@Miami Heat

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 97 vs Toronto Raptors 121 (1/17/24)

MHB Postgame Show | Miami Heat 97 vs Toronto Raptors 121 (1/17/24)

It feel like Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami Miami do you guys hear that Pablo do you do you hear that no Jack did you everybody be very quiet chat Jack can you hear that listen closely can you hear that that’s the sound of the [ __ ] given by that team today Jesus Christ yeah welcome to the Miami Heat

Beat postgame show I’m your host from caravas with me today they got the intern Pablo hi Pablo what’s Su guys we have uh we have Jack no not today not today Satan not today Satan listen I’ve had I’ve had a shitty day and to and that wasn’t even the worst thing that

Happened that was that was one of the basketball games of all time I I don’t want to break down what happened I don’t think there’s a lot of utility in that the Raptor shot the ball really well Miami did a lot of weird stuff happened there’s no you’re say there’s no utility

In that let’s just complain shall we let’s just let’s just let’s just make this a 20 minute let’s [ __ ] shoot this [ __ ] yo who’s mad at J Rich like raise your hand I mean like how is that the guy you’re mad can I list the guys I’m happy with it’s Nico and there’s

Nobody else tonight every other player on the team I was kind of happy with Caleb for a little bit and then he had that 3 second violation I was like nope no I think I think Caleb sold I don’t like Caleb I think fourth quarter Duncan I thought Caleb’s defense was really bad

His offense like when they were letting up the run I thought he was the only player who kind of understood that the goal is to get baskets and not throw up some [ __ ] like other than Nico I’m mad at everybody and if Nico wasn’t 20 years old I I wouldn’t be that happy

With him either [ __ ] J Rich I I gotta be honest [ __ ] this team that was the most you know what’s funny that was none of us are surprised I I called I called Trap game before everything I was look bro I looked at the heat money line they were

Favored to win I was like nope these guys are losing today you know that last year last year they were um they were like the worst team against the spread or something it was like something crazy it’s like they just they were just they were like so bad uh last year was awful

Uh Chad says my dumb mid mid lover says my dumb ass I did too go for the Trap H I got I gotta I gotta defend J Rich a little bit before we get into it when he stepped out of bounds I stood up from my couch and I started applauding because

That’s what the game needed like he understood the vibe and he matched it I gotta respect him for that like throwback throwback to Hep first watch party at Duffy as jred stepped out of bounds against Orlando and Alf gets up you [ __ ] wanted him over Jimmy Butler just screaming at our guest

Screaming and our sponsors um Paul uh one two3 LP says we got cooked I actually didn’t want to put your comment up I want to put somebody else’s uh somebody else said my pipe burst in my basement when we went down 10 dealing with that was more enjoyable than this

Game if you think about it in a cosmic sort of way this was was like a pipe burst right cuz the pipe burst and the water was going everywhere bro and SPO is like we gotta fix this dessert duct tape and he looks at his toolbox and

He’s like [ __ ] it this looks like duct tape Thomas Bryant get in there and he got in there and he put the duct tape and Thomas Bryant had like a little flip shot and suppos like I think this worked and then the [ __ ] water blew this duct tape off and it was still

Leaking and he’s like I don’t know what to do and it just kept leaking just just kept leaking I was surprised he got minutes I was like he’s putting it it it must have been for something because it definitely wasn’t for defense cuz he can’t defend

Either so I I don’t know I mean it was um it was a game it was listen it was a game I’ve been doing this for 10 years and I’m not normally left speechless I don’t really I don’t I gotta be honest I don’t know to say guys

I mean we all we’re all mad I mean everyone is mad you know Jack I think the unifying part of today is everyone’s mad at different person chat I want to make this interactive I want you guys to put who you’re most mad at today and let’s see how many different names we

Get because I have a feeling everyone’s gonna be so we might get a SPO we somebody might go Riley you know Josh someone someone might complain about LeBron who knows know I gotta I gotta I’m looking at the chat right now and I I’m sorry I think

The names that they’re listing are BS it’s a lot of low it’s a lot of Josh and look like you should be mad at but you should be mad at both of those guys but like I’m sorry we have three supposed like stars or Fringe stars on this team

You should be mad at all of them like I don’t think Jimmy played well I don’t think bam tried at all I think Tyler looked dumb as hell I’m sorry Tyler like my god dude second Jack we’re getting we’re getting breaking news here um and I’m gonna bring in a

Correspondent oh there we go welcome in Josh Richardson lifer Alon Sydney now go ahead and talk I need I need a second go ahead listen chat’s saying we’re mad at me for being a Raptor’s fan they’re mad at Joshua they’re mad at Micky Arison but

They spelled it with an i I don’t know why they made him italion uh lot of Kyle I just want to say I know we’re gonna pile on Jay Rich and he deserves it [ __ ] him he shouldn’t play again but I’m sorry like we do have

To spend some time on the stars at some point like I want the Jay Rich rant I want to hear it but like we got to talk about bam in this game for a little bit because like he was bullshitting hero did what hero does Jimmy you can make

Some excuses for but like he wasn’t exactly anything to brag about either like those three guys like have to set the tone especially when you’re not hitting threes and they just did nothing like I I I know Thad young is not like a bad player but he’s like 60 years old he

Plays for the Raptors one of the worst teams in the league and I’m sorry if you’re bamama bio and you want to make make an all NBA team you got to eat his you got to like take his lunch a little bit like he didn’t do anything against

Him and it’s just like that is not the kind of guy you can get shut down by you can make some excuses with the Nets I think they played him really well they have some excellent defensive Personnel but like just fad young and nobody else they weren’t exactly like doubling bam I

