@Toronto Raptors

The Pacers Traded For Pascal Siakam…

The Pacers Traded For Pascal Siakam…

What’s the word y’all Pascal SE yakum is now a part of the Indiana Pacers now we kind of had an idea this trade was about to go down yesterday Shams tweeted that the conversations were very fluid and that three first round picks were involved and the moment I read that

Tweet I said there’s no doubt in my mind Pascal sakam is about to be a part of the Indiana Pacers because anytime you can get three first round picks for an expiring contract you pull a trigger and they did I was so confident in it that I

Woke up this morning and I was like you know what I got to wear my Pacers scar this is the only piece of Pacers merch that I have because this was the last time that they was anyway uh shout out to the Pacers they did the deal Pascal

Seak as far as we know and I always got to say as far as we know Pascal sakam was the number one potential trade piece on the market and he’s gone he’s an indie and that sets maybe sets the market a little bit and we’ll kind of

Talk through some of those things and I say as far as we know because I I had no idea that Kevin dur rant was getable a year or so ago so you never really know to trade that line things get kind of crazy here all the details any Pacers

Are finalizing a trade to acquire Allstar Ford Pascal seak the deal that will send Bruce Brown Jordan war and three first round picks toona Raptors New Orleans will be a third team of the deal sending Kira Lewis to the Raptor 3 seconds on that every NBA tax nerd in

The world knew that the Pelicans were going to trade Kira Lewis to get them under the tax and they did that in this deal now Indiana is sending two 2024 first round picks and a 2026 first round pick to the Raptor one of those picks is their actual pick and then another one

Is the worst of a Utah Houston Clippers C pick which is going to be at the tail end of the first round because OKC and the Clippers are both very good basketball teams all right so those are all of the details and that 2026 first round pick because it’s been about an

Hour since the trade has gone down it doesn’t like there’s any protection so that’s completely unprotected and again we mentioned that the Indiana pick is unprotected too but the Pacers are a playoff team at the moment and airum Pascal yakum you would assume that stays the case so we’re talk about some picks

From the Indiana perspective that may be not something you care about whatsoever because you don’t pull off this type of trade without the assumption that you’re going to be able to retain Pascal seaka now if that’s not the case and Pascal walks in free agency then we look at

This trade differently but as of right now you gave up Bruce Brown you gave that bag to this offseason a lot of people question that he’s been looking pretty good but it wasn’t a guaranteed contract for the future you turn that plus Jordan War who’s sometimes in the

Rotation sometimes not in the rotation to P Pas Pascal SE yakum oh it’s going to fit like a glove a lot of y’all know that the NN Pacers as of right now are the best offensive team in the history of basketball it’s kind of skewed because of the pace and everything but

As of right now that’s factually true they are the best offensive team in the history of basketball and now they add a little bit more fuel to the fire again under the assumption that Pascal would resign this feels like a no-brainer and it’s very on brand for the Indiana

Pacers to do something like this other than last year because P because Tes Halburn got injured the Pacers has always been a team to build towards the middle they’re never going to be really really bad and then boom they’re going to make some Trad are going to do this

In order to hit that next step we saw that when they traded Allstar damont sabonis to the Western Conference in exchange for this this young guard that looked pretty good throughout his first year and a half and tyres halber now he has blossomed to an All-Star potentially multip time Allstar not potentially he

Is a multiple time Allstar and they they set Pat on all of their assets because before this trade they had from 2024 all the way to 2030 as far as their own draft picks so they were just play playing around with house money at this point who is a person that we believe

Can help us hit that next step should we sit on our assets and wait until the off season or should we acquire a guy right now because we’re damn good right now and the answer is let’s acquire him now because who knows what can happen you

Get him in the door a couple months early you showcase say hey Indie is the place to be you play a couple games 20 30 games with t Rees we make a little playoff push you ain’t even thinking about fre agency well the alternative is

You let him hit free agency you try to acquire him then but he might have had lunch in um uh Detroit with they $64 million he might have had lunch in Philly with however much money they they going to have so you get him in now to

Say hey we traded these assets for you because we really believe in you for the now and the future and there’s no better place than here in Indianapolis the reason I love the NBA so much because there are so many different ways to make things happen um if you look at their

Roster I mean they have Terry tber who they acquired via trade they have Benedict Maan who they drafted obviously they acquired Obi toppen they drafted Nim hard and second round they had this pick because last year they fell off they acquired buddy heeld they acquired TJ McConnell again Bruce Brown who they

Picked up in free agency had then flipped him Jordan rora uh Aaron n Smith who was a part of the the Malcolm brogen Trade A lot of people thought that the Pacers did get anything back and now Aron E Smith is a quality NBA player they acquired Jaylen Smith and miles is

