@Memphis Grizzlies

3 keys for Steph Curry & Warriors to reignite their dynasty | Hoops Tonight

3 keys for Steph Curry & Warriors to reignite their dynasty | Hoops Tonight

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So you guys don’t miss any of our content over the course of this season all right let’s talk some basketball all right let’s move on to Draymond and his return to the Warriors so Draymond had a quote after the game saying we can’t check we can’t guard it was really ugly

Loss for the Warriors last night in Memphis against a team without Desmond Bane or Marcus Smart uh but that was kind of a vague answer from Draymond about their defense and so I wanted to to do a deep dive into the specific run of the game when

They blew it it was a 17-point swing they went up seven in the late third quarter on a Jonathan kaminga transition dunk yet they were down 10 with about seven minutes left in the fourth quarter so they were outscored by 17 in a short window and I wanted to zoom in on the

Defensive possessions each one at least each one of the uh uh the buckets that Memphis got to see what specifically was going wrong with Golden State’s defense so let’s take a little bit of a deep dive there so first of all when they were up seven on kinga’s transition dunk

The Grizzlies got two quick threes to end the uh the fourth quarter based on overhelmed Jackson that led to a rotation and Lester kones had a David Rody contained literally cut him off but Jonathan kaminga strong side corner for whatever reason just decided to double team David Rody even though konus did

Not need help and there was a quick easy kick out to the corner to Jacob Gillard who made a three very next possession Jonathan kaminga turn or I think Sarge turns it over on the Baseline and uh Jaren Jackson kind of in transition is driving and they got him contained I think it

Was Trace Jackson Davis at this point has him contained in Sarge overh helps and leaves David Rody top of the key and again there’s a a difference between guy has an angle and you’re swinging down to kind of disrupt that angle and like guy has chested the the offensive player up and

Has him squared up and he has no advantage and now you’re just helping for no no reason right two quick threes now it’s a one-point game also was a tough lineup offensively for Golden State at that stretch it was Jonathan kaminga Brandon psky um Dario SAR Trace

Jackson Davis and ler kones there’s not a single top 100 NBA player in that group so there’s a talent element there that’s a great example of why trading for a higher level player necessary for this team because it’ll give him the ability to stagger and have more Talent

On the floor in some of these lineups right then to start the fourth quarter Draymond Green had a bad close out on Z Williams on the uh right wing where he kind of chased him off the line and then reached behind him and as a result

Instead of closing out short and and uh or shorter and containing he reached Z drove got a blocking foul got two free throws Grizzlies take the lead uh then there was a bomb over Dario Sarge from Jacob Gillard really good defense the whole possession just a tough like 27

Foot contested three so you live with that one right after that Brandon pmy was guarding luk Canard out of the left corner and fell asleep for a second was late chasing him off the screen had to panic chase him and fouls a three-point shooter that took away a three that

Steph had just made a three on the other end now uh Canard goes down and makes three free throws then uh there was a transition possession where clay kind of face UPS faces up Jake Jacob Gillard and he hits a little jab step jumper but he misses

It off the back rim on the other side of the floor psky was back screening for Steph below the foul line and so his the guy he was screening they switched it the guy he was screening was on his top side and the other guy went with Steph

So suddenly they just had a quick two-on-one the other way Kingo was the only one back it was really bad floor balance quick Swing Swing ahead pass zy Williams gets a left-handed layup that’s bad offense leading to transition uh like an unbalanced floor leading to an easy transition layup

Then there were a couple of plays here where cavon Looney uh came way too high out of his drop coverage so Canard runs a dribble handoff with Xavier Tillman Tillman throws it to Canard Canard comes over the top Brandon pmsk is in trail position he’s there but Looney comes way

Up which allows Tilman to get beneath him which forces kaminga to tag the roller there’s a swing pass out to that corner Gigi Jackson knocks down the three on the weak side now Kam kaminga got a decent late contest on that one but this season GG Jackson is 9 for 18

On catch and shoot threes that’s a 75% effective field goal percentage so obviously uh not the guy you want to leave open in that situation you want to not let the roller get behind your job there is Looney is to stay further back trust psky to be able to disrupt any

Mid-range shot or floater from Canard if as long as Looney stays back where he can see both of Tilman and and uh Canard then kaminga doesn’t have to tag the roller and he could stay home and prevent that shot right right after that shot Steph dribbles up the floor and