Don’t think they covered in particular well he just didn’t do anything and now I’m GNA clear for Al because I think he’s ready no no no I’m not first of all jont Porter what jont Porter no listen I I think Jack is absolutely right man like okay see

Here’s okay so there’s two there’s two conversations to have right one conversation is this game this individual game Jimmy Tyler bam did not do enough right like this too little too late fake comeback [ __ ] in the third quarter like I’m they it actually worked against the Nets um which I mean the

Raptors are also a really bad team but teams coming off of a big trade are dangerous as [ __ ] like we all know this I mean as to ask the uh the know 72 bull the 70 win Bulls team uh what 72- win Bulls team what happened when they fac

The heat like right after a trade and Rex Chapman dropped like 40 on their ass like teams after a big trade are dangerous right so like whatever they were down by 30 something fake comeback fine right um Dad young beasting you on the boards um just [ __ ] like that like

Chris buet looking like an Allstar uh somebody named John Porter Grady dick Grady [ __ ] dick Eric Reed had too much fun with that one Grady dick I think he made 20% of his season three-pointers tonight and I’m not joking I think he came in with 12 and

Had three he did So 20% of the three-pointers he made on the season were tonight right so just and there also there’s a lot of fake [ __ ] about this game the Raptors can’t shoot from three and all of a sudden whatever they’re the [ __ ] Warriors of Steph Curry and Klay Thompson Gary Trent

Honestly is the greatest three-point shooter he is he is like he is Caleb Martin with a foot on the line but behind the three-point line bro’s he’s just no what he is is only it’s only against usami it’s only against us to I remember last last season we had a home game and

Gary Trent just lit us up too yeah I mean he had like two 33 point games against a slashy listen understood okay there’s something to be said at this point about what the [ __ ] is happening with Josh Richardson I’m sorry I I know I know Jack doesn’t want me to [ __ ]

Pile along but what entire [ __ ] is happening with Josh Richardson why why is it [ __ ] thing why like what the [ __ ] are we doing here like come on make it [ __ ] make sense to me [ __ ] yic leaves the [ __ ] comeback hayw with heith defensive numbers are off the

[ __ ] charts um [ __ ] Thomas Bryant is somewhere over there I don’t know what I don’t know what has like car Carla Tiana said what did SPO promise him I need the [ __ ] audio tape like I need [ __ ] breath I need the offseason [ __ ] promises okay because first of

All SPO has enough money now to pay this [ __ ] off whatever whatever Josh has on him SPO take part of that [ __ ] contract pay that man and get him the [ __ ] away from my team like leave of absence type [ __ ] [ __ ] uh what’s his face the dude was [ __ ] doing Molly in

The [ __ ] lobby with Mario Charmers what’s his name yeah do that [ __ ] to him [ __ ] Spike his [ __ ] Gatorade or something get him away I don’t don’t clip this Pablo gum me gum me’s on an airplane to this [ __ ] like explain to me he’ have a drug problem no but like like

Like no that’s people doing flocking [ __ ] um but like okay you open up the fourth quarter like down 21 boom quick uh little layup to dunan Robin at 19 you cut it down to like 1413 Josh Richardson says bet and one mixtape Josh Richardson Jay Rich in the

House leading the comeback bomb [ __ ] [ __ ] mid-range okay all right thanks Josh all right bomb great steal like he makes a great off defensive play takes it down full court three-on-one fast break does a reverse layup like one of these [ __ ] and hits under the rim and then goes back and the dumbest

[ __ ] foul you ever seen and jar experience indubitably like this is what like I just don’t get because the thing is what what’s what’s mindboggling to me is like you have other other options right like yic didn’t play after he sat in the Third never came back that was

Crazy I don’t understand but what do you mean it was crazy every fuing game to it’s every F today had to be the day that you know this is this is my problem guys this is every [ __ ] game every game Josh Richardson closes no matter

How [ __ ] bad he is no matter how good yic has been playing no matter what high Smith has showed you Tyler hero couldn’t get in over [ __ ] Josh Richardson tonight Tyler [ __ ] hero who is the reason you beat the [ __ ] Nets two nights ago your starting [ __ ] shooting guard future of your goddamn

Franchise can’t get in over Josh Richardson like what the [ __ ] are we doing like I’m sorry it’s not just about this game Jack you have every [ __ ] right to be mad at everybody and you know what I’m not even mad at Josh I’m madis SPO like what the [ __ ] is going on

There like come on like somebody needs the balls to ask him I I like any [ __ ] Alex alexo this SPO you have you SPO you have committed CH says you’re for Josh this is not bullying Jos no he’s buling Jack I I want I want somebody to ask him in the press conference

Despite the the the the I won’t say awful despite the the evidence to the contrary you continue to play Josh Richardson big minutes what are you seeing from Josh that that has has earned your trust in this that isn’t that that’s a respectful [ __ ] question gonna him and H you guys are

Looking at [ __ ] stats and numbers yes and we’re watching the [ __ ] He’s G he’s gonna he’s gonna hit you with the untrained eye untrained eye [ __ ] I I I think you said something at the beginning that I fully agree with you said there are these get like this

Game has problems individually but there are like much larger problems and I think Fez pointed out I think use pointed it out um look there’s a lot to criticize bam for in this game but like as a larger like thing it’s just that the guards can’t get him the ball in

Easy spots and we saw yovic haime can do it when he’s in the lineup they can both get him to the ball better than most guys Kyle looks incredible a lot of the time just because they don’t have another NBA level guard who can play NBA level guard offense and

Like I agree with you Trevor never in the comments who’s saying like Josh is a minimum player structurally with the roster he should not be a problem but I think Alf what you’re saying is it’s a problem if spo’s gonna play you I felt the same way about Cody Zeller to a