Like one of the sole draes that are actually like getting real real PT so they’ve always been Jim boand is on the I did not know Jim boand was on the staff okay again it’s just another way to make it happen we don’t need to botom

Out every single season to get a star because we can trade for one we don’t need to do this do that we’re going to be consistent give our fans a good product and then when the time is right we pounce and that’s what they did with Pascal seak now it’s probably going to

Be a minute since we see these guys together because tyres is still with his injury I think it’s a hamy and hamstring injury can go a lot of different ways but eventually we will see these boys on the court together and I think that number one offense of all time is just

Is just going to be better I mean right now the top two a fast break teams in all of basketball is the Toronto Raptors because of course Pascal seaka M Scotty Barnes on the team and then the Indiana Pacers and now we’re we’re taking away one of the best fast break players in

The in the league right now and adding them to one of the fastest paced teams of all time this should just be really really good and though he might not be as good of a Defender now as he has been like two to three years ago Pascal SE yakum obviously is an upgrade

Defensively for a team that lacks a bunch of long defense def of players I mean Bas yakam is definit and because you’ve been able to build your team without having really good draft spots and things like that you feel comfortable giving up these picks because again this year we’re playoff

Team that other pick was like we don’t really care about the 23rd 28th overall pick and then in 2026 you just assume you assume that with good health and resigning Pascal seaka we’re going to be in the playoffs again so let’s let’s pull a trigger with the Raptors I’m just

Happy they did it was conversations about the the alternative of not trading him letting him play the season and trying to resign him in the off season with the idea that we can flip him for something even more if he’s under a long-term contract and I’m like bro

Please just just just give the keys just give the keys to to Scotty Barney and let Scotty be the guy and now he’s completely got that um you get a contract that is expiring or an option in Bruce Brown you determine whether or not he can be a part of your core future

And and that’s something you decide after the season and then you get you get three first round picks the same thing we just mentioned with the Pacers though I mean those picks at least if everything goes perfectly aren’t very super valuable High picks but who who really knows this is an organization

That that drafted ogan noi with the 23rd overall pick and and and drafted or did they trade for Pascal seak on draft night either way at the end of the first round I think number 26 or 27 so they’ve been relatively successful in the spot now recently it was like Malachi Flynn

Over Desmond Bane so it hasn’t been 100% hits but this is a spot that they’ve been pretty comfortable with and have had success everybody’s going to keep trying to uh compare it to I guess what they could have got last season if they made the trade but without us knowing

Exactly who was interested or what they were potentially willing to give up it’s hard to really say I mean I have been a guy that said that they should have made these adjustments make these trades back last season but better better late than never because they waited too long on

Fred vanite and then Freddy just walked for nothing so being somewhat proactive is better than than not I I guess and now this puts you in a place where obviously it’s not a full reset because you did get a player back in Bruce Brown and in the previous trade you got RJ

Barrett and you got emanu quickley and you still have Scotty Barn so it’s not like it’s a complete complete reset but nonetheless that is a way for you to I guess get rid of a little bit of talent and maybe that sacrifices some wins and maybe you get some extra lottery balls

So your own first round pick being better is probably the best pick you get in this trade it just feels good to be here honestly honestly because last year I said on this channel that until OG or until Pascal get traded I will not be reading no mock trades with them because

I never really know what Messi and was it who’s it Bobby Bobby Webster I never really know what they got planned and what they had planned was making these two trades and these two trades are pretty different right the ogan and Obi trade netted zero first round picks and

I’m assuming I’m just assuming that because of the teams that were interested in him that they could have got some first round Capital but instead they opted to get real players that can help and be developed in Canada right now in emanu quickley and RJ Barrett while the second trade in Pascal SE

Yakum is mostly draft Capital versus getting back to play now again Bruce Brown is a good NBA player and maybe they try some some um Carol Lewis Jr minutes here there but the first trade was players the second trade was picks and I I kind of like that balance but

The market is set the market is set um and I again now that we’ve seen OG and pascow fall the next name that is high on the priority list to be moved is probably Deonte Murray because his contract is really nice and again he’s a good NBA player I wonder what that means

For his Market I wonder what that means for a Zack LaVine Market yeah bring it into the Bulls baby and maybe the three first round picks for Pascal yakum is the anomaly um but a lot of people believe that because he wasn’t expiring a deal the return wasn’t going to be too

Crazy right and now that we see that those first round picks are not maybe as valuable at the as the number says three first round picks sounds like a ton but you think about where they’re projected maybe not that much maybe he’s the anomaly because the Pacers have full

Confidence that they’ll be able to resign him I mean here’s a tweet from Mark J Spears that said uh new Pacers for Pascal sakam just got off a phone call with Ric carow and president Kevin Pritchard seaka maintains his bird rights with the Pacers who are expected

To resign him in free agency appears doubtful that he’ll play uh in the next game but um I like this trade a lot more for the Pacers than I do the Raptors I think the Raptors did okay um but I love this trade for the

