@Chicago Bulls

Charles Barkley DESTROYS Chicago Bulls fans for BOOING as Jerry Krause’s widow was LEFT IN TEARS!

Charles Barkley DESTROYS Chicago Bulls fans for BOOING as Jerry Krause’s widow was LEFT IN TEARS!

You’re tuning into black and white sports on YouTube the No Holds bar truth on Sports the main event starts now well guys I need to talk about something that I probably should have made a video on probably about 3 or 4 days ago if I’m not mistaken the Chicago Bulls NBA actually

Had their Ring of Honor ceremony now I believe they were actually in duting like a whole entire like 1990s Bulls teams that uh won uh six championships in the 1990s Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen uh Dennis robman Phil Jackson others as well also the general manager of the Bulls Dynasty Jerry Krauss now

It’s been well documented guys that um that Michael Jordan and uh Jerry Krauss really didn’t see eye to eye uh Jerry Krauss was uh famous for saying that players don’t win championships organizations win championships I highly disagree with that because look at what Michael Jordan did as soon as Michael Jordan left the

Second time the Bulls had the worst record in the NBA now granted that um Phil Jackson was gone Scotty was gone also as well and really guys the Bulls haven’t even really been close to a champion ship since 1998 yeah they had some good years here every now and then

But you guys get the point Michael Jordan Scotty Pippen and Dennis Robin didn’t even show up to the induction now Michael Jordan I know actually put out a statement I don’t know if Michael didn’t want to talk to Scotty and Scotty didn’t want to talk to

Michael uh you guys know how um that relationship is now because actually Scotty had called um Michael Jordan a terrible basketball player or something like that yeah the greatest the greatest basketball player of all time Scotty threw Michael Jordan under the bus yeah so I don’t know why

These guys actually miss the ceremony even though Michael Jordan actually um released a video of it but we need to talk about something that was highly disrespectful in my opinion okay Jerry Krauss he’s deceased he’s getting inducted into the uh Chicago Bulls Ring of Honor and his widow is there what do

Bulls fans actually do they boo pretty disrespectful man so Charles Barkley who was once a really really good friend of uh Michael Jordan he came out he blasted the Bulls fans also you know he trashed um Michael Scotty and um Dennis rman for not showing up to the uh

Ceremony also as well so so we’re going to be diving into that guys in this video make sure you guys like this video subscribe to the channel become a channel member memberships are started $5 per month we have our member live stream every every single Friday we

Appreciate these support so here we go right here guys that was total BS Charles Barkley rips Chicago Bulls fans for making Widow of team at Zack cry now I do have the clip here I wish we actually had more of an extended um clip of her but she is definitely in

Tears is she overly emotional you know because um her late husband is um being inducted into the uh Chicago Bulls on Ring of Honor could be too but there are clearly people on this video clip here that are booing Jerry Krauss not very popular I get that but

He was the GM that led to uh six championships even though we know Michael Jordan number one most important no doubt about it but Jerry Krauss did make other moves to actually get help for Michael Jordan but let’s go ahead and uh watch this uh clip right here guys oh man [Applause]

One of the greatest Basketball so that’s only a little bit of a clip right there 15 seconds right there you clearly did hear some people um booing right there you did now she was also crying she probably was emotional you know she doesn’t have her husband anymore uh Charles Barkley

Um is is going to light up the Chicago Bulls fans that were um that were booing uh check this out right here this is from um Inside the NBA right here Barkley um uh Shaq on there as well let’s go Ahad and play this I want I want to be very careful

Here because you know Chicago I love that City but what happened in Chicago the other night was a disgrace it was a flat out the booing of Jerry Krauss the late Jerry Krauss the booing having that that his wife cry like that that was wrong on so many levels Michael and

Scotty and Dennis not showing up that was wrong it was a complete disgrace to the legacy of the Chicago Bulls they they’ve always been a great great organization but to for that thing to go down like not to have the greatest player in your organization there and won six

Championships and Dennis and Scotty and first of all I don’t even know why you would put a 100 guys in the Ring of Honor anyway that’s I agree with that why you need every single player okay just stupid but what those fans did to Mrs Krauss that was not cool and we as