Large extent where I wasn’t mad at Cody Zeller for playing like [ __ ] in the finals I was mad at SPO for putting him in in a pivotable moment in the finals like that’s coaching and like look that doesn’t absolve J Rich of playing stupid like he’s still a veteran in this league

And can’t be stepping out of bounds has to complete one entry pass I want I want to address somebody put that Trevor never because he so he said I’m annoying so I’m going to address my boy Trevor never Josh is to make up for Lowry Lowry

And hero lack of defense Al you are annoying listen [ __ ] Trevor never if you think Josh Richardson is a better Defender than Kyle Larry never watch basketball again in your [ __ ] life ever ever you don’t deserve like cancel your [ __ ] league pass you should buy my [ __ ] league pass if you think

That’s a [ __ ] real tape Josh Richardson is to make up for Lowry and how do you not watch Josh Richardson on defense I’m not even talking about itest only it test he’s terrible empirically he’s one of the worst defenders in the league empirically one of the worst Josh

Is the best defender of the three guard you’re a [ __ ] [ __ ] Trevor never Trevor never watches [ __ ] basketball okay like what are you talking about he’s a bad Defender that is that that’s untrained eye [ __ ] because you just see a guy doing this [ __ ] and like he’s a

Great defender look how fast his hands are moving you have no [ __ ] idea what defense is he’s he’s in poor positionally he’s never taking the right angles like every once in a while he gets a steal cuz he gambles with way too much and he used to be better and I

Believe Frankie pointed this out because he had the athl athleticism to make up for make up for his mistakes but he’s old now and when he gets blown by he gets blown by and now it’s [ __ ] up to [ __ ] bam or [ __ ] Kevin love to try

To protect the rim it like the the idea that Josh Richardson is a defensive stopper is the dumbest [ __ ] thing I’ve ever heard in my life Trevor sorry know Trevor in chat poorest defensive impact Josh Richardson is 20th in the league in that stat and the bottom you’re saying yeah

He’s like the he’s like 20th worst yeah in the league minimum of 400 minutes and you have Coach SPO playing him highlevel contract player minutes he’s a minimum at the end of the day yet he’s getting trusted in these moments like if he’s hero with that contract you

Would think Josh Richardson is getting paid 30 million a year in reality he’s getting paid three million and has one of the best defensive impacts in the league I mean there was one stat that had him rated number one in the [ __ ] League okay and I’m I’m sorry and

Haywood heith guards one through four so don’t tell me you can’t have Haywood heith out there when there’s a guard cooking you get jish the [ __ ] off and then also you still have Caleb Martin as well they benched Caleb and kept Josh in the game they did like it doesn’t make

[ __ ] sense Josh has a worse uh DPM which is the defensive uh estimated plus minus which is which is really like the the stat it’s like the it’s like the advanced metric right now and Josh is is in the 17th percentile it’s like one of the worst numbers in the league is that

Good it’s bad he’s like one of like this metric has him as one of the worst in the league and what’s heith um he Smith’s like even so I I just wanted to like heith Ste um with that metric I think the number I think uh he’s better

Than Josh yeah Jimmy’s actually this this metric has Jimmy minus and this metric has Kyle plus um for example but regardless like you’re you’re totally right uh Al Jack said a great Jack could you tell Alf what you said about the Josh stepping out of bounds moment

Because I thought that was that really captured the vibe of of what this day is about oh man I mean I just I like applauded because I just thought like he understood what the team’s Vibe was and he matched it like you got you do have to respect for that like that Josh

Richardson stepping out of bounds was the one thing the game was missing and he was like here’s one for you for old times look I I I just see little arguments popping up in the comments both like about jayrich and kind of about other stuff talking about like starting lineups I’m curious y’all’s

Thoughts on this like people are talking about Haywood should be starting over yovic or yic or you know Haywood should be starting over Lowry I I just think I don’t know if the starting lineup’s the problem I think the closing lineup’s a big part of the problem with

How much they played jayrich but I also think we’re kind of coming to the point in this season where like all of the cutesy like hey we have 10 mediocre guard slash Wings isn’t cute anymore like it was fun early in the season and then you get to the point where you’re

Like okay well what’s the cap on this none of these guys are like exceptional Defenders uh a couple of them are very bad Defenders none of them are exceptionable like decision makers the one who is arguably a really good decision maker is like in his late 30s

And seems to be on the trade block on an expiring contract haime You could argue is that but like he’s a rookie and I don’t think you want to be going into the playoff with your rookie as like your best guard decision maker they have to consolidate some of this like Talent quote

Unquote and I don’t care and it’s hard because when I say Talent like I don’t know how many teams are really begging to take on what we have um in this glut of wing and guards um but something needs to change rotationally roster wise um I don’t want to

Catastrophize this game because it’s a very specifically bad game for the Heat and a very specifically good game for the Raptors it’s the Raptor it’s the Raptor shooting like above their heads right but what what you can also say Jack is even in the winds over like the

Last four three wins or whatever it was the Heat’s offense has not looked good at all these symptoms have been there yeah yeah this they just they were just able to drag other people into the mud with them and then when you have a team shooting out of their minds like there’s

You you there’s no margin for error there Alf did you see that I posted a like a a graphic this morning where it had like Miami’s shot quality versus what they shoot like Miami shoots really well but their shot quality is like pretty poor which feels kind of the

Reverse of every year where we’re like man how do SPO always get these bad teams to like the highest shot quality and this year it’s felt the opposite they’ve just hit a bunch of nonsense well yeah so I mean that honestly goes with the eye test a little