Gets ripped by Jacob Gillard for a pick six which by the way Steph got ripped in the back court twice down the stretch which is super bizarre now the Warriors are down six next defensive possession same exact thing the only differen is is this time kaminga on Canard and Steph is

Guarding uh GG Jackson same exact thing canard’s over or uh uh uh kaminga over the top great athlete Canard shoots a floater or a pull-up jump shot kaminga is blocking that but Looney comes way up out of his drop coverage forces Steph to come down and tag the roller kaminga

Peels off to go down and crack Steph out of that position Steph goes back to close out but he’s too slow GG Jackson makes another three and again making half of them this year then kaminga uh is posting up on the left block this is an offensive possession for the Warriors and I

Actually clipped this play and put in my Twitter feed Steph is screaming and pointing at psky cuz he’s wide open he’s drawing a double team kaminga is not looking the double team probably would have led to a rotation that would have got Steph a wide open three in the right

Corner instead kaminga turns it over and they go down the floor in transition and Canard gets a three now it’s a 10-point lead with seven minutes left you’ll notice I didn’t say anything about guys getting toasted off the dribble did I I didn’t say anything about guys getting physically

Overwhelmed this is execution stuff that’s a 17-point swing mostly off of execution golden state has good defensive Personnel Draymond Green is still one of the best defensive anchors in the league they have athletes on the perimeter like Andrew Wiggins and Jonathan kaminga and Moses Moody Brandon

Psky is a good young point of attack Defender Stephen Clay are two really smart team Defenders most of this is execution it was bad offense putting them into misbalanced transition defense situations to give up open shots and then it was mistakes overh helping strong side corner one pass away Looney

Too high in his drop coverage Brandon psky falling asleep off the ball and having to foul a three-point shooter Dario sarage overh helping in a transition situation a bad close out from Draymond Green these are all fixable problems which takes me back to the theme that I was talking about in

The Lakers segment at the top of the show golden state has been playing bad basketball like they’re from the top down they that the the the lineup construction isn’t working the effort in execution isn’t there the buyin isn’t there the inconsistent rotation is leading to the young players struggling

On a night toight basis it’s a coaching issue Steph’s playing like oh they’re three and eight in their last 11 games Stephen that span 22.5 points per game only three rebounds 38% from the field 33% from three Kerr’s not doing a good enough job Steph Curry’s not doing

A good enough job Draymond Green took himself away from the team for a month like this is a lot of this is self-inflicted three things need to happen for Golden State to turn this season around in my opinion one line up consistency until the deadline get Draymond back in with the starters I

Personally would go with Draymond Kingo wig and Steph clay I’d ride that out until the deadline but no matter what get consistent rotation minutes for the young players so that they can build confidence and Rhythm not constantly staring at the bench terrified they’re going to get taken out if they make a

Mistake let them play free secondly Steph’s got to get it to together went over the numbers earlier I I’m sure he’s frustrated and annoyed at the situation I’m sure there’s a little bit of that LeBron stuff I’m talking about with mid-season malays and frustration with the roster

He’s not been good on defense or on the glass either so like Steph at a certain point needs to kind of be like he needs to get some sort of assurance from the front office they’re going to do something then he needs to lock in and try to win as many

Games as possible until February 8th and then lastly they need to trade for a high High LEL starter at the deadline I actually think they have a decent shot at se yakum I’ve seen some of the proposed offers a lot of teams are pulling punches there’s the extension

Thing I I I think they have a decent shot to get him and he’d face in every he’d help in every single phase of the game he’d help with their defensive front line he’d help with slotting in Perimeter defense he’d help with them on the glass he’d help them with slotting

On offense so that you don’t have guys above their pay grade on offense he’d help them with staggering in non-step lineups he’d help lighten Steph’s workload so he doesn’t have to do as much offensively especially over the course of a playoff series a guy like seak would help with everything and then

From there you do what the Lakers did last year and you make a run you play really good basketball for 25 games to end the season and then you roll that momentum into the playoffs I mean I just want to see it I’m not I don’t know

About you guys I’m not I’m not a I’m a fan of the game and I’m a fan of Steph he’s my second favorite player in the league uh that said I’m not one of those guys who has a deep rooting interest in the Warriors that said like I’m just not ready for

This to be over I want to see them give it one more chance um especially with how frustrating last year was I I I want to see them retool and I want to see them give it give it a Chance

Jason Timpf reacts to what went wrong for Steph Curry, Draymond Green, and the Golden State Warriors against the Memphis Grizzlies without Ja Morant. What are the three things the Warriors need to do to turn their season around?