We they oh that lady everybody involved that owe that lady an apology whether you like Jared KRA or not that Man’s dead rest in peace his wife is there and y’all made that lady cry and that was total BS wife kids grandkids that was wrong man to had that lady crying like

That that hurt my heart watching that thing was it was painful and and that’s not an indictment of all Chicago fans by any means but those who chose to go that way yeah I’m with you and thanks for bringing that up so you guys see that right there from

Uh Charles Barkley he’s right um I would never do something like that you know let’s say I didn’t like my team at Zack he’s passed away and the team is actually honoring him and you go out there and you boo I would not do that that is it extremely disrespectful in my

Opinion I mean that is that that’s really really a bad look that’s one of the worst looks I’ve ever seen I mean I believe a Jerry Kow son died when did he died 200 four five something like that I don’t remember he didn’t always get along you

Know when Michael Jordan we get that but still his wife I believe her name is Thelma themma cross in tears right there overcome with emotion and some Bulls fans completely mess up that moment like that and that’s just awful that is a terrible terrible look right there those fans should

Absolutely be ashamed of themselves and now Charles Barkley he is right for calling them out disgusting Behavior by those Bulls fans now I don’t know all the det details as to why Michael Jordan wasn’t there and Scotty was there like I said they probably just didn’t want to see

Each other so in death and the whole team yeah that’s a bit too much right there that’s a bit too much but that’s just my thoughts on this what do you guys think of this black and white sports fans let us know what you think about all this in the comments make sure

To subscribe to the channel and we will catch you next time thanks for watching the show be sure to like comment and subscribe be sure to tune in next time on black and white sports

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  2. I was never a Bulls fan. Heck, I have not had an NBA team to cheer for since July 2, 2008.

    But when the fans are booing when he is posthumously honored and his widow hears the boos, this is just shameful on the fans part. Jerry Krause, like it or not, helped build the Bulls dynasty. He deserved to be a part of the dynasty as much as MJ, Scottie, Dennis, Phil, and such. Bulls fans should be grateful that he made the moves that catapulted the organization into new heights and fended off the challenges from the Pistons, Knicks, Heat, Pacers, Hawks, and Hornets, teams that might have made the Bulls dynasty never happen. Sadly, for the Bulls fans, since MJ hit that series-winning shot in Salt Lake City on that Sunday Evening in June 1998, the Bulls are still in rebuilding mode. Hell, since 1998, the White Sox won a title, the Blackhawks won 3 Stanley Cups, and even the Cubs finally ended their curse on that October evening in 2016.

    Come on, Chicago. Your city and fans are better than that. Even you Bulls fans. Show some respect.

  3. I know this is disrespectful to the widow, but fans booing Krause has been going on for decades to back when he was alive.

  4. As usual, the bulls are classless. Look at Jordan claiming all the glory for himself and downgrading Scottie pippen

  5. I've got little to no love for Jerry Krause. Booing a dead man, that's not appropriate. And you could show some respect for his wife for God's sake. I was there back in the day, BTW. Mowed lawns for bus money and standing room only tickets in the Madhouse. I grew up with those Bulls teams.

  6. i DON'T LIKE sIR cHARLES THESE DAYS, BUT i DO AGREE THAT THE bulls fans were pretty disrespectful to Jerry Krause's widow ,Why Boo her she's not the reason the Bulls haven't won a championship since 1998. If your gonna blame someone blame MJ?

  7. I have been a Chicago Bulls fan since they Drafted Michael Jordan as a little kid, would I have booed? No I wouldn't have, but I understand why Bulls fans booed Jerry Krause and they were booing him not his wife and unfortunately she had that happen to her for just being there for her husband.

  8. I live in Chicago. Not surprised that Chicagoans would do this and reduce his widow to tears. Same people that vote democrat. Not surprised at all.

  9. I agree with BoRai. As a life long Chicagoan I am embarrassed. I think the current organization could have done a better job of putting the event together in light of Pippen's recent horrible behavior. Did they really think everyone would show!!!! No chance. Krause is what he was but his widow did not deserve that treatment. What would have happened if Pip was left out. Hmmmmmmm. Good chance someone else may have shown up.