Bit like their process has not been good all year offensively um I think we all can be we all can say that and I think a part of that has to do with the fact that you outside of Kyle Lowry um like Jack said a older guy like on his way

Out of the league you really don’t have a lot of decision makers ball handlers um you’re relying on a lot of like like Jack said we’re getting [ __ ] cute we we keep doing this position list position list is an excuse right I feel like position list became the excuse for

When they failed to address a position of need in the offseason they just say well we’re position list and me and Jack talked about this last time and Jack had the best line of the Season position list is great except other teams play positions it’d be great if everyone just

Agreed with you and decided to run a bunch of six5 [ __ ] out there but everybody else is playing positions so you have to have positions they don’t have enough table Setters they don’t have they like outside of Duncan Robinson who else is getting bam lobs bam should be one of the best lob

Threats in the league when when Dwayne Wade was here my God bam say that sentence again who’s getting bam the most lobs the Robson and it’s that’s crazy that that’s true [ __ ] crazy but it’s been true since Dwayne Wade retired Dwayne Wade left nobody and I don’t even understand because I felt

Like wasn’t good at it either but I felt like Kyle Larry was supposed to be that guy but he hasn’t been right so like the the and I think I I what I think what Jack was trying to get to is like okay honestly I and I’m not gonna bash this

Heat team I think they’re actually really good this year um like I like I honestly I think there’s some really strange uh rotation [ __ ] that has kept them from like three four five more wins but whatever everyone’s like oh no spos tinkering he shut up okay listen stop

SPO wants homecourt advantage in the playoffs spo’s not [ __ ] just tinkering SPO wants home court advantage like he doesn’t want to do the playing [ __ ] again so he wants to win regular season games but I think kind of like what what’s happening is there is a glut

At this Wing position they’re so deep at the wing they need to consolidate that [ __ ] and they need to get a backup point guard and I’ve been saying for the longest Cayla Martin is probably the guy that’ll get you the most in return right because he’s he’s he’s an expiring

Contract but he can help a team this year right yeah um he has the most upside like nobody wants Josh Richardson um the problem also he has he he’s he’s not under contract next season well he has an option that he’s probably so but but the fact that the fact that he could

Be an expiring could get you something back right that well and that’s the only thing I can possibly think of because nobody wants Josh Richerson nobody’s GNA believe in hawood heith they’re gonna think he’s another [ __ ] uh Gabe Vincent or uh Kendrick nun um so you I

Think Caleb’s your only path he probably is um look at his twin brother um but Caleb I think is your only path to getting another some more depth at that guard position because they don’t have a lot of true guards they have a lot of wings and a lot of small forwards

Pretending to be guards they don’t have ball handlers they don’t have guys to to just to to shoot and dribble that they just they’re lacking in that and they have a bunch of guys that are good at playing off of a creator and they don’t have that Creator they’ll have that

Creator in April but until April comes that guy that guy’s not walking through that door so they just have this revolving door of like you know guys who I mean guys what we said all the the years that you know before Jimmy got here all these guys can can attack a

Bent defense but can’t bend it themselves and it’s just a bunch of dudes that can’t bend the defense and Jimmy that can and it’s why during the comeback the only time their offense good was when they were pushing Pace or when Jimmy was going to the rim yic yic

Was a huge reason why I mean yeah you look at yic he he’s possibly one of our best possibly one of our best Playmakers just pure Playmakers on the team yet when you need him the most you’re not going to see him and that we could have

Used yic in that fourth quarter to push Pace we don’t need slow basketball when you’re coming back and then we just need someone who’s going to set other people but yic doesn’t really want to score he’s always looking to set up someone to set up bam Jimmy even hero the the good

Shots hero got off the off the catch were off some yic passes and no no was I was done I want to end by I like I think uh Trevor never uh the main character of today uh said J Rich makes two million Al stop it that’s the

Problem the way that I don’t give a [ __ ] if Kyle makes 50 million if he did I don’t give a [ __ ] if Jay Rich makes $2 doesn’t matter because that’s not what this is about I’m not doing a cost benefit analysis right so the the this this obsession

With how much guys make Jack you disagree I don’t disagree with what you’re saying in that money doesn’t really matter it’s roster composition that matters at this point in the season I do agree to a certain extent Trevor ‘s point and look I I’ve been with y’all Jay Rich that’s a problem I

Think that’s more of a SPO problem than a J Rich problem but I would also say we really haven’t talked hero that much tonight and I’m sorry like it’s bad when you cannot trust like your best guard supposedly to make good decisions while you have a deficit and I

Know know like people are saying he didn’t make a leap or whatever I do think he’s been so much better this season on the whole both defensively and offensively but he still doesn’t really get easy shots he gets more easy shots but still doesn’t get easy shots and the

Defense just it’s been better but he’s still getting picked apart a little bit um you got to be more consistent than that his finish got to be better think terrible the Finish does anybody get blocked more than does anybody get Block more than Tyler hero once a game he gets pinned

And it’s crazy he gets pinned like three times Jack you wanna thr what his finishing number is at The Rim this year I don’t even I but like I I think beyond that you just look at their guards as a whole and it’s a weird roster right now and I agree with

Al that this is a very good Heat team and I think the bones of this Heat team are are better than some like Deep Run heat teams of the past I’ve always felt that way and still feel that way after tonight but you do have the situation where you’re not a particularly big

Basketball team and you don’t have good guards so like what are you as like what’s your identity you’re not like outmuscling teams I think we can talk about the guard play up and down but even while they were shrinking that lead they were giving up so many offensive

Boards to the Raptors like I think we had the same number of offensive boards as them which is bad when a team is shooting significantly better than you from the field there’s just way less offensive boards for them to grab and and I just don’t think we closed out

