlanta Hawks

You know what? i might get downvoted for this but who cares; i’m so sick of the speds in our comments berating Pride Night, especially when the Hawks (and every NBA team) have done Pride Night for what? 5-6 straight seasons? now y’all got a problem?? 💀💀 cmon now.

our buddy Ezequiel over here strongly declaring his dissent from our fandom….not over our unserious management, not over our declining chance to win ANYTHING in the next 3 years, not even over our unbelievably high ticket prices….nah, it’s over Pride Night. 🤣🤣 I know he’s not being serious, Hawks basketball is an addiction after all, but holy shit i’m so fuckin done with the hate honestly, idc if this sounds corny WHY FUCKING HATE. These fuckers run around telling people to “FiNd gOd” but can’t even respect the cornerstone philosophy of Christianity; being kind to people you feel don’t deserve it, or have lost god’s path. I’m sorry, mods, if this falls in the category of “too political”, but this shit shouldn’t be political. It’s basic human decency.

by CoachKillerTrae


  1. MiserableSoft2344

    Brotha, if that joker doesn’t know Atlanta is the gay capital of the south, he needs to skip town.

    Absolutely no reason to hate on that community.

  2. Sammcbucketts

    I am not going to the game tonight, but if I wasn’t working OT I would.

    The themed nights are pretty tame and I don’t think they will go out of their way to make straight people feel out of place lol. Honestly, kids night will 100% be more annoying because of all the fucking 7 years olds in my section.

  3. atlbluedevil

    Kind of ironic using the term “speds” when advocating against hate

    Like your sentiment but idk bout that term

  4. Choomissad

    are they doing anything for pride night or is it just a title ?

  5. WheneverYh

    In big 2024 this is what ppl choose to post smh.

    I feel bad for social media managers. They get daily dose of regular yelling in the comments to not post cause team is trash & then on top of it they get hate comments toward a group of ppl but can’t react in any way and then get accused of “staying silent”.

    Internet is getting more annoying by the day

  6. MrWetPoopz

    Didn’t we just have a holiday about this sort of thing?

  7. realdusty_shelf

    Can’t believe people still read the IG comment section. It’s a cancer

  8. Historical_Main5261

    People on the internet are fucking idiots and instagram might be the worst of it

    Loud minority ig

  9. Atl-Fan_FTS

    I literally know more gay Hawks fans than straight.

  10. Significant_Wheel499

    I will be there with Panache, the small ensemble from the Atlanta Gay Men’s Chorus, to sing the National Anthem tonight, for PRIDE NIGHT! Thanks to everyone for being so supportive.

  11. hotgoldminer

    aren’t some of those probably troll accounts that just target gay stuff online to make people that are either bigoted or leaning bigoted feel more comfy in their hate?

  12. Adminscantkeepmedown

    IG comments are always a cesspool regardless of the subject

  13. spacecadbane

    Yeah a lot of them are children I imagine. It’s disheartening for sure.

  14. geefganyay

    complaining about gay ppl as a fan of a team based in atlanta is crazy lmao

  15. HarryBirdGetsBuckets

    IG comment sections are no better than Facebook atp

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