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  1. I'd be all in for Siakam but when you hear the Pacers are giving 3 firsts it kind takes the Warriors away from it, also if the problem is execution, I don't think 1 player fixes that especially when you aren't sure he will re-sign in the off season and you gave up multiple 1sts and probably JK in that

  2. I appreciate the enthusiasm, but I think this season is cooked. I think the best we could do would be to tank, by resting the older guys and giving the young and marginal pieces playing time to upskill. Trade Dario to a contended so he still gets something out of his season. Salary dump CP3 in a trade.
    The Warriors are completely cooked. And when we come back, Klay and Draymond need to accept their roles. Klay is a catch and shooter, and if he starts taking bad shots we're gonna pull him. Backdoor deal with Adam Silver that if Draymond had another incident he gets released from the league and comes off of our salary cap.
    Build up Podz, Kuminga, Moody, TJD + Steph and whoever we can trade for. If necessary, trade Kuminga for stabbing the coach and team in the back through Shams comments.

  3. It's sad and frustrating watching this team try and deny the reality everyone else can clearly see. It's well past time to blow this thing up. The coaching is outdated and inflexible the personnel older, slower and on average smaller than they ever were in the past and most of all the league has long since adapted and changed to the style of ball they play.
    Steph and his friends can retire Warriors if they like but ownership will have to willingly sacrifice the next decade of the team to do it even if all that happens is that they get worse and worse each year. Just bit the bullet and trade all the vets and rebuild for the future.

  4. How on earth can you advocate starting the vets, when they are the ones who playing the worst?!?! JK has outplayed Wiggins all year, and Moody and Podz have both outplayed Klay this year. Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but when you identify a starting 5 I assume that's who you think is the best lineup and should be used to close games. That line up hasn't worked all year. It's time to pass to torch.

  5. The reason the warriors are over helping is pretty simple – they play Kevin looney too much instead of their one good center and that leaves them always unable to properly contest at the rim or at the three point line. Entirely kerrs fault.

  6. Contrary to what a lot think, this dynasty still has a ring in it and some healthy 2 years, but it wont be with Klay and Kerr, and maybe Looney, major change is needed to get help for Steph

  7. Maybe we need to trade kuminga for gg jackson. Lol. I think right now this team no direction at all. Young guy wanna prove their value, and the bad thing is they only think about offense. The vet slower, but still have to much pride, and sometime didnt know their limitation. And the coach didnt adapt to the situation where they dont have strong shooting team and not making a new play on def and off that good for all guys. It just a mess.

  8. And we will have a chance once we have communication on defense and when we get take a load off Steph. For the first time in a while I watched Steph curry go two games this season without hitting a three pointer it's unheard of, an he playing like "hot trash" but what people need to realize is how many bodies are on him because everyone garbage Klay Thompson a 30 percent shooter man, honestly when we had Cursed Paul in the lineup it looked like we had a decent chance like we'd sneak in

  9. This team is one of the worst at defending the three that I've seen in a while. Tiny roster with an outdated offensive philosophy, mixed with aging vets and a coach who's decision making is suspect at best when it comes to lineups and challenges, and this is what you get. The entire league kicks our ass running spread pick and roll and featuring multiple skilled bigs and forwards on every roster. I mean, in the playoffs last year, we were getting killed by Trey freaking lyles. The roster is so small that we have to play a really silly zone and overhelp just to at best hold serve.
    That's not even counting the offense. This offense RARELY generates open shots. And open shots really only come at the end of the clock. That's if we don't turn it over due to the scheme requiring too much movement and passing. It's all bad basketball. ATROCIOUS basketball. This wouldn't work in 2017, let alone 2024. Steve refuses to play the kids. Steph might already be worn out cause he has to CARRY the team just for them to blow it. Siakam isn't coming. He's on Indiana now. And I HIGHLY doubt this team gets Markanen either. If we didn't give enough of a shit to get Siakam, you think we're gonna go pony up for LAURI MARKANEN!? I just don't see it.

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