Possessions well um yovic needs to be better about that um but beyond that I just I just don’t know what this Heat team is sometimes like because the wings Jack I will nobody else is I think Kevin Love helps with that defensive rebounding which I cannot believe how

Much we depend on Kevin Love which is a problem right like that is you should not be that dependent on that guy like I like and that’s that’s another conversation I do want uh John Carlo to to give the the the hero finishing stats dude this is crazy

44% he’s in the second percentile that literally makes him like one of the five worst finishers in the league that’s [ __ ] crazy G can I have another like listen I know I’m I know I’m hogging mic a lot tonight I I come on like once a

Month but I love it I love it so I have been battling people all year on Tyler I’ve been defending Tyler every once in a while I make a little joke and people like you’re Tyler hater I’m like you’re a [ __ ] punk like what’s wrong with

You like you can’t [ __ ] take a choke that’s a little racist just think you’re Royal yeah that’s true that’s another thing uh um but like I think I think some of the takes have been been so far out either way on Tyler like Tyler is a

Really good player 25 points a game just a bucket from you know if people call him three- level score H at The Rim is a level so like at least he’s at least he’s trying to get there I do put I I do give him credit for putting pressure on

The rim but I have been one of these proponents of like they need to figure out the starting lineup with Tyler hero he is maybe their best offensive player and one of their like top there he’s a top three overall player on the team so he has to start but I’m

Starting to and it’s not Jack you were talking about finishing is more important than starting but there’s too many times where you can’t even get to the to a proper closing lineup because you’re trying to climb back into a game and this is honestly it is not a Tyler

Hero condemnation right it is a condemnation on the fit of bam Jimmy and Tyler this is is year five year five of the build and that those three guys on the floor together have not been good for five years like we need to start admitting what it is

Like it is not a good combination and honestly the better bam has become the worst those three guys have been together in my opinion because now bam needs the ball now there’s three guys who need the ball that all want to operate free throw line extended and

Under like Tyler doesn’t want to be a spot up three-point guy he doesn’t want to playoff ball bam wants a ball Jimmy wants a ball and the problem with a lot of times when Tyler has a ball Jimmy’s watching him he’s not doing now Jimmy’s Jimmy’s ineffective he’s like and now

Like what’s the to happen Jimmy Butler if he’s watching Tyler herro play so like I’m finally getting to the point and I know it’s not going to happen and and it’s not just cuz I’m a Duncan stand which I am and admittedly like but I’m at the point that I feel like Duncan

Needs to start he and Tyler needs to go to the bench and I think it’s good for every time Duncan starts they win right every time Duncan starts he balls right like I think it’s I think it’s time to actually like that conversation needs to happen and it’s they’re not gonna do

That no you’re right but they’re not going to do it but there needs to be a way to have that conversation without bashing Tyler that’s my problem with the whole convers but it the conversation is like the conversation is going to be between him and Spa he wants to start and he’s going

To start I mean he’s a guy that they’ve quote unquote invested in and they’re not gonna it’s just when do you ever see a guy like him get demoted it’s because you we may not look at it like a demotion we may say it’s what the team

Needs but he’s gonna be like no I don’t want to do that and I’ve always said Dwayne [ __ ] Wade came off the bench on for this team Goran drit came off the bench last year Kyle Lowry came off the bench these are way more accomplished players you know those are all Hall of

Famers yeah and and GOI who you know who’s an all-nba guy who Tyler I don’t think is ever gonna make all NBA you know with all due respect to him no no chance no yeah you know what I mean so uh I have oh you can go Jack no go ahead

Oh I was going to say to your point about Duncan starting it just the offense to my eye looks so much smoother when he’s out there next to Bam because bam is they’re they’re in motion they’re setting screens they moving 247 but when Heroes out there everyone ball watches

No one sets off ball screens no one no one tries to do a cut they just want hero to pull up and take a a dumb fade away when Duncan’s out there he’s moving around he’s passing he’s going from the other three-point line to the other side

He’s cutting he just he spaces out the floor so much better than hero and that’s why I feel like bam is so much better next to Duncan this guy in chat saying Wade came off the bench at 35 brother this is Dwayne weight City he

Was a lot better than Hero at 35 I’m sorry I would take Dwayne weight at 35 right now get the [ __ ] out this is Dwayne Wade City bro if that guy if that guy looked at SP in the face and said I’m starting guess who’s [ __ ] starting come on so

Somebody in the chat is saying why not Duncan and Tyler right okay Tyler is not a point guard he can’t play [ __ ] point guard but see here’s my here’s my problem it does not solve the problem of Jimmy watching Tyler it doesn’t solve the problem of Jimmy of now I mean now

You got a whole bunch of guys on the at least Kyle knows like I don’t need the ball I got all these other scores right that’s why like I really really like the idea of Tyler Duncan I mean Tyler Kyle Duncan uh Jimmy uh heith and Bam right

Like you have two two guys in heith and Lowry who don’t need the ball but who will spot up and who can hit a three at a decent clip and then you have a movement guy in in Duncan who who spaces the floor and now you can have Jimmy and

Bam operating a movement guy he’s a pick and roll threat baby well yeah he’s our best pick and roll player I I feel like Duncan is the best pick and roll player we have and and that’s saying something because we have [ __ ] Tyler hero who’s supposed to be better than him but he

Can’t run a simple High pick and roll to save his life his pick and roll Synergy with bam has has regretted this year which has been a little sad that’s what I’ll say about that like for for all of the talk about other stuff somebody in

The chat earlier said you can’t bench T hero because he’s done everything that SPO has asked him I I don’t even know what that means but I I I think he’s improved but it’s also doesn’t matter if you’re not finishing well and you’re not passing well like I I’m sorry he’s not