  10. Don't underestimate the support Jordan had. Without which Jordan wouldn't have gotten anywhere close to a championship. you talk like the support was no more than a footnote.

  11. Jerry Krause was a racist POS who once told Jordan he was property.

    Jerry Krause rode Jordan's coattails to Six Championships and tried to take all of the credit.

    Jerry Krause deserved to be booed posthumously.

    Michael Jordan's life doesn't revolve around Ingrate Scottie Pippen or the Chicago Bulls.

    Jerry Reinsdorf wanted Jordan there only to use him and make money off of Jordan without compensation.

  12. barkley the lord of no rings was always jealous of mj's success wishing he had an nba title ring. Still mad over '93 finals loss to mj barkley? krauss's greatest move was watching blazers take bowie over mj.

  13. We fans can be A holes…
    There's not 1 organization that their fans haven't shown disgraceful actions at one point or another.
    It's only a few that we are constantly reminded of..
    Ex: Eagles fans snowballs and Santa…it happened close to 60 years ago..
    Let's bring this Bulls fans disgraceful act for the next 60 years.
    No excuse for disgusting reactions from fans.

  14. That's sad. Why are people so disrespectful? Growing up in Chicago this was the greatest team ever. So sad to see her treated this way. Also, MJ is the greatest of all time, but even he needed help. The Bulls didn't really get going until Horace and Scottie got there.

  15. As a Bulls fan, I was watching the ceremony…. I wasn’t a big Jerry Krause fan after he dismantled the Bulls championship run, but he did put together six nba titles and we should appreciate that… In no way did he deserved the booing, especially when he passed away… The Bulls fan that was booing in the crowd should be ashamed of themselves.. Seeing that poor lady break down really broke my heart.. The camera panned away from her and focused on Krause’s banner, but we saw enough to know she was visible upset.. What should’ve been a moment of celebration, turned out to be a black eye for the Bulls all thanks to the fans booing.. Good job on Charles and also the Bulls color commentator, Stacey King, for calling those people out 👍🏼

  16. attentionwhore barkley is really annoying
    and when would be a the GM in Michaels days there was also 6 championsship. because he is the goat,. baa

  17. Nah. Next week the same idiots who find this hideous will be talking about how “the world takes offense to much”. If she took offense at something clearly directed at her husband it’s because she took offense. We all have dead loved ones. I don’t take offense to how others feel about them though. That’s a rich persons’ entitlement. Honorable people accept the fact there are those who don’t like them.

  18. They booed Her husband not her when the Titantron switched to her then boos went away u dont here ish afterwards.

  19. It was uncalled for the Chicago fans booing her. Shame on Dennis Rodman and Scottie Pippen for not putting in a statement let alone not showing up.

  20. Fuck that it is not disrespectful…what's disrespectful is breaking up a dynasty because of your ego…fans are the reason you have a fucking job and organization to begin with…if they're unhappy with the handling of said franchise they have every right…how many fans cried like that when the team got broken up?

  21. Chicago is a cesspool. Rampant crime, Democrat politicians that have helped run the city right into the ground, etc. The classless behavior at the game is typical of Chicago.

  22. Other cities would die to have 6 championships. This moment is a curse upon the team. Gm's can be difficult. The results count. There were many players that helped Michael. Who got them? Jerry west hated being the gm. He could watch the games. It is not an easy job. Rodman, harper, kucok, Longley, kerr….

  23. Thats the type of fan you have recruited in the NBA since Wuhan James declared all white people are bad and all blacks are their victims in America 🇺🇸 where we live free or Die.

  24. So tired of the MJ greatest debate. People who say that never saw Bill Russell, Wilt, Elgin Baylor in their hay day. BUT the fact that MJ had to answer to someone and is still crying about it I find totally immature and sick. Gee, nobody else has ever had to work for an asshole

  25. As a Heat fan, we didn't care for the Bulls in the 90's. But that was beyond classless to do that me Krause. You reap what your franchise is going through now. 30 yrs to more misery to the Bulls. Disrespectful beyond all levels.

  26. Jerry did that to himself because he broke up the bulls team that might have gotten a 4th straight chip. Barkley is just a moron.

  27. owner Jerry Reinsdorf didn't want to spend the money necessary to keep them together. dynasty team too

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