Because they get a guy that at the age of I think he’s turning 30 this year so you you get him now before 30 and it doesn’t feel as though Pascal siakam’s game will will translate bad in the next three years or so because I’m assuming that contract is probably three to four

Years long when you resign them he feels like a guy that will be consistently in these conversations for being an All-Star caliber Talent even if he never makes it again because the East is going to be crazy and he will be again the number two option behind teres halber

Even if he never makes it again we know that the talent is going to be there and given that the pat have been a team ran this specific way I love this a lot I’m giving it like an A minus and for the Raptors I’m probably giving it closer to

Closer to a BB minus um because again even though they have had success drafted in any spots it’s not like you got to pick that projects to be a lottery pick um so only time will tell I I edited this video and I’ve been just thinking I’m lower on this trade for the

Raptors now after editing and rethinking about it cuz there is a world that in a couple years you don’t get anything tangible for Pascal sakam who’s one of the greatest players in your franchise history you did not get jerus Walker which I thought was a guarantee in the

St you didn’t get Benedict ma Which is less of a guarantee so you got three first round picks that are probably late first rounders and obviously those are no guarantees I think I said B minus originally it’s probably a c bro maybe I’m being generous I don’t

Know again only time will tell what they use the picks to get in in in this draft they also traded their pick their their own first round pick now that I’m thinking about they traded their own first round pick for yaka purle because they thought that this draft class was

Trash so just acquire just acquired two picks in a draft class you thought was trash last year I’ll talk about it more later haven’t really been on Twitter or social media a lot today it seems like the Warriors lost their assistant coach decky um which is I didn’t expect to read that right

Now um it’s unfortunate but that’s not what this video is about um but I was just say my prayers to his family family to the Warriors organization and everybody impacted by his passing man that’s super young all right um let me know what you think about the

Pacers and the Raptor deals um I will be talking about it more on the candy Beach and podcast a little bit more in depth when I get my mind around in a few hours so links is in the description to the Kenny Beach and pie

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  1. Yea our staff is the best in the league and it's not even close. We have 3 head coaches, Jenny and TJ McConnell.

  2. Yep as a raptors fan this really wasn’t a good trade, 3 firsts means nothing if there late, very overrated. At best you get 2 okay role players.

  3. This a play for lebron lol think bout it draft bronny have lebron last yr in Canada probably a deep East run results from it

  4. I really wish we had made these trades last season instead. The OG trade was phenomenal but losing Fred for nothing and Siakam for relatively little is super unfortunate. Jarace Walker would’ve made this a positive for me but I guess now Ibjust have to hope the team works out. Hopefully we can keep developing players, maybe make some good trades in future seasons or get some steals in the draft. I’m just gonna keep praying for the Scottie-Cade reunion in Toronto in the future I guess

  5. It's a great day to be a Pacers fan. Getting an All Star without giving up our young talent. Give that GM a raise😭

  6. im loving this trade as a raps fan i didnt think wed get 3 firsts atp with the expiring contract i love it

  7. people are saying those picks are late 1st round very little in value but Pascal and OG was pick late 1st round LOL

  8. This is the raptors making the best of a bad situation we waited too long to move him and we learned our lesson losing Fred for free Poeltl was the right idea but wrong package in hindsight but this could end up being good if we draft well

  9. In my opinion, the greatest raptor of all time. If he had stayed with the raptors a cpuple more years, he would be seen as greatest by almost all raptors fans.

  10. Kenny your videos are really GREAT! But more Basketball footage and also action. Your For Real! I like everything about the video, also, I use to have a giant Shaq cutout that I stole lolol from the store with a Rugby team from high school that won, me and my friends from high school lol That SHAQ cardboard cutout got destroyed… Teenagers… and the girls also won Rugby then came on tour with us.. Small town stuff. I'm 37 man now, I have my own YouTube channel too, Kenny, your video is vibrant, KEEP IT UP! find NBA clips you can use, if you HOOP and I know you do, break down buddies game, what makes him deadly and better than your average hooper, with footage to show everyone from the NBA if your aloud too. I hope you have much success

  11. Its tough to forecast where the Indy's 2026 1st round pick will land. To assume it would be a late-20's pick (top-4 protected) is very speculative. 3 seasons is a lifetime in the NBA/sports. How many finals appearances did you have Brooklyn down for with KD, Kyrie and Harden a few years ago? Probably not zero.

  12. im really happy we didnt lose any of our young players for siakam and if he resigns ill be hyped but where do we go from here? how do we become contenders? another big trade? or just let players develop and hope? either way ive BEEN hyped for this team and i do think we can make noise!

  13. If the pacers trade for a guy like PJ Washington, Wiggins, or someone like RoCo or Thybulle they are gonna be so good

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