Good enough at scoring to not be a good passer until he’s better than Jimmy who gives a [ __ ] cuz they’re basically playing the same position that is part no so here one of the problems with Jimmy Butler is Jimmy is like Jimmy and Bam do the same play in the same areas

Right and now Tyler wants to get in that area too like it’s just not the balance is just off and until Tyler herro is better than either Jimmy Butler or bam AIO it is not saying Tyler Hero’s a bad player it’s saying that no there’s only one ball for the three of you

[ __ ] right like PE there’s there’s a there’s a reason for role players there’s a reason for guys like Lou Williams and and uh Jamal Crawford there’s a reason these guys came off the bench and had like great careers doing it because like those guys need the ball in their hands

But they’re not as good as a best player at their position in the starting lineup it just it is what it is it’s it’s not no one’s gonna say Jamal Crawford was a bad player no Williams wasn’t a bad player likeu sure as hell wasn’t a player no

And I and I agree that I think Tyler should close every game unless every game unless well unless you’re Downs I gotta be honest with you and I’m somebody who likes Tyler I think Tyler’s like a good I I think Tyler’s a good basketball player I think that people

Yeah I want to be clear to the to listeners and the audience I think he’s a good player I just don’t think he’s good enough to be like H clo every time because there are days I good enough bad like it’s just fit it it’s not even an

Indictment of his skill it’s a fit thing and and I’m sorry like it’s a fit and skill set it’s just how rotations work is that like you can’t have them on the floor at the same time as these two other guys which is fine like we’ve dealt with that with much better players

In the past where it’s like we’ve had some wonky fits where you had to stagger lineups and I’m sorry just like hero is not good enough where that’s not even a question I’m like am I crazy for saying that like I I just don’t think he has the like clout or

Cache to be like no I have to be a starter dude you’re you’re good you’re maybe the third best player on this team you’re probably the third best player on this team but like and you’re on the but you’re on the chopping block every offseason for a reason

Like and that’s what people in the chat are saying is like if you bench him he loses trade value he has yeah sure but if you don’t bench him you have to trade him right like if you bench him then maybe you don’t have to trade him maybe

You can build a winning team with those rotations but if you Ben if you don’t bench him you’re definitely gonna have to make a trade you know you know what Jack that is so [ __ ] infuriating like this 2K transaction mindset that you will like literally do things that are detrimental to the team

For transaction purposes like are you like what the [ __ ] has happened to the game I love bro like in the the words of Mark Jackson like we’re literally saying like yeah it might not be good for the team but trade value like what the [ __ ] are we doing they like their team except

Reality and here and here’s the other thing smarter than that thank you Jack who are you fooling like who who do you [ __ ] think you’re fooling oh we’re going to fool the GM of the Pacers like like you guys think you’re gonna fool some like my my

Other favorite thing is like oh the reason uh other GMS don’t like Tyler hero is because because the Heat fan base bashes him I’m like how do you really think Messi is over here like I really like Tyler herro let me check Twitter first are you guys dumb that’s that’s

What I can you put up that most most recent comment from afres um says you can’t allocate $30 million to someone on your bench though that’s just the reality the that’s not a rule that’s what Duncan Robinson I’m sorry like what is Duncan Robinson doing there like a lot M underpay

That’s so like it’s it’s a clean switch a lot of money everybody’s obsessed a lot of Mone the bench 30 million for the six man of the year is not 30 million for the Sixth Man of the Year and your closer is not a bad [ __ ] figure people look at contracts

As people people look at contracts as like how much production is this person going to give for this contract that’s not the way that you should look at deals there that’s not the way you might get more production off the bench anyway like his minutes aren’t gonna go down

Bro you have [ __ ] a a guy on a rookie scale contract who’s killing it you know what I mean like you can actually afford to put a high paying player on the bench move another high paying player to the starting lineup because you have a guy on a rookie scale contract who’s being

So productive yic is another guy who’s giving you a lot of production on that rookie scale deal and you have heith who’s on a very cheap contract who’s and Kevin Love who’s also giving you a lot of production because they’ve [ __ ] to be honest with you they’ve killed it on

The margins you know lately and Caleb is still on a very team-friendly deal for this season so it’s like that’s a problem you know when you start to realize that you’ve run out of resources they’re not there they have a they have a lot of guys that they can play places

They do need to rearrange things and kind of figure some of that out there’s a reason why hero hasn’t been moved in the past four years after every time he’s in a trade talk and it’s because he’s not the same skill the same skill level as the players we want to get for

Him they want to get KD for hero didn’t work they want to get Donovan Mitchel for for hero didn’t work they want to get Damen L for hero didn’t work and just when when are they going to realize that hero does not equal that that level

Of player it’s going to need more and hero is not worth them hero yes he’s a $3 million player he’s a good player but he is there’s a reason he hasn’t been traded to another team and it’s because he’s not worth those other players yet or maybe ever man we fried everyone

Today Kyle lari escaped k l was not there today my man [ __ ] made it baby we in 4 five and my man survived Jeff tril is making sure that people in the timeline know that’s why I tweeted out that Tyler 44% at The Rim St I I have to fight propaganda with

Propaganda I hate to do it Tyler I have to I have to get some heat off my man I mean Kyle should be a backup point guard but but we can’t afford to put him there I mean this is the first time we see him go into the the game in the

Fourth quarter he almost never play I couldn’t believe that I was like SPO he never plays your fourth quarter and today he played it I’m like wow I mean you know what the thing is with Tyler what what what not Tyler Kyle like he just doesn’t make a lot of mistakes like

He’s not getting cooked defensively he’s making the right passes he does the right things just doesn’t do and that’s why he he doesn’t do a lot but he doesn’t [ __ ] up and sometimes I just wish Jay Rich would just not [ __ ] up like that’s that’s why joshh gets the

[ __ ] heat and honestly you know who slid tonight Caleb slid tonight yeah the whole team sucked the this is not just tonight Caleb has been bad a lot this year like really [ __ ] bad really bad I mean re awful like him and him and [ __ ] Jay Rich

Have been turn Styles all season long the footworks a mess oh and you expect it from J Rich but from Caleb like I don’t get it has to play defense and occasionally shoot the ball and that’s all you’re asking from him and if he can’t do

That I really don’t know what pisses me off more than anything Jack before I Pablo I know you want to say something yeah it’s the fact that like Caleb will miss a layup and do this who the [ __ ] do you think you are Caleb Martin get yeah you’re not buddy your left Twix

Ass back on the other [ __ ] side like what are you doing like this whole like oh I can’t believe I missed it [ __ ] you’re Caleb Martin you’re supposed to miss most of your show by by the way Caleb Martin at The Rim because to stick with the theme

Shooting 53% at The Rim 19th percentile horrible awful I’m telling you Caleb is Caleb is [ __ ] floating because Jay Rich has been so [ __ ] bad Caleb [ __ ] Josh one of the best finish on the team what is it 60% which is 40 uh 4 second percentile Al to your point you

Remember how you were talking about the Jimmy bam Tyler core every this season when they have started they’re only averaging the offensive rating is 106 points and to your point it’s the fifth year and they still have a 1990s type of offense where they can

Score I’ve said it like I I H g g could go into our we have a a a weird heat culture chat with like it’s me G Ryan Cortez and Rohan n Carney I don’t know why this chat happens but it’s great baby I have said a thousand times in

That chat I’d rather one of the big three be out than all three of them playing you have yeah I’ve said it a thousand s you get a better Kyle you know you get a little D might start Heywood might start you might yeah when Bam’s out it’s rough but

Then you’re right you’re good Lando minutes I don’t know because you know what’s great when when because if Kevin like if Kevin Love or Orlando Robinson start they don’t need the [ __ ] ball Tyler and Jimmy can do all their and one [ __ ] [ __ ] all day long it’s it’s

When all three of them play I’m always like I don’t know about this [ __ ] I don’t like it I don’t Tu catching a stray in our chat Jes yeah I’m sorry do not compare Tua the hero that’s so disrespectful to Tua Tua is more like bam and look that’s not a

Compliment to either of them like figure out like that’s how you know when Jack when you’ve lost him on Tua ambam you know it’s over that was he was very very good players who have to figure some [ __ ] out if they want the respect they think they’re both very

Good players with when off if if everything’s not going their way offensively uh they they don’t they can’t produce yeah so people aren’t if if they don’t if people aren’t setting the table for them offensively like if if they have to go get it out the mud

Themselves every once in a while they can do it but they can’t consistently do it they they can’t consistently lead you if [ __ ] isn’t going right offensively hero if he were to buy in and play off ball I feel like his game can open up so much

Better cuz you look at someone like I’m going bring him up like Curry he’s not like a ball dominant player I didn’t ask you for that why can’t why can’t you be [ __ ] this guy I don’t know if you’ve been tuning in he’s [ __ ] obsessed with the Warriors he’s obsessed with

Curry this the first time bring up Curry bro I know you got [ __ ] dog you’ve been out of jail for [ __ ] two days and you bring him up again God damn let me finish what I was saying about hero you’re done you know but Pablo the problem is

The problem is if if that’s the player you’re gonna turn Tyler into then trade him yeah Tyler’s better than that like I’m not saying he’s better than Curry right but he’s better than that like that’s so like for me it’s like to to to maximize Tyler put him on the bench and

Let him cook without the other guys it’s just it’s just that simple in my opinion bro chat’s asking for Lonzo ball that’s how you know we’re done has that guy played basketball in three years in two years he hasn’t played ball my knees are better than that [ __ ] getting some scary Terry

Rosier ha Terry Terry Al is so sick of the Terry rier I’ve actually I’ve actually been told by people that Terry is just straight up not that good and that us wanting Terry is hilarious what what do we think we’re solving with that like he’s also shifting deck chairs wait

Wait wait wait have you’ve been told by people like people that watch TV like like why do you guys want Terry Rosier who are these [ __ ] Geniuses people that have watched basketball for the last 10 years like who who did you have to ask about Terry Rosier likein that’s

What I want to know as as a founder of Miami Heat beat you had to go ask people I good I was texted by by by some friends multip I say don’t don’t don’t text me obvious [ __ ] and they’re like why do you guys say Terry Rosier is

N i be over here like stop wasting my obviously not Al you’ve been [ __ ] from day one you’re like he sucks I know he doesn’t suck he’s mid and there’s no like there’s a there’s like honestly this whole trading mid for Mid and moving mid around I’m not in the

Business of doing that like that’s what Rohan wants to do with the [ __ ] bdon Monte Morris trade but see my thing is like the it’s the mid and mid [ __ ] like it’s like um Mid for Mid we trade one of our mid wings for another midwing now if

You were to trade a midwing for a mid guard I’ll do that one because I feel like that’s Caleb Martin trade yeah yeah if someone yeah exactly but if it’s Caleb and like two first for Terry Rosier like now the other thing that they’re doing is like [ __ ] Kyle and a

First and other and Caleb for [ __ ] um tus Jones I’m not giving up a first for for who Jones like tus Jones but if you’re getting rid of lowry you have the same I would not trade Lowry for tus Jones you’re not you’re not fixing the problem you’re going to be stuck with

They see a little shiny 13 points per game next to tus Jones and they’re like oh they get horny they get horny I would trade Caleb I would trade Caleb and maybe a couple Caleb yeah for tus that’s my final offer I would do that I mean mid for Mid before

We get out of here yeah oh before I get out of here I don’t care how [ __ ] long you we’re done we we’re gonna do 20 minutes and you came so it became an event oh I’m sorry no no you’re good I I miss every wants to go to sleep I never

Get this is the only context I get to see you now that you’ve moved brother brother I’ll be back in Florida like three times in the next six weeks it’s insane he told me I I I expect to go out drinking when when you get let’s go um

But what I I uh I forgot oh I just want the Raptor fans who were like seak is better than bam OG is better than bam Iman precious Chua is better than bam Sandy Pas oh Pas seak Pascal seak I’m sorry too many of this [ __ ] Pascal seak got traded for three

First what the [ __ ] is Bam would bam be traded for 17 if like if Pascal seak is going for three first bam is like five first at least I said with bam is he instantly makes like if there’s a team that’s kind of on the brink of contention he instantly makes them like

A Sure Shot to make the finals like I I do think the Celtics would like like they would they would kill all their firstborns had the answer to that because they would cruise to the title the answer was Kevin [ __ ] Durant yeah well no I just this

Existed I want I want to put to bed the whole idea Pascal seak is better than bamat bio um because we’ve already put it the [ __ ] remember the precious chea [ __ ] that’s done like like that’s so laughable the Knicks fans already done with him uh which the the idea of

Precious is always better than the actuality of precious is this true he has to Corner three and the imagination goes wild right and then you then like the OG anobi [ __ ] he went for a second round pick and um two guys that cooked us tonight uh well understandably but you know the Raptors

Have not been that great since they got those guys and now Pascal cakam goes for three first it just leads me to believe that bam Mao is worth at least five first round draft picks mide did it again um so Kyle in chat says aan is out

Tonight because of icy roads CU he’s just not to work how does that work I respect I respect it they said they they sent people to help him and he like legit that was a report they sent people to help him get there and he still couldn’t get out of his house like

What like they they said guy that what do you mean they said a driver like did they they they said a snowplow um poor guy bro Joe Cronin in hell man oh my god well listen I hope we made your night a little bit better cuz that

Game sucked dick and you know we’re we’re trying to we’re trying to we’re trying to be happy here so love you guys I’ll see you on Friday for Udonis HLM day that’s on Friday right yes sir it’s on Friday so I’ll be here I don’t know

Who else is gonna be on with me but I’m committing I’ll be here and chat’s asking for black and time uh that’s right Fe February’s around the corner coming it ain’t happening got your fun uh love you guys I I will tell you guys if the heat go

Into the playoffs as a top four seed I’m bringing back hangover time let’s go

Giancarlo Navas is joined by Jack, Alf and Pablo the Intern

• Alf yelled at JRich
• Herro’s role on this team
• Consolidation moves
• Heat finishing at the rim

And more!


  1. That's an ass kickin'. Christian Koloko to be a relief defender behind Bam? Not big contributor just someone at the end of the bench.

  2. they definitely need to move herro back to the bench, things do look smoother with duncan in the starting lineup. we've lost the plot. bro already won a 6th man…do what you good at herro

  3. If Lowry comes off the bench & Caleb starts, this team could win a championship. If Lowry is starting this team ain’t winning nothing cause he and Jimmy don’t want to shoot until the second quarter or later

  4. My team shoot the shiit out of you lol! We are bad team, but actually shooting has been good for the past month.. defense was the problem, reason why we are losing.. this game was shooting on steroids though in 1st half for the Raps.. fun game! Send Kyle back to us, you wont get back much though

  5. It’s amazing how you guys are mad at the Role players. That in itself is an admission that we do not have a true NUMBER ONE on this team. And Bam nor Jimmy is a Super Max player.

  6. This is just a part of the Miami Heat regular season, Kyle needs to come off the bench or go though

  7. "Yikes." – Eric Reid

    No real comment. Just a bad game. No lesson here. All I'll say is don't lose on UD jersey retirement night lol.

    P.S. –
    The reason I don't care about trade discussion is because we as a fanbase, mere observers, have no say in what the organization decides to do. We can speculate, clearly there are positions that are in desperate need of improvements and upgrades but we have no control. It's out of our hands. The product on the floor is our team until otherwise, so we have to continue to move as such.

  8. Spo’s lineups are ridiculous. Before they do a trade he needs to
    1. Make Lowry come off the bench. Have Tyler be the pg for now, it will force him to not chuck up shots. Start Highsmith, Martin, or Duncan.
    2. J Rich should not handle the ball. More off ball, and catch and shoot role.
    3. Stop playing Thomas Bryant, and put in Orlando Robinson. He gives you the same and probably more on defense and rebounding, and he’s better offensively.
    4. What’s with the over helping on defense, it’s so ignoring? Stop over helping.
    5. Also tell Jimmy to shoot the fucking ball when opposing teams give him space.
    6. Work on a trade to get a ball handler that can put pressure on the rim.

  9. Alf with a threat. Enjoyable guys, thanks for the mood changer. Expected Bam to cook tonight when I saw the starting center and said Who?? Then we are down by 30. As always we find a way 🙄. One of those nights but at least Jovic look like he's fitting in.

  10. What a mic drop at the end. I miss watching hangover time the morning after a heat game. Even the L’s, it helped get me through my work day 🫡

  11. Show and make no sense. You need to have constructive criticism and break the game down properly to understand what happened. P.S. raptors are not that bad.

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